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2011 Part A Text 1

The decision of the New York Philharmonic to hire Alan Gilbert as its next music director has been the talk of the classical-music world ever since the sudden announcement of his appointment in 2009. For the most part, the response has been favorable, to say the least. ―Hooray! At last!‖ wrote Anthony Tommasini, a sober-sided classical-music critic.

One of the reasons why the appointment came as such a surprise, however, is that Gilbert is comparatively little known. Even Tommasini, who had advocated Gilbert‘s appointment in the Times, calls him ―an unpretentious musician with no air of the formidable conductor about him.‖ As a description of the next music director of an orchestra that has hitherto been led by musicians like Gustav Mahler and Pierre Boulez, that seems likely to have struck at least some Times readers as faint praise.

For my part, I have no idea whether Gilbert is a great conductor or even a good one. To be sure, he performs an impressive variety of interesting compositions, but it is not necessary for me to visit Avery Fisher Hall, or anywhere else, to hear interesting orchestral music. All I have to do is to go to my CD shelf, or boot up my computer and download still more recorded music from iTunes.

Devoted concertgoers who reply that recordings are no substitute for live performance are missing the point. For the time, attention, and money of the art-loving public, classical instrumentalists must compete not only with opera houses, dance troupes, theater companies, and museums, but also with the recorded performances of the great classical musicians of the 20th century. There recordings are cheap, available everywhere, and very often much higher in artistic quality than today‘s live performances; moreover, they can be ―consumed‖ at a time and place of the listener‘s choosing. The widespread availability of such recordings has thus brought about a crisis in the institution of the traditional classical concert.

One possible response is for classical performers to program attractive new music that is not yet available on record. Gilbert‘s own interest in new music has been widely noted: Alex Ross, a classical-music critic, has described him as a man who is capable of turning the Philharmonic into ―a markedly different, more vibrant organization.‖ But what will be the nature of that difference? Merely expanding the orchestra‘s repertoire will not be enough. If Gilbert and the Philharmonic are to succeed, they must first change the relationship between America‘s oldest orchestra and the new audience it hops to attract. 译文:

纽约爱乐乐团决定聘请Alan Gilbert作为下一任的音乐总监,这从2009年任命被宣布之日起就在古典音乐界引起了热议.别的不说,大部分人的反应是积极的.―好啊,终于好了!‖ Anthony Tommasini写道,他可是一个以严肃著称的古典音乐评论家.

但是,这个任命之所以一起人们惊讶的原因却是Gilbert相对而言并不是很有名.甚至在时代杂志上发文支Gilbert任命的Tommasini都称其为:低调的音乐家,在他身上找不到那种飞扬跋扈的指挥家的气质.纽约爱乐乐团迄今为止都是由像Gustav Mahler(古斯塔夫马勒)Pierre Boulez布列兹那样的音乐家领导的.这样去描述这个乐团的下一位指挥,至少对于时代的读者而言,这是一种苍白的表扬.

就我看来,我不知道Gilbert是否是一个伟大的指挥家或者是一个好的指挥.但是我能确定的是,他能表现出很多有趣的乐章,但是我却应该不会去Avery Fisher Hall或者其他地方去听一场有趣的交响乐演出.我要做的事情就是去我的CD架上,或者打开的我的电脑ITUNES上下载更多的唱片.


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对于古典音乐演奏者而言,他们可能的一个回应就是排练出唱片上没有的曲目.Gilbert对新音乐兴趣已经被广泛的关注了:Alex Ross,一名古典音乐的批评家,就这样描述道:他能够把爱乐乐团变成一个完全不同,更加有活力的组织.但是那种不同的性质也是什么呢?可能仅仅增加乐团演出的曲目是不够的,如果Gilbert他的乐团要进步的话,他们就必须首先改变美国最古老的乐团(就是纽约爱乐乐团)同他们想吸引的新观众间的关系.


这篇文章来自Commentary 20079月刊的一篇文章Selling Classical Music by TERRY TEACHOUT.这个杂志可以说知名度并不高,这可以看出命题人的出题指向性,反反命题的倾向很严重.以前的经济学人,今年只有B节入选.这篇文章的体裁是议论文.第一二段都是一个引入.三段提出了作者的观点.四段和五段是对于三段观点进一步的递进和展开.而在第一个第二段中是不同的人对于新任指挥的看法.所以阅读考研文章没有什么复杂的就是关注观点!分清论点和论据! 试题分析:

21. We learn from Para.1 that Gilbert‘s appointment has . [A]incurred criticism. [B]raised suspicion. [C]received acclaim. [D]aroused curiosity.

解析:如果只根据第一段的话,那么大多数人 most part favorable,甚至连不苟言笑的Anthony Tommasini都发出万岁的声音.所以选C

22. Tommasini regards Gilbert as an artist who is [A]influential. [B]modest. [C]respectable. [D]talented.

解析:这个题目关键就是要学会对论点和论据的敏感:Tommasini是个具体的人提他是有目的的.问他的看法,你可以直接看这样一句:―an unpretentious musician with no air of the formidable conductor about him.‖但是这样的句子中的:unpretentiousformidable属于难词,真正知道其词义的同学不多,无法直接得出答案 而这个句子在段落中和第一句是一个递进的关系,他是进一步说明第一句的:One of the reasons why the appointment came as such a surprise, however, is that Gilbert is comparatively little known.这个句子难度不大.这个人相对来讲名气不大.A,C,D 都无从谈起了.只有modest和这个名气大不大能相关. 23. The author believes that the devoted concertgoers [A]ignore the expenses of live performances. [B]reject most kinds of recorded performances. [C]exaggerate the variety of live performances. [D]overestimate the value of live performances.

解析:作者的观点:The author believes,这个是在关注定位词devoted concertgoers后的另外一个关键点;作者认为concertgoers miss the point;但具体是什么,需要看选项了.A ,忽略了现场演奏的费用,B,拒绝大多数的唱片演奏.这两个是没有根据的属于未提及选项.C有一定的干扰性:the variety of live performances,二段中是有variety 这个单词的,并且在段落中出现了好多并列的成分,这样对于很多没有读懂原文的同学其实是会产生视觉干扰的.但是the value of live performances这个宾语和动词是没有原文依据的.最后一个选项之所以正确是由于:作者在一直说唱片的好,而前面又说concertgoers认为现场演奏不会被唱片代替.这样就是论点上的正话反说了.通过排除法我们直接可以把答案定位到最后一个:高估了现场表演的价值. 24. According to the text, which of the following is true of recordings? [A]They are often inferior to live concerts in quality. [B]They are easily accessible to the general public. [C]They help improve the quality of music. [D]They have only covered masterpieces.

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解析:这是一道典型的细节题,通过题干中的关键词:recordings定位到倒数第二段:These recordings are cheap, available everywhere, and very often much higher in artistic quality than today‘s live performances; moreover, they can be ―consumed‖ at a time and place of the listener‘s choosing. The widespread availability of such recordings has thus brought about a crisis in the institution of the traditional classical concert.一连串的描述就是B.干扰项是C : They help improve the quality of music.Kevin的分析主谓宾,回文章中定位你会发现,文章中说的是唱片中的表演的质量要比现在的好,但是并没有说:help improve the quality of music. [A]They are often inferior to live concerts in quality.和原文表述相反.[D]They have only covered masterpieces.原文没有提及.而且only的表意太绝对.

25. Regarding Gilbert‘s role in revitalizing the Philharmonic, the author feels [A]doubtful. [B]enthusiastic. [C]confident. [D]puzzled.

解析:问作者的态度,主体是作者,对象是Gilbert‘s role in revitalizing the Philharmonic从具体表述出发寻找相应的态度表达词:But what will be the nature of that difference? Merely expanding the orchestra‘s repertoire will not be enough.一个but ,一个?,一个not就把这种不确定性给出来了.于是这就是选A doubtful.

Text 2

When Liam McGee departed as president of Bank of America in August, his explanation was surprisingly straight up. Rather than cloaking his exit in the usual vague excuses, he came right out and said he was leaving ―to pursue my goal of running a company.‖ Broadcasting his ambition was ―very much my decision,‖ McGee says. Within two weeks, he was talking for the first time with the board of Hartford Financial Services Group, which named him CEO and chairman on September 29.

McGee says leaving without a position lined up gave him time to reflect on what kind of company he wanted to run. It also sent a clear message to the outside world about his aspirations. And McGee isn‘t alone. In recent weeks the No.2 executives at Avon and American Express quit with the explanation that they were looking for a CEO post. As boards scrutinize succession plans in response to shareholder pressure, executives who don‘t get the nod also may wish to move on. A turbulent business environment also has senior managers cautious of letting vague pronouncements cloud their reputations.

As the first signs of recovery begin to take hold, deputy chiefs may be more willing to make the jump without a net. In the third quarter, CEO turnover was down 23% from a year ago as nervous boards stuck with the leaders they had, according to Liberum Research. As the economy picks up, opportunities will abound for aspiring leaders.

The decision to quit a senior position to look for a better one is unconventional. For years executives and headhunters have adhered to the rule that the most attractive CEO candidates are the ones who must be poached. Says Korn Ferry senior partner Dennis Carey :―I can‘t think of a single search I‘ve done where a board has not instructed me to look at sitting CEOs first.‖

Those who jumped without a job haven‘t always landed in top positions quickly. Ellen Marram quit as chief of Tropicana when the business became part of PepsiCo (PEP) a decade ago, saying she wanted to be a CEO. It was a year before she became head of a tiny Internet-based commodities exchange. Robert Willumstad left Citigroup in 2005 with ambitions to be a CEO. He finally took that post at a major financial institution three years later.

Many recruiters say the old disgrace is fading for top performers. The financial crisis has made it more acceptable to be between jobs or to leave a bad one. ―The traditional rule was it‘s safer to stay where you are, but that‘s been fundamentally inverted,‖ says one headhunter. ―The people who‘ve been hurt the worst are those who‘ve stayed too long.‖ 译文:

当八月份,Liam McGee以总裁的身份从美国银行离职的时候,他的解释出人意料的直白.他没有忸怩的用平常的模糊的理由来遮掩他的离开,他很坦诚的讲他离开就是为了去追求他经营一家公司的目标.McGee说宣扬自己的目标就是自己的决定.两周后,他第一次和Hartford Financial Services Group的董事会第一次会谈,这家公司在929日提名他为董事会主席和CEO.

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他说在离开的时候并没有找好后面的职位(下家),使他有时间去反思他到底想去经营一家什么样的公司.这同时也就他的激情和决心,给了外界一个清晰的信号.这样做的并不只是McGee一个人.最近几周,Avon and American Express的一些高级经理离职并解释说想需找一个CEO的职位.当董事会迫于股东的压力对一系列的计划进行审查的时候,那些计划被否定掉的经理们也会想离开.激烈的商业环境同样使得高级经理很小心,模糊的表态可能会破坏他们的声誉.

经济复苏的标志开始确定的时候,二把手们可能更愿意在没有网(新的工作)情况下换工作.第三季度,根据Liberum调查CEO的更迭和一年前相比减少了23%,这是由于紧张的董事会紧盯着他们的CEO.随着经济的复苏和好转,对有理想的头儿们,机会是很多的. 离开高管的职位去寻找一个更好的职位,并不是传统的做法.多年以来,经理们和猎头们都认同这样一个原则:最有吸引力的CEO的竞争是那些需要去挖来的人.Korn Ferry senior partner Dennis Carey说道:我所做的每一次的招聘中,董事会都要求我从那些在任的CEO中寻找人选.

那些没有找到工作就离开的人并不是很快就能找到顶级的职位.10年前,TropicanaPepsiCo (PEP)收购了,她以经理的身份离职了,她说他想当CEO.但是花了一年的时间她才成为一家小型互联网交换公司的头.2005Robert Willumstad带着想成为CEO的梦想离开了Citigroup.可是三年后他才成为了一家主要的金融机构的CEO. 很多招聘的人都说对于高管而言,过去认为的丢脸的感觉(没有工作)已经慢慢消失了.金融危机已经使得跳槽,离开一个不好的工作变得更加可以接受了.一个猎头就说到: 传统的规则是待在你原来的地方会更加安全,但是现在已经彻底改变了. 那些受伤最厉害的就是那里在一个地方待太久的人.‖ 文章分析:

这篇文章来自:Business Week 商业周刊 2009115日,Top Managers Are Quitting, Without a New Job by Jena McGregor:顶级经理人在离职,新工作还没着落.

文章从Liam McGee的跳槽为引子开始,引出第二段中跳槽的人很多.第三段进一步的讲金融危机会引起更多的人跳槽.四段和五段回顾过去.六段回到现在.借别人的嘴强化观点:就是该跳,并且要裸跳,在没有找到下家就跳.―裸跳不丢人.

26. When McGee announced his departure, his manner can best be described as being [A]arrogant. [B]frank.

[C]self-centered. [D]impulsive.

解析:根据题干中的McGee announced his departure定位到这两句:When Liam McGee departed as president of Bank of America in August, his explanation was surprisingly straight up. Rather than cloaking his exit in the usual vague excuses, he came right out and said he was leaving ―to pursue my goal of running a company.‖ straight up是第一个线索,Rather than vague excuses答案直接可以锁定:B. frank.

27. According to Paragraph 2, senior executives‘ quitting may be spurred by [A]their expectation of better financial status. [B]their need to reflect on their private life. [C]their strained relations with the boards. [D]their pursuit of new career goals.

解析:根据题干中的关键词senior executives‘ quitting,寻找原因:文章中很明确的with the explanation that they were looking for a CEO post.答案和原文使用了上下义词的替换;new career goals= CEO post;也是上下义词的替换.有干扰性最大的就是C了,后文确实提到了和board 之间的关系,但是是讲在计划不被批准的时候,不是和董事会关系紧张.并且董事会的审查是在股东的压力下才执行的. 28. The word ―poached‖ (Line 3, Paragraph 4) most probably means [A]approved of. [B]attended to. [C]hunted for [D]guarded against. 解析:理解这句话:I can‘t think of a single search I‘ve done where a board has not instructed me to look at sitting CEOs first.我所做的每一次的招聘中,董事会都要求我从那些在任的CEO中寻找人选.这说明那些人都是要去挖的,那么对应的单词就是hunt for .

29. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that [A]top performers used to cling to their posts.

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[B]loyalty of top performers is getting out-dated. [C]top performers care more about reputations. [D]it‘s safer to stick to the traditional rules.

解析:段落推理题.通过文章的这句话The traditional rule was it‘s safer to stay where you are, but that‘s been fundamentally inverted.我们可以直接得出答案A.

30. Which of the following is the best title for the text?

[A]CEOs: Where to Go? [B]CEOs: All the Way Up?

[C]Top Managers Jump without a Net [D]The Only Way Out for Top Performers 解析:强烈的干扰项是:[A]CEOs: Where to Go? [B]CEOs: All the Way Up?原因在于CEO在文中出现了很多次,同学们把CEO成了主体词.这也是反反命题的一个体现.文章的主体词其实是:top manager, CEO只是他们想去成为,而不是现在就是.不是主题词.这给了我们一个启示,要从文章的大意找结构.不要被其他的所谓技巧所迷惑.去掉AB以后,cd相比答案就比较容易了.只是要理解net 就是替换了new job.而原文的标题就是这样的top Managers Are Quitting, Without a New Job.

Text 3

The rough guide to marketing success used to be that you got what you paid for. No longer. While traditional ―paid‖ media – such as television commercials and print advertisements still play a major role, companies today can exploit many alternative forms of media. Consumers passionate about a product may create "earned" media by willingly promoting it to friends, and a company may leverage ―owned‖ media by sending e-mail alerts about products and sales to customers registered with its Web site. In factthe way consumers now approach the process of making purchase decisions means that marketing's impact stems from a broad range of factors beyond conventional paid media. Paid and owned media are controlled by marketers promoting their own products. For earned media , such marketers act as the initiator for users‘ responses. But in some cases, one marketer‘s owned media become another marketer‘s paid media for instance, when an e-commerce retailer sells ad space on its Web site. We define such sold media as owned media whose traffic is so strong that other organizations place their content or e-commerce engines within that environment. This trend ,which we believe is still in its infancy, effectively began with retailers and travel providers such as airlines and hotels and will no doubt go further. Johnson & Johnson, for example, has created BabyCenter, a stand-alone media property that promotes complementary and even competitive products. Besides generating income, the presence of other marketers makes the site seem objective, gives companies opportunities to learn valuable information about the appeal of other companies‘ marketing, and may help expand user traffic for all companies concerned.

The same dramatic technological changes that have provided marketers with more (and more diverse) communications choices have also increased the risk that passionate consumers will voice their opinions in quicker, more visible, and much more damaging ways. Such hijacked media are the opposite of earned media: an asset or campaign becomes hostage to consumers, other stakeholders, or activists who make negative allegations about a brand or product. Members of social networks, for instance, are learning that they can hijack media to apply pressure on the businesses that originally created them.

If that happens, passionate consumers would try to persuade others to boycott products, putting the reputation of the target company at risk. In such a case, the company‘s response may not be sufficiently quick or thoughtful, and the learning curve has been steep. Toyota Motor, for example, alleviated some of the damage from its recall crisis earlier this year with a relatively quick and well-orchestrated social-media response campaign, which included efforts to engage with consumers directly on sites such as Twitter and the social-news site Digg. 译文:


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如果那种事情发生,激动的消费者试图劝服其他人共同抵制两家公司的产品,从而危及企业声誉.当这种事情发生的时候,如果企业的回应不够快或不够好,那么就可能酿成悲剧.比如,在今年较早前发生的召回危机中,丰田汽车公司采取了较快且较有序的社交媒体回应行动,包括在Twitter社会新闻网站Digg等网站上与客户进行直接交流,从而挽回了部分损失. 文章分析:

这篇文章是很典型的,节选性决定了其不完整性,这篇文章的原文长度要远远长于节选的部分.第一段介绍了除开传统的媒体之外还有新的媒体earned media 产生.第二段,Paid and owned media引出了sold media,第三段和第四段就hijacked media 提出看法,这篇文章是说明性质的议论文.还是要关注论点和论据的问题. 试题分析:

31.Consumers may create ―earned‖ media when they are [A] obsessed with online shopping at certain Web sites. [B] inspired by product-promoting e-mails sent to them. [C] eager to help their friends promote quality products.

[D] enthusiastic about recommending their favorite products.

解析:Consumers passionate about a product may create "earned" media by willingly promoting it to friends同义改写了一下,把passionate about a product by willingly promoting it to friends变成了when they are这样答案就直接指向了:enthusiastic about recommending their favorite products.这样的同意改写在表达方式上变了但是核心含义没有发生改变还是对语言多样性的考察,所以答案就是D 32. According to Paragraph 2, sold media feature

[A] a safe business environment. [B] random competition. [C] strong user traffic. [D] flexibility in organization.

解析:根据题干关键词sold media回文定位:We define such sold media as owned media whose traffic is so strong that other organizations place their content or e-commerce engines within that environment.我们就将这种媒介定义为拥有巨大流量、以致其他机构纷纷前来投放内容或电子商务引擎的自有媒介.理解清楚答案:traffic除了有交通的意思外还有流量的意思是相对关键的.所以答案为:C 33. The author indicates in Paragraph 3 that earned media [A] invite constant conflicts with passionate consumers. [B] can be used to produce negative effects in marketing. [C] may be responsible for fiercer competition. [D] deserve all the negative comments about them.

解析:回文章定位:Such hijacked media are the opposite of earned media:Members of social networks, for instance, are learning that they can hijack media to apply pressure on the businesses that originally created them.第二句中的they can hijack media此处的的media就是earned media .当它被劫持后就变成了hijacked media进而成为了earned media 的反面那就是产生不利的影响,所以答案是B. 34. Toyota Motor‘s experience is cited as an example of

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[A] responding effectively to hijacked media.

[B] persuading customers into boycotting products. [C] cooperating with supportive consumers. [D] taking advantage of hijacked media. 解析:例证题,例证一定是为了某个观点服务的,这个例子对应的观点:In such a case, the company‘s response may not be sufficiently quick or thoughtful, and the learning curve has been steep. 当这种事情发生的时候,如果企业的回应不够快或不够好,那么就可能酿成悲剧.按照惯性,丰田这次就应该是酿成杯具了.但是出题人没有给出丰田杯具了的答案,因为他们也知道这样出题不符合常规且不人道.考生在这个时候可能会慌张,准备认真读例子了,但是有个单词不认识alleviated到底是表示加剧还是表示减轻呢?继续往后看,with a relatively quick and well-orchestrated social-media response campaign这说明他们的措施是得到的,所以应该是减轻.再回看前面的那一句:如果企业的回应不够快或不够好,那么就可能酿成悲剧.那么就说明丰田的例子在从好的方面例证他,也就是要是处理好了就不会有杯具.对应第一和第四个选项,两个选项区别很明显一个是被动回应,一个是主动利用这样就可得出答案:A

35. Which of the following is the text mainly about? [A] Alternatives to conventional paid media. [B] Conflict between hijacked and earned media. [C] Dominance of hijacked media. [D] Popularity of owned media.

解析:主旨题,这篇文章是说明性质的议论文,后面三个选项都只是涉及到文中说的一个细节,只有AAlternatives 包括了所有文章提到的几种传媒形式.

Text 4

It‘s no surprise that Jennifer Senior‘s insightful, provocative magazine cover story, ―I love My Children, I Hate My Life,‖ is arousing much chatter – nothing gets people talking like the suggestion that child rearing is anything less than a completely fulfilling, life-enriching experience. Rather than concluding that children make parents either happy or miserable, Senior suggests we need to redefine happiness: instead of thinking of it as something that can be measured by moment-to-moment joy, we should consider being happy as a past-tense condition. Even though the day-to-day experience of raising kids can be soul-crushingly hard, Senior writes that ―the very things that in the moment dampen our moods can later be sources of intense gratification and delight.‖

The magazine cover showing an attractive mother holding a cute baby is hardly the only Madonna-and-child image on newsstands this week. There are also stories about newly adoptive and newly single mom Sandra Bullock, as well as the usual ―Jennifer Aniston is pregnant‖ news. Practically every week features at least one celebrity mom, or mom-to-be, smiling on the newsstands.

In a society that so persistently celebrates procreation, is it any wonder that admitting you regret having children is equivalent to admitting you support kitten-killing ? It doesn‘t seem quite fair, then, to compare the regrets of parents to the regrets of the children. Unhappy parents rarely are provoked to wonder if they shouldn‘t have had kids, but unhappy childless folks are bothered with the message that children are the single most important thing in the world: obviously their misery must be a direct result of the gaping baby-size holes in their lives.

Of course, the image of parenthood that celebrity magazines like Us Weekly and People present is hugely unrealistic, especially when the parents are single mothers like Bullock. According to several studies concluding that parents are less happy than childless couples, single parents are the least happy of all. No shock there, considering how much work it is to raise a kid without a partner to lean on; yet to hear Sandra and Britney tell it, raising a kid on their ―own‖ (read: with round-the-clock help) is a piece of cake.

It‘s hard to imagine that many people are dumb enough to want children just because Reese and Angelina make it look so glamorous: most adults understand that a baby is not a haircut. But it‘s interesting to wonder if the images we see every week of stress-free, happiness-enhancing parenthood aren‘t in some small, subconscious way contributing to our own dissatisfactions with the actual experience, in the same way that a small part of us hoped getting ― the Rachel‖

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might make us look just a little bit like Jennifer Aniston. 译文:

毫无疑问,Jennifer Senior在有煸动意味的的杂志封面故事中表达了她的独到见解, 我爱我的孩子们,我讨厌我的生活‖——这唤起了人们的谈兴.人们一谈到养孩子就会觉得这是一件完全令人愉悦、生活充实的事.Jennifer Senior没有指出养孩子到底是使得父母快乐呢还是痛苦呢,她倒是认为,我们需要重新定义幸福:幸福不应该是一个个瞬间的快乐组合的可以被衡量的东西;我们应该把幸福视为一种过去式的状态.尽管抚养孩子的日子漫长难熬,令人筋疲力尽,但是Jennifer Senior认为,正是那些心绪沉重的时刻,日后却成为我们欢乐的源泉.




很难想象有的人生孩子就只是很傻很天真因为ReeseAngelina这种名流使这种行为变的很光鲜,——多数成年人其实理解:养孩子可不是剪头发那样简单.但这确实有趣:反思一下我们每周看到的无忧无虑,幸福诱人的为人父母的生活会不会从一种微小的,无意识的方面加剧我们对于现实生活的不满.这种方式就好像:我们有那种想成为― the Rachel‖(老友记中的单身妈妈)的心理,这种心理,使得我们看上去有点像詹尼弗安尼斯顿(Rachel 的扮演者).


源自:201097日的Newsweek 题目Not On Board With BabyParenthoodthe condition, not the TV showsucks. Or so everyone keeps saying.这篇文章是典型的观点议论文了.抓住观点很重要.一二段引入,后面表明作者的观点. 题目分析

36.Jennifer Senior suggests in her article that raising a child can bring [A]temporary delight [B]enjoyment in progress [C]happiness in retrospect [D]lasting reward

解析:题干关键词是suggest,这个题在问观点,那我们就找观点:在第一段Jennifer Senior两处表明了观点:信号词:suggests we need to redefine happiness: we should consider being happy as a past-tense condition Senior writes that ―the very things that in the moment dampen our moods can later be sources of intense gratification and delight.‖the very things that in the moment dampen our moods=题干中的raising a child同义改写.can later be sources of intense gratification and delight.= happiness in retrospect,这样答案锁定为C. 37.We learn from Paragraph 2 that

[A]celebrity moms are a permanent source for gossip. [B]single mothers with babies deserve greater attention. [C]news about pregnant celebrities is entertaining. [D]having children is highly valued by the public.

解析:这道题目的难度比较大,我们用排除法解题,A选项错在gossip,文章是关于娱乐的,和流言不是一回事;B选项中的single一词无来源依据;选项D,文章的第二段并未提到公众对生孩子是什么态度;而文章第二段强调的是娱乐杂志瞄准了这些做母亲的名人,大做文章,作为杂志的卖点,所以选C. 38.It is suggested in Paragraph 3 that childless folks [A]are constantly exposed to criticism.

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[B]are largely ignored by the media.

[C]fail to fulfill their social responsibilities. [D]are less likely to be satisfied with their life.

解析:这个题有一定的难度,根据题干中的childless folks,定位到第三段的Unhappy parents rarely are provoked to wonder if they shouldn‘t have had kids, but unhappy childless folks are bothered with the message that children are the single most important thing in the world: obviously their misery must be a direct result of the gaping baby-size holes in their lives. 没有人会去让不情愿养孩子的父母去反思自己是否不该养孩子,但是那不幸福的没有孩子的人却为类似这样的信息所困扰:孩子是世上唯一最可珍惜的东西,显然,你们的不幸必须通过生儿育女才能得以消除.推出D选项为正确答案.

39.According to Paragraph 4, the message conveyed by celebrity magazines is [A]soothing. [B]ambiguous. [C]compensatory. [D]misleading.

解析:Of course, the image of parenthood that celebrity magazines like Us Weekly and People present is hugely unrealistic,这句话中的unrealistic 有理由让我们觉得其他的选项都是浮云. 40.Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph? [A]Having children contributes little to the glamour of celebrity moms. [B]Celebrity moms have influenced our attitude towards child rearing. [C]Having children intensifies our dissatisfaction with life. [D]We sometimes neglect the happiness from child rearing. 解析:该题是段落推理题.

[A]Having children contributes little to the glamour of celebrity moms. [C]Having children intensifies our dissatisfaction with life.

文章中说道了我们对生活的不满,但是有没有讲有孩子加剧了我们对生活的不满,把句子的主干理出来就是:the images are contributing to our own dissatisfactions with the actual experience 同样的方法和视角来处理[D]We sometimes neglect the happiness from child rearing. 正确选项B 来自两个地方:首先是but的转折:前面说我们不会傻到由于这些明星的形象而要孩子的.那么转折就应该是:但是我们确实受了他们的影响.

Part B


The following paragraph are given in a wrong order. For Questions 41-45, you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent text by choosing from the list A-G to filling them into the numbered boxes. Paragraphs E and G have been correctly placed. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

文章自于2010225日的Economist 经济学人杂志, University education in America 美国的大学教育 [A] No disciplines have seized on professionalism with as much enthusiasm as the humanities. You can, Mr Menand points out, became a lawyer in three years and a medical doctor in four. But the regular time it takes to get a doctoral degree in the humanities is nine years. Not surprisingly, up to half of all doctoral students in English drop out before getting their degrees.

[B] His concern is mainly with the humanities: Literature, languages, philosophy and so on. These are disciplines that are going out of style: 22% of American college graduates now major in business compared with only 2% in history and 4% in English. However, many leading American universities want their undergraduates to have a grounding in the basic canon of ideas that every educated person should posses. But most find it difficult to agree on what a ―general education‖ should look like. At Harvard, Mr Menand notes, ―the great books are read because they have been read‖-they form a sort of social glue.

[C] Equally unsurprisingly, only about half end up with professorships for which they entered graduate school. There

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are simply too few posts. This is partly because universities continue to produce ever more PhDs. But fewer students want to study humanities subjects: English departments awarded more bachelor‘s degrees in 1970-71 than they did 20 years later. Fewer students requires fewer teachers. So, at the end of a decade of theses-writing, many humanities students leave the profession to do something for which they have not been trained.

[D] One reason why it is hard to design and teach such courses is that they can cut across the insistence by top American universities that liberal-arts educations and professional education should be kept separate, taught in different schools. Many students experience both varieties. Although more than half of Harvard undergraduates end up in law, medicine or business, future doctors and lawyers must study a non-specialist liberal-arts degree before embarking on a professional qualification.

[E] Besides professionalizing the professions by this separation, top American universities have professionalized the professor. The growth in public money for academic research has speeded the process: federal research grants rose fourfold between 1960and 1990, but faculty teaching hours fell by half as research took its toll. Professionalism has turned the acquisition of a doctoral degree into a prerequisite for a successful academic career: as late as 1969a third of American professors did not possess one. But the key idea behind professionalization, argues Mr Menand, is that ―the knowledge and skills needed for a particular specialization are transmissible but not transferable.‖So disciplines acquire a monopoly not just over the production of knowledge, but also over the production of the producers of knowledge.

[F] The key to reforming higher education, concludes Mr Menand, is to alter the way in which ―the producers of knowledge are produced.‖ Otherwise, academics will continue to think dangerously alike, increasingly detached from the societies which they study, investigate and criticize.‖ Academic inquiry, at least in some fields, may need to become less exclusionary and more holistic.‖ Yet quite how that happens, Mr. Menand dose not say.

