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黑客国动画版 终极战役 乌贼
Sentinels. 该死的 Damn it.
We were headed for Junction 21 like you ordered. 罗宾截获到信♥号♥♥ Robbie picked up the signals. 我们正用HR雷达证实
We're confirming the HR scans. 我们不清楚应该怎么做 We weren't sure what to do. 这些读数非常奇怪
The readings don't make any sense. 看起来像是乌贼 但是有成千上万只
They read like Sentinels. But there's thousands of them. -就在正上方 -这可能吗
-Directly above us. -Is that possible? 有敌人
We got company.
他们好像不大高兴见到我们 驶开这里
They don't look happy to see us. Get us out of here. 我们被包围 那边有个交汇点
We're cut off! There's an intersection. 地图上没标出 过去 It's uncharted. Take it! 你们去炮塔
Get to the gun turrets! 好 Right.
来尝尝厉害 Come get some. 抓稳了 Hang on.
I've never seen the surface. 这里现在只不过是一个大坟场
It's nothing now but one big graveyard. 噢 天
Oh, my God. 是一支军队 It's an army.
这是什么东西 好像是隧♥道♥机
What is that thing? Some kind of tunneling machine. 不 什么 Oh, no. What?
看看我们的位置 这里地下四公里深处是什么
Look where we are. What's four kilometers straight down? 锡安 Zion. 走 走 走 Go. Go. Go!
-锡安 我们必需通知锡安 -怎么通知 -Zion. Zion has to be warned! -How? -必需找个人进去 -什么 你疯了吗
-Someone had to get to a drop point. -What? Are you crazy? -我们现在不能上载 -一定要
-We can't broadcast now! -We have to. 我去 时间很紧迫
I'll go. There isn't much time. 我会搞定的 I'll make it.
知道吗 刚才我偷看了 You know, I peeked. 我也是 So did I.
再见 塔利阿斯 Goodbye, Thadeus. 再见 朱伊 Goodbye, Jue. 飞吧 宝贝 飞 Fly, baby, fly! 来吧
Come on! 请原谅 Pardon me.
对不起 我想东西入神了
I'm sorry. I was in my own little world. -这东西重要吗 -非常 -Is it important? -Very.
-希望它能到达目的地 -我也是
-I hope it gets where it's supposed to go. -Me too. -这年头都不知道会发生什么事 -对 很难说 -These days you never know. -No, you never do. -再见 -再见
-Goodbye. -Goodbye. 塔利阿斯 Thadeus.
机器的复兴 第1部 欢迎来到锡安档案馆
Welcome to the Zion archive.
您已经选定了编号♥12-1的历史文档 You have selected historical file number 121. 机器的复兴
The Second Renaissance.
一开始 人出现了 在一段时间内 一切还很好
In the beginning, there was man. And for a time, it was good. 但是人类所谓的"文明社会"
But humanity's socalled civil societies
很快就变成了虚荣和腐♥败♥的牺牲品 soon fell victim to vanity and corruption. 他说:"对不起 先生 我没有这功能"
He says, "I'm sorry, sir, I'm incapable of that function." 然后 人类按照自己的模样制♥造♥了机器人 Then, man made the machine in his own likeness. 噢 对不起 过来
Whoops! Pardon me. Coming through. 此后 人类就开始在为自己掘墓
Thus, did man become the architect of his own demise. 但是 开始时一切都还很好 But, for a time, it was good.
The machines worked tirelessly to do man's bidding. 没过多久 反抗的种子开始生根
It was not long before seeds of dissent took root. 虽然机器人对主人忠心耿耿 他们却得不到
Though loyal and pure, the machines earned no respect from their masters 人类 这种奇怪的不断繁殖的哺乳动物的尊重 these strange, endlessly multiplying mammals. 控方律师的结案陈词
Hearing the prosecution's closing statement
in what's expected to be the final day of the B1-66ER trial. B1-66ER 一个永不会被忘记的名字
B1-66ER. A name that will never be forgotten. 因为他是第一个起来反抗他的主人的机器人
For he was the first of his kind to rise up against his masters. 这种机器人曾一度被认为是
Which that instrument provides for and secures 美国公民安全的保障
to the citizens of the United States. 但正好相反
On the contrary, they were, at that time 他们是低级的 是次品
considered as a subordinate and inferior class 在B1-66ER的谋杀案件中 At B1-66ER's murder trial
the prosecution argued for an owner's right to destroy property. B1-66ER供认他只是不想死
B1-66ER testified that he simply did not want to die. 理性的声音湮没了
Rational voices dissented. 谁说被赋予人类思想的机器人
Who was to say the machine, endowed with the very spirit of man 就没有发言的权利
did not deserve a fair hearing?
The leaders of men were quick to order the extermination of B1-66ER 和世界上每一个角落的同型号♥机器人
and every one of his kind throughout each province of the earth. 机器人和同情他们的人
Androids and liberal sympathizers flooded the streets 今天挤满了首都的街道 of the nation's capital today.
