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一、 教案背景
1,面向学生:高中 2,学科:英语 2,课时:1
二、 教学课题
三、 教材分析
本单元的中心话题是“保护野生动物”。它是人们普遍关注、学生比较熟悉的话题。这篇阅读课文How Daisy Learned To Protect Wildlife 是本单元的核心,它是一篇童话故事,讲述一个小女孩Daisy乘坐a flying carpet 跨越时空和藏羚羊、大象、猴子对话的神奇经历,展示了Daisy逐渐认识保护动物的重要性和必要性的过程。文中动物们讲述了各自的处境,唤起了Daisy对动物的热爱以及保护动物的责任心。通过阅读课,使学生更加热爱动物、保护动物,学会从我做起、从现在做起。
1. Develop students’ reading and speaking skills. 2. Let students learn some important language points 教学难点
1. Enable students to learn to use reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and so on.
2. Have students make a discussion about wildlife protection. 三维目标
1. Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in this part. 2. Get students to read the text.
3. Let students learn some expressions and grammar. 过程与方法目标
1. Develop students’ reading skills and enable them to learn how to use different reading strategies to read different reading materials.
2. Have students learn how to use the expressions and grammar. 情感态度与价值观目标
1.Let the students know the importance of wildlife protection and learn to protect them. 2. Develop students’ sense of group cooperation and teamwork.
发奋识遍天下字 ,立志读尽人间书。
五、 教学过程
Step 1 Words preview
1._______far away in space or time
2. ___________to go down to a lower level 3. _________to do something to make a change 4. ________able to control events 5. _________打猎,猎取,搜寻 6. __________鉴赏,感激意识到 7. ____________保护…不受…伤害 8._________ 回答,响应 Step 2 Leading-in
1. Show a shot move about Wildlife Protection 成龙呼吁保护野生动物公益广告 成龙呼吁保护野生动物公益广告(英语) - 视频 - 优酷视频 - 在线观看
2. Have them in pairs discuss why they are endangered and show students some pictures.
Step 3 Pre-reading
Show students some information about wildlife protection from the Internet and ask students to discuss the following questions in pairs, 1. What is wildlife protection about?
2. What endangered species do you know? 3. Why are they in danger of disappearing? Step 4 Fast reading
1.Read the passage quickly, and finish the main idea .
Daisy took _____________to travel and talked with ____________ in her dream, which made her know _____________ of the wildlife protection.
2. Read quickly and silently, finish the true or false questions. (1).Daisy saw many antelopes in Tibet.
(2).The elephant used to be well protected in Zimbabwe.
发奋识遍天下字 ,立志读尽人间书。
(3).In Zimbabwe, tourists love to see the elephants. (4).This is a real story in Daisy’s life. Step 5 Careful reading
1.Read aloud, and then match the main idea with each paragraph. Paragraph1 A Daisy decided to be the voice of the wild animals
Paragraph2 B Elephants are being protected by the Zimbabwe government . Paragraph3 C Antelopes are likely to disappear altogether .
Paragraph4 D The monkey is unhappy with the way humans are dealing with environment problems
2. Try to find the important language points and finish the following important sentences
(1). Daisy has always longed to help endangered species of wildlife. 译:_________________________________________________. (2). a. Our fur is being used to make sweaters for people like you. b. We used to be an endangered species. Farmers hunted us without mercy.
be used to do: used to do:
be/get/grow used to (doing) sth:_________________________ 他过去烟抽得很厉害. He heavily.
(3). The flying carpet travelled very fast, and they arrived in Zimbabwe just in a short while.(从原文中找句子替换)
__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Step 6 Discussion (Group work)
What should we do to protect the endangered animals? Step 7 Fill in the retelling
Daisy is a girl who longed to help___________ _______. One day, she woke up and found _ _____ ______. Then she had a chance to see many animals with the help of the flying carpet. First she went to see the_______. Daisy learned that antelope’s fur __ ____ ____ ___make sweater, so the antelope becomes_________ ________ Daisy was sad, then she went to see many elephants. They ___ ___ ___the endangered species, but now with the help of government, the farmers began to protect them, so Daisy was very happy. Last Daisy went to the _________, where she saw a monkey. And the monkey told Daisy “no rainforest, no ________,no ______”.Daisy was amazed. But anyhow, she had known the importance of protecting animals. Step 8.Homework
Writing——More and more animals are killed by humans , as a student what should you do to protect the wild animals?
六、 教学反思
发奋识遍天下字 ,立志读尽人间书。