
2023-03-31 01:38:10   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《文体类词汇》,欢迎阅读!
文体类词汇 剧本 play 戏剧 theatre 话剧 drama 喜剧 comedy 情景喜剧 sitcom 悲剧 tragedy

悲喜剧tragicomedy 京剧Peking Opera 校园剧school play 电视剧TV play

连续剧,肥皂剧 soap opera 丑剧farce

多幕剧a play of many acts

相声comic dialogue(cross talk ) 小品opusculum 谜语 riddle

灯迷lantern riddles 笑话 joke

绕口令 tongue twister 儿歌nursery rhymes 诗歌 poetry poem 颂歌 ode 讽刺诗 satire 十四行诗 sonnet 打油诗doggerel 散文 prose 小说 novel

传奇小说tales of marvels 自传 biography

编年体annalistic style 报告文学 reportage 评论 criticism

短评brief comment 寓言 allegory

科幻 science fiction 杂文,随笔 essay 短文short essay 海报,告示 poster

墙报,壁报wall newspaper 标语,口号slogan 广告advertising

招聘广告() want ad 房屋出租广告House to let 传单leaflet

评论,解释,说明 comment 请柬invitation 日记 diary

公文,文件 document 民间传说folklore 传说,传奇故事 legend 故事 story 逸事 episode ,书信 letter

感谢信 thank-you note 便条 note

名片calling card 卡片 card 通知 notice

通知书,通知单advice note 承保通知书cover note 到货通知arrival notice 便笺notepaper 对子couplet

对联antithetical couplet

匾额a horizontal inscribed board 谚语,格言,箴言proverb 警句,谚语,格言saying 按语note (comment) 编者按editors note

创刊词inaugural statement on the first issue 发刊词foreword to a periodical 明信片 postcard

时事通讯,简报 newsletter 分类索引classified idex 目录 listing

导论,导言 introduction 清单list

名单name list 报名单entry form 报头nameplate

大字标题banner headline 标题title

小标题subheading 备注remarks

备注栏remarks column 补充说明additional remarks

操作手册,操作说明书operation manual 表册statistical forms 报表report forms 月报表monthly report 调查报告investination 动员报告mobilization

时速报告report on current events 总结报告summing-upreport 城市规划city planning

碑文an inscription on a tablet

碑记a record of events inscribed on a tablet 吊文a funeral oration 备忘录memorandum

笔谈conversation by writing 词(文学形式)ci 开幕词opening speech

欢迎词speech of welcome 闭幕词closing speech 发言稿the text of a speech 草稿,起草draft 初稿first draft

定稿final version or text 长篇小说full-length novel 短篇小说short story 倡议书proposal 抄件copy 跋文postscript

白话文writing in the vernacular 喜报report of success 保证书written pledge 范文model essay 文学体裁

腹稿mental notes 讣告obituary notice 附录appendix 纲要essentials

遗稿posthumous papers (literary remains) 告示official notice

歌诀formulas or directions put into verse 汤头歌Chinese herb prescriptions in verse 歌谣ballad 传说legend

古文(文言文)ancient Chinese prose 故事story (tale) 民间故事folk story 海报playbill

海外奇谈tall story

新年贺词New Year message 贺词congratulations 贺年片New Year card 横幅banner 后记postscript 花名册register


悔过书a written statement of repentance 童话fairy tales

童谣childrens folk rhymes

推荐信letter of recommendation 挽联elegiac couplet 挽诗,挽歌elegy

慰问信a letter expressing ones appreciation or sympathy

希腊神话Greek mythology

檄文,征召的文书an official call to arms an official denunciation of the enemy

谢词thank-you speech 叙事诗narrative poem 叙事文narrative

绪论,绪言introduction 续集continuation

文选an anthology of prose 选集anthology (selections) 学术论文thesis 演义historical novel 要求赔偿书claim letter 野史unofficial history 贸易议定书trade protocol 议定书protocol

议论文argumentation 应用practical writing 游记travel notes (travels) 寓言fable (parable) (allegory) 杂记miscellanies 杂文essay

战书letter of challenge 字条儿brief note 诏书imperial edict