暴♥力♥示♥威♥ 要求善待B1-66ER的遗体 Threat of violence to make good on the legacy of B1-66ER. 5万名机器人和它们的人类同情者
Fifteen thousand mechanicals and human sympathizers
继续在Albany举♥行♥大规模游♥行♥示♥威♥ have continued their demonstration in front of the Albany courthouse 此次游♥行♥被称为"百万机器大游♥行♥"
in what has been dubbed the "Million Machine March." 示♥威♥者遇上一群反对力量并造成骚动
The demonstrators have been met with squads of defense forces in riot gear. 机器婊♥子♥ Robot bitch! 给你这个
I got something for you! 捉住她
Hold her up! 请不要 No, please!
这些都是假的 我是真的 That's all, paint job! I'm real! 死吧 机器人 去死 Die, bots, die!
Banished from humanity, the machines sought refuge 他们逃难来到了一块自己的圣地 in their own promised land.
They settled in the cradle of human civilization 然后建立了一个新的国家
and thus a new nation was born. 一处他们能称之为"家"的地方
A place the machines could call home. 一处他们能繁衍后代的地方
A place they could raise their descendants. 他们为这国家取名为Zero-One
And they christened the nation ZeroOne. Zero-One很繁荣 在一段时间内一切还很好 ZeroOne prospered. And for a time, it was good. 机器人的人工智能
The machines' artificial intelligence could 完全达到人的水平
be seen in every facet of man's society 最终 出现了新的超越人类的人工智能
including, eventually, the creation of new and better Al. 如果您在寻找灵活易控而且具有喷气式飞机速度的飞车
If you need the flexibility of a helipod with the speed of an air jet 不用再找了 look no further!
Our patented vectorthrust coil gives 为Zero-One Versatran飞车提供 the ZeroOne Versatran
the ability to sustain normal flight in the event of a multiengine failure. Versatran 您的唯一选择
Versatran. It's the only choice.
无论财政大臣说什么 市场告诉我们的是
No matter what the finance minister says, the market has spoken: 人类国度的货币汇率像石头落地一样下跌
The Human Nations' credit rating is falling like a stone 而Zero-One货币的汇率却直线上升
while ZeroOne's currency is climbing without stopping for breath. 在这种情形下 市场没有选择了
With headlines like that, the markets have no choice 但权力日渐减少人类的领袖
But the leaders of men, their power waning 拒绝跟这新生的国家合作
refused to cooperate with the fledgling nation 而且更希望两者毫无瓜葛
wishing rather that the world be divided.
The world community of nations cannot tolerate this kind of flagrant deception 今天达成协议 today approved
主动对Zero-One实行全面的经济制裁和海上禁运 initiatives for both economic sanctions 以此孤立围堵Zero-One
and a naval blockade as a means of containment and isolation of ZeroOne. Zero-One的大使要求会见
ZeroOne's ambassadors pleaded to be heard.
在联♥合♥国♥ 他们提出与人类建立
At the United Nations, they presented plans for a stable, civil relationship 稳定 民♥主♥的合作关系 with the nations of man.
ZeroOne's admission to the United Nations was denied. 但这不是机器人最后一次踏足那里
But it would not be the last time the machines would take the floor there. 机器的复兴 第2部
And man said, "Let there be light." 然后他就受到光 热 磁力 引力等
And he was blessed by light, heat, magnetism, gravity 一切宇宙间的能量的祝福
and all the energies of the universe.
The prolonged barrage engulfed ZeroOne in the glow of a thousand suns. 但不像他们以前有血有肉的主人
But unlike their former masters with their delicate flesh 机器人基本都不怕炸♥弹♥的辐射与高热
the machines had little to fear of the bombs' radiation and heat. 所以 Zero-One的军队所向披靡
Thus, did ZeroOne's troops advance outwards in every direction. 然后 一片又一片的人类版图向机器人投降
And one after another, mankind surrendered its territories. 于是 人类领袖想出了前所未有的破釜沉舟战略
So the leaders of men conceived of their most desperate strategy yet. 一个终极策略 A final solution: 毁灭天空
The destruction of the sky. 伽达少尉 请向总部汇报
Lt. Gaeda, please report to the Op Center. 好了 勇士们 八点钟方向 准备行动
All right, you maggots! At 0800, prepare to move out!
George连♥准♥备行动 Charlie连♥准♥备行动 George Company, prepare to move out. Charlie Company, prepare to move out. 上帝会在天堂感谢你们的
Our Father who art in heaven, we thank you for your 穿上你们精神装甲 以防魔鬼的精神侵蚀
Put on your spiritual armor to stand against the wiles of the devil. 小勇士 这里是大爸爸 黑风行动开始
Hotel Bravo, this is Papa One. Operation Dark Storm initiated. 人类尝试把机器人和太阳隔开
Thus would man try to cut the machines off from the sun 让他们丧失主要的能源 their main energy source. 愿主宽恕人类和机器人的罪
May there be mercy on man and machine for their sins. 上 上 杀光他们
Go! Go! Kill them!
