关于国际劳动节的英语作文May Day

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关于国际劳动节的英语作文May Day


读!国际劳动节的英语作文The international labor day is also called “May Day “ , is most countries in the world of labor day. On May 1st each year. It is the world of the proletariat, the working people have in common.May Day is the result of American city of Chicago workers strike. On May 1, 1886, more than two hundred and sixteen thousand workers in Chicago for shall institute an eight-hour working day system and a general strike, after a bloody hard struggle, finally won. To commemorate the great workers ‘ movement, in July 1889, the second international announced on May 1st each year as international labor day. This decision immediately get positive response of the workers around the world. On May 1, 1890, the working class of euro-american took to the streets, held a grand demonstrations and rallies, strive for the legitimate rights and interests. From then on, whenever that day working people around the world have to assembly,

a procession, to celebrate. China ‘s heart!国际劳动节又称“五一国际劳动节”,是世界上大多数国家的劳动节。定在每年的五月一日。它是全世界无产阶级、劳动人民的共同拥有的节日。五一国际劳动节源于芝加哥城的工人大罢工。188651日,芝加哥的二十一万六千余名工人为争取实

行八小时工作制而举行大罢工,经过艰苦的流血斗争,终于获得了胜利。为纪念这次伟大的工人运动18897月第二国际宣布将每年的五月一日定为国际劳动节。这一决定立即得到世界各国工人的积极响应。189051日,欧美各国的工人阶级率先走向街头,举行盛大的与集会,争取合法权益。从此,每逢这一天世界各国的劳动人民都要集会、,以示庆祝。中国心!国际劳动节的英语作文May day is coming, I am very happy, because it is a happy holiday, happy holiday is very important for us.On the first day of the holiday, I finished my homework, because my homework is too much, and the topic is very difficult. After I finished my homework, I have to listen to music while playing the game, because the game is very interesting, but can not play the game. Play a game, I play badminton with my neighbors, until the night comes, everyone sweating, I came home. In the evening, I reviewed what I learned this week, and I fell asleep after taking a bath.The second day, I got up at five in the

morning, after washing, with headphones and mobile phones, began the 拥挤的人群在慢慢地往山上走,远远地看过去像一群群黑压压的蚂蚁。动物morning run. At noon, I took out English books to read, but I can not 园门口有很多人买票,队伍排成一条长长的龙,热闹极了!我们继续往上走,read a lot of words. In the evening, I taught my brother to do his 一路上还遇到了三个同班同学。At the foot of the mountain, vehicles homework, recite Tang poetry and read extracurricular books.On the coming and going, the crowds in the hill walking slowly, far looked third day, I slept late and got up late. I packed my clothes and was ready to go to school. Then I went to school after lunch.This is a happy holiday.五一劳动节已经来临,我十分开心,因为这是一个快乐的假期,快乐的假期对于我们来说十分重要。在假期第一天,我把作业写完,因为我的作业实在是太多了,而且题目还很难。写完作业后,我就边听歌边玩游戏,因为游戏很有趣,但是,游戏不能多玩。玩了一会儿游戏,我就和邻居一起玩羽毛球,直到黑夜降临,人人大汗淋淋,我才回到家。晚上,我复习了一下这个星期所学习的知识,洗了澡就睡着了。第二天,我凌晨五点从床上爬起来,洗漱完后,带上耳机和手机,开始了晨跑。中午,我拿出英语书来读,但我很多单词都不会读。晚上,我教弟弟写作业、背唐诗和读课外


今天是五一劳动节,爸爸妈妈带我去麒麟山游乐园玩。Today is Labor Day, mom and Dad took me to the mountain park.山脚下,来来往往的车辆,

like a group of black ants. There are a lot of people to buy tickets at the gate of the zoo, the team lined up in a long long, very lively! We continue to go up, also encountered along the way three classmates.到了游乐园,我和爸爸一起玩了很刺激的冲浪和疯狂米老鼠,真过瘾!接着我还去玩了水上透明球,我蹲在一个大大的透明球里面,叔叔把球用力地推下水,到了水上,我摇摇摆摆地站起来,没几秒钟就摔了下去,像刚学走路的小弟弟,逗得岸上的人哈哈大笑。后来,我干脆懒洋洋地躺在球里面晒太阳,球在水上晃动,我就像婴儿一样躺在摇篮里摇啊摇,好玩极了!To the amusement park, I and my father played very exciting surfing and crazy Mickey Mouse, really hits the spot! Then I went to play on the water

ball, I crouched in a substantially transparent ball, put the ball firmly push uncle into the water, into the water, I go swaying to stand

up, not a few seconds fell, like a toddler brother, make people laugh on the shore. Later, I just lounged in the ball inside the sun, swaying

