庆祝西方节日 The Celebration of Western Festivals_英语作文

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庆祝西方节日 The Celebration of Western Festivals

In recent years, western festivals have increasingly aroused a greatattention among Chinese people, especially the young.Concerning the phenomenon of Chinese peoples interest incelebrating the western festivals, different people have divergent views.

近年来,在中国人中西方节日激起了越来越大的关注,尤其是年轻人。关于中国人喜欢庆祝西方节日这一现象,不同的人有不同的看法。 For one thing, some people hold that thecelebration of western festivals has added more fresh and joys to our lives. Forexample, on Valentines Day, many young people will give their gifts to eachother to extend their love and strengthen their relationship or express theiradmiration. From this aspect, the celebration of western festivals provides achance for us to communicate with others and develop our relationships. Inaddition, the celebration of western festivals has also added some fresh bloodto our traditional Chinese cultures. 一方面,有些人认为庆祝西方节日给我们的生活增添了更多的新鲜和快乐。例如,在情人节当天,很多年轻人会通过互赠礼物来表达自己的爱,加强他们的关系或表达自己的爱慕之情。从这一方面来看,庆

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祝西方节日为我们提供了一个与他人交流或发展关系的机会。此外,庆祝西方节日还为我们中国传统文化添加了一些新鲜的血液。 For another, others point out that peoplestoo much attention to the western festivals will result in less attention toour traditional ones. And in the long term, more and more people in the nextgeneration will have no knowledge about our traditional culture.

另一方面,有些人指出人们过于注重西方节日会导致对自身传统的忽略。从长远来看,越来越多的人下一代对我们的传统文化一无所知。 As far as I am concerned, I am inclined tofavor the former one because I think the celebration of western festivals isnecessary and important for us to keep our traditional culture fresh andactive.


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