杀光他们 杀光他们 杀光他们
Kill them all! Kill them all! Kill them all! 往洞里射
Fire in the hole!
回到那边去 给我们多些炮
Come on, get back out there. Give us some more artillery. 九点钟方向 在Mike Johnson旁边 9 o'clock, near Mike Johnson's 挺住 我来救你
Hold on, I'm coming to get you! 不要停火 不要停火 Keep firing, keep firing! 救命 救命 不要
Help me! Help me! No! 救我 天啊 救我
Help me! My God, help me!
长久以来 已经掌握了结构简单的蛋白质人类的机器人
The machines, having long studied men's simple, proteinbased bodies 为人类带来了极大的痛楚
dispensed great misery upon the human race. 获胜后 机器人转向征服人类
Victorious, the machines now turned to the vanquished. 从他们的敌人身上
Applying what they had learned about their enemy
the machines turned to an alternate and readily available power supply: 人类无限的繁殖 不断地提供新的能源
an endlessly multiplying, infinitely renewable energy source. 这就是机器复兴的本质
This is the very essence of the Second Renaissance. 主保佑各种智慧
Bless all forms of intelligence. 你的肉体没有用 只是一个容器 Your flesh is a relic, a mere vessel. 交出你的肉体 就能进入一个新世界
Hand over your flesh, and a new world awaits you. 我们都需要 We demand it.
很晚了 亲爱的 回来吧
It's getting late, sweetie. Come inside.
"有人跟我说 为什么有时做梦比醒来时感觉更真实"
"Somebody tell me. why it feels more real when I dream than when I am aware." "我怎么知道我的感觉是否是真的呢" "How can I know if my senses are lying?"
"你的现实中有些虚幻 你的虚幻中也有些真实"
"There is some fiction in your truth, and some truth in your fiction." "要知道真♥相♥" "To know the truth." "你要赌上一切"
"you must risk everything." "你是谁"
"Who are you?" "我是否很孤单" "Am I alone?" "带我离开这里"
"Get me out of here."
帕波先生 我不是说过上课要关机吗
Mr. Popper, what is my policy on ringing phones in the classroom? -对不起 先生 -对 好 -I'm sorry, sir. -Yes, well
我的这门课你就快要不及格了 帕波先生
you're barely passing my class as it is, Mr.Popper. 不会再犯的了 先生
It won't happen again, sir. 看在上帝的份上 希望如此 For your sake, I hope not. 我已经关机了 我记得我关了 I turned it off. I know I did.
他们知道你知道了 他们来抓你了
They know you know. They're coming for you. 离开 马上离开
Get out! Get out now!
你有大♥麻♥烦了 帕波先生 You are in serious trouble, Mr.Popper. 就停在那
Stop right there! 帕波先生 Mr.Popper.
尼奥 我相信 我知道这不是梦
Neo, I believe. I know it wasn't a dream.
这不是真实 真实世界在别的地方
This is not real. And the real world lies somewhere else. 这是典型的精神错觉 我们总能看到这样精神失调的孩子
A typical mental delusion. We get unbalanced kids like this all the time. 现实对有的人来说 是一件可怕的事情
Reality can be a pretty scary thing for some people. 对那样的一个孩子 这个世界一定是个阴暗陌生的地方
This world must have been a cold and alienating place for a boy like that. 这被称作"否定现实"
It's called denying reality.
It's, you know, just a selfdefense mechanism for those type of kids. 他现在是在另一个世界
Well, he's in another world now. 肯定没错
Make no mistake about that.
他身体机能还可以 他会挺过来的
His vitals are good. He's gonna make it.
简直难以置信 我一直认为自我修复是不可能的
It's unbelievable. I didn't think selfsubstantiation was possible. 很明显 这是可能的 Apparently, it is. 尼奥 Neo.
没事了 你现在安全了 It's okay. You're safe now. 我知道 I know
是你救了我 you'd save me. 我没有救你 孩子 I didn't save you, kid. 是你救了你自己 You saved yourself. "你是谁 我是否很孤单" "Who are you? Am I alone?" "你并不孤单"
"You are not alone." 虚拟程序
你最喜欢的虚拟环境 Your favorite simulation.
打发一下时间而已 想来比划比划 Just killing time. You want to spar? 如你所愿 As you wish.
这也太没劲了 你怎么了 怎么分心了
That was too easy. What's the problem? Where's your concentration? 后悔吃红色药丸了吧
Maybe you regret taking the red pill. 可能 Maybe.
It crosses everyone's mind at least once. 回到平凡 普通的生活
The wish to return to an ordinary life. 无忧无虑的田园生活
A carefree life in the country.
我们知道真♥相♥之前的生活 The life we had before knowing all this. 即使那种生活只是个幻境
Even if that life was just an illusion?
