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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《情态动词课件》,欢迎阅读!
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情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态认为可能、应当、必要等。情态动词有一定的词义,但不全,不能单独作谓语,必须和不带to 的不定式连用(ought )除外。 一、must 的用法

1.表示责任、义务,意为必须 e.g. You must tell your reason. 2.强调语气的肯定,意为一定要 e.g. I must ask you your name. 3.表示推测,意为想必

e.g. Your brother must be in the library. I saw him just now. 4.作偏偏解时。

e.g. Just when we were about to go for an outing, our baby must catch a bad cold. must的否定式及其答语

1.当must意为必须时,否定式为needn’t, 其否定形式也可用don’t have to e.g. ---- Must I finish my homework now?

---- Yes, you must.& No, you needn’t/ don’t have to. 2. 当要表达绝对不可,不许时,其否定式为must not e.g. You mustn’t smoke , must you? 3.表示推测时,其否定式为can’t

e.g. He must be telling lies.→ He can’t be telling lies. 4.may允许解时,可作它的否定答语 e.g. ---- May I come in? ---- No, you mustn’t. 二、can/ could 的用法 1.表示能力或客观可能性

e.g. A bird can fly. Anyone can make mistakes. 2.表示允许或许可,可代替may e.g. You can go home now.

Can I borrow two books at a time?

3.在否定句、疑问句中表示怀疑或推测 can/ couldbe able to 用法的区别

1.在表示能够(本身能力或客观的因素)这个意思时,可以通用。 e.g. I am able to/ can swim well.

be able to 还有将来时,完成时。

e.g. I have not been able to go to work for three days. 2be able to 尤指在困难的情况下所具有的能力。 e.g. He was able to jump into the sea before the boat sank.

三、may/ might 的用法 1may/ might 的意义

1)表示可能,意为或许也许” e.g. He may come or may not. 2) 表示许可,意为可以

e.g. May I smoke here? Yes, you may. No, you mustn’t (can’t). 3)表示有理由这么说,意为可以,不妨 e.g. You may criticize, but you cannot scold him.

4)表示祝愿,只用于肯定句。 e.g. May you succeed.(不用might) 5)用于从句,表示让步,意为不管,无论

e.g. Whoever may say so, you need not believe him. 2may might

1)征求对方意见时,如主语是第一人称,既可用may 也可用might e.g.---- May( Might)I borrow you pen? ---- Yes, you may.

如果主语是第二、三人称时,不能用may might, 而要用can. e.g. Can you give a room for the night? (有过夜的房间吗?) 2)回答表示给予的问话时,不用might 而用maycan e.g. Might I give it to him? Yes, you may (can) 3maycan

1) 二者都可表示许可

e.g. May( Can) I have a word with you?

2) “If I may say”“If I may ask”等习惯用法里,仍用may 不用can e.g. How much time did it take, if I may ask? 四、ought to should的用法

1ought to should用来表示义务或责任 e.g. You oughtn’t to / shouldn’t drink and drive. 2.用来表示劝告或推荐(ought toshould e.g. You should /ought to stop smoking

3ought toshould 用来表示试探性的推断 e.g. We ought to / should arrive before dark.

注:ought to 语气比should 强。Ought to 中的to 不可省略。但在回答时,可省。e.g. Ought he to go? Yes, I think he ought (to). 五、will (would) 的用法 1will的意义

1)表示一种有意识的行动,意为愿,想,要 e.g. I will tell you an interesting story.

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2will与第二、三人称连用,可表示一种必然性。 e.g. If he says he’ll come, he will.

You will be glad to see her. 见到她你会高兴的 2. Would的意义


e.g. “I would do anything for our soldiers.” said the boy. 2)表示过去的习惯性

e.g. On Sundays he would come and work with us on those days. 3)表示请求,语气比will委婉。 e.g. Would you take a seat? 4wouldn’t 表示请求,用于邀请,而不是否定意思。 e.g. Wouldn’t you like some coffee?

You’d like some tea, wouldn’t you?

would you not…?的意思是否定的,相当于一个否定的祈使句。 e.g. Would you please not smoke? Would you please not be late? 六、used to would 1would 主要表示与过去另一段时间相比,常与表示过去的时间状语连用,意为要,总是

Used to 主要表示与现在的时间相比,意为过去经常 e.g. The door wouldn’t open. 这门老是打不开。

I used to get up early. (言外之意,现在不早起)

2used to 还可与状态动词连用,表示过去的状态,而would不可。 e.g. He used to be a quiet boy. (√) He would be a quiet boy. (×) 七、must have to

1)must 表示个人意志或主观上的必要性 Have to 表示客观需要。译为不得不 e.g. We must study hard.

I have no bike. I have to go to the office on foot.

2) have to 的否定式和疑问式都借助于do,have to时态较多,有将来时,完成时等。 八、need dare 的用法

1need dare在否定句,疑问句,条件句中常用作情态动词,在肯定句中常用作实义动词。但I dare say 特殊。

2need作为情态动词,没有时态变化。 dare作为情态动词,过去时为dared

3.need dare的做题思路是:从备选答案入手,是情态动词就应符合情态动词用法,后接动词原形,否定式在need, dare后直接加not,疑问句将need ,dare置于主语前,是实义动词应符合实义动词用法,后接带to的不定式。否定句,疑问句都应借助于do do 的变形。

e.g.1)You_____ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something more important to do.

A. needn’t to come B. don’t need come

C. needn’t come D. don’t need to be coming 2)The little girl______ the street by herself. A. dared not to cross B. dared not cross

C. don’t dare cross D. didn’t dare crossing 九、情态动词的其它用法 1. 可表推测的情态动词

can, could, may, might, must, should 都可用来表示推测 情态动词+原形动词表示对现在情况的推测。情态动词+have done表示对过去情况的推测

1) can常用于否定句或疑问句,用于肯定句时,表一时的可能性 e.g. The temperatures can fall to -60 in winter in Canada 2)could常用于肯定句,否定句

3may, might常用于肯定句,否定句 4must只用于肯定句。否定句用can’t 5)should表示试探性的推测

e.g. They should have arrived in Beijing by this time 2.可表原本而未…”的情态动词

should (could, might, ought to)+have done 可表示原本而未…” 另外:needn’t have done 表示本不必 e.g. We needn’t have waited for him.

再有:was(were) going to + 不定式也可表示过去本该而未实现的事 e.g. He was going to have a talk with me yesterday afternoon.

