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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《关于节约粮食英语作文》,欢迎阅读!


小明非常聪明,学习成绩在班里一直名列前茅,可是他有一个缺点,就是不太节俭。 一天放学回家,妈妈已经做熟饭了,端上来了香喷喷的馒头。小明一口气吃了一个馒头,又拿起一个馒头吃起来,可是吃了两口就饱了,他就随手扔了出去,只听“啪”的一声,正好打中了从外面走过的好朋友小亮。 小明说:“对不起,我不是故意的。”小亮说:“没关系,我正有事找你呢。古诗《锄禾》我忘了。”小明说:“我背给你听。锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。” 小亮又问道:“这首诗的意思是什么呢?”小明说:“很简单。就是说农民伯伯种庄稼不容易,我们应该节约粮食。”小亮举起手中的馒头说:“那这半个馒头是谁扔的?”小明的脸红了。 从此,小明养成了节约的好习惯。

Xiao Ming is very smart, academic performance in the class has been among the best, but he has a shortcoming, that is not frugal. One day home from school, my mother has cooked rice, and the end of the fragrant bread. Xiao Ming breath to eat a steamed bread, and picked up a bread to eat up, but eat two full, and he casually threw out, just listen to "snapped" soon as, just hit the good friend from the outside Small bright. Xiao Ming said: "I'm sorry, I am not intentional." Xiao Liang said: "It does not matter, I have something to find you." Poem "hoe Wo" I forgot. "Xiao Ming said:" I back to you. Afternoon, sweat dripping under the soil. Who knows the plate of Chinese food, grain are hard. Xiao Liang said: "What is the meaning of this poem?" Xiao Ming said: "is very simple. That is to say that farmers are not easy to plant crops, we should save food." Xiao Liang raised his hand, said: This is half of the bread who throw it? "Xiao Ming's blush. Since then, Xiao Ming has developed a good habit of saving. 篇二:节约粮食英语作文

周一开集体大会的时候,校长站在国旗下发言,他说最近我们学校的食堂出现严重浪费粮食的现象,为了避免此类事情的发生,学校要进行一次“光盘行动”,去食堂吃饭的学生一定要把饭吃完才行。 于是当天中午我们去吃饭的时候,发现食堂中有几个带着红袖章正在做值日的学生,过去一打听才知道,他们是负责检查食堂粮食浪费情况的“小侦查员”。看来学校老师为了不让我们浪费粮食,真是煞费苦心啊。 我快吃完饭的时候,觉得自己已经不饿了,但是还没有到一点也不能再吃的地步,要是在平时,我一定会端着这盘子里剩下的米饭全都倒在桶里的,但是我一想到校长的讲话,想到种粮食的农民伯伯是如此的辛苦,于是我就收起来自己的小心思,老老实实把饭吃干净了,然后到“小侦查员”那里检查,才出了食堂。 我觉得学校的这个方法真的很不错,既让


When the meeting was held on Monday, the headmaster stood under the flag, and he said that in the past, there was a serious waste of food in our school cafeteria. In order to avoid such incidents, the school had a "CD-ROM" Be sure to eat the food. So at noon that day when we went to dinner, found that there are several canteen with a red armband is doing the day of the students, the last one to know that they are responsible for checking the canteen food waste "small investigators." It seems that the school teacher in order not to let us waste food, really painstakingly ah. I quickly finished the meal, I feel that they are not hungry, but not to the point where they can not eat, if in peacetime, I will carry the left of this dish all the rice poured in the bucket, But I thought of the headmaster's speech, think of the kind of food farmers uncle is so hard, so I put away their own little mind, honestly eat

rice, and then to the "small investigators" where the check, only The canteen. I think this method of the school is really good, let us know how to cherish the food, and also let us honestly eat the amount of food, but also contribute to the growth of our body, really serve two purposes ah. 篇三:节约粮食英语作文

“锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土,谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。” 古人说的好:“谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。”它告诉我们,吃饭时不能浪费,因为我们盘中的米粒都是农民伯伯辛勤劳动换来的果实。 节约是中华名族的美德。人人都会背这首古诗,可每一个人都做到了吗? 有人饭后碗中还有半碗饭,有人吃完饭后桌上还有不少米粒。有的人想桌上有米粒是理所当然的,小小的米粒算不了什么!他们这么不珍惜粮食那我们来算!如果每个人节约一粒米就可以节约十三亿粒米。一千克米大约有五万粒米,十三亿粒米就有二万六千克。一个人一天大约要吃零点五千克大米。二万六千克大米可以让一个人吃五万两千天。五万两千天大约是一百四十二年五个月。那么这一粒米从爷爷吃到孙子也吃不完。 你看每个人节约一粒米可以从爷爷吃到孙子也吃不完,这说明了节约的力量是很强大的。节约是个宝,处处不可少。养成节约好习惯,中华就会更美好。

"Hoe Wo day when the afternoon, sweat dripping under the soil, who knows the plate of Chinese food, grain are hard." The ancients said: "Who knows the plate of Chinese food, grain is hard." It tells us that when eating can not be wasted, because our rice is the farmer uncle hard labor in exchange for fruit. Saving is the virtue of the Chinese family. Everyone will be back this ancient poetry, but everyone can do it? Some people have a bowl of rice after dinner bowl, some people have a lot of rice after dinner table. Some people want rice on the table is a matter of course, small rice is