[G] The subtle and intelligent little book The Marketplace of Ideas: Reform and Resistance in the American University should be read by every student thinking of applying to take a doctoral degree. They may then decide to go elsewhere. For something curious has been happening in American Universities, and Louis Menand, a professor of English at Harvard University, captured it skillfully.

G → 41. B 42. D → E → 43.A → 44.C → 45. F 2010 Part A

Text 1

Of all the changes that have taken place in English-language newspapers during the past quarter-century, perhaps the most far-reaching has been the inexorable decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage.

【考点分析】灭绝师太常考(the most本句的意思是"过去这些年英语报纸上所发生的最有影响力的变化的可能是艺术评论的在报道范围和严肃性的堕落".

It is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers. Yet a considerable number of the most significant collections of criticism published in the 20th century consisted in large part of newspaper reviews. To read such books today is to marvel at the fact that their learned contents were once deemed suitable for publication in general-circulation dailies.

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【考点分析】to the point of "...地步" 转折常考,出21题。 "然而,在20世纪大量的最重要的批评集是有报纸评论组成的。"本句强调20世纪的报纸评论数量很多。沿着上句的意思论述:如今读到这样的书的人不禁会对下面这个事实感到惊讶:这些评论之前竟然被认为适合在面向大众的日报上刊登。 21. It is indicated in Paragraphs 1 and 2 that

A arts criticism has disappeared from big-city newspapers. B English-language newspapers used to carry more arts reviews. C high-quality newspapers retain a large body of readers. D young readers doubt the suitability of criticism on dailies.

【正确选项解析】【B 由第一段的 decline in scope 和第二段的a considerable number 都在强调以前的报纸关于艺术评论数量很多,所以选择B

【干扰选项分析】A 比较容易排除。与第一段矛盾,原文只是说decline, 即下降,没有说消失disappear

C 比较容易排除。"高质量的报纸未丧失大量的读者"。无中生有。

D 强干扰项。"年轻的读者怀疑报纸上的评论不合适"原文《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》marvel v. be very surprised (and often admiring) 大为惊讶(常含赞叹之意),表明其实读者是赞同:这些评论可以再报纸上刊登的。这里的doubt 表示怀疑,所以与marvel意思相反。

We are even farther removed from the unfocused newspaper reviews published in England between the turn of the 20th century and the eve of World War 2,at a time when newsprint was dirt-cheap and stylish arts criticism was considered an ornament to the publications in which it appeared. In those far-off days, it was taken for granted that the critics of major papers would write in detail and at length about the events they covered. Theirs was a serious business. and even those reviews who wore their learning lightly, like George Bernard Shaw and Ernest Newman, could be trusted to know what they were about. These men believed in journalism as a calling, and were proud to be published in the daily press. So few authors have brains enough or literary gift enough to keep their own end up in ournalism,Newman wrote, "that I am tempted to define "journalism" as "a term of contempt applied by writers who are not read to writers who are".

【考点分析】否定常考(unfocused)出22题。承接上文,上文讲我们的评论数量减少,这里继续讲我们甚至离20世纪初到二战期间的报纸评论也相差很远。Even farther removed from 表明作者的惋惜之情。 in detail

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and at length"详细的" serious"严肃的"calling"对做某项工作的强烈欲望或责任感" proud"骄傲" 上面的这些词都表明二战前的报纸评论的风格否定常考,出23题。

与我们离得更远的是20世纪初与二战前夕之间英国出版的百花齐放的报纸评论。那时新闻印刷品价格低廉,并且时尚的文艺批评被认为是对刊登它们的出版物的装饰点缀。在那些遥远的日子里,人们认为理所当然的是,主要报纸的评论家常常详细阐述他们所报导的事件。他们从事的是一项严肃的工作,并且即使像萧伯纳和纽曼那样的卖弄文墨的评论家也可以被认为是深谙他们所论述的事情。这些人深信新闻业是一种职业使命,并且为在这些日常报章杂志上发表文章而自豪。纽曼写道,如此少的作家拥有足够的才智和文学天赋以便终身从事新闻业,以至于我想把新闻业定义为没有学问的作家应用到有学问的作家身上的一个鄙视的词"。其实本句话中Newman wrote,后面的根本不需要看懂。

22. Newspaper reviews in England before World War 2 were characterized by A free themes. B casual style. C elaborate layout. D radical viewpoints.

【正确选项解析】A unfocused的英文解释:not concentrated at one point or upon one objective, free的英文解释是unrestricted,所以unfocused = free ,属于同义替换。


B 请看《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》字典对casual 的解释:(amade or done without much care or thought; offhand 不经意的; 随便的; 马虎的; 临时的(b) (derog ) showing little concern; nonchalant; irresponsible 漠不关心的; 无动於衷的; 不负责任的(c) not methodical or thorough; not serious 无条理的; 不彻底的; 不认真的 .几个意思都是和 in detail and at length"详细的" serious"严肃的"calling"对做某项工作的强烈欲望或责任感" proud"骄傲"相矛盾的。所以不选。

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C 强干扰项。elaborate 可以替换原文中的in detail ,但是layout(布局)无中生有,所以本题与原文不相符合。

D radical 激进的 无中生有。

23. Which of the following would shaw and Newman most probably agree on? A It is writers' duty to fulfill journalistic goals. B It is contemptible for writers to be journalists. C Writers are likely to be tempted into journalism. D Not all writers are capable of journalistic writing.

【正确选项解析】【D 同义替换。Few= not all have brains enough or literary gift enough =capable of

注意:D选项中not all属于部分否定,语气委婉,在选项中出现往往正确。

【干扰选项分析】【A journalistic goals(新闻业的目标),无中生有。

B "作家成为记者是值得鄙视的。"proud (自豪的)相反。

C "作者容易被新闻业吸引"。对偷梁换柱。原文说的是被define "journalism" as... 所吸引,而不是被journalism所吸引。

Unfortunately,these critics are virtually forgotten. Neville Cardus, who wrote for the Manchester Guardian from 1917 until shortly before his death in 1975, is now known solely as a writer of essays on the game of cricket. During his lifetime, though, he was also one of England's foremost classical-music critics, and a stylist so widely admired that his Autobiography (1947) became a best-seller. He was knighted in 1967, the first music critic to be so honored. Yet only one of his books is now in print, and his vast body of writings on music is unknown save to specialists.

【考点分析】①否定常考+段首常考。"不幸的是,这些批评家几乎被忘记了。"言语之间是作者对报纸评论堕落的惋惜之情。②-⑤是举Neville Cardus的例子来论证以前的评论家怎么被忘记的,可以略读。

Is there any chance that Cardus's criticism will enjoy a revival? The prospect seems remote.Journalistic tastes had changed long before his death, and postmodern readers have little use for the richly uphostered Vicwardian prose in which he specialized. Moreover,the amateur tradition in music criticism has been in headlong retreat.


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24. What can be learned about Cardus according to the last two paragraphs? A His music criticism may not appeal to readers today. B His reputation as a music critic has long been in dispute. C His style caters largely to modern specialists. D His writings fail to follow the amateur tradition.

【正确选项解析】【A 说新闻业的品味已经改变,读者不需要(have little use for)他所擅长的风格,所以Cardus's criticism不可能复苏。而A Cardus's criticism也许不能吸引当今的读者。 注意have little use for= not appeal to



C "他的风格符合现在的专家"与本段最后一句相矛盾。

D 移花接木,是利用最后一句话编造的选项。 25. What would be the best title for the text? A Newspapers of the Good Old Days B The Lost Horizon in Newspapers C Mournful Decline of Journalism D Prominent Critics in Memory


【干扰选项分析】【A "报纸行业过去的黄金岁月"。没有点出作者对现在的报纸的惋惜之情

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B "报纸行业的消失的视野" 本选项的错误类型和A一样。

D "记忆中的杰出的评论家"本文的中心不是怀恋过去,而是批判现在的堕落。 全文翻译:

在过去的 25 英语报纸所发生的变化中,影响最深远的可能就是它们对艺术方面的报道在范围上毫无疑问的缩小了,而且这些报道的严肃程度也绝对降低了。

对于年龄低于 40岁的普通读者来讲,让他们想象一下当年可以在许多大城市报纸上读到精品的文艺评论简直几乎是天方夜谭。然而,在 20世纪出版的最重要的文艺评论集中,人们读到的大部分评论文章都是从报纸上收集而来。现在,如果读到这些集子,人们肯定会惊诧,当年这般渊博深奥的内容竟然被认为适合发表在大众日报中。

20世纪早期到二战以前,当时的英国报纸上的评论主题广泛,包罗万象,我们现在离此类报纸评论越来越远。当时的报纸极其便宜,人们把高雅时尚的文艺批评当作是所刊登报纸的一个亮点。在那些遥远的年代,各大报刊的评论家们都会不遗余力地详尽报道他们所报道的事情,这在当时被视为是理所当然的事情。他们的写作是件严肃的事情,人们相信:甚至那些博学低调不喜欢炫耀的评论家,比如 George Bernard Shaw Ernest Newman也知道自己在做什么(即他们的文章会高调出现在报纸上)。这些批评家们相信报刊评论是一项职业,并且对于他们的文章能够在报纸上发表感到很自豪。鉴于几乎没有作家能拥有足够的智慧或文学天赋以保证他们在新闻报纸写作中站稳脚跟 Newman 曾写道,我倾向于把新闻写作定义为不受读者欢迎的作家用来嘲讽受读者欢迎的作家的一个 轻蔑之词‘ ‖

不幸的是,这些批评家们现在实际上已被人们遗忘。 1917 年开始一直到 1975 年去世不久前还在为曼彻斯特《卫报》写文章的 Neville Cardus,如今仅仅作为一个撰写关于板球比赛文章的作家被人们所知。但是,在他的一生当中,他也是英国首屈一指的古典音乐评论家之一。他也是一位深受读者青睐的文体家,所以 1947 年他的《自传》一书就成为热销读物 1967 年他被授予爵士称号,也是第一位获此殊荣的音乐评论家。然而,他的书现在只有一本可以在市面上买到。他大量的音乐批评,除了专门研究音乐评论的人以外,已鲜为人知。 Cardus 的评论有没有机会重新流行?前景似乎渺茫。在他去世之前,新闻业的品味早已改变很长时间了,而且他所擅长的措词华丽的维多利亚爱德华时期的散文风格对后现代的读者没有什么用处。何况,由业余爱好者作音乐批评的传统早已经成为昨日黄花了。

Text 2

Over the past decade, thousands of patents have seen granted for what are called business methods. Amazon.com received one for its ―one-click‖ online payment system. Merrill Lynch got legal protection for an asset allocation strategy. One inventor patented a technique for lying a box.


Now the nation‘s top patent court appears completely-property lawyers abuzz the U.S. court of Appeals for the federal circuit said it would use a particular case to conduct a broad review of business-method patents. In the Bilski, as the case is known, is a ―very big deal‖, says Dennis‘D Crouch of the University of Missouri School of law. It ―has the potential to eliminate an entire class of patents.‖

本段转折。将会用一个案例来全面审查商业方法专利。最后一句它有可能排除一种专利(即上文的business-method patent

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26. Business-method patents have recently aroused concern because of [A] their limited value to business [B] their connection with asset allocation [C] the possible restriction on their granting [D] the controversy over authorization

[C],根正苗红的同义替换。possible= potential eliminate= restriction

[A] 无中生有 [B] 用第一段的一个小例子中的细节捏造选项 [D] controversy 无中生有。 27. Which of the following is true of the Bilski case? [A] Its ruling complies with the court decisions [B] It involves a very big business transaction [C] It has been dismissed by the Federal Circuit [D] It may change the legal practices in the U.S.

[D] potential= may ,change 对应着第一段和第二段之间的转折。从本段的revieweliminate也可以看出这是一种转折。

全文一直没有讲Bilski case的判决的结果,而 [A] [C]都是在讲其判决结果,所以与原文相反。

[B] 是从原文― a ―very big deal‖‖字面意识出发设置的干扰选项。a big deal 其实在英文中的意思是重要,而不生意(transaction

本题[D]还有may ,正确答案往往语气委婉,所以更加确定选这个选项。

Curbs on business-method claims would be a dramatic about-face, because it was the federal circuit itself that introduced such patents with is 1998 decision in the so-called state Street Bank case, approving a patent on a way of pooling mutual-fund assets. That ruling produced an explosion in business-method patent filings, initially by emerging internet companies trying to stake out exclusive pinhts to specific types of online transactions. Later, move established companies raced to add such patents to their files, if only as a defensive move against rivals that might bent them to the punch. In 2005, IBM noted in a court filing that it had been issued more than 300 business-method patents despite the fact that it questioned the legal basis for granting them. Similarly, some Wall Street investment films armed themselves with patents for financial products, even as they took positions in court cases opposing the practice. 28. The word “about-face” (Line 1,Para 3) most probably means [A] loss of good will

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[B] increase of hostility [C] change of attitude [D] enhancement of disnity

本题是词汇题,一定要返回原文通过上下文解题。Because 之前是说对business-method 的约束curbs,because之后说的是正是联邦审判引入了business-method‖,所以二者之间自然表明了是态度的转变所以选[C] The Bilski case involves a claimed patent on a method for hedging risk in the energy market. The Federal circuit issued an unusual order stating that the case would be heard by all 12 of the court‘s judges, rather than a typical panel of three and that one issue it wants to evaluate is weather it should ―reconsider‖ its state street Bank ruling.

本段第一句话没有看懂,直接跳过。第二句讲联邦审判要求这个案子要12个法官审,而不是普通的3人小组,并且要求判断是否要重新考虑之前的Bank ruling‖ 由本句可以排除29 [A]

The Federal Circuit‘s action comes in the wake of a series of recent decisions by the supreme Count that has narrowed the scope of protections for patent holders. Last April, for example the justices signaled that too many patents were being upheld for ―inventions‖ that are obvious. The judges on the Federal circuit are ―reacting to the anti_patent trend at the supreme court‖, says Harole C.wegner, a partend attorney and professor at aeorge Washington University Law School.

in the wake of= after .第一句:最高法院已经减少了对专利持有者的保护(protection)。而29[C] 减少了对专利持有者的尊重esteem.其中esteem是对protection的偷梁换柱。第二句:举例子。法官发出信号: too many (过多的专利被授予了),表明法院认为很多business-method 不应该被授予,所以选[B] too many =often unnecessarily. [D]无中生有。

29. We learn from the last two paragraphs that business-method patents [A] are immune to legal challenges [B] are often unnecessarily issued [C] lower the esteem for patent holders [D] increase the incidence of risks

见上文的解析。本题[A] [B] 两项相反必去其一。 30. Which of the following would be the subject of the text? [A] A looming threat to business-method patents [B] Protection for business-method patent holders

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[C] A legal case regarding business-method patents [D] A prevailing trend against business-method patents

选择 [A] 。首先排除[B],与原文相反。[C]大帽子。[A] [D]的选择有一定难度。用串线法解题。第一段讲过去business method很容易被授予专利。其中第一段的最后一句话已经暗含着对这种做法的反对。第二段转折:将会用一个案例来全面审查商业方法专利。第三段:对business method的约束(curbs)是法院态度的巨大转变。最后一段明确提出reacting to the anti-patent trend at the supreme court .要注意的是原文始终没有说Bilski case判决,因此只是一个looming (隐约地出现)danger ,而不是已经盛行的趋势。 全文翻译:





商业方法专利进行广泛的复审。密苏里大学法学 Dennis D. Crouch 说,正如人们所知道的那样,Bilski案例是一


对于商业方法诉求的限制是个戏剧性的彻底变化,因为正是联邦巡回法院自己引进了这种专利。那是在 1998 年,

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独家专有权。后来,更多的公司竞相添加这样的专利权,希望这样一个防御性的行为可以先下手为强。2005 年,IBM

公司在一份法院报告中声称:尽管怀疑这种专利授权的法律基础,但它已经申请了 300 多份商业方法专利。样,当



前面提到的 Bilski 案例牵扯到一份已申请的方法专利,即关于能源市场的风险规避方法(注:也可译为期保

值或对冲风险 。上诉法院罕见地裁定,该案件将不由三位法官听审,而是由全部十二名法官共同进行。另外,上诉



例如,去年四月,法官们认定太多的专利授予了一些显而易见的发明。乔治华盛顿大学法律学院的专利法律 Harold

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C. Wegner 教授表示,联邦巡回法院的法官们正在对最高法院的反专利动态做出反应

Text 3

In his book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Aladuell argues that ―social epidemics‖ are driven in large part by the actions of a tiny minority of special individuals, often called influentials, who are unusually informed, persuasive, or well connected. The idea is intuitively compelling, but it doesn‘t explain how ideas actually spread.

【考点分析】 因果常考(driven,出31[A]Malcolm Aladuell 的观点社会流行的东西在很大程度上是有一小部分有影响力的人发动的,这些人见多识广,有说服力转折常考31[B] 这个观点不能解释思想是如何传播的要注意:ideas actually spread= social epidemics 这就意味着作者认为influentialhow ideas actually spread作用不大,不起driven(驱动)的作用。

31. By citing the book The Tipping Point, the author intends to __________. [A]analyze the consequences of social epidemics [B]discuss influentials‘ function in spreading ideas [C]exemplify people‘s intuitive response to social epidemics [D]describe the essential characteristics of influentials.

【正确选项解析】[B] 本题是说明作者目的题。由上文②的分析可知选本选项。

【干扰选项分析】[A] 与原文相反。本文讨论的是原因(driven,而本题是说结果(consequence)。

[C] 本段没有提到人们的直觉的反应intuitive response②只是说作者认为这个观点从直觉上看是吸引人的所以无中生有

[D] 偏离中心:influentialsocial epidemics的作用。只是①中的细节。

The supposed importance of influentials derives from a plausible-sounding but largely untested theory called the ―two-step flow of communication‖: Information flows from the media to the influentials and from them to everyone else. Marketers have embraced the two-step flow because it suggests that if they can just find and influence the influentials, those select people will do most of the work for them. The theory also seems to explain the sudden and unexpected popularity of certain looks, brands, or neighborhoods. In many such cases, a cursory search for causes finds that some small group of people was wearing, promoting, or developing whatever it is before anyone else paid attention. Anecdotal evidence of this kind fits nicely with the idea that only certain special people can drive trends. 【考点分析】①因果常考derive from+转折常考but+否定常考untested+段首常考+特殊标点常考(冒号)32题。请看supposed《牛津高阶英语词典》的英文解释 [only before noun] used to show that you think that a claim, statement or way of describing sb/sth is not true or correct, although it is generally believed to be。这就意味着supposed后面的东西在本质上都是作者反对的。这种influential的假象的重要性来源于一个貌似合理但是实质上未经检验的two-step flow of communication理论。②讲商人接受了这一错误观点。③中的seems ④中cursory search(草率的搜索) ⑤中的Anecdotal evidence(传闻的证据)这几个词组都表明作者对这个理论持反对态度。

32. The author suggests that the “two-step flow theory” __________. [A]serves as a solution to marketing problems [B]has helped explain certain prevalent trends

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[C]has won support from influentials [D]requires solid evidence for its validity

【正确选项解析】[D]由①可知这个理论是未经检验的untested这就意味着需要可靠的证据证明其有效性requires solid evidence for its validity)。所以本题是同义替换之正话反说。 【干扰选项分析】[A]与作者对该理论的反对态度矛盾。

[B] ③这个理论似乎(seems)可以解释某些流行的趋势,seem这个词表明作者其实是反对这个说法的。 [C] 偷换概念,偷换了②中的marketer

In their recent work, however, some researchers have come up with the finding that influentials have far less impact on social epidemics than is generally supposed. In fact, they don‘t seem to be required of all. The

researchers‘ argument stems from a simple observation about social influence, with the exception of a few celebrities like Oprah Winfrey whose outsize presence is primarily a function of media, not interpersonal, influence even the most influential members of a population simply don‘t interact with that many others. Yet it is precisely these noncelebrity influentials who, according to the two-step-flow theory, are supposed to drive social epidemics by

influencing their friends and colleagues directly. For a social epidemic to occur, however, each person so affected, must then influence his or her own acquaintances, who must in turn influence theirs, and so on; and just how many others pay attention to each of these people has little to do with the initial influential. If people in the network just two degrees removed from the initial influential prove resistant, for example, the cascade of change won‘t propagate very far or affect many people.

【考点分析】①承上启下。研究者推翻了上文的错误观点。②无需看懂。③研究者的理由来自关于社会影响的简单的观察。即使最有影响力的人也不会与太多的人交流。④是two-step-flow theory理论⑤转折常考出33题。每一个受影响的人必须要影响他的熟人,他的熟人再影响自己的熟人,这也就因为是social interaction. 33. What the researchers have observed recently shows that __________. [A] the power of influence goes with social interactions. [B] interpersonal links can be enhanced through the media. [C] influentials have more channels to reach the public. [D] most celebrities enjoy wide media attention.

【正确选项解析】[A] 由⑤可知,a social epidemic to occur= the power of influence his or her own acquaintances=social interaction 可以明确的同义替换。goes with 相伴而生。 【干扰选项分析】[B]本段没有提到媒体增加人际联系。无中生有。 [C] channel(渠道)无中生有


34.The underlined phrase “these people” in paragraph 4 refers to the ones who __________. [A] stay outside the network of social influence [B] have little contact with the source of influence [C] are influenced and then influence others

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[D] are influenced by the initial influential

【正确选项解析】本题可以看做是指代词具体是指代的对象。指代的对象一定是向前指代,往前找最近的名词。⑤中每一个受影响的人必须要影响他的熟人,他的熟人再影响自己的熟人所以these people 就是指这些被影响并且影响别人的人


[B] 强干扰项。⑥说的是―how many others pay attention to each of these people‖initial influential= the source of influence)无关,而[B]偷换为―these people‖initial influential= the source of influence)接触不多。 Building on the basic truth about interpersonal influence, the researchers studied the dynamics of social contagion by conducting thousands of computer simulations of populations, manipulating a number of variables relating to people‘s ability to influence others and their tendency to be influenced. 【考点分析】

35. What is the essential element in the dynamics of social influence? [A]The eagerness to be accepted [B]The impulse to influence others [C]The readiness to be influenced [D]The inclination to rely on others

【正确选项解析】[C] The readiness to be influenced由本段最后一句可知社会影响的动力要素是:人们影响别人的能力以及被别人影响的倾向性。所以选C 【干扰选项分析】[B] 错在impulse(突如其来的念头) [A]错在accept [D]错在 rely on .

解法二:[B][C] 符合黄二。但是由第四段最后一句:

If people in the network just two degrees removed from the initial influential prove resistant, for example the casecade of change won‘t propagate very far or affect many people.尤其是resistant可知更强调的是被影响 全文翻译:

《引爆流行》这本书中,作者 Malcolm Gladwell 认为社会流行潮流在很大程度上是由一小部分特殊个体的行为

引起的,这些人就是人们常说的影响者。他们异乎寻常的博闻多识,能言善辩,人脉广泛。从直觉上讲, Malcolm Gladwell




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研究者的观点源于对社会影响力的简单观察:除了少数像 Oprah Winfrey 这样的名人之外(她强大的人气影响力





在这个人际影响的网络中,如果第一个影响者受到两次抵制,那么他的连锁影响范围就不会继续扩大,或者说影响的 人不会很多。


机模拟,不断调整人们影响他人和受他人影响的各种变量。他们发现,人们所说的全球连锁反应‖ —— 影响力通

过(人际)网络进行广泛传播 —— 发生的主要前提,并不取决于是否存在着那么几个影响者,而主要取决于易受影


Text 4

(注:本文含有的生词和难句较多,考研阅读的原则是过难的单词和句子一定不会出题,在考场上紧紧抓住能看懂的句子即可,因为文章上下文的意思都是有密切关联的。笔者把本文无需看懂的句子用删除线标出来,以便于学生更好的复习。示例:not the price managers and regulators would like them to fetch. 第一部分:36

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Bankers have been blaming themselves for their troubles in public. Behind the scenes, they have been taking aim at someone else: the accounting standard-setters. Their rules, moan the banks, have forced them to report enormous losses, and it's just not fair. These rules say they must value some assets at the price a third party would pay, not the price managers and regulators would like them to fetch.

【考点分析】①②台面上,银行家们将他们的麻烦归咎于己身,台面下,他们一直把目标对准他人:会计准则制定者。台上台下,表里不一,暗含了作者对银行家的虚伪的否定,对无辜者standard-setters的同情。③讲具体的抱怨的内容。银行业抱怨会计规则迫使他们报告巨大损失,认为这不公平。④二者相比必出考点。出36题。进一步描述会计规则的内容。规则认为他们必须以第三方付出价格来评估部分资产的价值,而非按照管理者和监管者期望该资产能够获得的价格。本句其实只要看懂―These rules say they must value some assets at the price a third party would pay, not‖not后面无需看懂,只要知道是与not前面不一样的方法。

36. Bankers complained that they were forced to __________. [A] follow unfavorable asset evaluation rules [B] collect payments from third parties [C] cooperate with the price managers [D] reevaluate some of their assets.

【正确选项解析】[A] 36 complain= moan not fair() = unfavorable , value some assets()= asset evaluation 所以本题属于根正苗红的同义替换

【干扰选项分析】[B] 对④偷梁换柱。把value 偷换为collect

[C] 与原文相反。错误一:原文④说:―These rules say they must value some assets at the price not the price managers and regulators would like them to fetch‖明确说规则不让按照managers的期待的价格评估,所以这与cooperate(合作)相反。

错误二:原文中没有提到price manager 这个概念,managers and regulators would like them to fetch.是定语从句来修饰price

[D] reevaluate(重新评估)无中生有。 第二部分:37

Unfortunately, banks' lobbying now seems to be working. The details may be unknowable, but the

independence of standard-setters, essential to the proper functioning of capital markets, is being compromised. And, unless banks carry toxic assets at prices that attract buyers, reviving the banking system will be difficult.

【考点分析】否定常考(unfortunately+段首常考。40题。Unfortunately,是强烈的表示情感的词。幸的是,银行的游说活动看来已起作用了。表明作者是反对银行,支持同情standard-setters。②转折常考,出37题。But之前不看,之间看后面标准制定者的独立性——这资产市场正常运行十分重要——已经削弱了。 After a bruising encounter with Congress, America's Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) rushed through rule changes. These gave banks more freedom to use models to value illiquid assets and more flexibility in recognizing losses on long-term assets in their income statement. Bob Herz, the FASB's chairman, cried out against those who "question our motives." Yet bank shares rose and the changes enhance what one lobby group politely calls "the use of judgment by management."

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【考点分析】bruising encounter根本不需认识。rushed through 只需要认识through,表示 通过。注意:动+介词的短语,有时候只要通过介词就可以把握句子所表达的大致方向是支持还是反对。本句只需明白―FASB通过了规则变化即可。 ②只需看懂:These gave banks more freedom to… value …assets and more flexibility… in their income statement.省略号所省略的内容完全可以不看。即银行在评估资产上有了更多的自由③没看懂,关系,因为后面有转折。④转折常考。出37[A].本句只需看懂 the changes …enhance the use of judgment by management.―这些变化增加了管理层的判断的作用

37. According to the author , the rule changes of the FASB may result in __________. [A] the diminishing role of management [B] the revival of the banking system [C] the banks' long-term asset losses [D] the weakening of its independence

【正确选项解析】[D] 本题定位有点难度。从第三段①可知FASB通过了规则变化。第二段的①的意思是不幸的是,银行的游说活动看来已起作用了。这就意味着:第一段银行抱怨的规则的不公平得到重视,规则变化了。所以37题题干问的―the rule changes of the FASB‖的结果,也就是第二段②的结果。

《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》中compromise 的解释:modify (sth); weaken 修改,更改(某事物);减轻;减弱;缓和。所以这里的compromise= weaken根正苗红的同义替换 【干扰选项分析】[A] 与原文相反。diminish与④中的enhance 相矛盾。

[B] 第二段③讲了银行复苏的条件银行如果不以能够吸引买家的价格计量有毒资产,银行系统的复苏将会非常困难。而本选项说FASB的规则变化会带来复苏,与③不相符合。 [C] 无中生有。 第三部分:38

European ministers instantly demanded that the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) do likewise. The IASB says it does not want to act without overall planning, but the pressure to fold when it completes it

reconstruction of rules later this year is strong. Charlie McCreevy, a European commissioner, warned the IASB that it did "not live in a political vacuum" but "in the real word" and that Europe could yet develop different rules. 【考点分析】上文讲的是美国的情况。本段讲欧洲的情况。欧洲的部长们立刻要求国际会计准则委员会(IASB)也这么做。转折常考。出38题。IASB对部长的做法比较反感,但是它在今年下半年完成规则修订时必须屈服的压力十分巨大。③引用McCreevyIASB不听话的警告。

38. According to Paragraph 4, McCreevy objects to the IASB’s attempt to __________. [A] keep away from political influences. [B] evade the pressure from their peers. [C] act on their own in rule-setting. [D] take gradual measures in reform.

【正确选项解析】[C] ①讲欧洲部长对IASB的要求,②是IASB对之的抵触情绪,但是but压力又很大strongMcCreevyIASB警告它不是处在政治真空中而是在现实世界里这三句话的中心是:IASB想自己独立

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的制定规则(act on their own in rule-setting),而欧洲部长(包括McCreevy)又想命令其按自己意愿行为。所以选择[C]

【干扰选项分析】[A]是强干扰项,貌似是对―not in a political vacuum‖的同义替换。但是与[C]相比,[C]更加符合本段的中心。因为本段并不是强调IASB不能逃脱政治影响,而是强调IASB想要自己独立地制定规则。考生切记:当两个选项无法分清的时候,符合中心的才是正确答案。

[B] 偷梁换柱。原文没有提来自同伴的压力(pressure from their peers),而是说在今年下半年完成规则修订时必须屈服的压力

[D]在改革中采取渐进措施‖ gradual measures属于无中生有。 第四部分:39

It was banks that were on the wrong planet, with accounts that vastly overvalued assets. Today they argue that market prices overstate losses, because they largely reflect the temporary illiquidity of markets, not the likely extent of bad debts. The truth will not be known for years. But bank's shares trade below their book value, suggesting that investors are skeptical. And dead markets partly reflect the paralysis of banks which will not sell assets for fear of booking losses, yet are reluctant to buy all those supposed bargains.

【考点分析】本段非常复杂,充满着金融学专业术语。考研阅读的原则是过难的单词和句子一定不会出题,在考场上紧紧抓住能看懂的句子即可,因为文章上下文的意思都是有密切关联的。就本段而言只要紧紧抓住本段主题句即第一句话即可解题。①强调句必考(it was …that…+ 段首常考+因果常考(with。注意with在字典中有一个解释是:because of (sth); on account of (sth) 因为或由於(某事物)。 正是这些银行呆错了星球,它们的账目上充斥着估值过高的资产。 -⑤没有看懂坚决不看。

39. The author thinks the banks were “on the wrong planet” in that they __________. [A] misinterpreted market price indicators [B] exaggerated the real value of their assets [C] neglected the likely existence of bad debts. [D] denied booking losses in their sale of assets.