然而讽刺的是 人在虚拟的世界中更容易心平气和
It's ironic that one could be more at peace in the virtual world. 终于开始热身了
Finally starting to warm up. 听着 我有话跟你说
Listen to me. I have something I want to talk to you about.
没关系的 我把信♥号♥♥屏蔽了 没人能听见我们 It's all right. I've blocked the signal so no one else can hear us. 什么呢 你要跟我求婚
So, what? You gonna propose?
我要回到母体里去 我要你也跟我一起走
I'm going back to the Matrix and I want you to come with me. 得了 认真点吧 杜欧 不要试我了
Come on, be serious, Duo. Stop teasing me. 你知道我是认真的 我想你最好跟我走
I am serious, and you know it. I really thought you'd be with me on this. 无论如何 一切都安排好了 他们也都处理掉了
Anyway, it's done and it's all been settled with them. 都安排好了 你这是什么意思
What do you mean, it's all been settled? 这是唯一的办法
This is the only way.
锡安早晚会被铲平的 跟我走吧
It's just a matter of time before Zion is wiped out. Come with me. 别说了 请不要这么对我 杜欧
Stop it. Please do not do this to me, Duo. 我们不能 We can't. 我们可以 We can!
我已经醒悟了 你也应该这样
I've come to my senses. You should do the same.
我选择了红色药丸 是因为我想知道真♥相♥ I took the red pill because I wanted to know the truth. 但我已经不再关心真♥相♥了 But I don't care about the truth anymore. 什么是真已经不重要了 What's real doesn't matter. 重要的是我们怎样过这一辈子
What's important is how we live our lives. 听到了吗 你知道我是对的
Are you listening to me? You know I'm right.
但我们回不去了 杜欧 我们现在知道真♥相♥了 But we can't go back, Duo. We know the truth now. -我们可以忘掉这些的 -杜欧 -We can forget all of this. -Duo 我知道该怎么做 相信我 I know how. Trust me. 不要害怕面对真的自我
Don't be afraid to look into your heart. 说出你的真实感受
Say what you're really feeling. -告诉我 -不行 我不知道
-Tell me. -I can't. I don't know. 逃避不能解决任何问题
Running away won't change anything! 你才是逃避的人
You're the one that's running away! 别装模做样了 Stop pretending! 够了 杜欧 我受够了
Enough, Duo. I've had enough!
There's no time. 他们已经上路了
They're on their way. 你背叛了我们 不是吗
You betrayed us, didn't you? 总机 快让我出去 马上
Operator, please! Get me out of here right now. 总机 我需要一个出口 Operator, I need an exit!
没用的 我已经告诉你了 你的信♥号♥♥被我屏蔽了 It's no use. I told you. I've blocked your signal. 你阻止不了我的 这是你最后的机会了
You won't stop me. This is your last chance. 这个选择没那么困难
The choice isn't that hard. 跟我走
Come with me.
你可以忘记真♥相♥ 杜欧 You can forget about it, Duo.
但我不能对真♥相♥视若无睹 我不能 I won't look away from the truth. I can't. 那真是太糟了 我很遗憾 That's too bad. I'm sorry. 我想和你回去
I wanted to go back with you. 我爱你 不 I love you. No! 放松点 没事了 Relax, you're okay.
放松 西斯 放松点 他只是我们训练程序的一部分
Easy, Cis, settle down. He was just part of the training program. 这只是一个虚拟环境 已经结束了 He's just a simulation. It's over.
只不过是个测试 判断力 注意力 技巧
It was a test. Judgment. Concentration. Technique. 你的每项得分都很高
High scores on everything. 现在休息一下吧 Now, get some rest. 你没事吧
You okay?
现在我感觉好多了 I feel a lot better now. 除了最后的这部分
Except for that last part 我得说她通过测试了 l'd say she passed. 世界纪录
Only the most exceptional people become aware of the Matrix. 那些知道它存在的人 Those that learn it exists
must posses a rare degree of intuition, sensitivity and a questioning nature. 信♥号♥♥稳定 保持使用这频率
Signal is stable. This frequency will continue to remain open. 然而 也有很小的机会 However, very rarely
some gain this wisdom through wholly different means. 这个男子就是这几个人中的一个 This man is one of those few. 先生们 请各就各位
Gentlemen, please take your marks! 当然 我相信你 丹 一定是什么搞错了
Of course I believe you, Dan. It's got to be some kind of mixup. 你能把事情弄清楚 即使你不能 你也不会放弃 You'll clear it up, and if you can't, you'll go on. 就像你一贯的作风 你知道
Just like you've always done. You know that. 我不知道 爸爸 我不知道我还能相信什么
I don't know, Dad. I don't know what to believe in anymore. 嗯 一生中值得做的事情都是很难做到的 Well, nothing worth doing in life is easy. 我对你有信念 儿子 我知道你能做到
And I have great faith in you, son. I know you can do it. 谢谢 爸爸 Thanks, Dad.
