unit5 作文训练

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Unit 5 The power of nature写作训练

编写人:马慧珍 审核人: 审批人: 使用时间:


1.学会用 主语 + 不及物动词(S+V)和 主语 + 系动词 + 表语(S+V+P)翻译句子





【句型1】主语 + 不及物动词(S+V 【例句】

1I hesitated for a moment.

2The next day, we set off early in the morning. 练一练:






【句型2】主语 + 系动词 + 表语(S+V+P

常见的系动词有:be, seem, appear, become, go, get, grow, turn, look, sound, feel, taste, smell 【例句】

(). As the saying goes, eyes are the window of our hearts. 众所周知的是,眼睛是心灵的窗户。 好处:谚语的使用增光添彩。 (2). Everyone is born equal. 每个人生来平等。 好处:意思表达准确。



2)我们以我们的朋友而自豪。 (3) 从上面两篇故事中我们可以看出,没有什么事情是不可能的。



Step 2阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。

Everyone has an experience they would rather not forget. Some are embarrassing, some are moving, and some teach us a lesson. Here is a story of mine.

Last Sunday I went fishing. After setting up my fishing rod with bait, I sat down on the bank of the lake. But two hours later, I didn’t catch any fish. I got very angry and began to pack up my stuff, preparing to go back home.

Just then, I saw an old man sitting near me. To my surprise, his basket was full of fish, so I went over to him, wanting to know why. “Excuse me, but how long have you sat here?” I asked. “About four hours,” he answered. “Four hours?” I couldn’t believe my ears. “Yes. It’s very important to be patient,” the old man said. “Don’t consider fishing a tiring sport. Just enjoy it.” Suddenly, I understood what he said. I must learn to be patient. Then I sat there and waited for fish patiently. I felt a fish touch the bait, but I didn’t move and waited for the right moment to reel it in. At last, I caught it. This made me very happy. In the following six hours, I caught over 10 fish.

On my way home, I thought what had happened on the bank. I gradually realized that the secret of success was patience.




a)叙述你认识到耐心的重要性的一次真实或虚构的经历; b)你是如何认识到耐心的重要性的; c)耐心对你的生活、学习有什么影响。 [写作要求]

(1)可以参照阅读材料的篇章结构组织故事,但不得直接引用原文中的句子; (2)标题自定。 [评分标准]

概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。 [写作指导]

Where there is a will, there is a way.



(2)扼要概括:概括一篇记叙文,可按记叙文的几大要素来组织。 What(事情) was taught a lesson by an old man Who(人物) the writer When(时间) when going fishing Where(地点) on the bank of the lake What to learn(结果) Patience is important.

Patience is the secret of success.

(3)构思经历:回想经历或编撰故事。能让你认识到耐心的重要性的经历可以是:等公共汽车、学写毛笔字、学习英语、学钢琴等。想好例子后,也可以按上面的表格去构思。现以等共汽车为例: What(事情) waited for a bus Who(人物) I When(时间) when going to school Where(地点) at the bus stop What to learn(结果) Patience is important.

除了这些,还要简单介绍耐心对你的生活、学习的影响。 Step 3根据汉语提示用适当的短语把下列故事补充完整

The story is about an unforgettable lesson of the writer from an old man (在钓鱼时), through which the writer (意识到耐心是重要的)and that (它是成功的秘诀.

I have a similar experience. Once I 等公交车at the stop for 30 minutes, no bus came. 我不能再等了 and decided to walk to school. But no sooner had I left than the bus arrived. I thought __________________________________ ____________________________________ (如果我再多等一分钟,我就能赶上了). If I wanted to take the next bus, I would have to wait for another 30 minutes. __________________________ __________________________(在那时我才意识到耐心的重要性). Being impatient will waste all the efforts that we have made. Patience also plays an important part in our study and life. With it we can achieve greater.

Now, whenever I am to lose my patience, I’ll think of the experience of waiting for a bus. 课后作业: 翻译以下句子: 1.你应该回国。



____________________________________________________ 4.因为全世界正变成一个地球村,所以英语将变得越来越重要。 5.我的英语还可以。



Where there is a will, there is a way.

