【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英语六级作文》,欢迎阅读!

Topic 1
Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your
essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the influence of smart
phone addiction. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
Smart Phone Addiction
Has it ever happened to you? Have you been among friends,whose eyes focused on their smart phones, without saying a word for a long time? As is illustrated in the picture above, lots of people suffer from that “smart phone addiction”. Ironically, modern technology, which is supposed to enhance our contact with each other, has actually become the barrier to personal communication. That phenomenon is superficially plausible, but it is harmful in the long run. As for individuals, the unwillingness to communicate may produce the estrangement between people. Concerning groups, relations are in dispensible for interpersonal communication in the course of team work. From a social aspect, the survival and growth of a group is mainly dependent upon the sound communication with others. If not, the world would become a horrible place filled with misunderstanding and indifference.
We can conclude from the previous discussion that interpersonal communication is of vital importance to us. It is high time that we put down the smart phones and resume communication with others. Only in this way can we make our society more peaceful and harmonious.
在你身边发生过这样的事情吗?你是否经历过与一群朋友在一起,大家却都只盯着自己 的手机,相互之间长时间一言不发?如上图所示,现在有很多人都有这种“智能手机瘾”。 现代科技本该用来增强人们之间的联系,但极具讽刺意味的是,它反而成了人际交往的 障碍。这种现象看似合理,但从长远来看,贻害无穷。就个人来说,不愿与人交流会使得人 与人之间产生隔阂。就团队来说,团体合作都离不开人际交流。就社会来说,社会的存续和 发展离不开有效的人际交流。否则,我们的世界将充满着误解和冷漠。
通过以上讨论,可以得出结论,人际交流对于我们来说至关重要。我们是时候该放下手 机,重拾人际交流了!只有这样,我们的社会才能更加安定和谐。
Topic 2
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Which Is More Important, Diploma or Competence? You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
Which Is More Important, Diploma or Competence?
Which counts more,diploma or competence? It is a much- discussed question. Many people believe diploma is of great importance since it is the first requirement for many job descriptions. With an increasing number of graduates pouring into the job market, diploma becomes a crucial criteria for the interview during the first round.
However, there are many people holding the opinion that competence is much more important than diploma in practice. Many company favor those who have professional skills and practical experience in dealing with emergencies, especially for those who can take an initiative when given an assignment or a challenging task.
To the best of my knowledge,it is reasonable to say that diploma is important when people hunt for a job, while competence is relatively more important when you deal with a practical
problem. Therefore,it is better to get the diploma first and then make every effort to put what you have learnt into practice.
学历和能力哪个更重要?这个问题一直备受人们争论。许多人认为学历更重要,因为它 是许多工作要求的第一标准。随看越来越多的毕业生涌入就业市场,毕业证书成为公司第一 轮面试的重要标准。
但是,有人认为在实际中工作能力比学历更重要。许多公司更青昧有专业技能和实践经 验并能够处理紧急事件的人才,尤其是那些能够主动承担具有挑战性工作的人。
在我看来,人们找工作时证书很重要;而在解决实际问题时能力更重要。因此,首先应 该获得证书,然后努力将所学到的理论应用到实践中。
Topic 3
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Failure Is the Mother of Success by commenting on the saying “Sometimes you have to fall before you can
You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
Failure Is the Mother of Success
The proverb “Sometimes you have to fall before you can fly” conveys such a moral that failure comes first, followed by success, namely, failure is the mother of success. This rule holds true for many cases in our life. When someone does something, he often fails before he can overcome obstacles and then
move forward. Just think of the story of the great inventor Thomas Edison. He failed 10,000 times before he invented the electric light. The voluminous personal papers of Edison revealed that his inventions typically did not spring to life in a flash of inspiration but evolved slowly from
previous works. It is believed that sometimes a series of apparent failures are really followed by successes.
In the long journey of life,we will inevitably encounter all kinds of difficulties and obstacles. We should have a doom unbeatable faith and determined will and be not afraid of falling in order to climb to the peak. Please remember if we want to fly freely in the sky of success, we have to fall first. 【译文】
有句谚语说,“有时候,你得先跌下去,才能飞起来”,它传达了这样一个寓意:先经历 失败,紧随其后的就是成功,即失败乃成功之母。这条准则适用于我们生活中的很多情况。 当有人在做一些事情的时候,在克服障碍向前迈进之前,他总是经历一些失败。想一
想伟大的发明家托马斯·爱迪生的故事。他失败了一万次才发明了电灯。大量有关爱迪生的 私人文件显示,他的发明通常并不是源于瞬间迸发的灵感,而是之前大量工作的逐步积累。 人们相信,一系列明显的失败之后,紧接着就是成功。
在人生的途中,我们不可避免地会遇到各种各样的困难和障碍。为了攀登高峰,我们应 该有无与伦比的信心和坚定的意志。请记住,如果我们想在成功的天空中自由飞翔,我们必 须先跌下去。 Topic 4
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Credit. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.