苏教版五年级英语下册 5B句型整理 (1)

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Unit1 Cinderella

Why are you so saddear?亲爱的,你为什么如此难过? Because I cant go to the party.因为我不能去参加晚会。

There is a party at the princes house.在王子家有一场晚会。 Come and help me!过来帮我。

Where are my gloves?我的手套在哪儿? Let me help you.让我帮助你。

Cinderella puts on the new clothes and shoes.灰姑娘穿上新衣服和鞋子。 Cinderella has a good time at the party.灰姑娘在晚会上玩得很高兴。 FinallyCinderella tries it on.最后,灰姑娘试穿了它。 Do you have any snacks?你有一些零食吗? Would you like one?你想要一个吗? Ohwhat a pity!哦,真遗憾!

Unit 2 How do you come to school

How do you come to school?你怎样来学校? I come to school on foot.我步行来学校。

Do you like your new homeSu Hai?你喜欢你的新家吗,苏海? But its far from school.但它离学校很远。 Where do you live now?你现在住在哪儿?

I live on Moon Streetnear City Library.我住在月亮街,市图书馆附近。 Su Yang and I come to school by bus.我和苏阳乘公共汽车来学校。 I come to school by metro.我乘地铁来学校。

He likes riding it in the park.他喜欢在公园里骑它。

Bobby wants to show his bike to Sam.波比想要把他的自行车给萨姆看。 Can I go to school by bike?我可以骑自行车去学校吗? Bobbys dad does not think so.波比的爸爸可不这样认为。

Unit 3 Asking the way

Excuse mehow do I get to?打扰一下,我怎样才能到达……? You can get on the metro at 你可以在……乘地铁 You can get on the bus at你可以在……公共汽车 Thenwalk to然后,步行到…… Thengo along然后,沿着……

Get off at City Library Station.从市图书馆站出来 She asks a policeman for help.她向一位警察求助。 Turn right at the traffic lights.在交通灯处向右转。

You can see the bookshop on your right.你能在你的右侧看到那家书店。 Lets go to the cinema by taxi.让我们乘出租车去电影院吧。 Were too lateBobby!我们太迟了,波比。

Unit 4 Seeing the doctor

Whats wrong with you?你怎么了?

I have a fever/headache/cold/toothache我发烧/头疼/感冒/牙疼

You should你应该

You shouldnt... 你不应该

She goes to see the doctor.她去看医生。 Let me check.让我检查一下。

You should have a rest at home.你应当在家休息。 I cant eat anything.我不能吃任何东西。

Do you eat a lot of sweets?你吃许多糖果吗? YesI do.是的。

My arm hurts.我的胳膊疼。

Bobby is very happy to help them.波比很高兴帮助他们。 How do you feel now?你(们)现在感觉怎么样? Can you help meBobby?你能帮助我吗,波比?

Unit 5 Helping our parents I am doing我正在做…… He is doing他正在做…… She is doing她正在做…… We are doing我们正在做…… They are doing他们正在做…… Im helping him.我正在帮助他。

My mother is cooking breakfast in the kitchen.我妈妈正在厨房做早饭。 What is he doing now?他现在正在做什么? What are we doing now?我们现在正在做什么? Helen and I are helping her.我和海伦正在帮助她。 Helen is washing the dishes.海伦正在洗碗。

They are eating fruit in the living room.他们正在客厅吃水果。 Bobby grows grapes in his garden.波比在他的果园里种了葡萄。 My grapes are big and sweet.我的葡萄又大又甜。 They are so sweet!他们真甜!

We can help you!我们可以帮助你!

Unit 6 In the kitchen

Are you cooking meat?您在烧肉吗?

NoIm not. Im washing some vegetables.不。我正在洗一些蔬菜。 I cant waitDad!爸爸,我等不及了! Hows the meat?肉怎么样? Hows the soup?汤怎么样? Its yummy真好吃。 Its nice真好吃

His parents are cooking dinner in the kitchen.他的父母正在厨房里做晚饭。 That smells nice.那闻起来真香。

I want to cook some tomato soup.我想要煮一些番茄汤。 Im cooking meat with potatoes我正在做土豆烧肉。

Mumis there any apple juice in the fridge?妈妈,冰箱里有些苹果汁吗?

Here are some ladybirds.这儿有一些瓢虫。

How many spots does this ladybird have?这只瓢虫有多少个斑点?

Unit7 Chinese festivals

The Spring Festival is in春节在……

The Dragon Boat Festival isin端午节在…… TheMid-Autumn Festival is in中秋节在…… The Double Ninth Festival is in重阳节在……

At this festival, people get together with their families.在这个节日,人们和家人团聚在一起。

There are dragon boat races in some places.在一些地方有龙舟比赛。 People eat rice dumplings at this festival.人们在这个节日吃粽子。

People look at the moon at night with their families.人们在夜晚和家人一起赏月。It is a festival for old people.这是老人们的节日。

They also climb mountains and eat rice cakes at this festival.他们在这个节日也爬山,吃重阳糕。

Do you know Mothers Day?你知道母亲节吗?

What do people do on Mothers Day?人们在母亲节做什么?

Bobby and Tina talk about the present for Mum.波比和蒂娜谈论给妈妈的礼物。

Unit8 Birthdays

Whens your birthday?你的生日在什么时候? Its on它在……

What do you do on your birthday?你们在生日的时候做什么? We usually我们通常……

We usually have a big dinner with our parents and grandparents.我们通常和父母、祖父母吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。

After thatwe play with Kitty the cat在那以后,我们和小猫基蒂玩。 We have a great time.我们玩得很高兴。

We always have a party at home.我们总是在家里举办一场聚会。

We eat the birthday cake together and play some games.我们一起吃生日蛋糕、玩些游戏

We have a lot of fun!我们玩得很开心!

How can I open the door?我怎样才能打开门? Im good at Maths.我擅长数学

What a play!多么糟糕的一部剧啊!