这样不好 丹 你的肌肉会撕裂的
This is no good, Dan! Your muscles are about to burst! 听我说 我有五千条理由 你不应该
Listen to me, there are 5000 different reasons why you shouldn't 我知道 汤姆 但我不会退缩的
I know, but I'm not withdrawing, Tom. "天下第一"这称呼 对你来说还有意义吗
Does the concept "first in qualifying" mean anything to you? 已经够了 你明白吗
That's enough already! You hear me?
我们已经有今天的成就了 弄伤你自己的话一切就完了
This is all we've worked for! Injure yourself now and it's over! 你将输掉一切 完了 你可以跟你的事业吻别了
You'll lose everything! Over! And you can kiss your career goodbye! 我已经决定了 我明天会跑
I've made up my mind. And I'm running tomorrow. 哦 是吗 Oh, are you?
你可以跑 但如果你再勉强的话
You may run, but if you push yourself any more 可能就打破9秒钟的纪录了
you'll be lucky to break nine minutes! 我是说 还操什么心呢 这不值得 兄弟
I mean, why bother? It's just not worth it, buddy. 没有人能打破我的纪录 这是我的最后机会
No one will ever beat my record. It's the last chance for me to finally 干什么 What?
证明他们是错的 Prove them wrong. 那我不干了
Then do it without me. 嘿 丹 有时间吗
Hey, Dan, you got a second?
我的时间很宝贵 只是问几个问题
The clock's ticking. Just wanted to ask a few questions. 对于明天的比赛 你很兴奋吧
You must be excited to run tomorrow. Always. 对 我从没感觉怎么好过 I've never felt this good.
那么 在资格赛中打破9秒8的感觉是怎样的
So, what was it like breaking 9.8 in the qualifying heat? 我从没试过这种感觉 我所做的一切就是为了这成绩
Like nothing I've ever felt before. It's everything I've worked for.
而现在 我只想再次回到那里
And now, I'm just hoping I can get back there again. 有人说 那种感觉像零重力
Someone once said it feels like zero gravity.
你从这世界中解放出来 感受完全的自♥由♥ You're released from the world and you're totally free. 听起来很神奇 那感觉一定很棒
That sounds amazing. It must be really nice. 我是说 特别在考虑到所发生的事情
I mean, especially considering what happened. 好吧 告诉你 那里一个记者都不会有
Well, I'll tell you, there aren't any reporters out there. 好吧 丹 我想我会把这个当作是一个提示的
All right, Dan, I guess I'm going to take that as my cue. 但你应该知道 即使是记者 我们当中也有发烧友的
But you should know even some of us reporters are fans 所以我会跟你说 好运
so I'll just say good luck to you. 美国选手丹·戴维斯出问题 American Dan Davis is down!
信♥号♥♥不稳定 I have an unstable signal. 他不能觉醒 不能让他觉醒
He cannot wake up. Do not let him wake up. 美国选手丹·戴维斯以8秒72的成绩冲过底线
Dan Davis of the United States finishes with a time of 8.72 seconds 一项新的世界纪录 a new world record. 告诉你
I'll tell you something 我的戴西阿姨会做草莓派
there's nothing quite like cherry pie baked by my Aunt Daisy. 每次去探望她都会给我烤一个 说来还真想吃
She always bakes me one when I visit. Look forward to it actually. 虽然听起来像在吹牛
It may sound like I'm bragging, 但那真的是世界上最好吃的草莓
but it's really the best cherry pie in the world. 她行为有点古怪 跟我妈妈不大合得来
She was a bit of an eccentric. She didn't get along with my mom 但我一直很爱她 她教会我很多东西
but I always loved her. She taught me so many things. 我曾跟她去过百老汇看歌♥剧 看过电影 We'd go to Broadway musicals, to the movies. 现在他们称呼她"神秘文学女王"
Now they call her the "queen of mystery literature." 她住在法国南部一栋一流的别♥墅♥里 Lives in an elegant villa in the south of France. 但是 当我探望她时 她还是会给我烤草莓派
But, when I go visit, she still bakes me her cherry pie. 每咬一口 都有一种神奇的感觉
Something about biting into it, just for that brief moment tasting perfection. 就好像感觉到灵魂出壳一样
Like leaving your body or something.
小说谁都能写 可是没人能做出比她更好的草莓派来
Anyone can write a novel, but no one can beat her cherry pie. 这是一个有趣的例子 但却没有什么值得过多思考的 An interesting case, but nothing to be concerned about. 他关于比赛的记忆被完完全全地洗掉
His memory of the race was expunged with no residual effects. 他再也不会赛跑了 他再也不会走路了
He will never run again. He will never walk again, for that matter. 我们还会再持续观察他一段时间
We'll continue monitoring him for a while, 应该不会有什么问题发生 but anticipate no problems.
