【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英语重要性十大理由英文》,欢迎阅读!

1. English is the language of international communication: English has become a global language. It is used in almost all the countries of the world, and it is the official
language in many countries, including Australia, Canada and the United States. Therefore, if you want to communicate with people from other countries, English is the language you need to know.
2. English is necessary for higher education in many countries: Most universities and colleges around the world use English as their primary language. If you want to pursue higher education, it is essential for you to know English. 3. English is important for traveling: English is
essential for traveling in many countries. Many people from other countries speak English, so it is easy to communicate with them. Additionally, all the signs and directions in many tourist spots are written in English.
4. English provides access to a rich source of
information: English is the primary language of many books, magazines, websites, and other sources of information. All kinds of information in all different fields can be found in English, providing you with more choices when it comes to learning.
5. English is essential for getting a good job: Knowing English is essential for getting a good job in many companies. Many companies require employees to have a high level of English knowledge or to pass an English test.
6. By learning English you can make new friends: English is spoken all around the world. Thus when you travel to
different countries and meet new people, knowing English will make it easier for you to make friends. You can communicate more easily with people from other cultures.
7. English is the language of business: The majority of international business transactions are conducted in English. Learning English will give you a better understanding of international business practices and help you better compete in the global economy.
8. English is important for literature and culture: English is the language of classic literature and movies. Studying English will help you gain access to some of the greatest works of art in the world.
9. English is important for the Internet: English is the most commonly used language on the Internet. It’s estimated that more than half of the websites online are in English. Being able to read, write and understand English will help you find the information you need more quickly and easily. 10. English is fun and rewarding to learn: Learning
English can be difficult, but also fun and rewarding. You can learn a lot about different cultures and make new friends simply by learning English. By learning English, you will open up a world of possibilities for yourself!