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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《PEP小学英语三年级colours教学设计第一课时》,欢迎阅读!


Unit 2 Colours

Lesson 2 Part A

Teaching aims: 1.语言知识目标:

The pupils can understandread and say the colours: redyellowbluegreen. They can say the key sentence: I see ... 2.语言技能目标

The pupils can find out colours, and show others the colorful things around them.. They can play games with colours; 3.x学习策略目标

The pupils can work in pairs or in small groups to do a task.. They can work together to finish some tasks, and they can talk about colours with others. 4.情感态度目标

Make the children love the colorful world Cultivate their interests of English.

Key words and sentences: 1. words: red, yellow, blue, green 2. Sentences: I see red. Show me yellow.



Difficult points:

1. The pronunciation of gr-, green, how to write the words correctly.

2. How to use the key sentence: I see to describe the real objects in daily life.

Teaching aids:

Multi-media computer, electric whiteboard, bonus star stickers.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Greetings and review

Purpose of designing: 通过热身运动调动学生的学习热情,走近学生建立起较有亲和力的教师形象。并通过学生熟悉的卡通人物,复习所学句型,同时起到活跃课堂气氛,调动学习兴趣的作用。

1. Greetings:

Tgood morning, boys and girls.

T: I’m Miss Xu, what’s your name? (Point to S1) T: Nice to meet you! ( 微笑并和学生握手) T: Whats your name? ask S2,S3..)



T: Now, who can be a little teacher? Come in front and greet your friends. If you can, I’ll give you a star! (鼓励学生上前来扮演小老师,和同学们打招呼) 2. Reviewlast class

TGood! Today, we have some good friends here. Lets meet them.( 播放课件视频,听歌曲猜人物) T: Can you tell me who are they? This is S:

TWow! This is Xiyangyang.(课件依次展示4卡通人物,请学生操练复习句型)

Step 2. lead in

Purpose of designing: 通过卡通人物的服装颜色,自然的过渡到颜色的学习,激发了学生的兴趣。

TMeiyangyang is a beautiful girl. She has many beautiful clothes. Do you know which one does she like? (课件展示一个大衣柜,里面有很多女士彩色服装,引出本课主题)

Step 3. presentation

Purpose of designing:开始本课重点的学习运用灵活的教学形式,活动与练习穿插,使学生熟练掌握。注意到句型和词汇的融会贯通,让学生学以致用。

T: Look at this dress. What colour is it?It’s red. Follow me, red,



red, r-e-d, red.( 课件出示单词,并通过白板的书写功能,在单词下的四线格上请学生来书写)

TThere are many red things around us. Lets find red, OK? If you find it, please show me and say red! Now, I do!(教师做示范,手放在眼睛上,做出寻找的样子,指向一红色的物体).Are you ready? Show me red! Sred.

T:Now, Meiyangyang changes clothes. What colour is it?(课件展示另三种颜色的服装, 依次学习yellow, blue, green.)


T: Now, we just learned blue. This time I want you to look at yourself, if you have blue, please stand up and say: blue. Do you understand?

TGood job! Boys and girls! Now, look at the screen. Lets play a game. Wow! What’s this? It’s a lucky rolling wheel. (利用白板的插件,玩游戏—幸运色彩转盘)

(该部分的学习可按照以下顺序:1.听录音, 2. 听并跟读,3.跟教师跟读,4.学生小组操练)

Step 4. Practices and consolidation

Purpose of designing该部分通过活泼的互动游戏形式,巧妙的将两种句型和词汇结合起来,使学生熟练掌握本课的重难点。同时也提高了学生的学习兴趣和积极性。



活动1:火眼金睛-colours on my friends

教师请一位同学上前来,并介绍:this is my friend Zhang Ming .I see blue.(指着该同学身上的蓝色衣服). What can you see? (励学生发现该学生身上的颜色,并上前指出)

TWell done, boys and girls. Now I’ll divide you into 2 groups. One point for one sentence. Are you ready?

(把学生分为两组,请三到五位衣着鲜艳的学生上前,分组比赛,看哪组发现同学身上的颜色多则获胜。) 活动2:闪电速度-show me colours

T: Now, look, I have a red crayon. Do you have one? Good! First, please look at your books, Listen carefully…

T: OK, let’s do the game, ready? Show me green! Show me yellow!

Show me a red book. Show me a green crayon…

(该部分的学习从书本的听力练习开始,接着模仿书本请学生操练, show me a red/green/yellow/blue book/pencil/eraser…起到复习词汇的作用。)

Step 5:summary and extension

Purpose of designing总结回顾本课,使学生对本课的知识点较清晰,同时升华主题,巧妙的引入自然科学,实现学科间的融会贯通。 TBoys and girls, our life is full of colours. Can you tell me the



colours of them? S: Red. I see red.

T:our nature is very colorful, too.Look at the picture of seasons. This is spring, I see green, and what can you see? S: I see red…

T: This is summer, what can you see? S: I see…

T: Good job! Our nature is beautiful, yes or no? We love the nature, let’s protect it, ok? S: OK!

Step 6: Homework

Purpose of designing作业的形式可不拘泥与抄写,朗读等传统形式,与学生的生活结合起来。让学生爱上英语体会英语带来的乐趣。 1. 用今天所学的颜色画几朵美丽的花,并请标上花朵的颜色哦! 2. 同学们,我们今天学习的颜色都藏在你的家里了,你能回家找出它们吗?请找出并用英语告诉爸爸妈妈:I see…

Blackboard design:

Unit 2 colours

red yellow green blue

I see...