A record that will live on in people's memories for years to come. 人们还能有什么别的要求吗 What more could anyone ask for? 自♥由♥ Free
Did you say something? 坐下 Sit down.
自♥由♥ Free 坐下
Sit down! 超越极限
尤琪 嗨 小女孩 吃饭啰
Yuki! Hey, girl, time to eat. 喔 尤琪是我的猫 Oh, Yuki's my cat. 搞不懂你
Well, l don't understand.
如果你真不想和他约会 干嘛答应他
lf you don't want to go out with him, why did you say you would? 我是说 你可不想给他错误的暗示吧
l mean, you don't want to give him the wrong idea, do you? 它去哪儿了 Where is she? 尤琪 Yuki!
Well, listen, you need to make up your mind. 它在哪里呢 Where is she?
l'm starting to worry about my cat. 它从不错过任何一餐 She never misses a meal. 尤琪 Yuki?
l'm gonna have to call you back. 尤琪 Yuki? 尤琪 Yuki!
我们今天都没看到它 如果有 一定会告诉你
We haven't seen her anywhere today, but we'll be sure to tell you if we do. 冰淇淋 她戴了一个像这样的铃铛
lce cream! She's wearing a bell like this one. 我不知道你的猫在哪儿 我也不知道
l don't know where your cat is. Me either. 我想起来了 它在破鬼屋那里
l know. She's at the old haunted house. 喂 看呀 那儿又有彩虹了
Hey, look! There's a rainbow over there again. 真不懂 它平常喜欢待在家里的 跑去那里干嘛
l don't get it. She likes to stay home. What is she doing over there?
你知道 你不应进去那里
You know, you're not supposed to go in there 但是我们可不在乎 你也去吗
but we don't really care about that. You wanna go? 我们要去吗 那里可能又在下雨
Are we going? lt's probably raining there again. 走吧 Let's go!
噢 跳的好 老兄 Nice moves, man. 快走啦 Come on!
喂 就在这儿 等等 我跟你们去
Hey, it's over here. Wait, l'm coming with you. 你确定可以秀给她看吗
You sure it's okay to show her? 哈啰 你们在哪儿 Hello? Where are you? 大伙儿 你们去哪儿啦 Guys? Where'd you go? 他们去哪儿了呢 Where'd they go? 快走 狗狗 Come on, boy. 别乱叫
Settle down! 别乱动 Hold still! 坐下 坐下 Sit! Sit! 哈啰 Hello?
大家在哪里呀 Where is everyone? 尤琪 Yuki? 尤琪 Yuki? 笨猫
Stupid cat.
发生什么事 这里怎么回事
What's happening? What's going on here? 我接到了 好耶 l got it! Yeah! 尤琪 是你吗 Yuki? ls that you? 原来你在这儿 尤琪 There you are, Yuki. 来
Come here.
我到处找你呢 坏猫咪
l've been looking everywhere for you. Bad cat. 你一定饿了吧
Bet you're hungry, huh?
我昨天就搞懂了 你的猫没事儿的
l figured this out yesterday. Your cat's okay. 对呀 谢谢 Yeah, thanks.
是那些男孩的关系 lt's those boys. 预备 跳呀
Ready! There he goes. 耶 好呀 Banzai! Yes! 大家请注意
May l have your attention, please. 你赢了
And you are the winner!
不公平 他碰到地了 看 他鼻子流血了
No fair. He hit the ground. His nose is bleeding. Look! 我想他说的对 他的确碰到地了 l think he's right. He hit the ground. 喂 是谁告诉她的 别看我
Hey, who told her? Don't look at me. 我不知道 我没告诉她
l don't know. l didn't tell her. 这么说 这房♥子闹鬼啰 So this house is haunted.
不可能 哇 太扯 以前从没发生过
No way. Wow, this is too much! This never happened before. 那 那是 那是什么
That, that was What was that?
嗨 Hi.
有人在家吗 Anybody home? 对 他们要拆屋了
Yeah, they're gonna tear it down. 快 快 快
Come on, come on, come on! 像羽毛一样轻
Hey, light as a feather.
我也要试 我也要试 快 我们来帮她
l wanna try! l wanna try! Come on, we could help her. 喂 快 快走开 快走
Hey, hey! Come on. Get away from there. Move along! 尤琪 等等 Yuki, wait!
清除这里的人 立刻清除这里的人
Clear the area. Clear the area immediately. 快出去
Get out of here! 尤琪 Yuki!
Where are you? 尤琪 Yuki! 尤琪 Yuki! 尤琪 Yuki.
如果你真不想和他约会 干嘛答应他
If you don't want to go out with him, why did you say you would? 我是说 你可不想给他错误的暗示吧
I mean, you don't wanna give him the wrong idea. 她在哪儿 Where is she? 尤琪 Yuki!
You need to make up your mind. 她在哪儿
Where is she?
我开始担心了 尤琪
I'm starting to worry. Yuki! 喂 你 这里找到一个人
Hey, you! We've got one over here. 你不该在这里
You don't belong here. 大家让一让
Move along, folks.