【正确选项解析】[B] overvalued = exaggerate the real value,根正苗红的同义替换。可以发现本题只需认识overvalue(高估)exaggerate(夸大),解题是非常简单的。

【干扰选项分析】本题还有一种解法。39题四个选项都是过去时。而本段原文只有①是过去时。其余全是现在时,所以都不需要看。 第五部分:第40

To get the system working again, losses must be recognized and dealt with. America's new plan to buy up toxic assets will not work unless banks mark assets to levels which buyers find attractive. Successful markets require independent and even combative standard-setters. The FASB and IASB have been exactly that, cleaning up rules on stock options and pensions, for example, against hostility from special interests. But by giving in to critics now they are inviting pressure to make more concessions.

【考点分析】本段也是充斥着大量的生词,只需要把简单一句话看懂就行了。成功的市场需要独立的标准制定者。注意本句combative不认识没关系,因为A and B 结构中,一般认为A=B,二者看懂一个即可。 40.The author’s attitude towards standard-setters is one of __________.

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[A] satisfaction. [B] skepticism. [C] objectiveness [D] sympathy

【正确选项解析】[D] 由本段③,再联系第二段的①②:不幸的是,银行的游说活动看来已显成效。其中细节可能无法获知,但是标准制定者的独立性——这资产市场正常运行十分重要——已经削弱了。以及第一段的①②。表明作者对标准的制定者是赞同的。同时面对银行家的咄咄逼人的态势,以及标准的制定者所面临的压力,作者又对他们表示同情。所以无论是同情还是同意,都可以选择[D]

【干扰选项分析】[A] satisfaction 的英文解释:feeling of contentment felt when one has or achieves what one needs or desires原文并没有提到standard-setters完成了作者所期待它们做的事情achieves what one needs or desires反而FASB做出了妥协,修改了规定(第三段的①)所以谈不上satisfaction


[C]客观。在考研中选择客观态度只有两种情况。(一)全文既讲某物的好处又谈其坏处;(二)通篇未对某物流露出感情和态度。在本文中第二段的①②明确透露出对standard-setter的同情,且后面没有说起缺点,以不能选本选项。 全文翻译:





市场正常运行的关键——已经做出妥协了。银行如果不以能够吸引买家的价格计量有毒资产,银行系统的复苏将会 非常困难。

美国 FASB(财务会计准则委员会)在与国会激烈摩擦之后,匆匆通过了规则的修改。这些修改使得银行在使用

模型评估非流动资产方面用有更大的自由,同时使得它们确认收益表中长期资产损失时更为灵活。 FASB 主席 Bob Herz

大声反对那些怀疑我们的动机的人们。然而银行股票上涨了,这些修改强化了管理层使用理性判断的说法, 这种说法是一个游说团的客气之言。 欧洲的部长们立刻要求国际会计准则委员会(IASB)也这么做。IASB 表示它不想没有完整计划就冒然行动,但它在

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今年下半年完成规则修订时必须屈服的压力十分巨大。欧洲委员会委员 Charlie McCreevy 警告 IASB 说:它不是







够吸引买家的水平上才会有效。成熟的市场需要独立的,甚至是好斗的准则制定者。FASB IASB 以往正是这样对抗

特殊利益集团的敌意的,例如改进股权和退休金的相关规则。但是现在向批评者妥协是自寻压力,他们会进一步做出 让步。 2010新题型

Directions: For Questions 41-45,choose the most suitable paragraphs from the first A-G and fill them into the numbered boxes to form a coherent text Paragraph. E has been correctly placed. There is one paragraph which dose not fit in with the text. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1. (10 points)

[A]The first and more important is the consumer‘s growing preference for eating out; the consumption of food and drink in places other than homes has risen from about 32 percent of total consumption in 1995 to 35 percent in 2000 and is expected to approach 38 percent by 2005. This development is boosting wholesale demand from the food service segment by 4 to 5 percent a year across Europe, compared with growth in retail demand of 1 to 2 percent. Meanwhile, as the recession is looming large, people are getting anxious. They tend to keep a tighter hold on their purse and consider eating at home a realistic alternative.

[B]Retail sales of food and drink in Europe‘s largest markets are at a standstill, leaving European grocery retailers hungry for opportunities to grow. Most leading retailers have already tried e-commerce, with limited success, and expansion abroad. But almost all have ignored the big profitable opportunity in their own backyard: the wholesale food and drink trade, which appears to be just the kind of market retailers need.

[C]Will such variations bring about a change in the overall structure of the food and drink market? Definitely not. The functioning of the market is based on flexible trends dominated by potential buyers. In other words, it is up to the

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buyer rather than the seller to decide what to buy. At any rate, this change will ultimately be acclaimed by an ever-growing number of both domestic and international consumers, regardless of how long the current consumer pattern will take hold.

[D] All in all, this clearly seems to be a market in which big retailers could profitably apply their scale, existing infrastructure and proven skills in the management of product ranges, logistics, and marketing intelligence. Retailers that master the intricacies of wholesaling in Europe may well expect to rake in substantial profits thereby. At least, that is how it looks as a whole. Closer inspection reveals important differences among the biggest national markets, especially in their customer segments and wholesale structures, as well as the competitive dynamics of individual food and drink categories. Big retailers must understand these differences before they can identify the segments of European wholesaling in which particular abilities might unseat smaller but entrenched competitors. New skills and unfamiliar business models are needed too.

[E] Despite variations in detail, wholesale markets in the countries that have been closely examinedFrance, Germany, Italy, and Spainare made out of the same building blocks. Demand comes mainly from two sources: independent mom-and-pop grocery stores which, unlike large retail chains, are two small to buy straight from producers, and food service operators that cater to consumers when they don‘t eat at home. Such food service operators range from snack machines to large institutional catering ventures, but most of these businesses are known in the trade as ―horeca‖hotels, restaurants, and cafes. Overall, Europe‘s wholesale market for food and drink is growing at the same sluggish pace as the retail market, but the figures, when added together, mask two opposing trends.

[F] For example, wholesale food and drink sales come to $268 billion in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom in 2000---more than 40 percent of retail sales. Moreover, average overall margins are higher in wholesale than in retail; wholesale demand from the food service sector is growing quickly as more Europeans eat out more often; and changes in the competitive dynamics of this fragmented industry are at last making it feasible for wholesalers to consolidate

[G] However, none of these requirements should deter large retailers (and even some large good producers and existing wholesalers) from trying their hand, for those that master the intricacies of wholesaling in Europe stand to reap considerable gains

41 42 → 43 → 44 → E → 45

解析: 41. B

首先找出首段。[A]段首句more important[C]段首句Will such[D] 段首句All in all[E] 段首句Despite variations[F]段首句For example[G]段首句However证明这些段落都不能为首段。B段首句提出欧洲食品零售问题,符合提出问题分析问题解决问题的行文结构。 42. F

F段首句for example, wholesale food and drink sales是对B段尾句wholesale food and drink trade的举例和照应。 43. D

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D段首句all in all, this clearly seems to be a market总结和照应F段尾句食品批发优势。 44. G

G段首句However, these requirements照应D段尾句New skills and unfamiliar business models are needed. 45. A

C段首句Will such variations无法照应E段尾句two opposing trends而被排除,所以只能选择A段。A段首句the first趋势和尾句meanwhile趋势照应E段尾句two opposing trends. 2009 Text 1

Habits are a funny thing. We reach for them mindlessly, setting our brains on auto-pilot and relaxing into the unconscious comfort of familiar routine. ―Not choice, but habit rules the unreflecting herd,‖ William Wordsworth said in the 19th century. In the ever-changing 21st century, even the word ―habit‖ carries a negative implication.

So it seems paradoxical to talk about habits in the same context as creativity and innovation. But brain researchers have discovered that when we consciously develop new habits, we create parallel paths, and even entirely new brain cells, that can jump our trains of thought onto new, innovative tracks.

Rather than dismissing ourselves as unchangeable creatures of habit, we can instead direct our own change by consciously developing new habits. In fact, the more new things we try---the more we step outside our comfort zone---the more inherently creative we become, both in the workplace and in our personal lives.

But don‘t bother trying to kill off old habits; once those ruts of procedure are worn into the brain, they‘re there to stay. Instead, the new habits we deliberately ingrain into ourselves create parallel pathways that can bypass those old roads.

―The first thing needed for innovation is a fascination with wonder,‖ says Dawna Markova, author of The Open Mind and an executive change consultant for Professional Thinking Partners. ―But we are taught instead to ‗decide,‘ just as our president calls himself ‗the Decider.‘ ‖ She adds, however, that ―to decide is to kill off all possibilities but one. A good innovational thinker is always exploring the many other possibilities.‖

All of us work through problems in ways of which we‘re unaware, she says. Researchers in the late 1960 discovered that humans are born with the capacity to approach challenges in four primary ways: analytically, procedurally, relationally (or collaboratively) and innovatively. At the end of adolescence, however, the brain shuts down half of that capacity, preserving only those modes of thought that have seemed most valuable during the first decade or so of life.

The current emphasis on standardized testing highlights analysis and procedure, meaning that few of us inherently use our innovative and collaborative modes of thought. ―This breaks the major rule in the American belief system — that anyone can do anything,‖ explains M. J. Ryan, author of the 2006 book This Year I Will...‖ and Ms. Markova‘s business partner. ―That‘s a lie that we have perpetuated, and it fosters commonness. Knowing what you‘re good at and doing even more of it creates excellence.‖ This is where developing new habits comes in.

21. The view of Wordsworth, ―habit‖ is claimed by being [A] casual [B] familiar [C] mechanical [D] changeable.

22. Brain researchers have discovered that the formation of new habit can be [A] predicted [B] regulated [C] traced [D] guided

23. The word ―ruts‖ (Line 1, paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to [A] tracks [B] series [C] characteristics [D] connections 24. Dawna Markova would most probably agree that [A] ideas are born of a relaxing mind [B] innovativeness could be taught

[C] decisiveness derives from fantastic ideas [D] curiosity activates creative minds

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25. Ryan ‘s comments suggest that the practice of standard testing [A] prevents new habits from being formed [B] no longer emphasizes commonness

[C]maintains the inherent American thinking model [D] complies with the American belief system 全文翻译: Text 1


适。并非选择,而是习惯会控制那些没有思想的人。‖19 世纪时,威廉·华兹华斯说。在千变万化的 21 世纪,甚至







蒂固的新习惯会创建平行路径,它们可以绕过原来那些路径。 《开放思想》一书的作者达瓦纳·马克瓦说:革新所需要的第一样东西就是对好奇的着迷。然而我们被教导去做



她说,我们都是通过一些自己没有意识到的方法解决问题的。研究人员在 20 世纪 60 年代末发现人类天生主要用




维方式。M.J.瑞恩是 2006 年出版的著作《今年我将……》一书的作者以及马克瓦女士的商业合作伙伴,她解释说:



Text 2

It is a wise father that knows his own child, but today a man can boost his paternal (fatherly) wisdom or at least confirm that he‘s the kid‘s dad. All he needs to do is shell our $30 for paternity testing kit (PTK) at his local drugstore and another $120 to get the results.

More than 60,000 people have purchased the PTKs since they first become available without prescriptions last years, according to Doug Fog, chief operating officer of Identigene, which makes the over-the-counter kits. More than two dozen companies sell DNA tests directly to the public, ranging in price from a few hundred dollars to more than

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Among the most popular: paternity and kinship testing , which adopted children can use to find their biological relatives and families can use to track down kids put up for adoption. DNA testing is also the latest rage among passionate genealogists-and supports businesses that offer to search for a family‘s geographic roots.

Most tests require collecting cells by swabbing saliva in the mouth and sending it to the company for testing. All tests require a potential candidate with whom to compare DNA. But some observers are skeptical, ―There is a kind of false precision being hawked by people claiming they are doing ancestry testing,‖ says Trey Duster, a New York University sociologist. He notes that each individual has many ancestors-numbering in the hundreds just a few centuries back. Yet most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage, either the Y chromosome inherited through men in a father‘s line or mitochondrial DNA, which a passed down only from mothers. This DNA can reveal genetic information about only one or two ancestors, even though, for example, just three generations back people also have six other great-grandparents or, four generations back, 14 other great-great-grandparents. Critics also argue that commercial genetic testing is only as good as the reference collections to which a sample is compared. Databases used by some companies don‘t rely on data collected systematically but rather lump together information from different research projects. This means that a DNA database may have a lot of data from some regions and not others, so a person‘s test results may differ depending on the company that processes the results. In addition, the computer programs a company uses to estimate relationships may be patented and not subject to peer review or outside evaluation.

26. In paragraphs 1 and 2, the text shows PTK’s ___________. [A]easy availability [B]flexibility in pricing [C] successful promotion [D] popularity with households 27. PTK is used to __________.

[A]locate one‘s birth place

[B]promote genetic research [C] identify parent-child kinship [D] choose children for adoption

28. Skeptical observers believe that ancestry testing fails to__________.

[A]trace distant ancestors

[B] rebuild reliable bloodlines [C] fully use genetic information [D] achieve the claimed accuracy

29. In the last paragraph, a problem commercial genetic testing faces is __________.

[A]disorganized data collection

[B] overlapping database building [C]excessive sample comparison [D]lack of patent evaluation

30. An appropriate title for the text is most likely to be__________.

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[A] Fors and Againsts of DNA testing [B] DNA testing and It‘s problems [C] DNA testing outside the lab [D] Lies behind DNA testing

Text 2


在住所附近的药店里付 30美元买一个父子关系测试包(PTK),然后另支付 120美元以获得结果。 道格·福格是 Identigene(生产这种在药店可以出售的测试包的公司)的首席运营官,他指出,自从去年 PTK

处方就可以买到以来,购买者已经超过 6 万人。超过 24家公司直接向公众出售 DNA 检测工具,价格从几百美元到 2500 多美元不等。

最受欢迎的 DNA 测试是父子和血缘关系检测,被收养的孩子可以利用它找到自己的生物学亲属,家庭也可以用它

来追踪到被收养的孩子。DNA 检测最近不受到许多热心的族谱学家追捧,还为那些提供家族寻根服务的公司提供了支 持。

许多测试需要从唾液中获取细胞,将唾液送至公司进行检测。所有的测试都需要另外一个相关人员的 DNA 进行比 对。



只考虑某个单一系统,或者是遗传自父亲的 Y 染色体,或者是只由母亲遗传的线粒体 DNA这个 DNA 只揭示了一两

个祖先的基因信息。但是,仅仅 3 代之前,除了曾祖父母,他们还有 6 个外曾祖父母,或者 4 代以前,除了曾曾祖父

母,他们还有 14个外曾曾祖父母。



DNA 数据库可能会从某些地区收集很多信息,而在别的地区不收集信息,所以一个人的测试结果会随着测试公司的


Text 3

The relationship between formal education and economic growth in poor countries is widely misunderstood by economists and politicians alike, progress in both area is undoubtedly necessary for the social, political and intellectual development of these and all other societies; however, the conventional view that education should be one of the very highest priorities for promoting rapid economic development in poor countries is wrong. We are fortunate that it is, because building new educational systems there and putting enough people through them to improve economic performance would require two or three generations. The findings of a research institution have consistently shown that workers in all countries can be trained on the job to achieve radically higher productivity and, as a result, radically

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higher standards of living.

Ironically, the first evidence for this idea appeared in the United States. Not long ago, with the country entering a recession and Japan at its pre-bubble peak. The U.S. workforce was derided as poorly educated and one of primary cause of the poor U.S. economic performance. Japan was, and remains, the global leader in automotive-assembly productivity. Yet the research revealed that the U.S. factories of Honda Nissan, and Toyota achieved about 95 percent of the productivity of their Japanese counterparts -a result of the training that U.S. workers received on the job.

More recently, while examining housing construction, the researchers discovered that illiterate, non-English- speaking Mexican workers in Houston, Texas, consistently met best-practice labor productivity standards despite the complexity of the building industry‘s work.

What is the real relationship between education and economic development? We have to suspect that continuing economic growth promotes the development of education even when governments don‘t force it. After all, that‘s how education got started. When our ancestors were hunters and gatherers 10,000 years ago, they didn‘t have time to wonder much about anything besides finding food. Only when humanity began to get its food in a more productive way was there time for other things.

As education improved, humanity‘s productivity increased as well. When the competitive environment pushed our ancestors to achieve that potential, they could in turn afford more education. This increasingly high level of education is probably a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition for the complex political systems required by advanced economic performance. Thus poor countries might not be able to escape their poverty traps without political changes that may be possible only with broader formal education. A lack of formal education, however, doesn‘t constrain the ability of the developing world‘s workforce to substantially improve productivity for the foreseeable future. On the contrary, constraints on improving productivity explain why education isn‘t developing more quickly there than it is.

31. The author holds in paragraph 1 that the important of education in poor countries ___________.

[A] is subject to groundless doubts

[B] has fallen the victim of bias [C] is conventional downgraded [D] has been overestimated

32. It is stated in paragraph 1 that construction of a new education system__________.

[A]challenges economists and politicians

[B]takes efforts of generations

[C] demands priority from the government [D] requires sufficient labor force

33. A major difference between the Japanese and U.S workforces is that __________.

[A] the Japanese workforce is better disciplined

[B] the Japanese workforce is more productive [C]the U.S workforce has a better education [D] the U.S workforce is more organized

34. The author quotes the example of our ancestors to show that education emerged __________.

[A] when people had enough time

[B] prior to better ways of finding food [C] when people no longer went hungry

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[D] as a result of pressure on the government

35. According to the last paragraph, development of education __________.

[A] results directly from competitive environments

[B] does not depend on economic performance [C] follows improved productivity [D] cannot afford political changes

Text 3









同行的 95%,这是美国工人接受在职培训的结果。


受过教育的,英语不是母语的墨西哥工人总是能够达到最佳的劳动生产率标准。 教育经济发展之间的关系到底如何?我们不得不怀疑,即使政府不强迫发展教育经济持续增长也会促进教育事








Text 4

The most thoroughly intellectuals studied in the history of the new world are the ministers and political leaders of seventeenth-century New England. According to the standard history of American philosophy, nowhere else in colonial America was ―So much importance attached to intellectual pursuits.According to many books and articles, New

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England‘s leaders established the basic themes and preoccupations of an unfolding, dominant Puritan tradition in American intellectual life.

To take this approach to the New Englanders normally mean to start with the Puritans‘ theological innovations and their distinctive ideas about the church-important subjects that we may not neglect. But in keeping with our examination of southern intellectual life, we may consider the original Puritans as carriers of European culture adjusting to New World circumstances. The New England colonies were the scenes of important episodes in the pursuit of widely understood ideals of civility and virtuosity.

The early settlers of Massachusetts Bay included men of impressive education and influence in England. `Besides the ninety or so learned ministers who came to Massachusetts church in the decade after 1629,There were political leaders like John Winthrop, an educated gentleman, lawyer, and official of the Crown before he journeyed to Boston. There men wrote and published extensively, reaching both New World and Old World audiences, and giving New England an atmosphere of intellectual earnestness.

We should not forget, however, that most New Englanders were less well educated. While few craftsmen or farmers, let alone dependents and servants, left literary compositions to be analyzed, it is obvious that their views were less fully intellectualized. Their thinking often had a traditional superstitious quality. A tailor named John Dane, who emigrated in the late 1630s, left an account of his reasons for leaving England that is filled with signs. sexual confusion, economic frustrations , and religious hope-all came together in a decisive moment when he opened the Bible, told his father the first line he saw would settle his fate, and read the magical words: ―come out from among them, touch no unclean thing , and I will be your God and you shall be my people.‖ One wonders what Dane thought of the careful sermons explaining the Bible that he heard in puritan churched.

Meanwhile, many settles had slighter religious commitments than Dane‘s, as one clergyman learned in confronting folk along the coast who mocked that they had not come to the New World for religion. ―Our main end was to catch fish.

36. The author notes that in the seventeenth-century New England___________.

[A] Puritan tradition dominated political life.

[B] intellectual interests were encouraged.

[C] Politics benefited much from intellectual endeavors. [D] intellectual pursuits enjoyed a liberal environment. 37. It is suggested in paragraph 2 that New Englanders__________.

[A] experienced a comparatively peaceful early history.

[B] brought with them the culture of the Old World [C] paid little attention to southern intellectual life [D] were obsessed with religious innovations

38. The early ministers and political leaders in Massachusetts Bay__________.

[A] were famous in the New World for their writings

[B] gained increasing importance in religious affairs

[C] abandoned high positions before coming to the New World [D] created a new intellectual atmosphere in New England

39. The story of John Dane shows that less well-educated New Englanders were often __________. [A] influenced by superstitions

[B] troubled with religious beliefs

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[C] puzzled by church sermons [D] frustrated with family earnings

40. The text suggests that early settlers in New England__________.

[A] were mostly engaged in political activities

[B] were motivated by an illusory prospect [C] came from different backgrounds. [D] left few formal records for later reference

Text 4

在新大陆的历史上,被研究的最彻底的学者是 17世纪新英格兰的牧师和政治领袖们。根据美国标准哲学史的记载,






到达马萨诸塞州的最早定居者包括那些在英格兰接受过良好的教育并深具影响力的英国人。在 1629 年之后的十年

间,除了 90多位来到马萨诸塞教堂的有学识的牧师,还有像约翰·温斯罗普这样的政治领袖,在到达波士顿之前,他





成份。一个名为约翰·戴恩的裁缝于 17 世纪 30 年代末移民到新大陆,他留下一个记录,陈述了离开英格兰的理由,







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2008 Text 1

While still catching-up to men in some spheres of modern life, women appear to be way ahead in at least one undesirable category. ―Women are particularly susceptible to developing depression and anxiety disorders in response to stress compared to men,‖ according to Dr. Yehuda, chief psychiatrist at New York‘s Veteran‘s Administration Hospital.

Studies of both animals and humans have shown that sex hormones somehow affect the stress response, causing females under stress to produce more of the trigger chemicals than do males under the same conditions. In several of the studies, when stressed-out female rats had their ovaries (the female reproductive organs) removed, their chemical responses became equal to those of the males.

Adding to a woman’s increased dose of stress chemicals, are her increased “opportunities” for stress. ―It‘s not necessarily that women don‘t cope as well. It‘s just that they have so much more to cope with,‖ says Dr. Yehuda. ―Their capacity for tolerating stress may even be greater than men‘s,‖ she observes, ―it‘s just that they‘re dealing with so many more things that they become worn out from it more visibly and sooner.‖

Dr. Yehuda notes another difference between the sexes. ―I think that the kinds of things that women are exposed to tend to be in more of a chronic or repeated nature. Men go to war and are exposed to combat stress. Men are exposed to more acts of random physical violence. The kinds of interpersonal violence that women are exposed to tend to be in domestic situations, by, unfortunately, parents or other family members, and they tend not to be one-shot deals. The wear-and-tear that comes from these longer relationships can be quite devastating.‖

Adeline Alvarez married at 18 and gave birth to a son, but was determined to finish college. ―I struggled a lot to get the college degree. I was living in so much frustration that that was my escape, to go to school, and get ahead and do better.‖ Later, her marriage ended and she became a single mother. ―It‘s the hardest thing to take care of a teenager, have a job, pay the rent, pay the car payment, and pay the debt. I lived from paycheck to paycheck.‖

Not everyone experiences the kinds of severe chronic stresses Alvarez describes. But most women today are coping with a lot of obligations, with few breaks, and feeling the strain. Alvarez’s experience demonstrates the importance of finding ways to diffuse stress before it threatens your health and your ability to function.

21. Which of the following is true according to the first two paragraphs? [A] Women are biologically more vulnerable to stress. [B] Women are still suffering much stress caused by men.

[C] Women are more experienced than men in coping with stress.

[D] Men and women show different inclinations when faced with stress.

22. Dr. Yehuda’s research suggests that women [A] need extra doses of chemicals to handle stress. [B] have limited capacity for tolerating stress. [C] are more capable of avoiding stress. [D] are exposed to more stress.

23. According to Paragraph 4, the stress women confront tends to be [A] domestic and temporary. [B] irregular and violent. [C] durable and frequent. [D] trivial and random.

24. The sentence “I lived from paycheck to paycheck.” (Line 6, Para. 5) shows that [A] Alvarez cared about nothing but making money.

[B] Alvarez‘s salary barely covered her household expenses.

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[C] Alvarez got paychecks from different jobs. [D] Alvarez paid practically everything by check.

25. Which of the following would be the best title for the text? [A] Strain of Stress: No Way Out?

[B] Responses to Stress: Gender Difference [C] Stress Analysis: What Chemicals Say [D] Gender Inequality: Women Under Stress

【核心词汇】 sphere [sfiə] n. ,球面,球体,天体,地球仪,范围vt. 包围,使成球体,放入球内 Many countries have difficulties in the economic sphere. 许多国家在经济方面遇到了困难。 category ['kætigəri] n. 种类,类项; 【例】These Categories recognize different levels of competition. 这些类别可被用来分辨出比赛里不同的等级。 susceptible [sə'septəbl] a. 易受影响的,易感动的,容许 【例】This agreement is not susceptible to alteration. 这一协议不容更改。 psychiatrist [sai'kaiətrist] n. 精神病医师,神病学家 【例】The psychiatrist gave testimony that …精神病医生有证言说…… trigger ['trigə] n. 触发器,板机,制滑机 vt. 触发,发射,引起 vi. 松开板柄 【例】The odour of food may be a trigger for man's

appetite. 食物的香味能引起人的食欲。 capacity [kə'pæsiti] n. 容量,能力,才能,资格

n. 容量,资格,地位,职位

【例】This room has a seating capacity of 100

people. 这个房间可容纳一百人。

expose [iks'pəuz] vt. 使暴露,受到;使曝光;

揭露,揭发 You shouldn't expose the soldiers to unnecessary risks. 你不应该让士兵们冒不必要的危险。 random ['rændəm] n. 随意,任意a. 任意的,随便的,胡乱的,随机的 ad. 胡乱地 domestic [də'mestik] a. 家里的,家庭的;本国,国内的;驯养的 The meeting concerns both foreign and

domestic policies. 会议关系到国内外政策。 devastating adj.破坏性的

A smouldering cigarette can kindle a

devastating bushfire. 闷燃着的香烟会引起毁灭性的林区大火。 struggle ['strʌgl] n. 斗争,战斗;挣扎,努力 vi.

挣扎斗争,奋斗 【例】They stayed awake in their struggle against

terrorists. 在与反恐怖分子的斗争中他们始终保持警惕。 frustration [frʌs'treiʃən] n. 打破,挫折,顿挫 【例】actions expressive of frustration. 表达受挫

的行动 paycheck ['peitʃek] n. 付薪水的支票;薪津;

租金 【例】The boss docked his paycheck $ 20. 老板从

他的工资中扣去20美元。 obligation ['ɔbli'geiʃən] n. 义务,职责,责任;

契约,债务 【例】He feels a prior obligation to his job as a

journalist. 他觉得要优先为他的新闻记者的工作职。


1. Studies of both animals and humans have shown that sex hormones somehow affect the stress response, causing females under stress to produce more of the trigger chemicals than do males under the same conditions. 【译文】对于动物和人类的研究都显示出性激素

会在某种程度去影响面对压力的反应,导致在同样的条件下,女性产生更多的致病化学物质。 【解析】这句话的主语是Studiesof both animals

and humans是定语,修饰主语。have shown是谓语,that后是宾语从句,sex hormones是宾语从句中的主

语,affect是宾语从句中的谓语,the stress response宾语从句中的宾语,causing females under stress to

produce more of the trigger chemicals than do males under the same conditions.是宾语从句中的状语从句。

2. In several of the studies, when stressed-out
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female rats had their ovaries (the female reproductive organs) removed, their chemical responses became equal to those of the males.


【解析】这句话中In several of the studieswhen stressed-out female rats had their ovaries (the female reproductive organs) removed都是状语从句,their chemical responses是主语,became是谓语,在when的状语从句中,stressed-out female rats是从句中的主语,had something removed是谓语。

3. Adding to a woman‘s increased dose of stress chemicals, are her increased ―opportunities‖ for stress.


【解析】这句话中Adding to a woman‘s increased dose of stress chemicals是状语,add to的意思是增加,增添,补充,后面的句子没有主语。Adding to后面接的是名词,表补充!

4. The kinds of interpersonal violence that women are exposed to tend to be in domestic situations, by, unfortunately, parents or other family members, and they tend not to be one-shot deals.


【解析】这句话中The kinds of interpersonal violence that women are exposed to是主语,tend是谓语。unfortunately是插入语,整个的是by parents or other family membersand连接一个句子,所以这句话是一个并列句。

5. Alvarez‘s experience demonstrates the importance of finding ways to diffuse stress before it threatens your health and your ability to function.


