【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《每个月份的英文单词怎么写》,欢迎阅读!

大家都知道用汉语来写每个月份,但是不一定会用英文单词来写出各个月份。一起来看看店铺为大家整理收集了一年中每个月份的几个英文单词的写法吧,欢迎大家阅读! 表示四月的英文单词:April
1. In that sense, Mercury is about to be a bit of a gremlin from April 18 to May 11, messing up some of your best-laid plans.
2. Beijing real estate is the average advertising sales volume dropped 1%, Shanghai is 1.2%, Guangzhou is 2-3%. April 5, held in the spring exhibitions, trade, real estate finance Wantong 300 million in one fell swoop down 24 booth, a one-time basis will be one million square metres of high-grade residential hats market.
3. April 1948, liu Guozhi and in pairs of fiancee Ceng Zixia are arrested in Rong Chang after detain answers Chongqing, xu Yuan is lifted be mad with joy.
4. On 28 April, Defence Secretary Des Browne abandoned that promise in parliament.
5. In April of this year the High Court in London held that a time charterers` 30 day approximate notice of redelivery could
be revised by him, even though the shipowner was then forced to lose follow-on business fixed in reliance on the first notice.
6. In 164 The date of acceptance of this plant will be April sixth, nineteen eighty-four.
7. April 23 ACWF Vice-President, secretary Chen Yan (left 1) Hongjiang District care centers and condolences to see the work of the Center in the care of volunteers.
8. This research was issued on the monthly magazine Psychology in April.
这一研究发表在四月号的.《心理学》月刊上。 表示五月的英文单词:May
1. Other analysts said Guangzhou may not be able to attract enough business passengers, who form the most lucrative market segment.
2. Acrylonitrile primarily affects the nervous system and lungs, can cause death and may cause cancer.
3. Enterprises failing to comply may have their registration and even business licence revoked.
4. If it fails to do so, the industry and commerce administration authorities may cancel its business licence.
5. Lau said the government may consider expanding the loan guarantees and inject more capital if the business sector welcomes it.
6. The diffusion of these innovations into standard business