【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《美丽的英语怎么拼写 》,欢迎阅读!

英 [bju:tfl] 美 [bjutfl] beautiful
adj. 美丽的,美好的; 极好的; 美丽的英语例句
1. Gregory was still enchanted with Shannons youth and joy and beauty. 格雷戈里仍为香农的朝气、快乐和美丽着迷。
2. To me he is the most beautiful child in the world. 对我来说,他是世界上最美丽的孩子。
3. We have a beautiful city and we pray it stays that way. 我们的城市很美丽,但愿它能保持下去。
4. She wore a fine chain about her alabaster neck. 她细腻光滑、美丽白皙的脖子上戴着一条精致的链子。
5. In this living room weve mixed glorious floral prints. 在这间客厅,我们粘贴了各种美丽的印花纸。
6. Youll be impressed with the brightness and the beauty of the colors. 色彩的明艳美丽会让你大饱眼福。
7. We meandered through a landscape of mountains, rivers, and vineyards.
8. After a joyous and restful three days, I left this beautiful city. 度过了愉快轻松的3天后,我离开了这个美丽的城市。
9. The beautiful island of Cyprus is a magical place to get married. 美丽的塞浦路斯岛是缔结良缘的美妙之地。
10. The house is located in one of Pimlicos prettiest garden squares. 房子位于皮姆利科最美丽的一个花园广场上。
11. Eventually passion was distilled into the natural beauty of a balmy night.
12. She looked so beautiful, and at the same time so remote. 她相貌如此美丽,同时又如此清高不群。
13. There had never been such a beautiful woman anywhere in the world. 世界上从未有过如此美丽的女人。
14. She dazzled London society as the most beautiful debutante of her generation.
她首次出现在伦敦社交界便艳惊四座,被视为同龄人里最美丽的年轻女子。 15. The house was so handsome, with a lovely countrified garden. 这座房子很漂亮,带一个田园风情的美丽花园。 beautiful的双语例句
1. Its been a beautiful evening and you have made it all possible. 那是个美好的夜晚,你让一切成为可能。
2. Thats a beautiful piece of work. You should be proud of it. 那件作品非常漂亮,你应当为之自豪。
3. Each one of these ancient towns is hauntingly beautiful. 这些古镇个个都美得令人难以忘怀。
4. Antonio has a contagious enthusiasm for the beautiful aspect of food.
5. Its beautiful gardens and parkland are also open to the public. 它漂亮的花园和绿地也向公众开放。
6. To me he is the most beautiful child in the world. 对我来说,他是世界上最美丽的孩子。
7. I think she has many good qualities besides being very beautiful. 我觉得她不但长得非常漂亮,而且还有很多优秀品质。
8. We have a beautiful city and we pray it stays that way. 我们的城市很美丽,但愿它能保持下去。
9. This Islington shop is a treasure trove of beautiful bridalwear. 这家位于伊斯灵顿区的商店里汇聚了各种漂亮的新娘服装。