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二十四节气的英语表达 The 24 Solar Terms
小时候,每到一个节气,奶奶就会把二十四节气歌说一遍,还会说一些有趣的歇后语: “立秋,晒死泥鳅”,“大小暑,饭都懒得煮”等等。奶奶虽然没上过学,却能认很多字,还会算术,心算特别厉害,在买东西的时候经常能心算出一大笔数来,令我佩服不已。我小时候是在奶奶身边长大的,所以从小就跟奶奶学做家务,收拾屋子,种花种菜。炎热的盛夏夜晚,在走廊上乘凉,奶奶就给我们讲一些寓言故事,还教我们一些做人的道理,讲一些跟大自然有关的小知识:蜻蜓低飞要下雨,夏天突然起风天上乌云密布要收衣,朝霞不出门,晚霞行千里,那时候觉得奶奶真神奇,能预知天气。能干的奶奶还为孙子孙女们剪头发,我上中学前,从没去过发廊剪头发,都是奶奶一手操办。奶奶酒量大,有菜就有酒,也吸烟,活到八十六岁。多年过去了,二十四节气已印记脑海,对已故奶奶的记忆也留在了心底最深处。
春雨惊春清谷天,夏满芒夏暑相连。 秋处露秋寒霜降,冬雪雪冬小大寒。
今天跟大家分享二十节气的英文表达方式。 春季Spring
立春 the Beginning of Spring
the 1st solar term, on Feb.3rd, 4th, or 5th 雨水 Rain Water
the 2nd solar term, on Feb.18th,19th or 20th 惊蛰 the Waking of Insects
the3rd solar term, on Mar.5th,6th, or 7th 春分 the Spring Equinox
the 4th solar term, on Mar.20th,21st or 22nd 清明 Clear and Bright
the 5th solar term, on Apr.4th,5th or 6th 谷雨 Grain Rain
the 6th solar teram, on Apr.19th,20th or 21st 夏季 Summer
立夏 the Beginning of Summer
the 7th solar term, on May 5th,6th or 7th 小满 Grain Buds
the 8th solar term, on May 20th,21st or 22nd 芒种 Grain in Ear
the 9th solar term, on Jun.5th,6th or 7th 夏至 the Summer Solstice
the 10th solar term, on Jun.21st or 22nd 小暑 Slight heat
the 11th solar term, on Jul.6th,7th or 8th 大暑 Great heat
the 12th solar term, on Jul. 22nd,23rd or 24th 秋季 Autumn
立秋 the Beginning of Autumn
the 13th solar term, on Aug.7th,8th or 9th 处暑 the End of Heat
the 14th solar term, on Aug.22nd,23rd or 24th 白露 White Dew
the 15th solar term, on Sep.7th,8th or 9th 秋分 the Autumn Equinox
the 16th solar term, on Sep.22nd,23rd or 24th 寒露 Cold Dew
the 17th solar term, on Oct.8th or 9th 霜降 Frost's Descent
the 18th solar term, on Oct.23rd or 24th 冬季 Winter
立冬 the Beginning of Winter
the 19th solar term, on Nov.7th or 8th 小雪 Minor Snow
the 20th solar term, pn Nov.22nd or 23rd 大雪 Major Snow
the 21st solar term, Dec.6,7 or 8 冬至 the Winter Solstice
the 22nd solar term, on Dec.21st,22nd or 23rd 小寒 Minor Cold
the 23rd solar term, on Jan.5th,6th or 7th 大寒 Major Cold
the 24th solar term, on Jan.20th or 21st