
2022-03-19 23:15:23   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《全球化(globalization)》,欢迎阅读!
Good morning, everyone!

I am deeply honored to give this speech, today, what I want to say is the impact of globalization and the attitude we should hold. 我深感荣幸做这次演讲,今天,我想说是全球化的影响以及我们应该持有的态度。

In most peoples minds, globalization refers to the unimpeded flows of capital, labor and technology across national borders, the world is gradually becoming a whole, connected and indivisible. Globalization is the inevitable trend of the development of human society, and it is changing the world. 在大多数人心目中,全球化是指资本、 劳动力和技术不受阻碍的跨国界流动,世界正逐渐成为一个整体,相互连接、不可分割。全球化是人类社会发展的必然趋势,它正改变着世界。

In the era of economic globalization, cross-border transactions are everywhere. Many people engage in abroad business, as a result, some peoples national awareness gradually turns to be very weak. There are even some people saying that national identity makes no difference for them. I don't agree with this idea at all.There is a saying that businessmen feel at home wherever they are.However,as a matter of fact,each businessman has only one home,the place where he was born and grew up.Cite an example,a Chinese who has been working overseas for many years can't lose his sense of national awareness to China because of the long time stay in the overseas.Working abroad gives him the material life he wants,but his roots are still in China,which is his emotional attribution.He is a Chinese wherever he is,this sense of belonging cant be lost. 经济全球化的时代,跨境交易无处不在。很多人从事于国外业务,其结果是,一些人的国家意识渐渐变成是非常薄弱。甚至有些人说国家认同对他们来说没有什么影响。我根本不赞同这种观点。有一种说法说:商人四海为家。然而,实际上,每个商人有只有一个家,那个生他养他的地方。举个例子,一个长期在海外工作的中国人不能因为长时间呆在海外而失去了国家意识。国外工作给他想要的物质生活,但他的根还在他的情感归属地——中国。无论身在何方,他都是一个中国人,这种归属感不能丢失。

As borders and national identities become less important, some find that threatening and even dangerous.Harvard Professor Samuel Huntington describes Davos Man as an emerging global superspecies and a threat in an essay. He says that these people have little need for national loyalty,view national boundaries as obstacles.As far as I am concerned,endorse a global outlook does not mean erasing national identity.On the surface,they left their country, in fact, they not only drove the development of their own national economy, but also made a huge contribution to the development of the world economy.This has largely reflected their patriotic feelings. 随着国界和对国家的认同变得不那么重要,有些人将此当成威胁,甚至危险。哈佛大学教授塞缪尔·亨廷顿在一篇文章中将达沃斯人描写成新兴的全球超级物种和威胁。他说那些人不需要什么对国家的忠诚,将国界视为障碍。在我看来,对全球观表示赞同并不意味着去除对国家的认同表面上,他们离开自己的国家,事实上,他们不仅带动本国经济的发展,还对世界经济的发展造成巨大的贡献。这也充分地反映了他们的爱国情怀。

The process of globalization is accompanied by opportunities and challenges .It promotes the development of human society, but also brings some disasters to the world.The terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11,2001 ,which is considered an example of the disaster of globalization,brought huge losses to the United States, and brought a warning to the world. Globalization fatigue is still much in evidence in Europe and America,while in places like China and India,globalization has brought a huge opportunity for their development. 全球化进程被伴随着机遇和挑战。它促进了人类社会的发展,但也给世界带来一些灾难。2001911


Globalization is mainly manifested in the three aspects of politics, economy and culture.Whether the economic globalization, or the political and cultural globalization, we must face it with the dialectical viewpoint. When facing globalization, we must keep a sober mind and try to understand globalization's positive influence to human society, make full use of this opportunity to enhance the comprehensive national strength. At the same time, we should also pay attention to its negative effects, understand the risks and crisis that the globalization will bring to the development of human society, minimize the damage as much as possible. 全球化主要表现政治 经济 文化三个方面。无论经济的全球化还是政治文化的全球化,我们必须面对用辩证的观点来看待它。面对全球化,我们必须保持清醒的头脑,努力理解全球化对人类社会的积极影响,充分利用这次机会来增强综合国力。同时,我们也要注意其负面影响,白全球化将会给人类社会带来的风险和灾难,尽可能的降低损失 Thats all,thanks for your listening!

