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【期刊名称】《中南民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)003
【摘 要】为阐明辛夷药材中芳香性双四氢呋喃化学成分,采用溶剂萃取、高速逆流分段、大孔树脂和半制备高效液相色谱分离和纯化,得到了4个高纯度芳香性双四氢呋喃木脂素单体化合物。通过1 H NMR、13 C NMR、MS等现代波谱学方法分别鉴定为:松脂醇二甲醚(1),木兰脂素(2),里立脂素B二甲醚(3),epimagnolin B(4)。辛夷芳香性成分的鉴定为其在医药、食品工业中的应用提供了更好的理论依据。%In order to investigate the ditetrahydrofuran constituents of spicery from Magnolia denudata Desr., solvent extraction, high speed counter-current chromatography ( HSCCC ), macroporous resin and semi-preparative high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC) were used and four highly purified aromatic lignans were obtained .They were identified as pinoresinol dimethy ether (1), magnolin (2), lirioresinol-B dimethyl ether (3) and epimagnolin B (4).The structures of these compounds were elucidated based on the 1 H NMR,13 C NMR,and MS characterization .The identification of these aromatic components of Magnolia denudate Desr.provided a theoretical basis for its application in medicine and food industry . 【总页数】4页(P37-40)
【作 者】李竣;梅枝意;罗会畏;黄先菊;杨光忠
【作者单位】中南民族大学药学院,武汉430074;中南民族大学药学院,武汉430074;中南民族大学药学院,武汉430074;中南民族大学药学院,武汉430074;中南民族大学药学院,武汉430074 【正文语种】中 文 【中图分类】R284.1 【相关文献】
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