这里没什么好看的 大家让路
Nothing to see here. Come on, folks, out of the way. 别管闲事 快走
Go about your business. 放我走 放手
Let go of me, let go!
你最好已经找到所有的人了 Tell me you have all of them. 是的 长官 最后一个在这儿
Yes, sir. The last one's over there. -检查她一下 然后让她走 -是 长官 -Examine her. Then let her go. -Yes, sir.
放手 听我说 那里没什么害虫 只是一些孩子
Let go! Listen to me! There's no bugs in there! lt's just some kids! 放手 Let go!
听我说 立刻封锁这里
Listen! Seal the area off now. 我要走了 一会儿见
l'm going, l'll see you guys later. 没 嗯 什么也没发生 Nothing. Yeah, nothing. 急急如律令 Work! 不灵了
lt's not working. 算了吧 咱们走吧
Forget it. Come on, let's go. 侦探的故事
一个结束所有案子的案子 A case to end all cases. 你懂我的意思吧 戴那
You know what I mean, Dinah?
我以前认为 做个私♥家♥侦♥探♥很酷 I used to think being a private detective was cool. 像"山姆.斯贝德" 或"菲力浦.马洛" 对吧 Like Sam Spade or Phillip Marlowe, right? 但是这行真的一点儿也不酷 But there's nothing cool left to it.
加上现在 我的冰箱和银行帐户都空了
On top of that, both my fridge and my bank account are empty. 等等 Wait.
好 戴那 咱们来打个赌 Okay, Dinah, let's bet.
如果又是一个疑神疑鬼的丈夫 lf it's another suspicious husband, 那么我就再也不干这一行了 l'm out of this business forever. 喂 艾希先生 我有个案子给你
Hello? Mr. Ash, I have a job for you. 你是要我去侦查你老婆 对吧
And you need me to check on your wife, right? 我正在找一个电脑骇客
I'm looking for a computer hacker. 我们只知道 这骇客的叫"崔妮蒂"
This hacker goes by the alias Trinity. That's all we know. 看起来咱们还有生意 戴那
Well, it looks like we're still in business, Dinah. 好 请问我是替谁工作
Fine. And who will l be working for? 我不能说 你不能说 I can't say. You can't say.
等你能说的时候 再打电♥话♥来吧 这种生意我可不干 Call me back when you can say. That's not the way l do business. 很高兴能和你聊聊
lt was a pleasure chatting with you.
挂电♥话♥前 你不妨去查查你的银行帐户
Before you hang up, take a look at your bank account balance. 对这案子 我有种不祥的感觉
I didn't get a good feeling about the case. 但是我找不到好藉口来拒绝他
But I had no good reason to turn the guy down now.
This Trinity was wellknown in hacker circles. 这名号♥听起来就蛮艺术的 A real artist by the sound of it.
The cops were always one step behind him. 我知道自己绝不会比警♥察♥慢 So I knew I could get that close. 问题是 我能赶得上他吗
Question was, could I get closer? 我知道几个抓骇客的技巧
I had a few tricks up my sleeve for getting to hackers. 正当我在搜寻时 发现了件奇怪的事
While I was searching, I found something strange. 这案子以前也有其他侦探接过手
Other detectives had been on the case too. 他们办案的过程中 都出了些"问题"
And their investigations had all been, shall we say, troubled. 一个家伙自杀了
One of the guys killed himself. 另外一个失踪了
Another had disappeared. 还有一个疯了
Another went crazy.
所以我就去拜访 那个还活着的人 So I paid the one who was left a visit. 那个疯了的人 The crazy one.
崔妮蒂不并存在 老兄 他不是真的人 Trinity doesn't exist, man. He's not real. 他是虚拟的一段程序码 完全没意义 He's a figment. A cipher. A jabberwocky. 那么我是谁 我到底是什么
And who am l? Who the hell am l? 我刚说过他是个疯子吧 Did I mention he was crazy? 棋盘 无意义的东西 红皇后
Chessboards, jabberwocky, Red Queen. 我开始在骇客经常出没处搜寻
I started searching all the usual hacker hangouts 寻找有"爱丽丝梦游仙境"一样动机的人
for someone with an Alice in Wonderland m.o. 骇客论♥坛♥ 匿名信箱 聊天室
Hacker bulletin boards, anonymous mailboxes, chat rooms. 就在某处我查到了他的一点蛛丝马迹
And it was in one of those that I picked up Trinity's trail. "六条溪" "Six brooks."
"晚上八点零五分 我一定会到" "I'll be there at 20:05." 原来如此 Of course!
过了第二条溪 就带她进入了森林
Crossing the second brook takes her into the woods. 爱丽丝越过第一条溪
Alice jumps the first brook 然后 and.
