
2023-03-11 07:25:14   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《“贫困”是最大的“问题”》,欢迎阅读!



子曰:邦有道,贫且贱焉,耻也;邦无道,富且贵焉,耻也。In a country well governed poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed wealth is something to be ashamed of.

曼德拉则说:As long as poverty injustice and gross inequality persist in our world none of us can truly rest.只要世界上存在贫困、不公以及不均,我们所有人都无法安宁。

无论是邦有道时的贫贱之耻,还是贫困导致的惴惴不安,都说明贫困是个大问题。或正因此,我们国家十分重视扶贫工作政治文件中也经常出现与贫困紧密相关的表述。今天,我们一起看看用英文该如何传递此类意思。 1. 扶贫 poverty reliefpoverty alleviation 2. 赤贫 abject poverty

3. 对扶贫开发工作高度重视 attach great importance to development-oriented poverty alleviation

4. 贫困地区 impoverished areapoverty-stricken area(相信读者自己可以找出深度贫困地的英文)

5. 贫困人口 poverty-stricken individuals 6. 农村贫困人口 the rural poor 7. 消除贫困 eradicate/eliminate poverty 8. 实现共同富裕 achieve common prosperity 9. 脱贫 shake off povertybreak away from poverty 10. 脱贫致富 break away from poverty and achieve prosperity 11. 帮助脱贫 raise/lift sb out of povertyreduce poverty 12. 困难群众 people living in deprivation

13. 打赢脱贫攻坚战 win the battle against poverty

14. 脱贫攻坚已经到了啃硬骨头、攻坚拔寨的冲刺阶段。China’s battle against poverty has entered the toughest stage.

15. 把脱贫攻坚战当作头等大事 take the fight against poverty as the top priority 16. 精准扶贫 take targeted measures for poverty relieftargeted poverty alleviation 17. 按照精准扶贫的要求研究对策 study the problems and work out appropriate methods in accordance with the requirements of targeted poverty alleviation 18. 增加专项扶贫资金 increase special funds for poverty relief 19. 虚报冒领扶贫资金 falsely claim poverty relief funds

除了最常见的poverty一词,还可以使用以下词汇表示贫穷状态:destitutionprivationdeprivationimpoverishmentpauperismhand-to-mouth existence,例如: 1. live in extreme destitution 极端贫困;一无所有 2. suffer privation 遭受贫困

3. suffer the deprivations of war 经历战时的物品匮乏

4. Political instability resulted in impoverishment and famine. 政治動荡导致贫困和饥荒。 5. descend into pauperism 贫困潦倒

6. live in a hand-to-mouth existence 勉强糊口;过着紧巴巴的日子 7. He was left completely destitute. 他沦落到一贫如洗的地步。


