再度用英文怎么说 加油英文怎么说

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再度用英文怎么说 加油英文怎么说

再度的英文: once more once again one more time 参考例句:

We persuade him to try again. 我们劝他再度尝试。

He is ready to reenter politics. 他准备好了再度从政。

The original(real or virtual)photon is re-created 原来的光子(实的或虚的)再度产生。

The mushroom cloud of the A-bomb hung over the desert again. 原子弹爆炸的蘑菇云再度笼罩在沙漠的上空。

But the project stopped again because Zhangqiu Jianqiong was promoted and left the area. 但由于章仇兼琼升迁而离职,工程再度停顿。

”In conclusion, I would like to express my wish to meet you again at our next annual meeting”


It was with indescribable relief that I received the news that President Roosevelt had been re-elected.

当我得到罗斯福总统再度当选的消息后,我的欣慰之情真是难以形容。 Pulmonary edema supervened, so IABP was ed again.

同时出现肺水肿,因此再度置入主动脉弓内球囊反搏。 The old popular songs have revived. 老的流行歌曲再度流行起来。

German Chancellor Angela Merkel topped the list again. 德国总理默克尔再度名列榜首。 once是什么意思:

adv. 一次,一回;一度;曾经 conj. 一旦;一 n. 一次;一回 Once is no custom 一次不成例

Do it for this once. 就干这一次吧。

Gordon is at once modest and clever.(at once …and…..) 戈登既聪明又谦逊 more是什么意思:

adv. 更多;此外;更大程度地

adj. 更多的;附加的 pron. 更多的数量 n. 更多;附加

The rainstorm is more and more more fierce. 暴风雨越来越猛烈。

The more illumination, the more temptation. 高一尺,魔高一丈。

There are more and more gossipers. 现在传闲话的人越一越多了。 one是什么意思:

num. 一;同一个、最重要的一个

det. 代替aan,表示强调;某位(用于不太熟悉之人的姓名之前) pron. 任何人;一个人;一个事物;其中的一个人 One, Taipei, one way. 台北单程票一张。 This one is not a spoof. 这个就不是开玩笑了。 One and one make(s) two. 一加一等于二。



