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选修六Unit2 句子翻译
高二英语备课组 2016-11-18
1. 灵活的管理最终使他大赚了一笔,这使他如释重负。(flexible, eventually, earn, take a load off) (使用分词作结果状语): (使用定语从句which):
2. 经理一不留神说出了该赞助商已经给这部电影赞助了一大笔钱。(let out that.., sponsor, a sum of)
3. 她用一首诗表达了对她父母的感情。(convey)
4. 在国外待了一年(后),这个腼腆的女孩已经彻底(completely)变成了一个外向的女孩。
(stay, transform, out-going) (使用-ing形式作状语): (使用-ing形式作主语):
5. 食物吃完了,我们不得不用贵重物品(object)与当地人交换了一些。(run out of, exchange...for)
6. 他最后成功的原因是,他在适当的时候灵活地运用了在学校所学习的知识。
(The reason why...is that...; eventually, apply, what从句, appropriate)
7. 该委员会由12名成员组成, 大多数来自同一个社区。(make的词组; 使用定语从句)
8. 汽油快用完了,她伤心地大叫了一声。(run out, let out)
9. 为了弥补自己的过失(fault),这个银行家赞助那个可怜的孩子1万元帮助他上大学。
(make的词组; sponsor)
10. 真奇怪(或遗憾),朝鲜竟然仍然在进行核试验(nuclear tests),这让美国很失望。
(使用It is strange / a pity...句型;try out, let...down, 使用定语从句或-ing形式作结果状语)
11. 我没有找到合适的话来表达自己,只好和她交换了一下眼神。(appropiate, exchange)
I had no ________________________________________________________
选修六Unit2 句子翻译
高二英语备课组 2016-11-18
1. 灵活的管理最终使他大赚了一笔,这使他如释重负。(flexible, eventually, earn, take a load off) (使用分词作结果状语): (使用定语从句which):
2. 经理一不留神说出了该赞助商已经给这部电影赞助了一大笔钱。(let out that.., sponsor, a sum of)
3. 她用一首诗表达了对她父母的感情。(convey)
4. 在国外待了一年(后),这个腼腆的女孩已经彻底(completely)变成了一个外向的女孩。
(stay, transform, out-going) (使用-ing形式作状语): (使用-ing形式作主语):
5. 食物吃完了,我们不得不用贵重物品(object)与当地人交换了一些。(run out of, exchange...for)
6. 他最后成功的原因是,他在适当的时候灵活地运用了在学校所学习的知识。
(The reason why...is that...; eventually, apply, what从句, appropriate)
7. 该委员会由12名成员组成, 大多数来自同一个社区。(make的词组; 使用定语从句)
8. 汽油快用完了,她伤心地大叫了一声。(run out, let out)
9. 为了弥补自己的过失(fault),这个银行家赞助那个可怜的孩子1万元帮助他上大学。
(make的词组; sponsor)
10. 真奇怪(或遗憾),朝鲜竟然仍然在进行核试验(nuclear tests),这让美国很失望。
(使用It is strange / a pity...句型;try out, let...down, 使用定语从句或-ing形式作结果状语)
11. 我没有找到合适的话来表达自己,只好和她交换了一下眼神。(appropiate, exchange)
I had no ________________________________________________________
1. Flexible management eventually made him earn a lot, taking a load off his mind.
Flexible management eventually made him earn a lot, which took a load off his mind.
2. The manager accidentally let out that the sponsor had sponsored a large sum of money to the
3. She conveyed her feelings to her parents through/by/using a poem.
4. Having stayed abroad for a year, the shy girl has been completely transformed into an out-going
one//being out-going.
Staying abroad for a year has transformed the shy girl into an out-going one//being out-going. 5. Having run out of the food, we had to exchange our expensive objects for some with the local
6. The reason why he was eventually successful was that he flexibly applied what he had learned
at school at an appropiate time.
7. The committee is made up of 12 members, most of whom come from the same community. 8. With the oil running out, she let out a cry of sorrow.
9. To make up for his fault, the banker sponsored the poor child 10,000 yuan for his college. 10. It’s strange/a pity that Korea should still try out nuclear tests, which lets the USA down. 11. I had no appropriate words to express myself, so I had to exchange looks with her.