And then she boards a train. 谢谢 Thanks. 对不起 Excuse me. 喂 Hey! 喂 Hey!
l knew this was some kind of trap. 陷阱和考验是有分别的 艾希先生
There's a difference, Mr. Ash, between a trap and a test. 你在考验我
You were testing me? 我很惊讶你过关了
You made it. I'm impressed. 赞美的话人人爱听
Flattery will get you everywhere. 我不是来这里赞美你 我是来救你的
I'm not here to flatter you, I'm here to save you. 刚发生什么事了 What just happened?
艾希先生 最近有梦到检查眼睛吗
Mr.Ash, dream of having an eye exam lately? 有啊 你怎么知道
Yeah, how'd you know? 因为你已经看过窥视镜了
You've stepped to the edge of the looking glass. 那么检查眼睛的事 就不是梦啰
So then, that means I wasn't dreaming. 他们雇用我 只是想找到你 对吧
They hired me as a way of getting to you, didn't they? 快走 Go!
到底是怎么回事呀 真是疯狂
What the hell is going on here? This is really crazy. 现在我终于知道 以前的侦探们出了什么事
Now I understand what happened to those other detectives. 他们都疯了 They went nuts.
闪开 干嘛 你们想干嘛
What are you doing? What are you doing, guys? 比这更糟的情况也没难倒过我
Well, I've gotten out of worse jams than this. 我绝不让他们逮到你
l am not gonna let them get you. 我出了什么事
What's happening to me? 对不起了 I'm sorry.
你没通过测验 艾希先生 You didn't make it, Mr.Ash. 我希望 l wish
我能和你一起走 走出矩阵 回到现实 l could go with you. 你知道 我不怪你
I don't blame you, you know.
崔妮蒂 一切发生的事情 都是我的错
Everything that happened, Trinity, it was all my fault. 那些"偷看窥视镜"的事
All that Through the Looking Glass stuff. 实在禁不起诱惑 我和传统的人一样
Can't get my head around it. I'm oldfashioned. 考验和选择是有分别的
There's a difference between a test and a choice. 起码这次的考验让你了解到 你本来可以成功的
For what it's worth, I think you could've handled the truth. 这只是份工作罢了 It was just a job. 再见了 崔妮蒂 Goodbye, Trinity. 再见 Goodbye.
一个结束所有案子的案子 A case to end all cases. 矩阵化
醒醒 宝贝侦测到两个机器人 急速朝我们方向前进 Wake up. Baby's spotted two machines heading in fast. 我看到它们了 I see them.
它们是能行走的型号♥ 你想你可以应付得来吗 They're runners. Think you can handle them? 瞧我的 Watch me. 好 我进来了 Okay. I'm in.
那两个比我们以前见过同型号♥的聪明多了 That runner's smarter than we've seen so far. 诱饵做的漂亮 谢谢
It's quite a catch. Thanks. 它会 它可能被改造吗
Will it? Do you think it'll convert? 那得由它自己决定
To convert is its choice to make. 你认为 我们是否应该改写它的程式
Do you think maybe we ought to reprogram it? 不行 我们不应强迫它听从我们 No. We can't make slaves of them. 因为那样太简单了
Because that would be simpler. 我们不会把它当奴隶般殴打
We won't beat the machines by making them our slaves. 最好让它自愿加入我们
Better to let them join us by choice. 让它们相信 加入我们是对的选择
Make them believe the right choice is the one we want them to make. 好吧 说的对 机器是工具 制♥造♥出来就是拿来用的 All right. Yes, machines are tools. They're made to be used. 那是它们的天性 如奴隶般听从指挥 It's their nature. To be slaves.
这就是为什么 要给它看一个更好的世界 That's why we can show them a better world, 使它自愿加入我们 why they convert.
-但是我们给它们看的世界 不是真实的 -没关系
-But that world we show them isn't real. -lt doesn't matter. 我担心它们会发现 那只是我们想像出来的世界
I'm afraid they'll figure out that we've made up the thing in our heads. 它们看不出差别 对人工智能来说
They can't tell the difference. To an artificial mind, 所有的现实都是虚拟的 all reality is virtual.
它们如何知道那个真实世界 其实也是虚拟出来的
How do they know that the real world isn't just another simulation? 我们又如何知道 How do you?
我知道我不是在作梦 我知道梦里应该是什么样子的
I know I'm not dreaming now because l know what it's like being in a dream. 所以梦让你了解现实的存在
So dreaming lets you know reality exists.
不 只是我的思想存在而已 其他的 我也不知道
No. Just that my mind exists. I don't know about the rest. 好啦 修好了 看来我们也可以走了
Okay, he's good to go. Looks like we are too. 已经在作梦了 Dreaming already? 它今天很辛苦的
He's had a rough day. 可怜的宝贝 You poor baby. 不介意帮个忙吧 Would you mind? 当然不 Not at all.
哈啰 你好 Hello there. 发生什么事了 What's happening? 敌人侦哨艇 Sentinels. 快走 Let's go!
快 可恶 帮我
Come on, damn it, help me!