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Few things offer as many benefits that a child gets from learning a second language . But to maximize these benefits, a child must start young, preferably as an infant. Research shows that an infant's brain comes pre-wired to learn language, and children begin to build their language skills from birth. They can actually differentiate between different languages long before they can vocalize them themselves, and there seems to be no limit to the number of languages a young child can acquire.
学习一门新的语言给孩童带来的好处非常之多。但如果想让学习语言的好处最大化,孩子必须在很早的时候就开始学习,最好是婴儿时期就开始学起。有研究表明,婴儿有学习语言的先天才能,他们一出生起就有了语言能力,在学会说话之前其实他们就能够听懂语言。婴孩对语言的学习能力似乎是无限的。 It doesn't get any easier 婴孩时期学习语言是最容易的
Young children effortlessly pick up whatever language or languages they are exposed to. Researchers say that when you are young, you aquire language, rather than having to learn it. If you wait until you are older to start, language becomes something you must learn by rote and memorization. It then becomes work, and few people who start late with a second language ever succeed in becoming fluent with good accents.
小婴孩接触到什么语言就能够轻而易举地学会。研究者称,人在幼年时期习得语言,而不是学习语言。如果等到孩子长大再开始,学习语言必须得通过死记硬背,这样的学习就非常机械化了。学外语晚的人很难有地道的发音和流利的口语。 Building a bigger, better brain 学习外语可以锻炼大脑
When it comes to language, infants are pre-wired to learn. They actually form connections and grow new brain cells to process the particular languages they are exposed to. Bilingual children tend to actually have measurably larger brains with denser grey matter than their monolingual peers. This extra brain power has been shown to give these children an advantage later in life in such areas as logic and math.