【解析】这句话中Alvarez‘s experience是主语,demonstrates是谓语,the importance是宾语,of finding ways to diffuse stress before it threatens your health and your ability to function.这整个一句话都是修饰宾语the importance的。

【参考答案解析】 21. 参考答案【A

【解析】 A.从文中Women are particularly susceptible to developing depression and anxiety disorders in response to stress compared to menStudies of both animals and humans have shown that sex hormones somehow affect the stress response, causing females under stress to produce more of the trigger chemicals than do males under the same conditions.2句话可以看出由于激素荷尔蒙的原因,女性在生理上面对压力时更脆弱。B.文中没有表明女性受到来自于男性的压力。CD 在前2段中没有说明,故选A

22. 参考答案【D

【解析】D.首先定位,Dr. Yehuada‘s 在第3中,第一句话, Adding to a woman‘s increased dose of stress chemicals, are her increased ―opportunities‖ for stress.女性的压力化学物质增多,她面对压力的机会就会增加。也就是更容易暴露在更多的压力下。A.参考答案中有‖chemicals‖,但是表达的意思是处理压力需要额外的,更多的化学物质,和原文意思不符。B中有一句话,―Their capacity for tolerating stress may even be greater than men‘s,‖她们处理压力的能力也许甚至比男性还大,而参考答案的意思是女性处理压力的能力有限,与原文不符。C参考答案中是―avoiding stress‖,而原文中没有提到避免压力。故选D


C4―The wear-and-tear that comes from these longer relationships can be quite devastating‖来自于这些更长关系的磨损甚至可以是灾难性的。长期的,所以是durable;文中又说,―unfortunately, parents or other family members, and they tend not to be one-shot deals.‖they tend not to be one-shot deals,说明不是一次两次,而是经常性的,所以是frequentA. domestic是对的,文中有提及到,但是不是temporary,短暂的,而是长期的。Bviolent是男性面对的压力的特点,而不是女性。D. random也是男性面对的压力的特点,而不是女性。故选C

24. 参考答案【B 【解析】B第五段最后定位,―It‘s the hardest thing to take care of a teenager, have a job, pay the rent, pay the car payment, and pay the debt. I lived from paycheck to paycheck.‖说明Alvarez生活很艰难,参考答案中Alvarez

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A Alvarez只关心赚钱,与原文不符。CAlvarez从不同的工作中赚钱,在原文中没有体现。D Alvarez每件东西都是用支票支付的,在原文中没有体现。故B

25. 参考答案【D





2008 Text 2




Adeline Alvarez 18岁结婚并生了个儿子,但她决定完成大学学业。我尽了很大的努力拿到大学学位,因为我在实际生活中有很多的挫折,而这就是我的逃避,去学校,争取上游,做到更好。不久后,她离了婚变成一个单亲母亲。除了照顾一个十几岁的孩子,还要工作,付房租,养车,还债是最难的事情了。我的生活就是不停的支付自己的账单。

不是每个人经历着和Alvarez describes一样的长期的压力,但是大多数女性都在处理着太多的责任,很少得到喘息,从而感到了压力。Alvarez的经历证明了当压力威胁你的健康和正常生理功能之前解压是非常重要的。

It used to be so straightforward. A team of researchers working together in the laboratory would submit the results of their research to a journal. A journal editor would then remove the authors‘ names and affiliations from the paper and send it to their peers for review. Depending on the comments received, the editor would accept the paper for publication or decline it. Copyright rested with the journal publisher, and researchers seeking knowledge of the results would have to subscribe to the journal.

No longer. The Internet and pressure from funding agencies, who are questioning why commercial publishers are making money from government-funded research by restricting access to it is making access to scientific results a reality. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has just issued a report describing the far-reaching consequences of this. The report, by John Houghton of Victoria University in Australia and Graham Vickery of the OECD, makes heavy reading for publishers who have, so far, made handsome profits. But it goes further than that. It signals a change in what has, until now, been a key element of scientific endeavor.

The value of knowledge and the return on the public investment in research depends, in part, upon wide distribution and ready access. It is big business. In America, the core scientific publishing market is estimated at between $7 billion and $11 billion. The International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers says that there are more than 2,000 publishers worldwide specializing in these subjects. They publish more than 1.2 million articles each year in some 16,000 journals.

This is now changing. According to the OECD report, some 75% of scholarly journals are now online. Entirely new business models are emerging; three main ones were identified by the report‘s authors. There is the so-called big

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deal, where institutional subscribers pay for access to a collection of online journal titles through site-licensing agreements. There is open-access publishing, typically supported by asking the author (or his employer) to pay for the paper to be published. Finally, there are open-access archives, where organizations such as universities or international laboratories support institutional repositories. Other models exist that are hybrids of these three, such as delayed open-access, where journals allow only subscribers to read a paper for the first six months, before making it freely available to everyone who wishes to see it. All this could change the traditional form of the peer-review process, at least for the publication of papers.

26. In the first paragraph, the author discusses [A] the background information of journal editing. [B] the publication routine of laboratory reports. [C] the relations of authors with journal publishers. [D] the traditional process of journal publication.

27. Which of the following is true of the OECD report? [A] It criticizes government-funded research.

[B] It introduces an effective means of publication. [C] It upsets profit-making journal publishers. [D] It benefits scientific research considerably.

28. According to the text, online publication is significant in that [A] it provides an easier access to scientific results. [B] it brings huge profits to scientific researchers.

[C] it emphasizes the crucial role of scientific knowledge. [D] it facilitates public investment in scientific research.

29. With the open-access publishing model, the author of a paper is required to [A] cover the cost of its publication. [B] subscribe to the journal publishing it.

[C] allow other online journals to use it freely. [D] complete the peer-review before submission.

30. Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the text? [A] The Internet is posing a threat to publishers. [B] A new mode of publication is emerging.

[C] Authors welcome the new channel for publication. [D] Publication is rendered easier by online service.

【重点词汇】 endeavor [in'devə] n. v. 努力,尽力,竭力,straightforward [streit'fɔ:wəd] adj.简单的,,试图 易懂的,不复杂的:a straightforward process 简单的【例】we endeavor to make our customers happy. 过程;坦诚的,坦率的,率直的。 我们努力使客户满意。

American speech is remarkably distribution [distri'bju:ʃən] n. 分发;销售;频率straightforward. 美国人的语言非常直率。 分布;分配装置;分布;区分,分类;配电

affiliation [ə'fili'eiʃən] n.隶属关系;隶属,从【例】distribution of the population 人口分布 属。 subscriber [səb'skraibə] n.订户,签署者,捐款

【例】Ethnic character, background, or affiliation. ,认购者 属于少数民族种族特性、背景或关系 【例】Write away now for the free album offered to

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every new subscriber. 请速来信订阅,新订户可免费获取画册一本。

repository [ri'pɔzitəri] n.贮藏室,智囊团,知识库,仓库

【例】Once rules are defined, they're stored in a central repository. 一旦规则定下来,它们要集中存放在一处。

hybrid ['haibrid] n.杂种,混血儿,混合物;adj.混合的,杂种的 hybridism 杂交,混血 hybridity 种状态)

【例】widely cultivated hybrid poker plant. 广泛种植的杂种植物


1. The Internet and pressure from funding agencies, who are questioning why commercial publishers are making money from government-funded research by restricting access to it is making access to scientific results a reality.


【解析】两个-号中间的部分完全可以视作插入―the internet is making access to scientific results a reality. ‖―funding agencies, who are questioning why commercial publishers are making money from government-funded research by restricting access to it.‖这样分析就会简单很多:提供资金的机构施加压力,质疑为什么商业刊物可以通过限制刊载的手段从政府投资研究项目中牟利,互联网使得阅读科研结果成为现实。

2. Other models exist that are hybrids of these three, such as delayed open-access, where journals allow only subscribers to read a paper for the first six months, before making it freely available to everyone who wishes to see it.


【解析】such as后面引导从句,这句话以其他模式领起,但实际上只重点举了一个例子。―where‖后面的句子都是以―delayed open-access‖作为先行词。


【参考答案解析】 26. 参考答案D【解析】本题考查的知识点是:第一段的主旨题。本题的题干是主旨题的一种常见形The paragraph (passage)states(illustrates,discusses,deals with, is concerned about, describes) 。因此接下来要判断哪个选项是第一段的主旨的概括,该段没有明显的主题句,各句子的重要性没有明显的差别,因此考生需要在理解句子所陈述的意思之后,概括出作者写这个段落的目的。综合各句子的含义可看出,第一段在让读者了解学术期刊的出版过程及特点。第一、二段开始两个表时间的词语used to beNo longer 相呼应,表明这两段分别侧重介绍过去和现在的情况。

27. 参考答案【C

―…makes heavy reading for publishers who have, so far, made handsome profits.‖句可以分析得出。OECD报告没有谈到对政府出资的科研项目的评论,总结全新的互联网平台所促进的新的出版模式,而不是引进介绍一种新的方法。报告本身也没有对科学研究带来好或者不好的影响。

28. 参考答案【A

【解析】第二段第二句提到,网络使免费使用科研成果成为现实(The internet…… is making access to scienrific results a reality。表面上该句只是在谈网络的作用,但由于本文围绕学术期刊出版展开论述,因此这里讲的就是网络出版的意义。

29. 参考答案【A 【解析】根据题干中关键词open-access publishing定位到第四段。该段共介绍了四种网络出版模式,放存取出版模式是第二种。文中提到它主要依靠作者或其雇主支付论文出版费用。[A]是文中(asking the author topay for the paper to be published的改写,为正确项。

30. 参考答案【B




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现在不再是这样了。提供资金的机构施加压力,质疑为什么商业刊物可以通过限制刊载的手段从政府投资研究项目中牟利,互联网使得阅读科研结果成为现实。经济合作及发展组织近日发布一项调查,描述了这一现象所造成的深远影响。澳大利亚维多利亚大学的John Houghton和经合组织的Graham Vickery联合完成这一报告,内容使目前为止收入丰厚的出版商们感到汗颜。但是这项报告的意义远远不止于此,它标志着科学尝试的一项关键性因素即将发生改变。


2008 Text 3



In the early 1960s Wilt Chamberlain was one of only three players in the National Basketball Association (NBA) listed at over seven feet. If he had played last season, however, he would have been one of 42. The bodies playing major professional sports have changed dramatically over the years, and managers have been more than willing to adjust team uniforms to fit the growing numbers of bigger, longer frames.

The trend in sports, though, may be obscuring an unrecognized reality: Americans have generally stopped growing. Though typically about two inches taller now than 140 years ago, today’s people especially those born to families who have lived in the U.S. for many generations apparently reached their limit in the early 1960s. And they aren‘t likely to get any taller. ―In the general population today, at this genetic, environmental level, we‘ve pretty much gone as far as we can go,‖ says anthropologist William Cameron Chumlea of Wright State University. In the case of NBA players, their increase in height appears to result from the increasingly common practice of recruiting players from all over the world.

Growth, which rarely continues beyond the age of 20, demands calories and nutrients notably, protein to feed expanding tissues. At the start of the 20th century, under-nutrition and childhood infections got in the way. But as diet and health improved, children and adolescents have, on average, increased in height by about an inch and a half every 20 years, a pattern known as the secular trend in height. Yet according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, average height 5′9″ for men, 5′4″ for women – hasn‘t really changed since 1960.

Genetically speaking, there are advantages to avoiding substantial height. During childbirth, larger babies have more difficulty passing through the birth canal. Moreover, even though humans have been upright for millions of years, our feet and back continue to struggle with bipedal posture and cannot easily withstand repeated strain imposed by oversize limbs. ―There are some real constraints that are set by the genetic architecture of the individual organism,‖ says anthropologist William Leonard of Northwestern University.

Genetic maximums can change, but don‘t expect this to happen soon. Claire C. Gordon, senior anthropologist at the Army Research Center in Natick, Mass., ensures that 90 percent of the uniforms and workstations fit recruits without alteration. She says that, unlike those for basketball, the length of military uniforms has not changed for some time. And if you need to predict human height in the near future to design a piece of equipment, Gordon says that by and large, ―you could use today‘s data and feel fairly confident.‖

31. Wilt Chamberlain is cited as an example to

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[A] illustrate the change of height of NBA players. [B] show the popularity of NBA players in the U.S.. [C] compare different generations of NBA players. [D] assess the achievements of famous NBA players.

32. Which of the following plays a key role in body growth according to the text? [A] Genetic modification. [B] Natural environment. [C] Living standards. [D] Daily exercise.

33. On which of the following statements would the author most probably agree? [A] Non-Americans add to the average height of the nation. [B] Human height is conditioned by the upright posture. [C] Americans are the tallest on average in the world. [D] Larger babies tend to become taller in adulthood.

34. We learn from the last paragraph that in the near future [A] the garment industry will reconsider the uniform size. [B] the design of military uniforms will remain unchanged. [C] genetic testing will be employed in selecting sportsmen. [D] the existing data of human height will still be applicable.

35. The text intends to tell us that

[A] the change of human height follows a cyclic pattern. [B] human height is becoming even more predictable. [C] Americans have reached their genetic growth limit. [D] the genetic pattern of Americans has altered.

obscure. 【重点词汇】

association [ə'səusi'eiʃən] n. 联系,联想;草案上的这一项含糊不清。 交际,交往;协会,社团 apparently [ə'pærəntli] ad. 表面上,似乎,显然

【例】Let's form an association to help blind people. 让我们建立一个协会来帮助盲人吧。 【例】Apparently he wanted to be close to those

common people. dramatically [drə'mætikli] ad. 从戏剧角

;戏剧性地,显著地 他显然想接近那些平民。

【例】I kept emphasizing how dramatically things genetic [dʒi'neitik] a. 遗传的,遗传学的 have changed. An enzyme that catalyzes genetic

recombination. 我反复强调事情发生了多大的变化。

adjust [ə'dʒʌst] vt. 调整,使适应于,催化重级酶能催化基因重组的一种酶。 vi. 调整,适应于,校准 anthropologist [ænθrə'pɔlədʒist] n.

【例】This electric pot can adjust the temperature 类学家 automatically. 【例】The anthropologist contrasted two cultures in

his lecture. 这种电饭锅能自动调节温度。

obscure [əb'skjuə] a. 微暗的,难解的,含糊的,这位人类学家在讲座中将两种文化进行对比。 涩的,偏僻的,不著名的 vt. 使阴暗,隐藏,使含糊 recruit [ri'kru:t] n. 新兵,新分子,新会

【例】The drafting of this section of the Bill is ,补给品 vt. 使恢复,补充,征募vi. 征募新兵,复原

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【例】We recruit all our restaurant staff locally . 我们从本地招所有的餐厅职员。

tissue ['tiʃu] n. 薄的纱织品,薄纸,棉纸,组织,连篇

【例】The process of dissolution and resorption of bony tissue. 骨组织吸收骨组织分解和吸收的过程。

adolescent [ædəu'lesnt] a. 青春期的,年的n. 青少年

【例】an awkward bad-mannered adolescent boy. 笨拙的没礼貌的青少年。

secular ['sekjulə] n. 牧师,俗人a. 俗的,现世的,不朽的,长期的

【例】The choir sings both sacred and secular music. 唱诗班既唱圣乐也唱世俗歌曲。

substantial [səb'stænʃəl] n. 重要部分,本质 a. 实质上的,物质的,有内容的,结实的

【例】She realized a substantial return on the investment. 她在那次投资中获得了实在的回报

bipedal ['baipedl] a. 两足动物

【例】large carnivorous bipedal dinosaur having huge claws. 爪巨大的大型食肉类两足恐龙。

strain [strein] vt. 拉紧,绷紧;损伤,扭伤;紧张, vi. 尽力,使劲 n. U拉紧,张力,应变;紧张

The great mental strain and overwork shattered his mind.巨大的精神负担和过度劳累使他心智受损。

architecture ['ɑ:kitektʃə] n. 建筑,建筑;建筑;组织,结构

【例】The study of ecclesiastical architecture and ornamentation.教堂建筑研究教堂建筑及装饰的学科。


1. If he had played last season, however, he would have been one of 42.


【解析】这句话是句虚拟语气,if + had done,后面接上would have done这句话是过去时的虚拟语气,中间的however是插入语。

2. The bodies playing major professional sports have changed dramatically over the years, and managers have been more than willing to adjust team uniforms to fit the growing numbyyers of bigger, longer frames.


【解析】这句话是个并列句,由and连接。前半句的主语是The bodiesplaying major professional sport是对主语的补充,have changed是谓语,dramatically over the years是状语。后半句中,managers是主语,have been是谓语。

3. Though typically about two inches taller now than 140 years ago, today‘s people especially those born to families who have lived in the U.S. for many generations apparently reached their limit in the early 1960s.


【解析】这句话主语是today‘s peopleThough typically about two inches taller now than 140 years ago是状语,especially those born to families who have lived in the U.S. for many generations是对主语的补充,reached their limit是谓语,in the early 1960s是时间状语。

4. Growth, which rarely continues beyond the age of 20, demands calories and nutrients notably, protein to feed expanding tissues.


【解析】这句话中Growth是主语,which rarely continues beyond the age of 20是定语从句,demands是谓语,calories and nutrients是宾语。notably, protein to feed expanding tissues是对宾语的补足。

5. Claire C. Gordon, senior anthropologist at the Army Research Center in Natick, Mass,ensures that 90 percent of the uniforms and workstations fit recruits without alteration.

【译文】Mass州的Natick的军队研究中心的高级人类学家Claire C. Gordon确信百分之九十的入伍新兵不需要更换新的制服和工作站。

【解析】这句话中Claire C. Gordon是主语,senior anthropologist at the Army Research Center in Natick, Mass是对主语的补充,ensures是谓语,that 90 percent of the uniforms and workstations fit recruits without alterationthat引导的宾语从句,90 percent of the

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uniforms and workstations是宾语从句中的主语,fit宾语从句中的谓语,recruits是宾语从句中的宾语。

【参考答案解析】 31. 参考答案【A 【解析】AWilt Chamberlain在第一段,先定位,―In the early 1960s Wilt Chamberlain was one of only three players in the National Basketball Association (NBA) listed at over seven feet. If he had played last season, however, he would have been one of 42.‖19世纪60年代初,Wilt ChamberlainNBA身高超过7尺的3人之一,如果他打了最后一个赛季的话,他将是42人之一。说明后来NBA中身高超过7尺的增加到了42人。也就证明了NBA运动员的身高变化。

B.显示了美国NBA球员的名声,与原文不符。 C 比较了NBA两代的球员的区别,与原文不符。

D.评估了著名NBA球员的成绩,与原文不符。 故选A

32. 参考答案【C

【解析】C. ―But as diet and health improved, children and adolescents have, on average, increased in height by about an inch and a half every 20 years,‖说明导致身高增长的因素有饮食和健康的改善,就是参考答案所说的生活水平。A.基因变化,这个与原文不符。B.自然环境,文中没有提及。D.日常锻炼,与原文不符。故选C

33. 参考答案【B B原文‖ Moreover, even though humans have been upright for millions of years, our feet and back continue to struggle with bipedal posture and cannot easily withstand repeated strain imposed by oversize limbs.‖表明由于直立起来的姿势人类的身高收到了限制。A文中没有提及。C美国人是世界上平均身高最高的,文中没有说到。D.个大的婴儿在孩童时期容易长得更高,这个原文没有说明。故选B

34. 参考答案【DD. 先定位到最后一段,―you could use today‘s data and feel fairly confident.‖说明现在的人类身高的数据以后还可以拿来使用。A.文中―ensures that 90 percent of the uniforms and workstations fit recruits without alteration.‖90%的新兵制服和工作站无需改动,而参考答案是重新考虑,与原文不符。B.军队制服的设计将不变,,文中并无提及。C.基因测试将运用到运动员选拔中去,文中无提及。故选D

35. 参考答案【CC.文章中提及到,由于基因的限制,美国人已经达到了身高的极限。A.人类的身高改变遵循着周期的模式,而文章则说由于各种原因,人类的身高已经达到极限,与原文不符。B.人类的身高变得更加具有可预知性,与文中意思不符。D美国人的基因形态已改变,文中无提及。故选C


20世纪60年代早期,Wilt Chamberlain是美国国家篮球协会中仅有的身高超过7英尺的三个人之一。可是如果他参加了上个赛季的话,他就变成了42分之一了。这些年来在较大的职业体育运动中的运动员的身体状况发生了很大的改变,而他们的经理人也更愿意调整队员的运动服来适应队员们更大,更高的身材。

虽然体育界的这种趋势可能蒙蔽了一个没有被承认的现实:美国人基本上停止生长了。虽然现在人们140年前高了2英寸,特别是那些出生在已移民美国很多代的那些人,但是明显的,在二十世纪60年代早期,已经到达了他们的身高的极限。他们已经不可能再长得更高了。在这个基因和环境的条件下,现在整体的人们已经长到我们能够达到的范围了,‖Wright州大学的人类学家William Cameron Chumlea说道。NBA球员来说,他们身高的增加主要由于从世界各地招募到了球员。


总的说来,避免太高的身高是有很多优点的。在生产时,较大的婴儿通过产道是有更多的问题的。而且,就算人类已经直立行走已经几百万年了,我们的脚和背部继续对抗着巨大的压力,这些压力来源于双足直立的姿势和巨大的肢体。有一些限制是个体器官的基因结构导致的。西北大学的人类学家William Leonard说道。

基因的最大化可以改变,但是不要期待它会马上就能发生。Mass州的Natick的军队研究中心的高级人类学家Claire C. Gordon确信百分之九十的入伍新兵不需要更换新的制服和工作站。她说,不像那些篮球制服,军队的制服长度很长时间都没有改变了。如

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果你需要在不远的将来预测人类的身高而去设计一款新的设备,Gordon说基本上,你都能够使用现在的2008 Text 4


In 1784, five years before he became president of the United States, George Washington, 52, was nearly toothless. So he hired a dentist to transplant nine teeth into his jaw having extracted them from the mouths of his slaves.

That‘s a far different image from the cherry-tree-chopping George most people remember from their history books. But recently, many historians have begun to focus on the roles slavery played in the lives of the founding generation. They have been spurred in part by DNA evidence made available in 1998, which almost certainly proved Thomas Jefferson had fathered at least one child with his slave Sally Hemings. And only over the past 30 years have scholars examined history from the bottom up. Works of several historians reveal the moral compromises made by the nation‘s early leaders and the fragile nature of the country‘s infancy. More significantly, they argue that many of the Founding Fathers knew slavery was wrong and yet most did little to fight it.

More than anything, the historians say, the founders were hampered by the culture of their time. While Washington and Jefferson privately expressed distaste for slavery, they also understood that it was part of the political and economic bedrock of the country they helped to create.

For one thing, the South could not afford to part with its slaves. Owning slaves was ―like having a large bank account,‖ says Wiencek, author of An Imperfect God: George Washington, His Slaves, and the Creation of America. The southern states would not have signed the Constitution without protections for the “peculiar institution,” including a clause that counted a slave as three fifths of a man for purposes of congressional representation.

And the statesmen‘s political lives depended on slavery. The three-fifths formula handed Jefferson his narrow victory in the presidential election of 1800 by inflating the votes of the southern states in the Electoral College. Once in office, Jefferson extended slavery with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803; the new land was carved into 13 states, including three slave states.

Still, Jefferson freed Hemings‘s children though not Hemings herself or his approximately 150 other slaves. Washington, who had begun to believe that all men were created equal after observing the bravery of the black soldiers during the Revolutionary War, overcame the strong opposition of his relatives to grant his slaves their freedom in his will. Only a decade earlier, such an act would have required legislative approval in Virginia.

【难句解析】 【例】Growth is rapid in infancy. 幼儿期的成长相transplant [træns'plɑ:nt] vt. 移居,移植,迁移 vi. 当快。 移居,移植 n. 移居者,移植 bedrock [bed'rɔk] n. 岩床,根底,基础

【例】Santillan waited three years for the first 【例】Ancient culture is the bedrock of all. 古老的transplant. 为了找到合适的心肺进行移植,桑提连已文化蕴孕着时代永恒的文明。 经等了足足三年。 congressional [kən'greʃənl] a. 会议的,议会的,

spur [spə:] n. 马刺,刺激物,鼓舞 vt. 刺激,激励,会的 马刺刺 vi. 用马刺驱马,疾驰 【例】The congressional opponents zeroed in on the

【例】Do not spur a willing horse. 君子一言,好bill. 国会中的反对派把矛头集中指向那项议案。 马一鞭。 formula ['fɔ:mjulə] n. 公式,程式;准则,方案复

compromise ['kɔmprəmaiz] n. 妥协,折衷,折衷案,【例】What formula will they accept? 什么方案和解 vi. 妥协处理 vt. 危害 各方都能接受呢?

【例】Oppose all vacillation and compromise. 反对legislative ['ledʒislətiv] a. 立法的,有立法权的,任何的动摇妥协。 法机构的 n. 立法权,立法机构

fragile ['frædʒail] a. 易碎的,脆的 名词:fragility, 【例】composed of one legislative body. 由一个立fragileness 副词:fragilely 法机关组成。

【例】Is anything fragile enclosed? 这包裹里有易

破的东西吗? 【难句注释】

infancy ['infənsi] n. 幼年,初期,幼儿 1They have been spurred in part by DNA evidence

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made available in 1998, which almost certainly proved Thomas Jefferson had fathered at least one child with his slave Sally Hemings.


【解析】该句的主干是They have been spurred in part by DNA evidence过去分词短语made available in 1998Which引导的非限定性从句都做后置定语,同修饰名词evidence。定语从句的主谓结构是which proved,宾语是省略了关系代词的宾语从句(thatTommas Jefferson had fathered…Hemings,其中father 做动词,意为―[作为父亲][孩子]成为······的父亲

2The southern states would not have signed the Constitution without protections for the ―peculiar institution,‖ including a clause that counted a slave as three fifths of a man for purposes of congressional representation.


单。‖including‖后面是对―perculiar institution‖


【参考答案解析】 36. 参考答案D【解析】弄清楚作者开始讲述故事的目的,关键要知道他是如何从一则轶事过渡到下文主题的。从篇章分析看,华盛顿利用奴隶的轶华盛顿砍倒樱桃树的典型形象再到奴隶制在开国元勋生活中扮演的角色华盛顿这个人物才是行文的线索,作者从讲述他不为人们熟悉的故事入手,引出话题,因此[D]正确。

37. 参考答案【B【解析】第二段倒数第二句提到,历史学家的著作揭示了新生国家的脆弱性,[B]就是文中the fragile nature of the country‘s infancy改写。Fraglie这里取比喻意,,week and uncertain,and likely to become worse under pressure―脆弱的,不稳定infancy意为the time when something is just starting to be developed―初期,早期[B]delicate意为needing to be dealt with carefully or sensitively in order to avoid problems or failure―微妙的,需要谨慎处理的

38. 参考答案C【解析】本题考查的知识点是:综合文中有关某一人物的细节。杰弗逊认识到奴隶制不该存在,但是政治生涯又得益于奴隶制度,因此,他对奴隶制的态度一定是复杂的。

39. 参考答案A【解析】文中多处强调开国元勋们对奴隶制的妥协态度,这与他们从政治上获益是分不开的。考生不能孤立的理解第五段的内容,以为只有杰弗逊一人在政治上收益,其实杰弗逊是开国元勋这个群体的代表,因此[A]正确,它就是第五段首句的改写。

40. 参考答案【B【解析】根据题干关键词Washington‘s decision to free slaves定位到第六段第二句,该句是个长句,主句部分Washington overcame…in his will介绍在了华盛顿释放奴隶的决定,从句部分who had… War解释了原因。[B]after observing the bravery of the black soldiers during the Revolutionary War的概括,因此是正确项。






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Directions: In the following article, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

The time for sharpening pencils, arranging your desk, and doing almost anything else instead of writing has ended. The first draft will appear on the page only if you stop avoiding the inevitable and sit, stand up, or lie down to write. (41)____________.

Be flexible. Your outline should smoothly conduct you from one point to the next, but do not permit it to railroad you. If a relevant and important idea occurs to you now, work it into the draft.

(42)___________. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling can wait until you revise. Concentrate on what you are saying. Good writing most often occurs when you are in hot pursuit of an idea rather than in a nervous search for errors.

(43)___________. Your pages will be easier to keep track of that way, and, if you have to clip a paragraph to place it elsewhere, you will not lose any writing on the other side.

If you are working on a word processor, you can take advantage of its capacity to make additions and deletions as well as move entire paragraphs by making just a few simple keyboard commands. Some software programs can also check spelling and certain grammatical elements in your writing. (44)___________. These printouts are also easier to read than the screen when you work on revisions.

Once you have a first draft on paper, you can delete material that is unrelated to your thesis and add material necessary to illustrate your points and make your paper convincing. The student who wrote "The A & P as a State of Mind" wisely dropped a paragraph that questioned whether Sammy displays chauvinistic attitudes toward women. (45)___________.

Remember that your initial draft is only that. You should go through the paper many times ── and then again── working to substantiate and clarify your ideas. You may even end up with several entire versions of the paper. Rewrite. The sentences within each paragraph should be related to a single topic. Transitions should connect one paragraph to the next so that there are no abrupt or confusing shifts. Awkward or wordy phrasing or unclear sentences and paragraphs should be mercilessly poked and prodded into shape.

[A] To make revising easier, leave wide margins and extra space between lines so that you can easily add words, sentences, and corrections. Write on only one side of the paper.

[B] After you have clearly and adequately developed the body of your paper, pay particular attention to the introductory and concluding paragraphs. It's probably best to write the introduction last, after you know precisely what you are introducing. Concluding paragraphs demand equal attention because they leave the reader with a final impression. [C] It's worth remembering, however, that though a clean copy fresh off a printer may look terrific, it will read only as well as the thinking and writing that have gone into it. Many writers prudently store their data on disks and print their pages each time they finish a draft to avoid losing any material because of power failures or other problems.

[D] It makes no difference how you write, just so you do. Now that you have developed a topic into a tentative thesis, you can assemble your notes and begin to flesh out whatever outline you have made.

[E] Although this is an interesting issue, it has nothing to do with the thesis, which explains how the setting influences Sammy's decision to quit his job. Instead of including that paragraph, she added one that described Lengel's crabbed response to the girls so that she could lead up to the A & P "policy" he enforces.

[F] In the final paragraph about the significance of the setting in "A & P," the student brings together the reasons Sammy quit his job by referring to his refusal to accept Lengel's store policies.

[G] By using the first draft as a means of thinking about what you want to say, you will very likely discover more than your notes originally suggested. Plenty of good writers don't use outlines at all but discover ordering principles as they



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write. Do not attempt to compose a perfectly correct draft the first time around.

