
2022-08-30 22:36:46   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《大作文1-15》,欢迎阅读!
(一)以“体育锻炼和我的生活” Sports and my life”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文。(标点符号不占格。)

The following points are for your reference(所给提示仅供参考) 1. What’s your favorite sport?

2. How do you play it in your free time?

3.How does the sport influence(影响)your life? (二)“一次特殊的新年” A Special New Year为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文。(标点符号不占格。)题目是否有点儿简单?


(三)以“我最喜欢的户外运动”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。(注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。 Use the following points for reference.(以下问题仅供参考) Do you usually have outdoor activities? What is your favorite outdoor activity?

Why do you like it?(Give at least two reasons)

(四)以“因特网改变了我们的生活” The Internet has changed our life”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文。(标点符号不占格。)

(注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。 What was your life like before the Internet was widely used? What changes has the Internet brought to your way of life? What do you think of these changes?

(五)以“一次令人难忘的活动” “An Unforgettable Activity”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。

(注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。 Use the following points as a guide. (短文需包含以下要点) What kind of activity did you once take part in? What did you do in the activity?

Why was it unforgettable? (give one or two reasons)

(六)母亲对每个人来说都是重要的。你一定会有许多话要与我们诉说。你可以向大家介绍你的妈妈以及她对你的爱或者抒发对母爱的感想。题目可以是 “My mother” Mother’s love”. 能否再提供一篇“My mother”为题的例文?简单的介绍一下母亲的外貌,然后通过具体事例来变现母爱的伟大。


furry, smart, intelligent, fast, strong, aggressive, enormous, gentle, fun, shy, friendly, endangered, laws, zoos, feed, etc.

(八)根据下列提示, 写一篇短文介绍如何在日常生活中保护环境。 Problem: pollution, energy, etc.

Solutions: turn off the lights when leaving a room turn off the shower while washing hair stop using paper napkins stop driving cars





1)北京历史悠久,有许多的名胜古迹。 2)北京成功举办了2008年奥运会。 3)北京人热情友好。 4)北京交通方便。

5) 北京烤鸭誉满全球。

(十三)人生中总有些事情是难以忘怀的,或激动兴奋或失意悲伤。你记忆中难忘的那一天是怎么样的呢?请以“My unforgettable day”为题写一篇短文,向我们加以介绍。60-80词。 (十四)一名出色的教师总会以自己的人格和学识的魅力去影响和改变他的学生,促成他们的成功。你的外教又是怎样的呢?请以“My foreign teacher”为题,介绍你的外教的情况,内容可以包括他/她的籍贯、相貌、性格、爱好或者对你的影响等。60-80词。

(十五)中学生有着来自于教师、家长、朋友的多重压力。而学习上的压力无疑是其中最巨大的。这是好是坏?你是如何理智地面对学习压力的呢?请以“Study and pressure”为题,讨学习与压力的关系。60-80词。 1 Sports and my life

I think sports are very important to our lives, so I always play sports in my free time. My favorite sport is badminton.

Sometimes I play it with my father or my brother after I finish my homework. They can play badminton well. Once my brother and I planned to play sports before having dinner, we wanted to have a competition. We both had a great time playing badminton.

I'm healthier than before because I often play badminton. It influences my life. I will keep on playing badminton if I am free. 2 A special New Year

I have spent 14 New Years. But last New Year was the most unforgettable one of all.

Last New Year, I with some good friends went to an orphanage to give free performances to the children. When they saw us coming, they were really happy. We were happy, too! Then we sang songs. They listened very carefully. When we finished our performances, they were clapping happily.

At that moment, a child said he wanted to sing a song for us. He didn't sing well, but very loudly. We were very happy and told them we would come the next year.

The children are poor, so I think we should do something to make them happy. They were happy. It was really a special and unforgettable new year. 2. 3 My favorite outdoor activities

I have outdoor activities every Sunday and my favorite outdoor activity is going jogging. I

always feel tired after a long week of study. So I really need to relax myself. And going jogging is just a bit faster than walking. And it's not tiring. It can help me get more exercise and become healthier and healthier. Going jogging with friends on weekend is a good choice of spending time, too. That's my favorite outdoor activity and I hope you can know more about it after reading my article.

4 The Internet has changed our life

There are a lot of good inventions in the world. But in my opinion, the Internet is the most useful invention. It has changed our life a lot.

Before the Internet was widely used, we had to buy a lot of books to get knowledge. And we had to see a movie in the cinema. We had to buy things in the market. But now we can do all of these things on the Internet. For example, we can get much information online. And we can watch movies on the Internet. We can even shop online. It's very convenient. What a great invention, isn't it? 5 An Unforgettable Activity

I have taken part in lots of activities, but I can't forget our school activities. We have gone camping to train for 3 days. We lived together and trained together. The first day, we went there and played together . In the evening, we were excited and started to eat snacks, listen to music and talk to each other. We were excited because we could live together. The second day, we had a picnic on the farm.The food was delicious and everyone liked it. Finally, we got home. We were tired but really happy.

Now, I can't forget the experience. What an unforgettable activity it was! 6 Mother's love

Mother is the person who gives us all her love. My mother loves me, and I love her, too.

I'm very lucky to have such a good mother. My mother is busy every day. She does all housework in my family and works hard in the factory. When I am in trouble, she always encourages me to face and overcome difficulties. When I am ill, she always looks after me carefully. In a word, not only will I thank my mother for giving me life, but also thank her for helping me, teaching me knowledge and how to be a person.

I think my mother's love is the greatest love in the world and I can't forget it! I love you, mom!

7 Protect endangered animals

Animals are people's friends. But many wild animals are facing the danger of dying out because the environment has changed. Their living areas are becoming smaller and smaller because of pollution and the development of cities. And many of the wild animals now can't find enough food to eat. At the same time, man is killing off animals just to get their fur, skin, teeth and meat.

People should realize how serious it is and something should be done to protect the animals. People should not be allowed to kill endangered animals or eat their meat. Fresh air, clean water, and grass are all important for animals because they need them for living. The death of the endangered animals will bring a disaster to human beings.

In general, people are animals friends. We should help endangered animals to be alive. Lets save them.

8 Protect our environment

There are many problems in the world,just like pollution problems and energy problems.

