
2022-03-19 19:48:47   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《全国公共英语等级考试一级PETS-1英语写作范文17篇》,欢迎阅读!


情景:小明今天因为感冒没来上课。班里组织星期天去草地公园(the Grass Park)郊游,你作为晓明 好朋友到他家通知他,碰巧小 小明的奶奶在家。


1. 你们班要举行什么活动2. 你们早上何时在何地集合3. 你们如何去草地公园4. 每人都要带什么。


Dear Xiao Ming ,

Our class will go to the Grass Park for an outing on Sunday . We shall meet at the school gate at seven twenty in the morning . We are going there by bus . Everybody should bring some food and water . I hope you will be able to come with us .

Wang Ling

情景:你今天因公司有急事起床比较早。出门时,突然想起今天是女儿的生日,妻子还在睡觉。 任务:请你用英语给她写一张50字左右的便条。告诉她:

1 提醒她今天是什么日子; 2 3 你晚上下班后要做什么。


Dear Linda ,

Do you know what date it is today ? It’s our daughter’s birthday . I nearly forgot it . After work , would you

please buy a birthday cake on your way home ? And I think we need cook more food for dinner today . I’m going to buy her a skirt as a present .


情景:暑假你去伦敦参加了一个暑期英语学习班,食宿在学校。你已经到校一周了。 任务:请你用英语给在中国的父母写一封50左右的短信。告诉他们:

1 伦敦的天气如何; 2 你在学校每天做什么 3 你们班同学的大致情况;4 你对这所学校的感觉如何。


Dear dad mum ,

I’ve already been here for a week . London is a beautiful city , but it rains a lot here . We have English classes every morning . In the afternoon , we sometimes play games , sometimes go out for sports . My classmates come from different parts of the world , so I have to talk in English . I like this school very much . Dongdong

情景:你正在家里独自吃午饭,邮递员送来一封电报。电报是你的大学同学王红从广州发来的,上面说她要来北京出差,要你晚上7点钟去机场接她。你丈夫中午在公司吃饭,不回家。 任务:请你用英语给你丈夫写一封50左右的便条。告诉他:

1 你下午下班后要做什么; 2 他下班后应该做什么; 3 晚饭后有什么安排。


Dear Haifeng ,

One of my college friends will come to Beijing on business . She is arriving at seven in the evening . After work , I’ll go to meet her at the airport . You just wait for us at home . We shall have dinner at the lucky Restaurant together . Would you please go and get three tickets for the concert so we can go there after supper ?


情景:同事明天去出差,说好要去送她,突然接到父亲电话,得知母亲病重,要你马上回家。离开 会。




1 你为什么马上要回家; 2 明天可能不去机场送她; 3 祝她旅途愉快。


Xiao Wang ,

I have to go home at once because my father phoned me just now , he said that my mother was badly ill and we need to send her to hospital . I’m sorry to tell you that maybe tomorrow I can’t go to the airport to see you off . I wish you a good trip .

Wu Dan



1 告诉她何时收到书的; 2 你认为这本书怎么样; 3 你目前正在忙什么; 4 询问她何时回再来中国。.


Dear Lucy ,

Thank you for sending me the English book . I got it yesterday . I find it is very useful for me to study English . Now I’m enjoying the summer holiday like you . I spend most of the time studying my subjects . When are you coming to China next time ? I’m looking forward to seeing you again .

Li Yan

情景:你是小学教师。今天一大早醒来,头痛得厉害,家里没有电话。 任务:请你用英语给校长写一张50左右的便条。让儿子送去。告诉他:

1 你现在感觉如何; 2 上午打算做什么; 3 下午如果感觉好点了,准备做什么。


Mr. White ,

I’m not feeling very well this morning . I’ve got a bad headache . I’m afraid I have to see a doctor , so I couldn’t teach my classes in the morning . Please find someone to take my place . If I feel all right in the afternoon , I’ll go to the school then .

Mary Smith


任务:请你用英语给爷爷奶奶写一封50左右的短信。内容包括: 1 向他们问候; 2 你在学校的情况如何; 3 你暑假打算做什么。


Dear grandpa and grandma , How are you ?

I’m doing well at school now . My father and mother are pleased with my marks . Of all the subjects . I like maths best . I’m also interested in English . Our summer holiday begins on the fourth of July . I want to spend the holiday with you , and my parents agree with me . Now I’m looking forward to seeing you again .


情景:班里来了一名新同学,学习跟不上。作为班长你要主动帮他补课,放学时,你请同学给父母带一张便条。 任务:请你用英语给父母写一封50左右的便条。告诉他们:

1 为什么今天回家会晚一些; 2 大约补多长时间的课; 3 什么时候到家。


Dear mum and dad ,

I’m afraid I have to go home late today , because we have a new classmate . He is very poor in maths and English , so I need to help him to catch up with the class after school . We will stay at school for about an hour . I will get home at about six . Bingbing





1 你何时回公司; 2 让她通知公司人员下午何时何地开会; 3 你在会议上要谈什么

范文 Miss Li ,

I have to go out at once . And I think I will come back in about two hours . Please tell me all the people in our company that there is going to be a meeting in the hall at four o’clock . Everybody has to attend the meeting because I have something important to tell them .

Wang 情景:你刚上大学,想给高中班主任写一封信。


1 你对大学生活的感觉如何; 2 大学与高中有什么区别; 3 简单谈谈自己的专业,课程情况。

范文 Mr. Zhang ,

Everything here is new to me . I think college life is very interesting . But we are busier at college than at middle school . And my classmates come from different parts of our country . The teachers use different ways of teaching too . I study physics . We have many course to attend . And we have to work hard to pass all the them .

Chen Feng 情景:你的美国朋友Lucy给你寄来一本英语书。


1 告诉她何时收到书的; 2 你认为这本书怎么样; 3 你目前正在忙什么; 4 询问她何时回再来中国。

范文 Dear Lucy ,

Thank you for sending me the English book . I got it yesterday . I find it is very useful for me to study English . Now I'm enjoying the summer holiday like you . I spend most of the time studying my subjects . When are you coming to China next time ? I'm looking forward to seeing you again .

Li Yan 情景:同事明天去出差,说好要去送她,突然接到父亲电话,得知母亲病重,要你马上回家。离开办公室时,同事正在开会。


1 你为什么马上要回家; 2 明天可能不去机场送她;3 祝她旅途愉快。


Xiao Wang ,

I have to go home at once because my father phoned me just now , he said that my mother was badly ill and we need to send her to hospital . I'm sorry to tell you that maybe tomorrow I can't go to the airport to see you off . I wish you a good trip . Wu Dan