41 D 42 G 43 A 44 C 45 E

这篇文章几乎没有什么时效性,在第四段中甚至出现了一句…to make additions and deletions as well as move entire paragraphs by making just a few simple keyboards commands. Some software programs can also check spelling and certain grammatical elements in your writing. 简单翻译一下:可以通过几个简单的键盘命令添加、删除,并移动整个段落。有些软件还可以检查你写作中的拼写和语法。显然,作者还把现在所有文字处理软件的基本功能当成新技术来讲,可见文章的成文时间应该起码在十年之前。


41题所在段落讲到的是写作最重要的是要开始写,作者甚至夸张的说,站着、坐着,甚至躺着,都不重要,这就这好与选项D中的第一句It makes no differences how you write连接起来。因此答案是D。但是考虑到41题目前面的句子较长,考生理解起来有一定的困难,本题难度适中偏难。

42题讲写作中你的思路(idea)和草稿(draft)之间的关系。作者的观点是思路第一,不要被已经写出来的东西束缚了你的思路。因为42题是个段落中间的题目,而且出题地方后面的grammar, punctuation, and spelling…一句基本不能对做题起任何作用,此题较难,当然正确答案G中开始的draft一词和42题前面正好呼应,可以作为一个猜测的思路

43题,笔者认为比较容易,段落开始的地方出题并不可怕,关键是第三段本来就短,阅读量不大,而且A选项也很短,而更加明显的是A中最后的one side of the paper和第三段最后的on the other side呼应关系非常明显,考生在考场上应该能较迅速的识别,因此本题较容易。

44题,第四段在讲电脑的字处理技术,那么在选项中找个讲这方面的好了。注意C中出现的这些词 printer 打印机;disk 磁盘;data数据;power failures 停电,看到这些词,想不选C也难。但是考虑到C中并没有直接出现computer, word processor等词,而且第四段本身比较长,估计考生在考试的时候感觉这道题并不好做。此题难度中等偏难。

45题的正确答案,估计多有的考生都会从EF中选一个,因为在选项中提到所谓的A&P的就它们两个。但是可能有同学会看到F中的final一词,又想45题在段落最后,就选了它,那么就错了。正确答案E确定主要看E中第一句Although this is an interesting issue中有个指代词this,说明上文中有件作者认为较为有意思的事情,看看第5段最后一句中说到写作文的学生写了一个段落来怀疑Sammy是否对女性表现出了大男子主义,正好是作者指代的this,因此答案应该是E。这个题估计大家对错参半,难度适中。


41 D




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42 G


43 A

在选项后面出现了that way 所以上文中会说到具体的哪种方式,只有A选项提到了具体的方式,因此符合题意。

44. C

选项后面提到了these printouts,空前面提到:―在修改过程中,看打印出来的材料比看电脑屏幕容易。因此44题选项中也会有和打印出来的材料相关的内容。C选项中很明显地有copy 还有 printer对应下文中所提及的打印出来的材料。

45. E

前文提到Sammy这个人,这是一个线索词,选项中E F中都包含这个词,但是此段的主题句提到,在写作中要删去与主题不相关的素材,E选项中instead of adding that paragraph,也就意味着删去了这段。和主题句对应。


2007 Text 1

If you were to examine the birth certificates of every soccer player in 2006’s World Cup tournament, you would most likely find a noteworthy quirk: elite soccer players are more likely to have been born in the earlier months of the year than in the late months. If you then examined the European national youth teams that feed the World Cup and professional ranks, you would find this strange phenomenon to be ever more pronounced. What might account for this strange phenomenon? Here are a few guesses: a) certain astrological signs confer superior soccer skills; b) winter born babies tend to have higher oxygen capacity, which increases soccer stamina; c) soccer-mad parents are more likely to conceive children in springtime, at the annual peak of soccer mania; d) none of the above.

Anders Ericsson, a 58-year-old psychology professor at Florida State University, says he believes strongly in ―none of the above.‖ Ericsson grew up in Sweden, and studied nuclear engineering until he realized he would have more opportunity to conduct his own research if he switched to psychology. His first experiment, nearly 30 years ago, involved memory: training a person to hear and then repeat a random series of numbers. ―With the first subject, after about 20 hours of training, his digit span had risen from 7 to 20,‖ Ericsson recalls. ―He kept improving, and after about 200 hours of training he had risen to over 80 numbers.‖

This success, coupled with later research showing that memory itself is not genetically determined, led Ericsson to conclude that the act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive one. In other words, whatever inborn differences two people may exhibit in their abilities to memorize, those differences are swamped by how well each person ―encodes‖ the information. And the best way to learn how to encode information meaningfully, Ericsson determined, was a process known as deliberate practice. Deliberate practice entails more than simply repeating a task. Rather, it involves setting specific goals, obtaining immediate feedback and concentrating as much on technique as on outcome.



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Ericsson and his colleagues have thus taken to studying expert performers in a wide range of pursuits, including soccer. They gather all the data they can, not just performance statistics and biographical details but also the results of their own laboratory experiments with high achievers. Their work makes a rather startling assertion: the trait we commonly call talent is highly overrated. Or, put another way, expert performers whether in memory or surgery, ballet or computer programmingare nearly always made, not born. 21. The birthday phenomenon found among soccer players is mentioned to

[A] stress the importance of professional training. [B] spotlight the soccer superstars at the World Cup. [C] introduce the topic of what makes expert performance. [D] explain why some soccer teams play better than others. 22. The word ―mania‖ (Line 4, Paragraph 2) most probably means

[A] fun. [B] craze. [C] hysteria. [D] excitement.

23. According to Ericsson, good memory

[A] depends on meaningful processing of information. [B] results from intuitive rather than cognitive exercises. [C] is determined by genetic rather than psychological factors. [D] requires immediate feedback and a high degree of concentration. 24. Ericsson and his colleagues believe that

[A] talent is a dominating factor for professional success. [B] biographical data provide the key to excellent performance. [C] the role of talent tends to be overlooked.

[D] high achievers owe their success mostly to nurture.

25. Which of the following proverbs is closest to the message the text tries to convey?

[A] ―Faith will move mountains.‖ [B] ―One reaps what one sows.‖ [C] ―Practice makes perfect.‖ [D] ―Like father, like son.‖


certificate n.证书

【巧】certif (y证明) +ic(形容词后缀)+ate(作名词后缀表)=具证明性质的东西证书。

【例】a leaving certificate 毕业(肄业, 离职)证书; academic certificate



学历证书;I must discard riches, the certificate of slavery.我必须抛弃财富这张奴隶证书。

elite n.精英(中频词)


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astrological adj.占星的, 占星术的

stamina n.毅力, 持久力, 精力 【例】exhibit enough stamina to master English. 表现出掌握英语的充足的毅力;That young man lacks stamina.那个年青人缺乏毅力。

conceive v.怀孕, 考虑, 设想

【例】conceive prejudices抱偏见;conceive a child 怀孕;Scientists first conceived the idea of atomic bomb in the 1930s. 20


annual adj.每年的(中频词)

【例】annual report / income / production年度报告 / 收入 / 产量

peak n.顶点, (记录的)最高峰

mania n.癖好, 狂热

【例】She has a mania for ponies. 她特别喜欢小马。

coupled with 加上, 外加

intuitive adj.直觉的

cognitive adj.认知的, 认识的, 有感知的

【例】a child's cognitive development小孩认识能力的发展

swamp v. 使陷入困境 【例】be swamped by heavy debts 债台高筑;The horse was swamped in the mud. 马陷入泥潭。 A big wave swamped the boat. 一个大浪淹没了小船。 I am swamped with work. 工作忙得不可开交。

deliberate adj.深思熟虑的, 故意的, 预有准备的 【例】a deliberate decision 慎重的决定 pursuit n.求;职业

【习】hell-for-leather pursuit 全力追击, 拼命追赶;in pursuit of 追踪, 追求;in hot

pursuit 穷追

【例】daily pursuits 日常事务;in one's pursuit of happiness 追求幸福

statistics n.统计学, 统计表(中频词) assertion n.主张, 断言, 声明

【例】stand to one's assertion 坚持已见


1If you were to examine the birth certificates of



every soccer player in 2006's World Cup tournament you would most likely find a noteworthy quirk: elite soccer players are more likely to have been born in the earlier months of the year than in the later months.

【译文】 如果你查看一下参加2006年世界杯赛的所有足球运动员的出生证,你极有可能会发现一个引人注意的怪事:优秀的足球运动员大多是在年头出生,而不是在年尾出生。

【析句】 这是一个典型的虚拟条件句,但是主句的宾语后面跟着一个同位语从句。此句并不难理解。

【讲词】birth certificate意为"出生证"certificate意思是"证书;证明书;凭证"对于学生来说,certificate是指"结业证",即完成了某门课程或一段时间学习证明。相近的单词有diploma(文凭;毕业证书;证明权力、特权、荣誉等的证书或奖状)大学毕业取得的学位,英语是用degree来表示,degree主要有三个:学士(bachelor)学位、硕士(master)学位和博士(doctorPhD)学位。

noteworthy表示"值得注意,引人注意的" quirk 意为"怪癖;怪事,巧合"在句中表示"奇怪的现"

elite 意为"精英,菁华;杰出人士"

2If you then examine the European national youth teams that feed the World Cup and professional ranks, you would find this strange phenomenon to be even more pronounced.


【析句】主句you would find...this strange phenomenon是宾语,to be even more pronounced是宾语补足语。



rank 可以表示"等级;行列;阶级"professional ranks表示"职业队伍",即各级职业联赛的队伍。

3What might account for this strange phenomenon? Here are a few guesses a) certain astrological signs confer superior soccer skills; b) winter-born babies tend to have higher oxygen capacity which increases soccer stamina; c) soccer-mad parents are more likely to conceive children in springtime, at the annual peak of soccer mania; d) none of the above.

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【译文】 怎样解释这一奇怪的现象?有几个猜想:1. 某些星相赋予超强的足球技能。2. 冬天的婴儿大多摄氧量更高,可以增加足球体能。3. 狂爱足球的父母更有可能在春天怀孕,这一段时间是足球狂热的高峰。4. 以上选项都不正确。

【析句】 冒号之后是四个选项,其中包括三个简单句和一个名词短语结构。

【讲词】account for主要表示"解释,说明",即是explain的意思。例如:Bad weather accounted for the long delay of the flight.(航班长期的延缓是因为坏天气。The suspect couldn‘t account for his time that night.(嫌犯不能说明那天晚上他的时间安排。 astrological sign 指星座或星相zodiac黄道)共有12个:水瓶座(Aquarius),双鱼座(Pisces,白羊座Aries),金牛座(Taurus,双子座(Gemini,巨蟹座(Cancer),狮子座(Leo,处女座(Virgo,天秤座(Libra),天蝎座(Scorpio),人马座(Sagittarius)摩羯座(Capricorn

confer 意为"赠予;授予;给予",其同义词包括:give,bestow,invest等。也可表示"协商,交换意见"同义词包括advise,consult,parley等。 stamina意为"毅力,持久力,精力"physical or moral strength

conceive 基本上有两个意思,即"构思""怀孕"

4This success,coupled with later research showing that memory itself as not genetically determined, led Ericsson to conclude that the act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive one.

【译文】 这一成功,以及后来显示记忆本身并非由基因所决定的研究,让埃里克森得到这样的结论,即记忆行为是一种认识练习,而不是一种直觉练习。

【析句】 句子虽长,却是一个简单句,主语是This success谓语是led后面接两个宾语,一是Ericsson一是不定式to conclude。不定式本身接that引导的宾语从句。

【讲词】couple 作名词表示"()对,()双;夫妇"作动词表示"连接;结合;结婚"to be coupled with意为to be together with。例如:She coupled her refusal with an explanation.(她解释了拒绝的原因。

genetically determined意为"(是)由基因决定的"genetically的名词是gene(基因),形容词是genetic它们与generate,general,generation等来自同一词根。 cognitive 意为"认知的",其名词是cognition(认知,认知力)

5Their work makes a rather startling assertion: the trait we commonly call talent is highly overrated. Or,



put another way, expert performers-whether in memory or surgery, ballet or computer programming-are nearly always made, not born.

【译文】 他们的工作得出了一个惊人的观点:我们通常称之为天才的特性被高估了。换句话说,在记忆、外科、芭蕾或计算机程序方面的专业人士,他们几乎都是后天努力的结果,并非天生如此。

【析句】 第一句是简单句,冒号后的成分是宾语assertion的同位语,而同位语中又包含一个定语从句修饰the trait在第二句中,orput another way是插入语,句子的主干是expert... are... made, not bornwhether in... programming作定语。

【讲词】startling 意为"惊人的,令人吃惊的",其同义词有surprisingastonishingstunningastounding等。

assertion 表示"主张;断言;声明"

talent 意为"天才;才干;才能",注意中文的"人才市"英语应用job market来表示。

overrate "高估",其反义词是underrate(低估) expert ""expert performers 表示"专业人士"

made 句中意为"通过后天努力而成就的(人)" born "天生的",如:She is a born star.


21.[C]例证题。请问提及著名运动员的生日的目的是什么?第一段是一个引子,作用就是为了引出主题,是为了说明这个例子的。因此首先就能排除选项[B]和选项[D],因为都出现了soccer,而选项[A]中的―professional training‖是文中未提及的信息很明显和主题相关的就是[C]―引出文章的主题该类题型也是近两年每年必考的题型,考生只要注意答案只和主题相关。

22.[B]词义题。请问‗mania‘在文中的意思是什么?首先返回原文,在上文中找到soccer-madsoccer mania正好对应,因此应该找一个mad的同义词。选项[A] fun没有疯狂的意思;选项[C]hysteria解释为歇斯底里,明显带有贬义,不符合原文意境;选项[D] excitement是兴奋,没有达到疯狂的程度。因此选[B] craze

23.[A]细节事实题。根据Ericsson的观点,好的记忆如何?根据题干中的memory,返回原文第四段。选项[B]―源于直觉而不是感觉与原文四段首句是感觉而不是直觉相反;选项[C]―基因而不是心理因素决定第四段首句不是由基因决定相反;选项[D]中的―high degree‖是文中未提及的信息。选项[A]―取决于有目的‗Ericsson determined, was a process known as deliberate practice有目的性的练习过程

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24.[D]细节事实题。请问Ericsson和其同事的观点是什么?选项[A]―天赋是获得职业成功的主要因素与原文末段第三句我们通常对天赋估计过高矛盾;选项[B]属于以偏概全,选项中的biographical data只是其中的一个部分,而不能理解为选项中的―key决定性因‖;[C]‗Overrate过高估计,而选项换成―overlook忽视,与原文意思不符。选项[D]―成功归功于训练对应原文的末句好的表现是自己努力的而不是天生的[D]为正确答案。






2007 Text 2




For the past several years, the Sunday newspaper supplement Parade has featured a column called ―Ask Marilyn.‖ People are invited to query Marilyn vos Savant, who at age 10 had tested at a mental level of someone about 23 years old; that gave her an IQ of 228 the highest score ever recorded. IQ tests ask you to complete verbal and visual analogies, to envision paper after it has been folded and cut, and to deduce numerical sequences, among other similar tasks. So it is a bit confusing when vos Savant fields such queries from the average Joe (whose IQ is 100) as, What‘s the difference between love and fondness? Or what is the nature of luck and coincidence? It’s not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers.

Clearly, intelligence encompasses more than a score on a test. Just what does it mean to be smart? How much of intelligence can be specified, and how much can we learn about it from neurology, genetics, computer science and other fields?

The defining term of intelligence in humans still seems to be the IQ score, even though IQ tests are not given as often as they used to be. The test comes primarily in two forms: the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler Intelligence Scales (both come in adult and children‘s version). Generally costing several hundred dollars, they are usually given only by psychologists, although variations of them populate bookstores and the World Wide Web. Superhigh scores like vos Savant’s are no longer possible, because scoring is now based on a statistical population distribution among age peers, rather than simply dividing the mental age by the chronological age and multiplying by 100. Other standardized tests, such as the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) and the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), capture the main aspects of IQ tests.

Such standardized tests may not assess all the important elements necessary to succeed in school and in life, argues Robert J. Sternberg. In his article ―How Intelligent Is Intelligence Testing?‖, Sternberg notes that traditional



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test best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge, components also critical to problem solving and life success. Moreover, IQ test do not necessarily predict so well once populations or situations change. Research has found that IQ predicted leadership skills when the tests were given under low-stress conditions, but under high-stress conditions, IQ was negatively correlated with leadership that is, it predicted the opposite. Anyone who has toiled through SAT will testify that test-taking skill also matters, whether it‘s knowing when to guess or what questions to skip.

26. Which of the following may be required in an intelligent test?

[A] Answering philosophical questions.

[B] Folding or cutting paper into different shapes. [C] Telling the difference between certain concepts. [D] Choosing words or graphs similar to the given ones. 27. What can be inferred about intelligence testing from Paragraph 3?

[A] People no longer use IQ scores as an indicator of intelligence. [B] More versions of IQ tests are now available on the Internet.

[C] The test contents and formats for adults and children may be different. [D] Scientists have defined the important elements of human intelligence. 28. People nowadays can no longer achieve IQ scores as high as vos Savant‘s because

[A] the scores are obtained through different computational procedures. [B] creativity rather than analytical skills is emphasized now. [C] vos Savant‘s case is an extreme one that will not repeat. [D] the defining characteristic of IQ tests has changed.

29. We can conclude from the last paragraph that

[A] test scores may not be reliable indicators of one‘s ability. [B] IQ scores and SAT results are highly correlated. [C] testing involves a lot of guesswork. [D] traditional test are out of date.

30. What is the author‘s attitude towards IQ test?

[A] Supportive. [B] Skeptical. [C] Impartial. [D] Biased.


mental adj.精神的, 智力的



verbal adj.口头的


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analogy n.类似, 类推

【习】have an analogy to/with具有与...相似之处;by analogy用类推法

【例】No analogy exists between them. 两者毫无相似之处。

envision vt.想象, 预想

numerical adj.数字的, 用数表示的

fondness n.爱好, 溺爱

coincidence n.一致, 相合, 同时发生或同时存在(尤指偶然)的事 【巧】cotogether+ incidenceincidentcoincidence两个小的事情同时发生,巧合 【例】What a coincidence.多巧啊。

elude v.躲避

encompass v.包围, 环绕, 包含或包括某事物

statistica adj.统计的, 统计学的n.统计量

peer n.同等的人

elements n.原理, 基础

predict v.预知, 预言, 预报


【例】predict rain for tomorrow预告明天有雨


1It's not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers.

【译文】 有些问题连一些最杰出的诗人和哲学家都难以回答,但是想象物体和计算数字模式的能力却能使人找出答案,其中原因并不为人所知。

【析句】 这是一个简单句,It只是形式主语,真正的主语是how引导的主语从句。而在主语从句中,主语the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns谓语是suits宾语是oneto answer questions是宾语补足语,questions后又跟了一个定语从句。

【讲词】 visualize意为"想象"imagine的同义词。例如:He had a hard time to visualize the scene as it was described.(他难以设想所描绘的场景。




根据句中的意思,可以译为"回答不了"。例如:The answer to this question eluded me for a long time, perhaps because it was so simple.(这个问题的答案我想了许久,也许是因为问题太简单了。

2Superhigh scores like vos Savant's are no longer possible, because scoring is now based on a statistical population distribution among age peers, rather than simply dividing the mental age by the chronological age and multiplying by 100.

【译文】 再也不可能出现vos Savant测得的智力高分了,因为评分标准是根据同年龄中人口分布统计数据而制定,而不是简单根据时间年龄除以智力年龄,再乘以100

【讲词】 这句话中包含一些术语,如:scoring(得分,即智力测验的得分)statistical population distribution(人口分布统计)age peers(同龄人)mental age(智力年龄)chronological age(时间年龄或日历年龄)

3Sternberg notes that traditional tests best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge, components also critical to problem solving and life success.

【译文】 Sternberg认为传统的测试最能评定分析技能和语言技能,但却无法测定创造力和实际知识,而这些部分对解决问题和人生的成功也起着至关重要的作用。

【析句】 Sternberg是全句的主语,谓语是notes,宾语是that引导的从句。而在从句中,主语是traditional tests,第一个谓语assess接宾语analytical and verbal skills,第二个谓语fail接不定式to measure creativity and practical knowledge,句末的成分作creativity and practical knowledge的同位语。同位语的完整结构是components (that are) also critical to problem solving and life success

【讲词】note作动词,可以译为"注意到""认为"类似的动词有observe, maintain, argue, point out等。 asses意为"评估,估定",其名词是assessmentassess的同义词有evaluate, determine, gauge, measure等。


26.[D]判断题。请问在智商测试中要求我们做到什么?根据IQ测试,返回原文第一段第三句‗IQ tests ask you to complete verbal and visual analogies, to envision paper a$er it has been folded and cut, and to deduce numerical sequences, among other similar tasks.‖选项[A]―回答一些哲学问题是一个文中未提及的信息;[B]提词义的曲解,原文是想象纸张在折叠或者裁剪

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后形状,而此选项去除了―envision想象的概念;选项[C]―区分特定概念的区别是一个文中未提及的信息选项[D]―选择与已给出单同或者图表相类似的那一中的words对应原文的verbal ,graphs对应原文中visual, similar to对应原文中的analogy,因此[D]正确答案。

27.[C]推理题。根据第三段,我们推出智商侧试如何?选项[A]―人们不再把IQ测试结果作为智商的衡量标―The defining term of intelligence in humans still seems to be the IQ score(们还是用智商测试结果来判定一个人的智力)‖意思相;原文第二段第二句阐述现在智力测试只有两个版―the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler Intelligence Scales",而选项[B]―现在互联网上有更多的智商测试版本中的more为无中生有;[D]―科学家已经为人类智商的重要因素下了定义文中既没有讲过科学家们定义,也没有讲过重要因素。选项[C]―成人和孩子的智商测试内容是不同的对应原文第兰段第二句中括号里的内容―both come in adult and children's version"

28.[A]细节事实题为什么人们不可能再获得像vos Savant那样的智商测试高分?对应原文第二段第四句,"because scoring is now based on a statistical population distribution among age peers, rather than simply dividing the mental age by the chronological age and multiplying by 100"。选项[A]―智力测试的成绩会用不同的计算方是该句的同义替换。选项[B]―今天测试强调创造力而不是分析能力该选项与问题毫不相干,而且与原文第四段第二句―Sternberg notes that traditional tests best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge‖矛盾;选项[C] "vos Savant是一个不会再现极端的例子是属于以事论事,而且也是文中没有提到的信息;选项[D]―智力测试特点的定义已经发生改变仍属于文中未提及的信息此,[A]为正确选项。

29.[A]细节事实题。根据最后一段,我们得知什么?回原文末段,选项[B]"智力测试成绩和SAT测试结果是高度相关的属于曲解文章,原文末句―Anyone who has toiled through SAT will testify that test-taking skill also matters‖讲述的是两种考试考试技巧都有作用,而并非考试结果相关;选项[C]―考试中涉及大量的猜工作,这类选项明显与常识相反,马上可以排除;[D]――traditional tests‖是文中未提及的信息。选项[A]"智力测试结果可能并不能表征一个人的能力对应末段首句―Such standardized tests may not assess all the important elements necessary to succeed in school and in life"

30.[B]作者态度题。请问作者对于智力侧试的态度?据第二段首句―Clearly, intelligence encompasses more



than a score on a test.很明显,智力所包含的远远不止测试成绩其中的clearly是明显表征作者观点态度的副词,由此我们判定作者对于智力测试持反对的态度,因此选择[B] "skeptical怀疑的。选项[A]―支持的选项[C]―中立的均与原文不符。






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2007 Text 3

During the past generation, the American middle-class family that once could count on hard work and fair play to keep itself financially secure had been transformed by economic risk and new realties. Now a pink slip, a bad diagnosis, or a disappearing spouse can reduce a family from solidly middle class to newly poor in a few months.

In just one generation, millions of mothers have gone to work, transforming basic family economics. Scholars, policymakers, and critics of all stripes have debated the social implications of these changes, but few have looked at the side effect: family risk has risen as well. Today’s families have budgeted to the limits of theirs new two-paycheck status. As a result, they have lost the parachuted they once had in times of financial setback a back-up earner (usually Mom) who could go into the workforce if the primary earner got laid off or fell sick. This “added-worker effect” could support the safety net offered by unemployment insurance or disability insurance to help families weather bad times. But today, a disruption to family fortunes can no longer be made up with extra income from an otherwise-stay-at-home partner.

During the same period, families have been asked to absorb much more risk in their retirement income. Steelworkers, airline employees, and now those in the auto industry are joining millions of families who must worry about interest rates, stock market fluctuation, and the harsh reality that they may outlive their retirement money. For much of the past year, President Bush campaigned to move Social Security to a saving-account model, with retirees trading much or all of their guaranteed payments for payments depending on investment returns. For younger families the picture is not any better. Both the absolute cost of healthcare and the share of it borne by families have risen and newly fashionable health-saving plans are spreading from legislative halls to Wal-Mart workers, with much higher deductibles and a large new dose of investment risk for families’ future healthcare. Even demographics are working against the middle class family, as the odds of having a weak elderly parent and all the attendant need for physical and financial assistance have jumped eightfold in just one generation.

From the middle-class family perspective, much of this, understandably, looks far less like an opportunity to exercise more financial responsibility, and a good deal more like a frightening acceleration of the wholesale shift of financial risk onto their already overburdened shoulders. The financial fallout has begun, and the political fallout may not be far behind.

31. Today‘s double-income families are at greater financial risk in that

[A] the safety net they used to enjoy has disappeared. [B] their chances of being laid off have greatly increased. [C] they are more vulnerable to changes in family economics. [D] they are deprived of unemployment or disability insurance. 32. As a result of President Bush‘s reform, retired people may have

[A] a higher sense of security. [B] less secured payments. [C] less chance to invest. [D] a guaranteed future.

33. According to the author, health-savings plans will

[A] help reduce the cost of healthcare. [B] popularize among the middle class. [C] compensate for the reduced pensions. [D] increase the families‘ investment risk.



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34. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that

[A] financial risks tend to outweigh political risks. [B] the middle class may face greater political challenges. [C] financial problems may bring about political problems. [D] financial responsibility is an indicator of political status. 35. Which of the following is the best title for this text?

[A] The Middle Class on the Alert [B] The Middle Class on the Cliff [C] The Middle Class in Conflict [D] The Middle Class in Ruins


middle-class adj.中层社会, 中产阶级的

count on v.依靠, 指望

spouse n.配偶(指夫或妻)

debate v. n.争论, 辩论

【巧】debate=de(强调)+ bat(打)+e→辩论

【联】combatv.n.战斗,格斗)←com一起+bat 【例】Debate is the best catalyst of thought.争论是思想最好的催化

implication n.牵连, 含意, 暗示

【巧】im + plicfold+ation→implication(话没有明着说出来)

【例】What‘s the implication of the statement.这份声明的含义是什么?

parachute n.降落伞

setback n.挫折, 退步, 逆流

unemployment insurance 失业保险

disability insurance 残废保险

disruption n.中断, 瓦解, 破坏

【记】disrupt v. 使中断,使瓦解, 使陷于混乱, 破坏 【例】market disruption市场混乱;environmental disruption 公害, 环境失调;The state was in disruption.国家处于分崩离析之中。

absorb vt.吸收, 吸引

【记】be absorbed in= concentrate on=集中 【例】This job absorbs all of my time. 这件工作占用了我的全部时间。



retirement income 退休收入

stock market n.股票市场

fluctuation n.波动, 起伏

【记】fluctuate vi.波动, 动摇 vt.使动摇, 使波动, 使起伏

【例】fluctuation in the exchange rates兑换率的波动;fluctuation of temperature 温度的变动

Harsh adj. 粗糙的;刺耳的;严厉的 【例】harsh terms苛刻的条件;a harsh climate 令人难受的气候;harsh to the taste 味涩

outlive v....长命, ...耐久,渡过而存在,经受住 【例】The ship outlived the storm.这只船从暴风雨中脱险了。

legislative adj.立法的, 立法机关的 n.立法机关

deductible adj.可扣除的 【记】deduct vt. 扣除, 演绎

demographic adj.人口统计学的

odds n.可能的机会, 成败的可能性, 优势, 不均, 平等, 几率, 差别

perspective n.透视画法, 透视图, 远景, 前途, 观点, 看法, 观点, 观察

【例】see thing in perspective正确地观察事物;a perspective of lakes and hills湖山远景

acceleration n.加速度


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【反】deceleration减速:de向下+celer+ation 【例】abrupt acceleration 突然加速

wholesale n.批发, 趸售 adj.批发的, [] 大规模的 【例】wholesale prices 批发价格;a wholesale slaughter 大屠杀wholesale westernization―全盘西化

overburden vt.装载过多, 负担过多, 使过劳 n.过重的负担

【例】The trees are overburdened with fruit. 树上果实累累, 压得树枝都弯了。

fallout n.辐射微尘, 原子尘, 附带结果


1During the past generation, the American middle-class family that once could count on hard work and fair play to keep itself financially secure has been transformed by economic risk and new realities.

【译文】 在过去的一代,美国的中产阶级家庭曾经依靠努力工作和平等公正以保持财政安全,但是却被经济风险和新的现实所改变。

【析句】 句子的主干结构是the American middle-class family...has been transformed by economic risk and new realitiesfamily后接一个定语从句。

【讲词】 generation指一代人,一般为20年。 count on表示"指望,依靠"例如:You can count on my help.(你可以指望得到我的帮助。

fair play原是体育用语,意为"公平比赛",转义指"正的待遇""公平竞赛的条件"

secure作形容词表示"安全的,可靠的,放心的,无虑的" transform""transformation

2Scholars, policymakers, and critics of all stripes have debated the social implications of these changes, but few have looked at the side effect: family risk has risen as well.

【译文】 学者、政策制定者和各行各业的批评者对这些变化的社会意义进行了辩论,但是几乎没有人关注次要的影响:家庭风险也增加了。

【析句】 全句是一个转折句,冒号之后的成分是一个完整的句子,作the side effect的同位语。

【讲词】 stripe意为"斑纹,条纹"all stripes意为all walks(各行各业)

implication表示"牵连,涉及;含意;暗示",如:his implication in the crime(他涉及这起罪行)It is important to consider the wider implications of making



such a decision.很有必要考虑作出这一决定的深远意义。implication的动词是implicate

side effect通常表示药物等的副作用,在句中表示"要的影响"

3As a result,they have lost the parachute they once had in times of financial setback-a back-up earner (usually Mom) who could go into the workforce if the primary earner got laid off or fell sick.

【译文】 因此,他们已经失去了经济困难时曾有的保障,即家中主要的挣钱人一旦失业或生病,预备挣钱人(通常是妈妈)可以加入劳动大军。

【析句】 as a result作状语,表示某种结果。a back-up earner (usually Mom)在句中作the parachute的同位语,后面接一个定语从句。

【讲词】 parachute的字面意思是"降落伞",但在句中表示"保障"

setback意为"挫折"financial setback表示财政或经济上的困难。

primary意为"主要的;首要的"majormain等意思相近。如要表示"次要的"英文是secondaryearner在句中指wage earner,即挣钱人。

workforce"就业大军;劳动力(工人的总数)" lay off意为"失业"

4This"added-worker effect" could support the safety net offered by unemployment insurance or disability insurance to help families weather bad times.

【译文】 这种"附加工人效应"可以支持失业保险或残疾保险所提供的保障制度以帮助家庭渡过困难时期。

【析句】 句子的主干是This"added-worker effect" could support the safety net过去分词offered引导的结构作定语修饰the safety net

【讲词】add意为"增加"added可以表示"附加的"如:added value(附加值,净增值) safety net社会保障制度

unemployment insurance"失业保险"disability insurance"残疾保险"

weather在句中作动词,表示"抵御;承受;平安渡过",如:weather a crisis(渡过危机)

bad times意为"坏时光;艰苦的日子",其反义词是good times

5Steelworkers, airline employees, and now those in the auto industry are joining millions of families who must worry about interest rates, stock market fluctuation, and the harsh reality that they may outlive their retirement money.

