
2023-02-09 13:51:11   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《关于兼职的英语对话阅读》,欢迎阅读!

DavidIs it common for university students to have past-time jobs?大学生做兼职工作是件很平常的事吗?

You:对,很常见。Yes. It is very common.

DavidWhat kind of jobs do they usually have? 他们通常都会找些什么样的兼职做?

YouThey normally have jobs like tutors. How about the United States? How is it like for students there?多数是做家教。美国的学生呢?

DavidIt is also common for university students to have part-time jobs, but not so much as tutors. Many university students work on campus. For examplesome students work in the library, school store or dining hall. But some also work off campus as waiters or waitressed at local restaurants.他们也做兼职,但个别不做家教或是保姆。很多学生都在学校里找些兼职做,比喻在图书馆,校商店或是学校餐厅。也有一些人在校外餐馆里做服务员。

YouI heard it is a cinch for students in the US to find a job in college because the school offers many opportunities on campus. But in China, not all colleges have campus jobs for students. 我据说,美国大学生很轻易就能在校园里找到活儿做,因为学校本身就会供应很多工作机会。但在中国这样的大学就不久。 DavidSo where do students get jobs? 那学生们都去哪儿找工作?

YouYes, I had a job I worked for three years as a tutor. Studying

English can give you more opportunities towards finding a job such as being a tutor. If you learn English, you can be a primary school teacher and tutor little children. So it is easier for English majors to find part time jobs.社会上找啊。对那些家里不是很富有的学生来说,他们得做兼职工作来补贴生活。即便是找到的工作不空想,他们也得做。

DavidDid you have a job?你做过兼职吗?

You:做过,我做过三年的家教。学英语的人会更容易找到像家教这样的工作,做个小学老师或是教小孩子。所以英语专业的学生较容易找到兼职工作 DavidStudying English does open doors. 能为你敞开方便之门。


艾伯特: Hello, I`m Albert. I read in the poster that you`re looking for a student to work as a language assistant.

.你好.我叫艾伯特.我你们要招学生做语言助手的海报. 爱丽丝: Yes, we are. Are you interested in the job? 是的.你对这个工作感兴趣吗?

艾伯特: I think so. But before I apply, could you tell me more about the work?

是的.我很感兴趣.但在我申请之前.你能否让我了解更多的情况呢? 爱丽丝: Have you ever worked with tape recorders before? 你以前曾做过磁带录音工作?

艾伯特: I used cassette recorders a lot when I studied Japanese in senior middle school.


爱丽丝: Good. If you decide to take the job, I`ll explain how to operate the system. Are you sure?

假如你决定干这份工作.我将给你解说怎样操作系统.怎么样? 艾伯特: How many hours would I work? 工作多少小时?

爱丽丝: Ten hours a week. Monday through Friday from 4 to 6pm. And 150 yuan a week.

每周十个小时.星期一至星期五的下午4点到6.每周150. 艾伯特: OK, I`ll take the job. 好吧.我做这份工作.

爱丽丝: Fine. Please fill out this application form.