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【译文】 钢铁工人、航空公司的雇员,以及在汽车工业中就业的人,他们现在和数百万的家庭一样,必须操心利率和股票市场的升降,担心他们的退休金不够用的严峻现实。

【析句】 句子的主干结构是Steelworkers...are joining millions of familiesfamilies后面跟一个定语从句。在定语从句中,主语是who,谓语是worry about,宾语是interest rates, stock market fluctuation, and the hash realitythat they may outlive their retirement money一个定语从句,修饰the harsh reality

【讲词】worry about表示"操心;担心"

interest rates"利率"stock market"股票市场"fluctuation指股票市场的波动,retirement money"退休金"

outlive意为"......长命;比......耐久;经受住",如:This regulation has outlived its usefulness.(这一规则没用却仍然存在。

6For much of the past year, President Bush campaigned to move Social Security to a savings-account model, with retirees trading much or all of their guaranteed payments for payments depending on investment returns.

【译文】 在过去的大部分时间中,布什总统推行社会保障制度的改革,力图把它变成储蓄帐户的模式,让退休人员拿出大部分或所有的确定付款,以换取依赖投资回报的付款。

President Bush campaigned to move Social Security to a savings-account model,介词with所接的成分作状语,说明储蓄帐户模式。

【讲词】campaign作名词表示"竞选;战役;政治商业的活动",作动词表示"打仗;竞选;开展某种活"如:campaigned for human rights开展人权运动 social security"社会保障(制度" guarantee意为"保证"如:The government guaranteed to free the captives.(政府保证释放俘虏。guarantee freedom of speech(保证言论自由)

7Both the absolute cost of healthcare and the share of it borne by families have risen-and newly fashionable health savings plans are spreading from legislative halls to Wal-Mart workers, with much higher deductibles and a large new dose of investment risk for families future healthcare.

【译文】 绝对医疗保险费用和家庭所承担的(部分)费用均已经上涨,而新型的医疗储蓄计划正从立法机构推广开来,(甚至)涵盖沃尔玛超市的工人,这一计





【析句】 全句包括两个并列分句,介词with所引导的成分说明newly fashionable health-savings plan的内容,一是更高的扣除条款(就像保险公司的做法一样,广告上说大病保险,但实际上所谓的大病并不是所有"大病"保险合同中的扣除条款太多)一是增加了一笔很大的投资风险(缴纳的医疗保险费用被拿去投资)

【讲词】absolute意为"绝对的",反义词是relative healthcare(医疗保险)health-savings(医疗储蓄,类似中国的医保卡)legislative halls(立法机构,在美国指国会)


dose作名词表示"剂量;()",作动词表示"服药"a dose of表示"一定量的" 8Even demographics are working against the middle class family, as the odds of having a weak elderly parent-and all the attendant need for physical and financial assistance-have jumped eightfold in just one generation.

【译文】 甚至人口分布的数据也与中产阶级家庭作对,因为家中有一位体弱高龄的父亲或母亲的可能性在仅仅一代人的时间里增加了8倍,照顾家中的老人就需要体力和财力的付出。

Even demographics are working against the middle class familyas所引导的从句表示原因。两个破折号之间的成分和a weak elderly parent一样作having的宾语。

【讲词】 demographics"人口统计状况,人口分布数"

work against表示"......作对"

odds意为"成败的机率或可能;几率;差别",句中的意思是possibility。又如:The odds are that she will get the nomination on the first ballot.(她在第一轮选票中获得提名的可能性大。at odds意为"争执;意见冲突"by all odds表示"毫无疑问地"

9From the middle-class family perspective, much of this, understandably, looks far less like an opportunity to exercise more financial responsibility, and a good deal more like a frightening acceleration of the wholesale shift of financial risk onto their already overburdened shoulders.

【译文】 从中产阶级家庭的角度来看,不难理解,在很大程度上看上去不大像是承担更多的经济责任,而更像是加速把大部分的经济风险转移到已经负担过

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much of thislooks...like,介词like有两个宾语:an opportunitya frightening acceleration不定式结构to exercise... 修饰opportunityof介词结构(of the wholesale shift of financial risk)修饰accelerationonto介词结构(onto their already overburdened shouldersshift的逻辑状语。

【讲词】 perspective意思较多,"透视画法;远景;前途;观点;视角"




overburden作动词意为"装载过多;负担过多",作名词表"过重的负担"overburdened"负担过重的" 【答案解析】

31.[C]细节事实题为什么今天的双职工家庭会面临更大的经济风险?根据原文第二段第四、五、六句可知选[C]―他们更易于受到家庭经济变化的影响是原文的同义替换,故为正确答案。选项[A]过去的安全网已经消失了 disappear是一个文中未提及的信息;[B]―解雇的机会增于答非所;选项[D]――support‖,明显相反。

32.[B]细节事实题。由于布什总统的改革,退休职工可能会如何?根据题干中的布什总统定位到原文第三―For younger.families, the picture is not any better.年轻家庭日子也不会好过,既然年轻人日子也不好过,马上得知退休职工日子不好过。选项[B]―安全性变差与原文意思相符。选项[A]―更有安全感和选项[D]―将来有保证都说明退休职工过得好,与原文意思相反;选项[C]―更少的投资文中未提及退休职工是否投资

33.[D]细节事实题。根据作者观点,健康储蓄账户计划如何?选项[A]―有利于减少健康护理的成本属于对词义的曲解,文中saving指的是储蓄账户而非少成本的概念;选项[B]―在中产阶级中非常普及这一;―their guaranteed payments for payments depending on investment returns‖既然取决于投资,那么肯定是具有不确定性的,因此与选项[C]―补偿减少的养老金意义相反;而选项[D]―增加了家庭投资的不确定性是原文的同义替换。

34.[C]推理题。从最后一段,我们推断出什么?根据选项,很明确应该对应原文末句―The financial fallout has begun, and the political fallout may not be far behind.




35.[B]主旨题。文章最好的标题是什么?选项[A] "on the Alert警告,既然是警告,说明问题还没出现,与原文意义相反;选项[C] "in Conflict冲突文章中没有讲过冲突的概念;选项[D]"in Ruins毁灭说明中产阶级已经崩溃,与原文不符。选项[B] "on the Cliff岌岌可符合原文,选项[B]为正确答案。






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的家庭的令人恐惧的加速行为。经济副作用已经开始,2007 Text 4


It never rains but it pours. Just as bosses and boards have finally sorted out their worst accounting and compliance troubles, and improved their feeble corporation governance, a new problem threatens to earn them especially in America the sort of nasty headlines that inevitably lead to heads rolling in the executive suite: data insecurity. Left, until now, to odd, low-level IT staff to put right, and seen as a concern only of data-rich industries such as banking, telecoms and air travel, information protection is now high on the boss’s agenda in businesses of every variety.

Several massive leakages of customer and employee data this year from organizations as diverse as Time Warner, the American defense contractor Science Applications International Corp and even the University of California, Berkeley have left managers hurriedly peering into their intricate IT systems and business processes in search of potential vulnerabilities.

―Data is becoming an asset which needs to be guarded as much as any other assets, says Haim Mendelson of Stanford University‘s business school. ―The ability to guard customer data is the key to market value, which the board is responsible for on behalf of shareholders.‖ Indeed, just as there is the concept of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), perhaps it is time for GASP, Generally Accepted Security Practices, suggested Eli Noam of New York‘s Columbia Business School. ―Setting the proper investment level for security, redundancy, and recovery is a management issue, not a technical one,‖ he says.

The mystery is that this should come as a surprise to any boss. Surely it should be obvious to the dimmest executive that trust, that most valuable of economic assets, is easily destroyed and hugely expensive to restore and that few things are more likely to destroy trust than a company letting sensitive personal data get into the wrong hands. The current state of affaires may have been encouraged though not justified by the lack of legal penalty (in America, but not Europe) for data leakage. Until California recently passed a law, American firms did not have to tell anyone, even the victim, when data went astray. That may change fast: lots of proposed data-security legislation is now doing the rounds in Washington, D.C. Meanwhile, the theft of information about some 40 million credit-card accounts in America, disclosed on June 17th, overshadowed a hugely important decision a day earlier by America’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that puts corporate America on notice that regulators will act if firms fail to provide adequate data security.

36. The statement ―It never rains but it pours‖ is used to introduce

[A] the fierce business competition. [B] the feeble boss-board relations. [C] the threat from news reports. [D] the severity of data leakage.

37. According to Paragraph 2, some organizations check their systems to find out

[A] whether there is any weak point. [B] what sort of data has been stolen. [C] who is responsible for the leakage. [D] how the potential spies can be located.

38. In bringing up the concept of GASP the author is making the point that

[A] shareholders‘ interests should be properly attended to. [B] information protection should be given due attention. [C] businesses should enhance their level of accounting security. [D] the market value of customer data should be emphasized.



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39. According to Paragraph 4, what puzzles the author is that some bosses fail to

[A] see the link between trust and data protection. [B] perceive the sensitive of personal data. [C] realize the high cost of data restoration. [D] appreciate the economic value of trust. 40. It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that

[A] data leakage is more severe in Europe. [B] FTC‘s decision is essential to data security. [C] California takes the lead in security legislation. [D] legal penalty is a major solution to data leakage. 【重点词汇】

sort out v.挑选出

nasty adj.肮脏的, 令人厌恶的,下流的 (02P2) 【习】be nasty to sb.跟某人闹别扭

【例】a nasty person 一个卑鄙的人; a nasty rock to climb 块难爬的岩石;Diplomacy is to do and say the nastiest thing in the nicest way.外交就是以最优雅的方式办最nasty的事,说最nasty的话。←nasty此句实在不好翻译。

roll in v.蜂拥而来

massive adj.厚重的, 大块的, 魁伟的, 结实的(中频)

【例】We must make massive efforts to improve things. 我们必须作出极大的努力去改善一切。

【记】mass(块, 大多数,聚集)+ive→大块的;massivelyadv.);massivenessn.

peer vi.凝视, 窥视

potential adj.潜在的, 可能的(03Text4;高频词) 【巧】可看作pot+ent+ialpot罐子-ent-ial是后缀,暂时藏在罐子里面的东东‖→潜在的、潜力。 【例】Most of us haven't begun to tap our own potential for happiness.我们大多数人尚未着手开发自身获得幸福的潜力。

shareholder n.股东

redundancy n.冗余(同01Passage5

【巧】red+und+ancyred-(=re-)und词根-ancy名词后缀,越来越(re)‖→冗余。 【记】同根词:abundant丰富的)←ab加强前缀+und+ant形容词后缀。 【例】redundancy an air-bag in a politician's car 多余——政治家汽车里的保险气袋。



mystery n.神秘, 神秘的事物;冗余

astray adv.迷途地, 入歧途地

【习】go astray 走错路; 误入歧途;lead (sb.) astray使人堕落, 把人引入歧途 【例】The boy was led astray by bad companions.这小孩被坏伙伴诱入歧途。

proposed 被提议的

【记】 propose vt. 计划, 建议, () vi.打算, 求婚 legislation n.立法, 法律的制定(或通过)



1Just as bosses and boards have finally sorted out their worst accounting and compliance troubles, and improved their feeble corporation governance, a new problem threatens to earn them-especially in America-the sort of nasty headlines that inevitably lead to heads rolling in the executive suite: data insecurity.

【译文】 老板和董事会成员最终解决了极其严重的会计问题和有章不循的麻烦,并且改善了公司治理不力的局面,此时又出现了一个新的难题--数据安全。数据安全这一问题对他们--尤其是美国的老板和董事会成员--构成了威胁,对他们的负面报道会成为头条新闻,并会迫使管理层成员走人。

【讲词】 board除了"木板"之外,可表示"董事会"board of directors

sort out意为"挑选;清理;解决" accounting意为"会计"


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governance意为"统治;管理;统辖"corporation governance意为"公司治理或公司管理" heads rolling句中意为"走人;辞退"Heads are rolling at the company.(公司有人卷铺盖滚蛋了。

suite"套房,套间"the executive suite"管理"

2Left, until now, to odd, low-level IT staff to put right, and seen as a concern only of data-rich industries such as banking, telecoms and air travel, information protection is now high on the boss's agenda in businesses of every variety.

【译文】 信息保护一直交由低层的IT怪人来处理,只是在数据丰富的产业如银行、电信和航空公司受到关注,而现在却是各行各业的老板重点解决的问题。

【析句】 句子的主干结构是information protection is...on...agenda,句首的不定式结构(Left... air travelinformation protection的定语。

【讲词】 odd意为"奇怪的",另可表示"奇数的,单数的;带零头的"

put right意为"使恢复正常;纠正错误"I have encountered a problem that seems difficult to put right.(我碰到了一个似乎难以解决的问题。

concern意为"关心;关注",如:My concern was with the end user experience.(我当时关注的事情是终端用户的体验。

agenda"议程"to be (high) on the agenda"置于议程之" 3Several massive leakages of customer and employee data this year-from organizations as diverse as Time Warner, the American defense contractor Science Applications International Corp and even the University of California, Berkeley-have left managers hurriedly peering into their intricate IT systems and business processes in search of potential vulnerabilities.

【译文】 今年发生了几起重大的泄露客户和雇员信息的事件,涉及多个行业的机构,如时代华纳公司、美国国防工程的承包商--科学应用国际公司,甚至还涉及加利福尼亚大学柏克莱分校。这几起事件迫使管理层匆忙检查其复杂的IT系统和商业程序,以便找出潜在的薄弱环节。

【析句】 由于修饰成分较多,句子显得较为复杂。干结构是...leakages...have left managers修饰主语的成分有前置定语several massive以及后置定语customer and employee datathis year作时间状语,破折号中间的成分作地点状语,现在分词结构(peering into...作宾语managers的补足语。



【讲词】 leakage(泄露;渗漏),其动词是leak peer意为"凝视;窥视",也可表示"贵族;同类的人" intricate"复杂的;错综的;难以理解的"其同义词包elaboratecomplexcomplicated等。

potential表示"潜在的;潜力",如:a potential danger(潜在的危险)She complained that she was unable to use her expertise to its full potential.(她抱怨说她无法最大限度发挥其潜力。

vulnerability表示"弱点;易受攻击(打击)",其形容词是vulnerableWe are vulnerable both by water and land, without either fleet or army.(由于没有舰队和军队,我们在水路和陆路上都易受攻击。

4Meanwhile, the theft of information about some 40 million credit-card accounts in America, disclosed on June 17th, overshadowed a hugely important decision a day earlier by America's Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that puts corporate America on notice that regulators will act if firms fail to provide adequate data security.

【译文】 与此同时,617日披露的消息表明,美国大约4000万张信用卡的信息被人盗取,这一情况给美国联邦贸易委员会在前一天所作的决定蒙上了阴影。该决定极其重要,要求商业公司提供充足的数据安全,否则监管人员就会采取行动。

the theft...overshadowed...a...decisionof information America和过去分词结构disclosed on June 17th修饰主语the theftby America's Federal Trade Commission修饰decision,后接一定语从句。notice后面跟一个条件复合句。

【讲词】 theft(偷窃)是名词,跟thief是同源词。表示"偷窃或盗窃"的动词通常选用steal overshadow表示"遮蔽;使......失色" Corporate America指美国企业。 regulator指行业的监管人员,句中指美国联邦贸易委员会。


35.[B]主旨题。文章最好的标题是什么?选项[A] "on the Alert警告,既然是警告,说明问题还没出现,与原文意义相反;选项[C] "in Conflict冲突文章中没有讲过冲突的概念;选项[D]"in Ruins毁灭说明中产阶级已经崩溃,与原文不符。选项[B] "on the Cliff岌岌可符合原文,选项[B]为正确答案。

36.[D]例证题。请问―It never rains but it pours.‖的作用是什么?‘这道题目的解题方法等同于第21题。题干问的是引子说明什么问题?正确答案还是整篇文章的主数据泄露,即选项[D]―数据泄露的严重性考点

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37.[A]细节事实题。根据第二段,某些组织检查他们自身的系统是为了什么?根据题干中的―find out‖定位―in search of potential vulnerabilities‖为了寻找潜在的薄弱环节。选项[A]―是否有薄弱环节为原文的同义替换,因此选项[A]为正确答案。选项[B]―什么类型的数据被泄露了、选[C]―谁该为数据泄露负责以及选项[D]―潜在的间谍是如何被定位的都是文中未提及的信息

38.[B]细节事实题。提到GASP这个概念,作者的目的是什么?根据题干中的―GASP"定位到原文第三段。选项[A]―应该关注股东的利益属于张冠李戴,文中只在第三段第二句讲述董事会代表了股东的利益,但并不是GASP的目的,而且第三段末句讲述应该是management(管理)关注的事件,也并非是股东;选项[C]―商业企业应该提升账目的安全性能是以偏概全,原文第二段末句―Setting the proper investment level for security, redundancy, and recovery is a management issue, not a technical one,‖中有三个概念:security(安全)redundancy(备份)and recovery(恢复)。选项[C]只讲述了其中的一个,是典型的以偏概全;选项[D]―该强调顾客数据的市场价值属于偷换概念,第三段第二句―The ability to guard customer data is the key to market value,‖中体现的是保护顾客数据,而非顾客数据本身,因此该选项错误。选项[B]―应该首要关注数据保护与原文第三段末句属于同义替换。

39.[A]细节事实题。根据第四段,令作者困惑的那些企业家没有意识到什么?返回原文第四段首句,"The mystery is that this should come as a,surprise to any boss‖其中的should用于从句中,可以表示惊异或者不以为然的情绪,在这里解释为居然。在首句中使得boss惊奇的是this,这里是变相地考查了指代,向上找到指代第下段末句,即数据保护;再看第二句―Surely it should be obvious to the dimmest executive that trust,…‖中的it指代的是trust,因此很明显正确答案应该和数据保护以及信用这两个核心概念相关。选项[B]和选项[C]只提到了数据,而选项[D]只提及了信用,因此这三个选项都属于以偏概全。选项[A]―信用和数据保护时联系出现了两个核心概念,因此为正确答案。

40. [D]推理题。从第五段我们能推断出什么?返回原文第五段。本段首句―by the lack of legal penalty (in America, but not Europe) for data leakage‖说明欧洲有法律处罚措施,而美国没有,由此推出欧洲的情况应该比美国好,因此选项[A]―欧洲的数据泄露情况更加严重与原文意义明显相反;既然欧洲情况好于美国,










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21 21

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2006 Text 1


In spite of endless talk of differenceAmerican society is an amazing machine for homogenizing people. There is the democratizing uniformity of dress and discourseand the casualness and absence of deference characteristic of popular culture. People are absorbed into a culture of consumption‖ launched by the 19th——century department stores that offered vast arrays of goods in an elegant atmosphere. Instead of intimate shops catering to a

knowledgeable elite,‖ these were stores anyone could enter, regardless of class or background. This turned shopping into a public and democratic act.‖ The mass media, advertising and sports are other forces for homogenization. Immigrants are quickly fitting into this common culture, which may not be altogether elevating but is hardly

poisonous. Writing for the National Immigration Forum, Gregory Rodriguez reports that today's immigration is neither at unprecedented levels nor resistant to assimilation. In 1998 immigrants were 9.8 percent of population; in 1900, 13.6 percent .In the 10 years prior to 1990, 3.1 immigrants arrived for every 1000 residents; in the 10 years prior to 1890, 9.2 for every 1, 000. Now, consider three indices of assimilationlanguage, home ownership and intermarriage. The 1990 Census revealed that a majority of immigrants from each of the fifteen most common countries of

origin spoke English wellor very well‖ after ten years of residence.‖ The children of immigrants tend to be bilingual and proficient in English. By the third generation, the original language is lost in the majority of immigrant families.‖ Hence the description of America as a ―graveyard‖ for languages. By 1996 foreignborn immigrants who had arrived before 1970 had a homeownership rate of 75.6 percent, higher than the 69.8 percent rate among native-born Americans. Foreign-born Asians and Hispanics have higher rates of intermarriage than do U.S–born whites and blacks.‖ By the third generation, one third of Hispanic women are married to non-Hispanics, and 41 percent of AsianAmerican women are married to non-Asians.

Rodriguez notes that children in remote villages around the world are fans of superstars like Arnold

Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks, yet some Americans fear that immigrant living within the United States remain somehow immune to the nations assimilative power.

Are there divisive issues and pockets of seething anger in America? Indeed. It is big enough to have a bit of

everything. But particularly when viewed against America‗s turbulent past, today‘s social induces hardly suggest a dark and deteriorating social environment.

21.The word homogenizingLine 1, Paragraph 1 most probably means

[A] identifying [B] associating [C] assimilating [D] monopolizing

22. According to the author, the department stores of the 19th century [A] played a role in the spread of popular culture. [B] became intimate shops for common consumers. [C] satisfied the needs of a knowledgeable elite. [D] owed its emergence to the culture of consumption

23.The text suggests that immigrants now in the U.S. [A] are resistant to homogenization.

[B] exert a great influence on American culture. [C] are hardly a threat to the common culture. [D] constitute the majority of the population.

24. Why are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks mentioned in Paragraph 5 [A] To prove their popularity around the world. [B] To reveal the publics fear of immigrants. [C] To give examples of successful immigrants.

[D] To show the powerful influence of American culture.

25.In the authors opinion the absorption of immigrants into American society is [A] rewarding. [B] successful. [C] fruitless. [D] harmful.

重点词汇: homogenize / hə'mɔdʒənaiz/ vt. cause to become


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equal or homogeneous as by mixing均质化,使(某物)成分均匀

[]homogenized milk 均质牛奶

[] homogeneous a. 由同类部分组成的 [] homogeneity n. 同种,同质

[巧记]词头:homo- 同、相同 homophone n. 音异形词; homosexual a. 同性恋的

assimilation n. 同化, 同化作用, 消化 [巧记] as+simil(er)+ation

democratize / di'mɔkrətaiz/ vt. become (more) democratic; of nations 使民主化

[]democratize the administration of an organization 使一组织的管理民主化

[] democracy n. 民主、民主政治,民主制度 democrat n. 民主主义者;Democrat指美国民主党党员或其拥护者) democratization n. 民主化 []democratic a. 民主的,民主政治的;民主作风的,平等的

discourse [ dis'kɔ s, 'diskɔ s ] n. lengthy or serious treatment of a subject in speech or writing 论文、演讲 vi. talkpreach or lecture about sthusu at length(通常长篇大论的)论说、宣扬或讲授某事物

[]The speaker discoursed knowledgeably on a variety of subjects 演讲者头头是道的论述了一系列问题。

casual(偶然的;漫不经心的) (详见02 text1)

launch n.开始从事,发起,发动(活动)

[] launch an appeal/inquiry/investigation/campaign 开始进行上诉/质询/调查/一场运动

intimate [ 'intimit ] a. having or being a very

closely or friendly relationship 亲密的,私人的,秘密的; private and personal 私人的,个人的;

vt make sth known to sb exp discreetly or indirectly 某事透露给某人,(尤其指谨慎的或间接的)暗示、

[] intimate friends 知心朋友 an intimate diary私人日记 She has intimated to us that she no longer wishes to be considered for the post 她已向我们透露希望不再考虑让她担任该职。

[]be/get on intimate terms with sb (渐渐)熟悉某人并关系密切

[]intimation n. 示意、暗示

cater [ 'keitə ] v. provide food or servicesesp. at social functions 备办食物或服务(尤其指社交方面)投合,迎合

[用法] for sb/sth 由某人/某事物提供、迎合 (即主语必须是被用来迎合sb/sth的那个东西)

to sth 满足某种需要或要求(即主语必须是发起迎合动作的主体)

[]TV must cater for many different tastes 电视节目必须迎合各种人的爱好。Newspapers catering to people‘s love of scandal 迎合人们爱看丑闻消息的报

[]catering n. 承办酒席(的行为或行业) caterer n. 承办酒席的人

elevate [ ' ] it v. lift upraise to a higher place or rank 举起,提拔 make the mind or morals better or more educated 使思想或道德更好,更有修养


[] He has been elevated to the peerage 他已升为贵族 The teacher hoped to elevate the minds of her young pupils by reading them religious stories. 教师希望给小学生读宗教故事来提高他们的修养.

[]elevated a. 好的,高尚的 elevating a. 提高思想道德的,引人向上的

[]elevation n. 提高、被提高,高度(尤指海拔)建筑物正视图

unprecedented [ ə ] a. 空前的

[]Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives and, as a result, society is changing at a speed which is quite unprecedented. 科学和技术已经开始渗透了我们生活的各个领域;结果,社会正以空前的速度改变着

resistant [ə] a. relating to or conferring immunity (to disease or infection)抵抗,反抗的

[]This new type of infection is resistant to antibiotics. 这种新的传染病对抗菌素有抗药性。 []resistance n. 抵抗,对抗

indices n. index的复数形式,标志,指标,表征

[] a price index物价指数 cost of living index物价消费指数 The number of new houses being built is a good index of a country‘s prosperity.新建房屋的数目是国家繁荣的一个有用指标.]

census n. 人口(户口)(),(调查)统计的数字; v. 调查人口数字,

[] The census enumerated eighty-six persons over one hundred years old in this mountain area.根据人口调查这一带山区共有八十六位百岁老人。

bilingual adj.(能说)两种语言的 [巧记] bi()+lingu()+al→双语者(参考05 text4 linguist)

[]a bilingual English - Chinese dictionary英汉双语词

graveyard n. 墓地,坟场 [巧记] grave(坟墓)+yard() (参考05 text2 grave)

divisive adj. 区分的, 不和的, 分裂的

[] That politician is a divisive influence at meetings.位政客在会议上总是起着分裂的作用。

pocket n. (与周围不同的)小组织,小区域

[]There are still a few isolated pockets of resistance to the new regine.现在仍有零星孤立的势利反对新政权.

remote adj. 遥远的, 偏僻的, 细微的

[] the remote future 遥远的未来 a remote village 偏僻的村落 Your chances are remote. 你的机会极少。 [巧记]re(词根back)+mot(词根move)+e→向后移动

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immune adj. 免疫的 (参考03 text2 immunization) []The criminal was told he would be immune from punishment if he helped the police."罪犯被告知说,如果他协助警方,就可以免受惩罚。"

deteriorate v.(使)恶化

[]His work has deteriorated in the last month.他的工作在最后一个月变糟了。


Immigrants are quickly fitting into this common culture, which may not be altogether elevating but is hardly poisonous.



Rodriguez notes that children in remote villages around world are fans of superstars like Amold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks, yet ―some

Americans fear that immigrant living within the United States remain somehow immune to the nation‘s assimilative power.‖




21. 本题的难度值为0.713,属于较容易的题目,区分度0.385

标准答案:Chomogenizinghomogenize的动名词形式,本意是:vi.均质化vt.使均匀。即同一化。在第一段可以看出,文章是说明美国社会的民主化和其巨大的亲和力,因此在American society is an amazing machine for homogenizing peoplehomogenizing翻译成吸引,吸收最贴切。然后观察四个选项,A选项是identifying意思是:识别, 鉴别, ......看成一样。与文章没有联系,排除。B选项associating是比较强的干扰项,其意思是:vt.使发生联系, 使联合vi.交往, 结交。如果能引申为团结的意思的话,与文章倒是有点关系,但是根据最优选项的原则,此选项也不能入选。C选项assimilateing是吸收的意思,最符合原文的观点,即吸收以融为一体的意思。因此C选项入选。D选项monopolizing的意思是独占,垄断的意思,与原文没有联系,排除。

22.. 本题的难度值为0.436,属于中等难度的题目。 标准答案:A。该题目定位到第一段的这几句话:launched by the 19th century department stores that offered ‗vast arrays of goods in an elegant atmosphere. Instead of intimate shops catering to a knowledgeable elite.‖ these were stores ―anyone could enter, regardless of class or background. This turned shopping into a public and democratic act.‖大体意思是说,商店不再只是属于那些有见识的精英们了,而成为一种任何人都


可以进入,不管你的社会地位或背景的地方。最重要的是最后一句,说商店使购物成为一种公众的,民主的活动。因此,商店在普及文化中扮演着重要的角色。此中的文化也可以具体到消费文化。联系A选项:商店在普及通俗文化中发挥着作用。因此A入选。B项属于比较强的干扰项,主要是intimate这个词的用法不够理解。intimate的意思是adj.亲密的, 隐私的vt.宣布, 明白表示。在文章的意思应该是私人的意思。Instead of intimate shops catering to a knowledgeable elite可以得出,intimate是为...所私有的意思。因此B选项应该翻译为:变成了普通消费者的私有商店。因此排除该选项。C选项意思是:满足了知识渊博的社会精英们的需要。这与原文正好相反,注意instead这个词。因此C选项排除。D选项意思是:其出现归功于消费文化。恰恰相反,应该是普及的消文化归功于这种商店的出现。因此D选项排除。

23. 本题的难度值为0.48,属于中等难度的题目,区分度为0.384

标准答案:C。该题目首先能定位到第二段的首句:Immigrants are quickly fitting into this common culture, which may not be altogether elevating but is hardly poisonous.意思是说移民迅速融入了这种通俗文化然不至于能够促进这种文化,但是决不至于有害。因此联系C选项:对通俗文化基本构不成威胁,入选。再看A选项,意思是移民对同一化的抗拒。由上面这句原文可以轻松排除这个选项。B选项的意思是移民对美国文化产生了巨大影响。同样还是那句原文,可看出移民不至于能够促进这种文化,也不至于毒害这文化,因此可以得出结论,即移民对文化的影响不大。因此排除B选项。最后看D选项,意思是组成了人口的大多数。即使从常识角度来看,这也肯定不对。哪怕像新西兰之类的高移民率国家,也不至于让移民们反客为主了。而且原文也可看出,只是不到五分之一而已。因此D选项排除。

24. 本题的难度值为0.522,属于中等难度的题目。 标准答案:D定位到题目所说的第五段:Rodriguez not that children in remote villages around world are fans of superstars like Amold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks, yet some Americans fear that immigrant living within the United States remain somehow immune to the nation‘s assimilative power.‖大体意思是说即使偏远地区的孩子们也是美国明星的追随者,然而却有美国人害怕自己国家的吸引力对移民者不起作用。显然后半句用的是反语,可以说是批评那些美国人的。因此作者的意思是说美国的吸引力非常大。再联系全文的中心思想:美国是个有巨大吸引力和融合力的大熔炉。D选项:表现了美国文化的巨大影响力。入选。再A选项:证明了他们在全世界的知名度。这个选项显然是表面的,并没有深入到作者的本意中去。因此排除。然后是B选项:揭露了公众对移民的害怕。首先,文章只是说有些美国人,而没有达到公众这么大的范围。而且,作者的用意更不是说公众对移民的害怕,而是借此说明美国的巨大融合力。因此B选项排除。最后是C选项,意思是列举了成功移民者的例子。这个和B选项属于相同的干扰项,都不是作者的本意。即使你知识渊博,知道史瓦辛格是移民,但是也不能以偏概全。因此同样不能入选。

25. 本题的难度值为0.467,属于中等难度的题目。 标准答案:B。文章的中心思想就是说美国是个有巨大融合力的大熔炉,当然对于吸收移民者来讲也是很成功的了。A选项意思是有益的,有好处的。文章并没有说吸收移民是有益的,而只是说美国在吸收移民

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方面做的很成功。因此该选项属于偷换概念,不能入选。这个选项也有较大争议。C选项意思是没有结果的,显然可以排除。D选项意思是有害的,比较关键的一点,就是文章第一段已经说过了which may not be altogether elevating but is hardly poisonous因此可看出移民问题没有害。而文章结尾这句today‘s social indices hardly suggest a dark and deteriorating social environment更可以看出,作者强调了当今的社会一点也不算黑暗和恶化。因此D选项排除。


不管我们如何喋喋不休地谈论差别,美国社会实际上是一台同化人们的神奇的机器。这就是民主化的着装和言谈,并且还有种随意和缺乏尊重感,这些构成了通俗文化的特性。人们被一种消费文化所吸引了,这种文化是由十九世纪在高雅的氛围中陈列着琳琅满目的商品的百货商店所开始的。 他们不是为了迎合有知识的精英们而开设的专门商店,而是创建了不分阶层和背景人人都可以进入的大众商店。这使得购物成为一种大众的、民主的行为。大众传媒广告体育也是协助人们均质化的推动力。

尽管这种文化并不算高雅,但也算不上有害,移民们很快就融入了这种共同文化Gregory Rodriguez美国移民研讨会撰文指出,今天的移民既不是处于空前的水平,也不抵制同化。1998年,移民占全国人口的9.8%;在1900年为13.6%。在1990年以前的十

2006 Text 2






Stratford-on-Avon, as we all know, has only one industry-William Shakespeare-but there are two distinctly separate and increasingly hostile branches. There is the Royal Shakespeare Company RSC, which presents superb productions of the plays at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre on the Avon. And there are the townsfolk who largely live off the tourists who come, not to see the plays, but to look at Anne Hathaways Cottage, Shakespeares birthplace and the other sights.

The worthy residents of Stratford doubt that the theatre adds a penny to their revenue. They frankly dislike the RSCs actors, them with their long hair and beards and sandals and noisiness. Its all deliciously ironic when you consider that Shakespeare, who earns their living, was himself an actor with a beard and did his share of noise - making.

The tourist streams are not entirely separate. The sightseers who come by bus- and often take in Warwick Castle and Blenheim Palace on the side dont usually see the plays, and some of them are even surprised to find a theatre in Stratford. However, the playgoers do manage a little sight - seeing along with their play- going. It is the playgoers, the RSC contends, who bring in much of the towns revenue because they spend the night some of them four or five nights pouring cash into the hotels and restaurants. The sightseers can take in everything and get out of town by nightfall.

The townsfolk don‘t see it this way and local council does not contribute directly to the subsidy of the Royal Shakespeare Company. Stratford cries poor traditionally. Nevertheless every hotel in town seems to be adding a new wing or cocktail lounge. Hilton is building its own hotel there which you may be sure will be decorated with Hamlet Hamburger Bars, the Lear Lounge, the Banquo Banqueting Room, and so forth, and will be very expensive.

Anyway, the townsfolk cant understand why the Royal Shakespeare Company needs a subsidy. The theatre has broken attendance records for three years in a row. Last year its 1,431 seats were 94 per cent occupied all year long and this year theyll do better. The reason, of course, is that costs have rocketed and ticket prices have stayed low.

It would be a shame to raise prices too much because it would drive away the young people who are Stratfords most attractive clientele. They come entirely for the plays, not the sights. They all seem to look alike though they come from all overlean, pointed, dedicated faces, wearing jeans and sandals, eating their buns and bedding down for the night on the flagstones outside the theatre to buy the 20 seats and 80 standing-room tickets held for the sleepers and sold to them when the box office opens at 10:30 a.m.


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26. From the first two paragraphs, we learn that

A. the townsfolk deny the RSC‗s contribution to the town‘s revenue B. the actors of the RSC imitate Shakespeare on and off stage C. the two branches of the RSC are not on good terms D. the townsfolk earn little from tourism

27. It can be inferred from Paragragh 3 that

A. the sightseers cannot visit the Castle and the Palace separately B. the playgoers spend more money than the sightseers C. the sightseers do more shopping than the playgoers

D. the playgoers go to no other places in town than the theater

28. By saying Stratford cries poor traditionallyLine 2-3, Paragraph 4, the author implies that A. Stratford cannot afford the expansion projects B. Stratford has long been in financial difficulties C. the town is not really short of money D. the townsfolk used to be poorly paid

29. According to the townsfolk, the RSC deserves no subsidy because A. ticket prices can be raised to cover the spending B. the company is financially ill-managed

C. the behavior of the actors is not socially acceptable D. the theatre attendance is on the rise

30. From the text we can conclude that the author A. is supportive of both sides B. favors the townsfolks view C. takes a detached attitude D. is sympathetic to the RSC

重点词汇: him, this will be an entirely new hobby." superb [ sj u 'pə b ] a. 卓越的,杰出的,极好的 这对他来说是一种完全新的爱好。 [] Her dancing is superb.她的舞跳得好极了。This [] entire全部的, 完整的, 整个 play is a superb job.这出戏是一部出色的作品。After six months training, the whole team is in superb form. playgoer [ 'pleigəʊə(r) ] n. 爱看戏的人,常看戏的全队经过六个月的训练竞技状态极佳。 townsfolk n. 市民, 市镇居民 take in 去看,观看(电影等) [] folk n. 人们, 亲属(复数), 民族 adj. 民间的 [] I generally take in a show when I‘m in London on gentlefolk(名门世族,上流人士),countryfolk(乡下人,business.我在伦敦出差时常去看演出. ),fisherfolk(渔民),kinsfolk(亲属,家族),tradefolk(商人, 开商店者及其家属) on the side作为兼职, 另外; 秘密地,偷偷摸摸地 [] a mechanic who buys and sells cars on the side live off sth./sb. (依赖)…生活; 住在... 做汽车买卖的机修工. He is married but he has a [] live off one‘s parents 靠父母养活 live off welfare girlfriend on the side.他有妻室,但暗地里还有一个情靠救济过活 live off the mountains where your home is. . 坐山吃山. []live on v. 继续生活, ...为主食, ...生活 council n.政务会, 理事会, 委员会, 参议会, 讨论会 , 顾问班子, 立法班子 revenue n.收入, 国家的收入, 税收 []IRSInternal Revenue Service)美国税务局 subsidy [ 'sʌbsidi ] n. 补助金,津贴(尤指政府为defraud the revenue 逃税 扶持工业、资助艺术事业、平抑物价而发放的) []The islanders don't want to leave, and probably sandal [ 'sændl ] n. 便鞋,凉鞋 wouldn't if there were a subsidy to reduce freight charges. But they don't see that happening. 岛上居民不愿离开;ironic adj.说反话的, 讽刺的 要是有补助金使运输费用降低的话,他们很可能不会[] His death gave an ironic twist to the story, eg 离开。但是,他们对补助金并不存奢望。 because he dead before he could enjoy the money he had []subsidize v. 给某人津贴或补贴 stolen.他这一死使整件事啼笑皆非(如偷了钱未及享用 便一命呜呼). lounge [ laundʒ ] n. 闲逛,休闲室,长沙发 v. ,懒洋洋地躺卧 entirely adv.完全地, 全然地, 一概地 []Don't lounge around all day do something! 别整[] Nowadays with the help of modern instruments 天闲逛,做点事情吧! She is waiting for me in the fishing is no longer entirely dependent on the weather.departure lounge. 她在候机室等我。 I don't want to 今捕鱼业有了现代仪器的帮助不再完全靠天了。"For lounge about town. I have other things to do. 我不想在


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in a row成一排,连续几次地,连续几天地等

[] This is her third win in a row.这是她连续第三次获得的胜利. Inflation has fallen for the third month in a row. 通货膨胀率连续三个月不断下降.

clientele n. (统称)顾客,主顾,客户

[] an international clientele 国际客户网 [巧记] client(顾客, 客户, 委托人)+ele(使之抽象)

lean [ li n ] n. 瘦肉,倾斜,弯曲 a. 瘦的,贫乏的,歉收的 v. 倚靠,倾斜,依赖

[]The little girl only eats lean pork. 这个小女孩只吃瘦肉。He leant on the back of the sofa. 他斜靠在沙发的背上。Lean it against the wall.把它靠在墙上。If they don't pay soon we'll have to lean on them a little. 要是他们不马上付款,我们就得给他们加点压力了。He leans towards more lighthearted subjects in his later works. 他在後期的创作中倾向於比较轻松的主题。

bun n. 小面包

bed down v. 铺床睡 换个地方睡觉

[] You have my room and I will bed down in the living room.你用我的房间,我睡客厅.

flagstone n. 石板;铺路石 [巧记] flag()+stone(石头)


And there are the townsfolk who largely live off the tourists who come, not to see the plays, but to look at Anne Hathaway‘s Cottage, Shakespeare‘s birthplace and the other sights.

分析:who引导定语从句修饰townsfolknot… but 构的意思是不是而是。


They all seem to look alike (though they come from all over)---lean, pointed, dedicated faces, wearing jeans and sandals, eating their buns and bedding down for the night on the flagstones outside the theatre to buy the 20 seats and 80 standingroom tickets held for the sleepers and sold to them when the box office opens at 10:30 a.m. 分析:从结构上讲,这是一个简单句,波折号前面是主干,后面是修饰性短语。Held for 以及sold to 分别引导两个分词结构修饰tickets在这里lean要翻译成消瘦的意思。

翻译:他们看起来都一个样(虽然他们从各个地方而来)——消瘦、率直、专注的脸庞,穿着牛仔裤和便鞋,吃着小圆面包,在剧场外的石板上过夜,以便能买得20张座票和80张站票,这些票都是为那些睡觉的人准备的,并且在票房第二天上午10点半开始售票时就卖给他们。PS:通俗的说,就是倒票的票贩。 答案分析:

26. 本题的难度值为0.403,属于中等难度的题目

标准答案:A。由题目定位到前两段。首先看A项,意思是:市民否认了RSC对城镇收入的恭献。文章第二段一句The worthy residents of Stratford doubt


that the theatre adds a penny to their revenue可明显看出,居民们怀疑剧院是否对收入作出一点贡献。意思就是否认了其对城镇收入的贡献。注意RSC就是这里theatre。接着看B选项,意思是:RSC的演员在台上和台下模仿莎士比亚。这个在前两段确实有相关的内容,但是第二段中只是说演员在相貌上模仿莎士比亚,但是没有提到台上台下的问题。因此不能入选。然后是C选项,意思是:RSC的两个分支相处不好。这个选项属于偷换概念类干扰项。原文说的是这个城镇有两个分支互相敌对,而不是RSC有两个分支互相敌对。因此排除。最后是D选项,意思是:城镇居民从旅游业获取的利润很少。但是请看原文这句话:And there are the townsfolk who largely live off the tourists who come其中的largely这个词明显表明他们赚的钱肯定不少。因此也不能入选。

27. 本题的难度值为0.681,属于较容易的题目,区分度0.429,非常理想。

标准答案是:B。由题目定位到第三段。首先看A项,意思是:观光者不能单独参观城堡和宫殿。请看The sightseers who come by bus- and often take in Warwick Castle and Blenheim Palace on the side这句话。这里只说观光者经常这么做,而不是一直都这么做。A选项将其绝对化了,因此不能入选。接着看B选项,意思是:看戏的人比观光的人花钱多。由第三段这句话It is the playgoers, the ESC contends, who bring in much of the town‘s revenue because they spend the night可以看出,看戏的人对城镇的收入贡献最大。而且从细节上看,看戏的人一般都住四五天,而观光的人一天就走了。因此B正确。关于C选项与B选项是相反的,既然B对,C自然就排除了。具体到do some shopping的细节,原文没有提到(如果在旅店和饭店消费不算shopping的话),因此更不能入选。最后是D选项,意思是看戏者除了看戏哪里都不去。这种选项属于绝对化选项,一般是不对的。由原文中However, the playgoers do manage a little sight-seeing along with their playgoing.看出,看戏者还是做点观光之类的事情的。因此D选项排除。

28. 本题的难度值为0.437,属于中等难度的题目,比较理想。

标准答案是:C。由题目定位到所指原句,然后接着往下读:Nevertheless every hotel in town seems to be adding a new wing or cocktail lounge. Hilton is building its own hotel there, which you may be sure will be decorated with Hamlet Hamburger Bars, the Lear

Lounge, the Banquo Banqueting Room, and so forth, and will be very expensive.可以看出,这个城镇并不穷。果穷,怎么会有那么多旅店里有鸡尾酒和休息室,甚至一些very expensive的东西。因此,所谓的cry poor在中文里就是哭穷的意思。自然看出Stratford是在装着哭穷。再联系C选项:这个城镇事实上并不缺钱。因此入选。再看A选项,说其不能承担工程的费用。既然不缺钱,当然不会承担不起了。因此自然排除。然后是B选项,意思是其一直都有经济困难。A项一样,都是一个原因。只要明白了其并不缺钱这个事实,就不会选这个选项了。最后是D选项,意思是说市民曾经的收入很少。也许这也是个事实,但是在原文中并未体现。原文只是表明了市民现在的收入很可观。因此也不能入选。

29. 本题的难度值为0.51,属于中等难度的题目,区分度为0.354,比较理想。

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标准答案是:D。题目问到,为什么市民认为不应该RSC补贴?定位到原文倒数第二段:The theatre has broken attendance records for three years in a row. Last year its 1,431 seats were 94 percent occupied all year long and this year they‘ll do better.可见市民认为剧院几乎场场爆满的状况肯定赚了很多钱。但是他们并不知道其实票价很低。所以市民是通过剧院的就座率看RSC并不需要补贴的。联系D选项:剧院的就座率在上升。自然入选。再看A选项,意思是:票价能够涨到抵消花费的程度。但是原文中虽然提到了票价的问题,但是市民并不知道票价的高低,他们只是看到了剧院的就座率。因此该选项不能入选。然后是B选项,意思是公司的经济管理不善。这个选项从常理上就是不对的,经济管理不善应该导致收入减少,所以才应该接收补贴。从原文中也并没有提到公司的管理问题,因此该选项排除。最后是C选项,意思是演员的表现并不能在社会上被接受。这个选项和财政问题基本没关系,而且即使有关系,演员表现不好自然会导致收入减少,同样也就应该接受补贴了。 30. 本题的难度值为0.429,属于中等难度的题目 标准答案是:D。这个是全文理解题。只要你读懂了全文,自然这道题就明白了。文章的大意就是说明RSC表面上生意很好,场场基本爆满,但是其实并赚不到多少钱。然而当地的居民却不理解,认为其接收补贴不合理。因此可以看出,作者在同情RSC。因此D选项入选。而A选项:两边都支持,显然不合作者的本意。作者至少是不支持当地居民的。B选项:赞成当地居民的观点。由文章大意可以看出这是个相反的干扰项。最后是C选项,里面有这个词:detached意思是:超然的,不偏不倚的:不含感情因素的,不含个人偏见的参见。这个词在以往试题中并不多见,看来考试中心也有创新精神呵呵。但是同样是由于从文章大意中看出作者的态度比较鲜明,因此不是不偏不倚的。



2006 Text 3

公司(RSC), 它在Avon莎士比亚纪念剧院里将很多优秀的戏剧作品呈现给大家 这儿的居民大部分是靠来游玩的游客的钱来维持生计,这些游客并不是来看戏剧的,而是来看Anne Hathaway的庄园,莎士比亚的出生地和其他的景色。

Stratford的当地乡绅们都质疑剧院有没有为当地的税收收入做一点贡献他们直言讨厌RSC的演员,些演员留着长头发,长胡须,拖着凉鞋,吵吵嚷嚷。这真是一种绝妙的讽刺,当你作为他们摇钱树莎士比亚,自己也是个演员留着胡子一起大吵大闹。 游客群并不是完全分开的。游览者乘公车来,经常会去游览Warwick城堡和Blenheim宫殿,通常不会去看戏,并且他们中的一些人甚至会对在Stratford找到剧院感到惊讶。然而,看戏者只花少量的时间在观光上,也就是在戏剧演出时顺便看看RSC主张是看戏者给城镇带来大量的税收,因为他们通常花晚上时间(有些是四到五个晚上)在旅馆或饭店里大量消费然而游览者在当天的黄昏前就能把所有事情做完了,然后离开小镇


总之居民不明白为什么RSC需要补贴。(剧院已经打破了连续三年以来的就座纪录。去年整年的1431个座位的就坐率达到了94%,今年将会更。)当然,原因是,演戏的花费高了,而票价仍然很低。 大幅增加票价是一件很为难的事情,因为这样会把Stratford最有魅力的顾客-年轻人赶走。他们完全是为了戏而来,不是为风景。他们看起来都一个样(虽然他们从各个地方而来)——消瘦、率直、专注的脸庞,穿着牛仔裤和便鞋,吃着小圆面包,在剧场外的石板上过夜,以便能买得到20张座票和80张站票,这些票都是为那些睡觉的人准备的,并且在票房第二天上午10点半开始售票时就卖给他们。


When prehistoric man arrived in new parts of the world, something strange happened to the large animals. they suddenly became extinct. Smaller species survived. The large, slow-growing animals were easy game, and were quickly hunted to extinction.Now something similar could be happening in the oceans.

That the seas are being overfished has been known for years. What researchers such as Ransom Myers and Boris Worm have shown is just how fast things are changing. They have looked at half a century of data from fisheries around the world. Their methods do not attempt to estimate the actual biomass the amount of living biological

matter of fish species in particular parts of the ocean, but rather changes in that biomass over time. According to their latest paper published in Nature, the biomass of large predators animals that kill and eat other animals in a new fishery is reduced on average by 80% within 15 years of the start of exploitation. In some long-fished areas, it has halved again since then.

Dr. Worm acknowledges that these figures are conservative. One reason for this is that fishing technology has improved.Today‘s vessels can find their prey using satellites and sonar, which were not available 50 years ago. That means a higher proportion of what is in the sea is being caught, so the real difference between present and past is likely to be worse than the one recorded by changes in catch sizes. In the early days, too, lonelines would have been more saturated with fish. Some individuals would therefore not have been caught, since no baited hooks would have been available to trap them, leading to an underestimate of fish stocks in the past. Furthermore, in the early days of longline


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fishing, a lot of fish were lost to sharks after they had been hooked. That is no longer a problem, because there are fewer sharks around now.

Dr. Myers and Dr. Worm argue that their work gives a correct baseline, which future management efforts must take into account. They believe the date support an idea current among marine biologists, that of the shifting baseline. The notion is that people have failed to detect the massive changes which have happened in the ocean because they have been looking back only a relatively short time into the past. That matters because theory suggests that the maximum sustainable yield that can be cropped from a fishery comes when the biomass of a target species is about 50% of its original levels. Most fisheries are well below that which is a bad way to be business.

31The extinction of large prehistoric animals is noted to suggest that

Alarge animal were vulnerable to the changing environment Bsmall species survived as large animals disappeared Clarge sea animals may face the same threat today. DSlow-growing fish outlive fast-growing ones

32We can infer form Dr. Myers and Dr. Worms paper that

Athe stock of large predators in some old fisheries has reduced by 90% Bthere are only half as many fisheries are there were 15 years ago Cthe catch sizes in new fisheries are only 20% of the original amount

Dthe number of larger predators dropped faster in new fisheries than in the old

33By saying these figures are conservativeline 1 paragragf-3), Dr. worm means that

Afishing technology has improved rapidly

Bthe catch-sizes are actually smaller than recorded Cthe marine biomass has suffered a greater loss Dthe data collected so far are out of date.

34Dr. Myers and other researchers hold that

Apeople should look for a baseline that can‗t work for a longer time Bfisheries should keep their yield below 50% of the biomass Cthe ocean biomass should be restored to its original level.

Dpeople should adjust the fishing baseline to the changing situation.

35The author seems to be mainly concerned with most fisheries Amanagement efficiency Bbiomass level Ccatch-size limits

Dtechnological application.

重点词汇: [] A pot is a vessel for holding food.锅是盛食物的器biomass n.(单位面积或体积内)生物的数量 [皿。There were many vessels in the harbor today.今天港]bio(生物)+mass(,大量) 口有许多船只。 over time 随着时间推移 prey [ prei ] n. animalbird etc hunted and killed [] As a result, nacre thickness is sometimes just a by another for food 被掠食者,牺牲者 v. 捕食,掠夺,cosmetic layer that can wear thin over time.所以真珠质使...苦恼 的厚度就像脸上化妆品,不久就会磨薄了。 [] The big bird carried its prey in its claws.这只大鸟predator [ 'predətə ] n. 食肉动物person who 用爪子抓着捕获物。The oppressed peoples will never exploit others 奴役他人者 allow themselves to be preyed upon by any invaders. [] He denounced all landlords and money-lenders as 被压迫民族决不会听任侵略者肆意掠夺。 evil predators. 他痛斥所有地主和放债者都是罪恶的[]be/fall prey to sth 被捕食,成为其他动物的捕获剥削者. 物;为某事物所苦,受到谋事无的折磨 [] predatory a. (指动物)食肉的;掠夺的,以掠She was prey to irrational fears 她遭受着无端恐夺为目的的 惧的折磨。 []herbivore n. 食草动物 vegetarian n. 素食[]prey on sb‘s mind 烦扰某人 Fear of the consequences preyed on her mind halve [ hɑ v ] vt. divide sth into two equal parts 她担心其后果而惴惴不安。 分成两半,平分,减少到一半;reduce sth by a half 减半 []be a prey to动物)被捕食;(人)深受其害; [] James and I halved the apple.詹姆斯和我平分了这所苦恼 (= become/fall a prey to) 个苹果。Let's halve the project between our two teams.sonar [ 'səunɑ ] n. 声纳装置 [巧记]声纳:sound 让我们两个队平均分担这项工程吧。The latest planes navigation and ranging have halved the time needed for crossing the Atlantic. longline n. 多钩长线 最新型号的飞机把飞越大西洋所需的时间减少了一saturate [ 'sætʃəreit ] v. make sth very wet 浸湿半。 或浸透某物 sth/sb with/in sth vessel n. , 容器, 器皿, 脉管, 导管 []We lay on the beach, saturated in sunshine. 我们躺


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在沙滩上, 沐浴在阳光里. []saturated a. 湿透的,(指溶液)饱和的 []saturation n. 浸湿,浸透,饱和

bait n., 诱惑物 vt.以饵引诱(动物), 把饵装上, , 折磨 vi.中途休息

[] rise to the bait(鱼)咬饵;(人)中圈套;上当;中计

hook n., 吊钩v.钩住, 沉迷, 上瘾

[] He hung his coat on the hook behind the door. 他把外套挂在门后的挂钩上。Hook the rope over that nail. 把绳子套在那钉子上。

trap [ træp ] n. device for catching animals plan for capturing or detecting sb 圈套,陷阱; v. keep sb in a place from which he wants to move but cannot 设圈套,设陷阱

[] sb into doing/sth 用计捕捉某人使某人上当 []The police set a trap to catch the thief. 警察设下了捉拿窃贼的圈套。She was trapped in the burning house.她被困在燃烧着的房子里了。By clever questioning they trapped him into making a confession. 他们用巧妙的提问诱使他招认了。

underestimate vt.低估, 看轻 n.低估[巧记] under()+estmate(估计)(estimate参考 02 text3) []

overestimate vt. 评价过高 n. 估计的过高, 评价的过高

baseline n.基准线;基线(网球场的)底线 []base(基础)+line(线)

marine n.舰队, 水兵, 海运业 adj.海的, 海产的, 海的, 船舶的, 海运的

yield v.出产, 生长, 生产vi.( to)屈服, 屈从n.产量, 收益

[]That tree yields fruits.这种树结果。I will not yield a step.我寸步不让。The shelf is beginning to yield under that heavy weight.架子被那么大的重量压得弯了下去。This year's yield from the coal mine was very large.今年这煤矿产量甚丰。

target n.目标, 对象, 靶子

[]The hunter's target was a wild animal.这个猎人的目标是一只野兽。

crop n.农作物, 产量, 平头, 短发vt.收割, 修剪, vi.收获

[]Which crops does he grow?他种的是什么庄稼? The beans have cropped well this year. 今年的豆子收成好。 难句分析:

What researchers such as Ransom Myers and Boris Worm have shown is just how fast things are changing. 分析:这句子中,what引导主语从句,is是谓语,how引导的从句做宾语。

翻译:诸如Ransom MyersBoris Worm这些研究员向我们展示的是事情的变化速度是如何之快。 That means a higher proportion of what is in the sea is being caught, so the real difference between present and past is likely to be worse than the one recorded by changes in catch sizes.


翻译:那表示占更高比例的海洋生物被捕获,所以过去的数据和现在的数据之间的差别要比通过捕捉量的变化记录下来的差别更加大。 答案分析

31. 本题的难度值为0.787,属于较容易的题目,区分度0.447,比较理想。

标准答案是:C。该题可迅速定位到文章第一段,最后有这么一句话:Now something similar could be


happening in the oceans这可以说是一个承上启下句,基本上表明了作者的写作方向和部分中心思想。由此可看出作者在第一段描述古代动物的灭绝,是为了影射当今在海洋发生的同样的事情。联系C选项:大部分海洋动物可能会面临同样的威胁。因此C入选。再A选项,意思是:大部分动物对于环境改变十分脆弱。这个在原文中没有体现,属于就事论事,不属于―to suggest that‖的范围。即使从常识角度上是正确的,在原文中没有根据的选项也不能入选。接着是B选项,意思是:当大部分动物消失时有小部分种族残存了下来。这也是个无中生有的选项,在文章中找不到任何根据。文章只说了有大量远古动物灭绝而已。最后是D选项,意思是:成长慢的鱼比成长快的鱼寿命长。这个在原文中更是找不到根据了,而且,由题设就可以看出这道题只是和第一段有关,而关于鱼的话题并不在第一段,因此自然可以排除。


标准答案是:A。这道题还是比较有难度的,有一定数学因素在里面。由题设定位到原文第二段这么几个句子:What researchers such as Ransom Myers and Boris Worm have shown is just how fast things are changing. They have looked at half a century of data from fisheries around the world. Their methods do not attempt to estimate the actual biomass (the amount of living biological matter) of fish species in particular parts of the ocean, but rather changes in that biomass over time. According to their latest paper published in Nature, the biomass of large predators (animals that kill and eat other animals) in a new fishery is reduced on average by 80% within 15 years of the start of exploitation. In some long-fished areas, it has halved again since then.接下来就是从这些句子中找到与某个选项一致的地方了。首先看A选项,意思是:在一些老渔场,大型捕食者的数量已经减少了90%。请看原文的这句话:According to their latest paper published in Nature, the biomass of large predators (animals that kill and eat other animals) in a new fishery is reduced on average by 80% within 15 years of the start of exploitation. In some long-fished areas, it has halved again since then大体意思是说,捕食者的数量在新渔场已经平均下降了80%,而在一些长期捕鱼的区域,即老渔场,这个数目又少了一半(注意原文中again这个词,非常关键)即由原来的100%-80%)下降到了1/2*100%-80%)=10%,因此等价于下降了90%。由此可看出,A选项是正确的。接着是B选项,意思是:与15年前相比,现在只剩下一半数量的鱼了。上面的解释如果看懂了,自然能排除此选项了。然后是C选项,意思是:在新渔场所捕获到的鱼的尺寸只有起初数量的20%了。Size除了尺寸之外,的确也有数量的意思,但是请注意,原文中说的是捕食者large predators下降了80%,而该选项并未提到,因此属于比较危险的干扰项,不能入选。最后是D选项,意思是在新渔场里,大型捕食者的数量下降的要比老渔场里快。这个如果读懂了第二段最后两句话的话,是比较容易排除的。请参阅上面的解释,正确的说法应该是相反的,即在老渔场下降的快。可能有些人错把it has halved again since then理解成老渔场从那时起只降低了一半,因此得出了80>50%的结论,选择了D。但是原文中的again这个词表明了是在80%的基础上又少了一半,因此应该是90>80%.

33. 本题的难度值为0.46,属于中等难度的题目,区分度为0.322,比较理想。


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34. 本题的难度值为0.626,属于较容易的题目。

标准答案是:D。由题设可定位到原文的最后一段,观察Dr Myers所说的话,Dr Myers and Dr Worm argue that their work gives a correct baseline, which future management efforts must take into account. They believe the data support an idea current among marine biologists, that of the "shifting baseline"。意思是说未来的渔业理应该改变一下基准,即shifting baseline。因此联系D选项:人们应该调节一下渔业基准来改变现在的形势。因此入选。再看A选项,意思是:人们应该寻找一种有效期不长的基准。有效期不长这在原文中肯本没有体现,原文只是强调了应该改变现在的基准。因此该选项排除。接着看B选项,意思是:渔业应该将捕鱼量降低到总数量的50%以下。在原文寻找50%这个字眼,找到了这句:That matters because theory suggests that the maximum sustainable yield that can be cropped from a fishery comes when the biomass of a target species is about 50% of its original levels。这句话比较有难度,大体意思是说当某特定种群的数量在起初数量的50%时,一个渔场所收益的最大捕鱼量到来了。作者的用意是说明如果一个渔场的总储量如果连起初的50%都不到,就应该降低捕鱼数量了。B项的意思是说捕鱼量不要超过总数量的50%,显然两者是有区别的,因此不能入选。最后是C选项,意思是海洋生物的数量应该恢复到起始水平。这个选项有些夸张了,显然是在夸大事实。作者只是在号召保护海洋动物,适当调整捕鱼数量,但是没有也不可能说C选项这种话来。达到起始的程度显然是不现实的。因此该选项排除。

35. 本题的难度值为0.441,属于中等难度的题目。 标准答案是:B。题目的意思是说作者主要关心渔场的什么数据。由全文的中心思想可以看出,作者是在关心海洋生物的总数量,而且全文出现相当多的词就biomass了。因此联系B选项:总数量水平。自然

2006 Text 4




这些年在海中的捕捞活动太过频繁就像Ransom MyersBoris Worm这些年所研究的,事物在迅速地变化着。他们研究了半个世纪以来世界上所有的鱼场他们的方法不是为了试图估算特定区域的海洋中实际动物总数(活着生物的总数),而是研究单位面积中海洋生物数量的变化。根据他们最近在《自然》杂志上发表的文章,大型食肉的海洋生物(一种杀死和吃其它动物的生物)15年的时间里已经减少了平均80%在一些大型的捕鱼场,这个数量已经减半。

Worm博士承认这些数字还只是保守数字 一个原因是今天的捕鱼技术已经大大改善,可以通过卫星和声波这些在50年前不可能有的东西来发现猎物,50年前相比意味着可以捕获更多的海洋生物,所以现在和过去的真正差距可能会比之前在捕获区记录的数据所体现出的更糟糕的时候,多勾的鱼杆线已经对鱼不起作用了。因此有一些鱼种没被抓到,往后没有鱼饵的鱼钩根本捕不到鱼,导致过去的捕鱼业受到轻视。而且,早期用鱼钩捕鱼的日子,有许多鱼在它们上钩后被鲨鱼给吃了。那不再是个问题,因现在鲨鱼已经很少了

Dr. MyersDr. worm声称说,他们的工作已经确定了一个正确的基本方针,这个方针是未来管理必须要使用的。他们认为数据恰恰体现了一个海洋生物学家都支持的观点这个观点改变基线。这个概念就是说们已经很难观察得到大范围海洋中发生的变化,因为他们只是回顾从过去以来相对短的时这确有其事,因为理论告诉我们如果一个渔场的总储量如果连起初的最大可承受的捕鱼量的50%都不到,就应该降低捕鱼数量了。大多数渔场远远低于这个数,这是对以后的捕鱼业非常不利的。


Many things make people think artists are weird.But the weirdest may be this: artists‘ only job is to explore emotions, and yet they choose to focus on the ones that feel bad.

This wasn‘t always so. The earliest forms of art, like painting and music, are those best suited for expressing joy. But somewhere from the 19th century onward,more artists began seeing happiness as meaningless, phony or, worst of all, boring ,as we went from Wordsworth‘s daffodils to Baudelaire‘s flowers of evil.

You could argue that art became more skeptical of happiness because modern times have seen so much misery. But it‘s not as if earlier times didn‘t know perpetual war, disaster and the massacre of innocents. The reason,in fact,may be just the opposite: there is too much damn happiness in the world today.


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After all, what is the one modern form of expression almost completely dedicated to depicting happiness Advertising. The rise of anti-happy art almost exactly tracks the emergence of mass media, and with it, a commercial culture in which happiness is not just an ideal but an ideology.

People in earlier eras were surrounded by reminders of misery. They worked until exhausted, lived with few

protections and died young. In the West, before mass communication and literacy, the most powerful mass medium was the church, which reminded worshippers that their souls were in danger and that they would someday be meat for worms. Given all this, they did not exactly need their art to be a bummer too.

Today the messages the average Westerner is surrounded with are not religious but commercial and forever happy .Fast-food eaters, news anchors, text messengers, all smiling, smiling. Our magazines feature beaming celebrities and happy families in perfect homes. And since these messages have an agendato lure us to open our

walletsthey make the very idea of happiness seem unreliable. CelebrateCommanded the ads for the arthritis drug Celebrex, before we found out it could increase the risk of heart attacks.

But what we forgetwhat our economy depends on us forgetting——is that happiness is more than pleasure without pain. The things that bring the greatest joy carry the greatest potential for loss and disappointment. Today, surrounded by promises of easy happiness, we need art to tell us, as religion once did, Memento mori: remember that you will die, that everything ends, and that happiness comes not in denying this but in living with it. It‘s a message even more bitter than a clove cigarette, yet, somehow, a breath of fresh air.

36. By citing the examples of poets Wordsworth and Baudelaire, the author intends to show that

A. Poetry is not as expressive of joy as painting or music. B. Art grows out of both positive and negative feelings. C. Poets today are less skeptical of happiness. D. Artists have changed their focus of interest.

37. The word ―bummer‖Line 4. paragraph 5 most probably means something

A. religious B. unpleasant C. entertaining D. commercial

38. In the author‘s opinion, advertising

A. emerges in the wake of the anti-happy art.

B. is a cause of disappointment for the general public. C. replace the church as a major source of information

D. creates an illusion of happiness rather than happiness itself.

39.We can learn from the last paragraph that the author believes

A .Happiness more often than not ends in sadness. B. The anti-happy art is distasteful by refreshing. C. Misery should be enjoyed rather than denied.

D .The anti-happy art flourishes when economy booms

40.Which of the following is true of the text

A Religion once functioned as a reminder of misery.

B Art provides a balance between expectation and reality. C People feel disappointed at the realities of modern society. D mass media are inclined to cover disasters and deaths.

重点词汇: phony [ 'fəuni ] (也写作phoney a. (指某人)weird [ wiəd ] a. frightening because it is假装的,冒充的;(指某物)假的,伪造的; n.冒充unnaturaluncanny or strange 不自然的,怪异的或奇者,赝品 怪的(常做贬义) []The phony glamour of night club soon become stale []Weird shrieks were heard in the darkness. 在黑暗中and boring. 夜总会那种虚假的荣华不久便失去了新听见离奇的尖叫声. 意而使人生厌。 He looks like nothing on earth in those weird clothes. 穿著奇装异服难看极了. daffodil [ 'dæfədil ] n. 水仙` a. 水仙花色的 []weirdie n. (口语,通常贬义)行为、衣着等奇 怪的人,古怪的人 skeptical(=sceptical) adj. 怀疑性的,好怀疑的,() 神论的 eccentric n. (没有贬义)古怪的人 misery n. 痛苦, 苦恼, 悲惨, 不幸, 穷困


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[]Misery loves company.()同病相怜。 [] happiness

perpetual adj. 永久的不断的;永续的一再重复的

massacre [ 'mæsəkə ] n. 大屠杀;(口)运动的)惨败

[]The press has reported the massacre of thousands of people for their religious beliefs. 新闻界报道了那场因宗教信仰原因而对千万人的大屠杀。The game was a complete massacre; we lost 10-0. 那次比赛真是一次惨败,我们010输了。

innocent adj. ( of) 清白的, 无罪的, 天真的, 知的

[] Can you provide any evidence that he was innocent of the crime? 你能提供证据证明他没有犯这罪吗? Do you call these innocent amusements? 你把这些叫做无害的娱乐?

damn [ dæm ] a. (口)表示不满、愤怒、不耐烦等; adv. (表示不满、愤怒等)非常

[]Where‘s that damn book 那本该死的书哪里去了?My damn car has broken down 我的混帐汽车坏了。You know damn well what I mean 你清清楚楚明白我的意思。This film was damned by the critics.这部影片受到了批评家的指责。

[]damn all (口)完全没有 It‘s damn all use you telling me that now 你现在才告诉我,管什么用!

depict vt. 描绘;描写

[]The drawing depicts her sitting on a sofa.这副画画的是她坐在沙发上的姿势. Her novel depicts life in Modern London (as an ordeal).她的小说描写的是伦敦现代的生活(苦不堪言).

commercial adj. 商业, 贸易的

[]commercial traveler 旅行推销员 A commercial college teaches things that would be useful in business. 商学院教授那些在商业中可能会有用的东西。 Oil has been found in commercial quantities. 发现了大量有商业价值的石油。 [] commerce 商业

literacy n. 文化,有教养,有读写能力;识字

worshipper 礼拜[崇拜, 爱慕]

[]worship n. 崇拜, 礼拜, 尊敬 vi. 敬神, 拜神 vt. 崇拜, 尊敬

[]She worshipped him and refused to listen to his critics.她很崇拜他,听不进别人对他的批评.

beam [ bi m ] n. 光线,横梁,容光焕发 v. 微笑,闪亮;(无线电)播送

[]From a sky of untarnished blue the sun beamed

down upon Beijing. 阳光透过万里碧空照耀着北京城。The old lady opened the door with a beam. ()老太太面带微笑开了门表示欢迎。The World Cup Final was beamed live from Britain to Japan. 世界杯决赛从英国向日本作了实况转播. []offthebeam (口)不对的,错的 ; on the beam对,正确

Your calculation is way off beam. 你的计算大错特错.

agenda n. 议程


[]What is the next item on the agenda?议程表上的下一项是什么?`

lure v.引诱 vt.(常与away, into连用)诱惑;引诱 n.诱惑力;诱惑物(常与of连用)诱惑

[] Many young Japanese engineers have been lured to the Middle East by the promise of high wages.在给予高薪的允诺的引诱下,许多年轻的日本工程师去了中东。 [] tempt vt.诱惑, 引诱, 吸引, 使感兴趣, 考验, seduce v. 诱使


The rise of anti-happy art almost exactly tracks the emergence of mass media, and with it, a commercial culture in which happiness is not just an ideal but an ideology.

分析:it 指代the risein which引导的从句修饰commercial culture


And since these messages have an agenda--to lure us to open our walletsthey make the very idea of happiness seem unreliable.

分析:这是个简单句,破折号前面是主句,破折号后面的不定式结构to lure us to open ourwallets修饰agenda



36.本题的难度值为0.609比较容易。区分度为0.399比较理想。 标准答案:D




本题考察考生利用上下文对生词理解的能力。本段中作者指出,早期人们的生活时刻都在提醒着人们痛苦的存在。他们一辈子辛苦劳动,生活没有保障,一般人都过世的很早。在西方,在大众传播工具和教育及之前,最具影响力的大众传媒就是教堂。教堂不断的提醒教徒,他们的灵魂处在危险中,终有一天他们的躯体将要化为虫的食物。在这种情况下,人们不再需要艺术成为另一个―bummer‖。考生可以从前句判断,早期人们无论在生活中还是教堂中,时刻都接受着这样的提醒:生活中是有痛苦存在的。所以他们不需要艺术再次成为提醒痛苦的媒介。这就是判断词义的依据,答案就是B,不愉快的东西。有些考生没有把生活中的痛苦和教堂对痛苦的提醒结合起来考bummer―did not exactly need…too‖(不需要….也是这样)的语气。


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39.本题的难度值为0.294,比较难。 标准答案:B


40.本题的难度值为0.38,比较难。区分度为0.353比较理想。 标准答案:A




2005 Text 1






今天,你们普通西方人面对的围绕我们四周的信息不是宗教的,而是商业的,而且一直让人快乐。 快餐食客、新闻主播、发短信的人,都在笑啊笑啊。我们的杂志突出刊登满面春风的名人和美满幸福的家庭。这样的消息都有一项任务——即引诱我们打开钱包去使这些看起来并不可靠的快乐变得真实起来。欢庆吧!宣传关节炎良药西乐葆的广告这样号召道,随后我们却发现它能增加心脏病的发病率。

但是我们所忘记的是――我们的经济依赖着我们的遗忘――经过痛苦得来的快乐比没有经过痛苦得来的快乐好得多。带给我们最大快乐的事件,同时也暗含着巨大的损失和失望。现在,在耳边充斥着能轻易得到快乐的承诺时,我们需要有人告诉我们,正如宗教曾经所做,死亡警示:记住你会死,一切将会终结, 快乐虽然到来,但是它不能消除苦难,而是与其共存。这可能比抽烟更加毒害人的健康,然而,不知为何,也许会带来一股清新的气息。

Everybody loves a fat pay rise. Yet pleasure at your own can vanish if you learn that a colleague has been given a bigger one. Indeed, if he has a reputation for slacking, you might even be outraged. Such behaviour is regarded as ―all too human‖, with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance. But a study by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, which has just been published in Nature, suggests that it is all too monkey, as well.

The researchers studied the behaviour of female brown capuchin monkeys. They look cute. They are good-natured, co-operative creatures, and they share their food tardily. Above all, like their female human counterparts, they tend to pay much closer attention to the value of ―goods and services‖ than males.

Such characteristics make them perfect candidates for Dr. Brosnan's and Dr. de waal's study. The researchers spent two years teaching their monkeys to exchange tokens for food. Normally, the monkeys were happy enough to

exchange pieces of rock for slices of cucumber. However, when two monkeys were placed in separate but adjoining chambers, so that each could observe what the other was getting in return for its rock, their behaviour became markedly different.


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In the world of capuchins grapes are luxury goods (and much preferable to cucumbers) So when one monkey was handed a grape in exchange for her token, the second was reluctant to hand hers over for a mere piece of cucumber. And if one received a grape without having to provide her token in exchange at all, the other either tossed her own

token at the researcher or out of the chamber, or refused to accept the slice of cucumber .Indeed, the mere presence of a grape in the other chamber (without an actual monkey to eat it) was enough to induce resentment in a female capuchin. The researches suggest that capuchin monkeys, like humans, are guided by social emotions. In the wild, they are a co-operative, group-living species, Such co-operation is likely to be stable only when each animal feels it is not being cheated. Feelings of righteous indignation, it seems, are not the preserve of people alone, Refusing a lesser reward completely makes these feelings abundantly clear to other members of the group. However, whether such a sense of fairness evolved independently in capuchins and humans, or whether it stems from the common ancestor that the species had 35 million years ago, is, as yet, an unanswered question.

21. In the opening paragraph, the author introduces his topic by [A]. posing a contrast.

[B]. justifying an assumption. [C]. making a comparison.

[D]. explaining a phenomenon.

22. The statement ―it is all too monkey‖ (Last line, paragraph l) implies that [A]. monkeys are also outraged by slack rivals. [B]. resenting unfairness is also monkeys' nature.

[C]. monkeys, like humans, tend to be jealous of each other.

[D]. no animals other than monkeys can develop such emotions.

23. Female capuchin monkeys were chosen for the research most probably because they are [A]. more inclined to weigh what they get. [B]. attentive to researchers' instructions.

[C]. nice in both appearance and temperament.

[D]. more generous than their male companions

24. Dr. Brosnan and Dr. de Waal have eventually found in their study that the monkeys [A]. prefer grapes to cucumbers.

[B]. can be taught to exchange things.

[C]. will not be co-operative if feeling cheated.

[D]. are unhappy when separated from others.

25. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

[A]. Monkeys can be trained to develop social emotions. [B]. Human indignation evolved from an uncertain source. [C]. Animals usually show their feelings openly as humans do. [D]. Cooperation among monkeys remains stable only in the wild. 重点词汇:

a fat pay rise 涨得很高的工资

vanish 消失,不复存在)The wonderful vanished into thin air.美梦化作泡影I thought it would rain, but the clouds have vanished and it's a fine day.我原以为天要下雨的,可是云消失了,是个好天。记]van=empty+ish形容词后缀:倾向于。

colleague(同事,同僚)David is a colleague of mine.戴维是我的同事记]col=con共同+leag=leg+ue→共同被选出的。[辨] companion (同伴,共事者)com一起+pan面包+ion→一起吃面包谋生的人。 A dog is a faithfull companyion. 狗是忠实的伙伴

reputation(名气,名声,名望)a man of good reputation名誉很好的人Live up to one‘s reputation.不负盛名记]re再一,重新+put思考+ation


slack 懈怠,懒散)slack work马虎的工作 slack laws 不完善的法律 Bussiness is slack at this season.这一季节生意萧条 The tennis net hung slack.网球的网松悬着[记:谐音]怪物史莱克懒散的。

outrage (暴行,伤害,激怒)。 An outrage against justice.对正义的严重损害 Members of Parliament were outraged by the news of bomb outrages in the country.内发生了炸弹暴力事件的消息引起了国会议员的义愤 记]out过度+rage动怒→―出离愤怒了

all to human 人所特有的人性

underling (潜在的,含蓄的) There are underlying similarities between all human beings.人与人之间有内在相似之处 The underlying theme of the novel is very

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assumption(假定;承担;呈现) The theory is based on a series of wrong assumptions.这一理论是以一系列错误的设想为根据的。Their assumption that their project under way was something entirely new proved to be untrue.他们以为他们正在进行的课题是崭新的,实证明不是那样。 [记]assume(假设)

grievance(抱怨,不平,怨愤) to have a grievance against sb.抱怨某人He extravagantce give him a sense of grievance.使griev=heavy沉重+ance

capuchin monkey 僧帽猴 一种原产于美洲的卷尾猴sapajou),头上有类似风帽的一镞头发

good-natured (和蔼的,和善的) 又如:mean-natured 情绪性的 sweet-natured 性格温和的

creature(人, 动物, 傀儡, 创造物) She was a poor creature.她曾是个可怜的女人。[巧记]creat(创造)ure(尾缀)


counterpart (对应的人或物) counter相反+part部分=对应的部分‖→对音的人或物。The Red Cross Society of China and its Icelandic counterpart. 中国红十字会和冰岛红十字会 Canada‘s Prime Minister is the counterpart of the U.S. president. 加拿大总理相当于美国总统。参见2000 Passage 4

candidate (候选人,求职者)Masteral candidate 研人 [巧记]cand白,发光+id+ate→白色的人选人。

in exchange for (作为[]交换[或替代][巧记]exchange=ex+change换出

token(象征的东西,代币) Tears are queer tokens of happiness. 眼泪是快乐的一种奇特的表示We shook hands as a token of our friendship.我们握手,以表示我们的友谊。

slice (薄片,切片;一份,部分)a slice of bread片面包 a slice of good luck.一份好运 a book to amuse you, not to give you a slice of life. 一本供你消遣的书,并不是告诉你一段实际生活 He sliced his fingers.他用刀切伤了手指。

adjoining (毗连的)The twins have adjoining rooms. 双胞胎的房间是挨着的 [巧记]ad+join加入,结



chamber(房间, 议院)chamber of the heart 心室 In Britain the upper chamber or parliament is the House of Lords, the lower the House of Commons.英国的上议院或国会是贵族议院,下议院是众议院。

in return for (作为[]交换[报答,回报] He give her some roses in return for her kindnesss.他送她一些玫瑰以报答她的好意

markedly (显著的,明显的) a woman of marked intelligence Tuition at American universities varies markedly depending on the type of instituation and its endowment. 美国各大学的学费有显著差别,这取决于学校的类别和所得到的捐赠基金 [巧记]marked(有记号的, 显著的)

luxury (奢侈品,华贵) lux光亮豪华+uryLuxurious adj.豪华舒适的 luxuryiate v.纵情享受 to luxuryiate in the warm,spring sunshine.尽情享受春日温暖的阳光 Cream cakes are no long a luxury.奶油蛋糕再也不是奢侈品了。

reluctant(不愿的,勉强的)Suggestion systems can work don't be reluctant to use them.建议制度是有效——不要不愿使用它们 She was very reluctant to admit the truth. 她很不情愿地承认了这事实。[巧记]re反复+luct=lect拾,+ant形容词后缀应为觉得称心所以 反复拾捡‖→但最后还是不情愿的,强的。参见1994 Passage 5 toss[to, away, aside, out连用]扔,抛) He tossed off a few verses of poetry. 他轻而易举地写出了几行诗They tossed the ball to each other.他们把球互相扔来扔去。

induce (劝诱,促使)What induced you to do such a stupid thing? 是什么促使你作出这等蠢事来的人 One of these pills is guaranteed to induce sleep. 这些药丸只要一粒就能使人安眠Too much food induces sleepiness.吃得过饱会产生睡意。[巧记]in往内+duce=duct→―步步为营,诱敌深入 Presence

resentment (愤恨,怨恨)He was filled with

resentment at the way one has been treated. 他因受到如此对待而满腔怨恨Resentment edged his reply.岔恨使他的回答非常尖锐。[巧记]re去掉,相反+sent+ment→负面的感觉怨恨。 emotions(激情,情绪,情感) The speaker appealed to our emotions rather to our minds. 演讲者激发了我们的情感而不是启发我们的思考 Love, hatred, and grief are emotion.爱、恨、悲伤都是感情。

righteous (正当的,正直的,公正的) righteous indignation义愤 Don‘t adopt that righteous tone of

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voice! 别用那种一本正经的腔调说话。(贬)[巧记]right 正确的+eous

indignation , indignation against a handful of terrorists. 对一小撮恐怖分子的义愤[巧记]in往里+dig+nation民族挖民族比挖祖坟还难能不愤慨吗?[记]形容词:indignant

preserve (保存,保护,保护区) preserve one‘s eyesight 保护视力 God preserve us! 上帝保佑我们吧 The fishing in this stretch of river is strictly preserved. 此河段严禁外人捕鱼The Town Council spent a lot of money to preserve the old castle and other places of historic interest.市政委员会花了不少钱来维修那座古城堡和其它古迹。

reward(报酬,奖金;值得) One reward of my job is meeting people. 我在工作中的收获是能认识许多人 As well as the stained glass,the carring on the roof also reward attention.屋顶上的雕刻和彩色玻璃一样值得注 It's a reward for virtue.那是对美德的回报。

abundantly(丰富地,充裕地) He‘s made his views abundantly clear.他已经充分表明自己的观点 [记]词:abundance 形容词:abundant

evolve (逐渐形成,进化) The American constitution was planed;the British constitution evolved.美国宪法是 The developmental history of the society tells us that man has evolved from the ape.


as yet 至今为止

stem from (源于造成) a talented art critic stemming from a painter. 出生画家,富有才干的评论

ancestor (祖先,祖宗) His ancestors had come to England as refugess.他的祖先来到英国的时候是难民[巧记]an=ante+cest=cess行走,前进+or→走在前面的人祖先。 [比较记忆] descendant 后裔,子解,而作下降(的)解,一般拼成descendent

incline[常与to, towards连用]倾向于,趋于)I incline to fatness.我有些发胖。


Such behaviour is regarded as ―all too human‖, with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance. 前一分句是句子的主句,其中使用了短语regard…as…的被动形式;with加名词作状语,即带有潜在的假其中assumption后接有that引导的同位语从句解释说明假定的内容。



But a study by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, which has just been published in Nature, suggests that it is all too monkey, as well.

本句的主干是a study… Suggests that…其中主语study有两个定语:一个是介词结构by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal…, 另一个是which应导的非限定性定语从句;谓语动词suggests后面的that 引导一个宾语从句。

However, when two monkeys were placed in separate but adjoining chambers, so that each could observe what the other was getting in return for its rock, their behaviour became markedly different.

本句是一个复合句,开始是when引导的时间状语从句,其中包含so that 应导的目的状语从句,而observe后面又是what应导的宾语从句;最后是主句their behavior become markedly different


And if one received a grape without having to provide her token in exchange at all, the other either tossed her own token at the researcher or out of the chamber, or refused to accept the slice of cucumber .

本句是一个复合句,开始是if 引导的条件状语从句,第一个逗号之后的部分是主句:the other either tossed her own token…or refused to…,其中包含两个并列的谓语,tossed refused


However, whether such a sense of fairness evolved independently in capuchins and humans, or whether it stems form the common ancestor that the species had 35 million years ago, is, as yet, an unanswered question. 本句的主语很复杂,由whether…or (还是..)构充当,其中whether…引导一个名词性从句,or…面也是一个名词性从句,而且这一从句的宾语ancestor后面的that引导一个定语从句,修饰ancestor;谓语由系动词(is)+表语(an unanswered question)构成。As it 是一个插入语,意思是迄今为止。注意:本句的主语由两个从句充当。




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就是类比的逻辑。第二, 最后两段关于选择的实验的对象以及实验的结果。

21 [C] 难度0.246


A选项 posing a contrast意思是提出一个对比,是请注意,提出不代表对这个对比做出分析。而原文第一段明显是对人和猴子这个对比做出了分析,因此应该是making a comparison,即对一个对比做出了分析。post仅仅是提出的意思,而原文中作者是通过做具体的对比而得出结论,所以,―make‖这个词应该更准确。而且,参考上面所说的contrastcompare的区别,更应该选择C选项。

B选项justifying an assumption意思是证明一种假设,但是第一段的意思是人与猴子的比较,而不是什么假设。这个也是很强的干扰项。

D选项explaining a phenomenon.意思是解释一种现象,但是文章第一段的意思是人与猴之间的比较,而不是在解释什么东西,只是进行一种比较罢了。

22 [B] 难度0.368 区分度.0.351


A选项monkeys are also outraged by slack rivals.说猴子也会由于懒惰的竞争者而愤怒。但是,猴子不是因为懒惰的人才愤怒,而是因为不公平。

C选项monkeys, like humans, tend to be jealous of each other的意思是猴子也和人一样嫉妒彼此。但是从文章看出,中心思想是讨论猴子对于公平的敏感性,因此C选项只是陈述了其中的一个现象而已,而不是体现了中心思想。文章中只提到了对于不公平所产生的愤怒感,但这个和嫉妒是两码事。这种题属于用小范围替代大范围的干扰项。

D选项 more generous than their male companions是说雌性猴子比雄性猴子更慷慨,大方。但是从原文看出,文章的意思是雌猴子更加注重她们获得的东西。文章的中心思想是说猴子对于公平性的敏感,因此与慷慨大方之类的没有关系。做题时要把握好中心思想,这样就容易排除选项了

23 [A] 难度0.383 区分度.0.437


B选项attentive to researchers' instructions意思是听研究人员的话,而问题 Female capuchin monkeys were chosen for the research most probably because则是指为什么雌性猴子被选择做研究,由文章可看出,应该是由于雌猴子的对公平的更强烈的敏感性。原文只是提到了雌性猴子之间比较容易合作。

C选项 nice in both appearance and temperament说在外表和脾气上都很好,这个基本上是命题者编造的干扰项,如果你明白了文章的大意的话,就不会选择这个答案了。因为整篇文章和外表没有任何联系的。而且题目问的是最主要的原因,所以C选项不予考虑。 D选项more generous than their male companions意思是说比雄猴子更大方,但是之所以选择雌猴子是因为她们对公平性更敏感。D选项基本上和主题是背道而驰的,所以属于比较明显的干扰项。

24[C] 难度0.805 区分度.0.470



A选项prefer grapes to cucumbers是说猴子比起葡萄来更喜欢黄瓜,但是这和题目根本没有关系,属于搞笑类干扰项....原文中虽然提到过,但是算不上什么最终的发现

B选项can be taught to exchange things是说猴子能被训练得交换东西,这个就是太表面的意思了,但是和文章主题基本没关系嘛,文章的主题一定要把握好。

D选项are unhappy when separated from others的是当她们被分开时会不高兴,但是原文中可以看出,不高兴是因为她们看到另外的猴子得到了更好的东西,而不是因为被分开。猴子哪里会这么怕孤单

25[B] 难度0.584 区分度.0.327


A选项 Monkeys can be trained to develop social emotions意思与文章的中心思想不符。文章是想说明猴子对于公平的敏感性,而不是猴子能被训练具有社会性的情感。而且这个选项在原文中也没有依据,所谓的社会性情感原文没有提及。你从最后一段的 as yet, an unanswered question可看出,刚好和B选项的an uncertain source想对应。这种题要注意一定要找到有原文依据的选项。而且social emotions是猴子天生就有的,谈不上delevop这个词。

C选项Animals usually show their feelings openly as humans do的意思是动物经常像人类一样的公开表露感情。但是文章最后一段并没有讲这个问题,而是在强调动物对于公平的敏感性。C选项本身没有错,但是不符合题目要求。

D选项 Cooperation among monkeys remains stable only in the wild的意思是猴子之间在野外才能稳定。这个基本上没什么道理可说,和文章的中心思想没有联系。你从最后一段的 as yet, an unanswered question可看出,刚好和B选项的an uncertain source想对应。这种题要注意一定要找到有原文依据的选项


人人都喜欢大幅加薪,但是当你知道一个同事薪水加得比你还要多的时候,那么加薪带给你的喜悦感就消失的无影无踪了。如果他还以懒散出名的话,你甚至会变得怒不可遏。这种行为被看作是人之长情其潜在的假定其他动物不可能具有如此高度发达的不公平意识。但是由佐治亚州亚特兰大埃里莫大学的Sarah Brosnan Frans de Waal进行的一项研究表明,它也是猴之常情这项研究成果刚刚发表在《自然》杂志上。

研究者们对雌性棕色卷尾猴的行为进行了研究它们看起来很可爱性格温顺,合作,乐于分享食物。最重要的是,就象女人们一样,它们往往比雄性更关商品和服务价值。这些特性使它们成为Brosnan de Waal理想的研究对象。研究者们花了两年的时间教这些猴子用代币换取食物。正常情况下,猴子很愿意用几块石头换几片黄瓜。但是,当两个猴子被安置在隔开但相邻的两个房间里,能够互相看见对方用石头换回来什么东西时,猴子的行为就会变的明显不同。


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2005 Text 2


Do you remember all those years when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but the doubters insisted that we didn't know for sure? That the evidence was inconclusive, the science uncertain? That the antismoking lobby was out to destroy our way of life and the government should stay out of the way? Lots of Americans bought that nonsense, and over three decades, some 10 million smokers went to early graves.

There are upsetting parallels today, as scientists in one wave after another try to awaken us to the growing threat of global warming. The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences, enlisted by the White House, to tell us that the Earth's atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made. The clear message is that we should get moving to protect ourselves. The president of the National Academy, Bruce Alberts, added this key point in the preface to the panel's report ―Science never has all the answers .But science does provide us with the best available guide to the future, and it is critical that our nation and the world base important policies on the best judgments that science can provide concerning the future consequences of present actions.‖

Just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is

incomplete, that it's Ok to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure. This is a dangerous game: by the 100 percent of the evidence is in, it may be too late. With the risks obvious and growing, a prudent people would take out an insurance policy now.

Fortunately, the White House is starting to pay attention. But it's obvious that a majority of the president's

advisers still don't take global warming seriously. Instead of a plan of action, they continue to press for more research-a classic case of ―paralysis by analysis‖.

To serve as responsible stewards of the planet, we must press forward on deeper atmospheric and oceanic

research but research alone is inadequate. If the Administration won't take the legislative initiative, Congress should help to begin fashioning conservation measures .A bill by Democratic Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, which would offer financial incentives for private industry, is a promising start .Many see that the country is getting ready to build lots of new power plants to meet our energy needs. If we are ever going to protect the atmosphere, it is crucial that those new plants be environmentally sound.

26. An argument made by supporters of smoking was that

[A]. there was no scientific evidence of the correlation between smoking and death. [B]. the number of early deaths of smokers in the past decades was insignificant. [C]. people had the freedom to choose their own way of life. [D]. antismoking people were usually talking nonsense. 27. According to Bruce Alberts, science can serve as [A]. a protector. [B]. a judge. [C]. a critic. [D]. a guide.

28. What does the author mean by ―paralysis by analysis‖ (Last line, paragraph 4) [A]. Endless studies kill action.

[B]. Careful investigation reveals truth. [C]. prudent planning hinders.

[D]. Extensive research helps decision-making.

29. According to the author, what should the Administration do about global warming [A]. Offer aid to build cleaner power plants. [B]. Raise public awareness of conservation. [C]. Press for further scientific research. [D]. Take some legislative measures.

30. The author associates the issue of global warming with that of smoking because [A]. they both suffered from the government's negligence. [B]. a lesson from the latter is applicable to the former. [C]. the outcome of the latter aggravates the former. [D]. both of them have turned from bad to worse.


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inconclusive(非结论性的,不确定的)Inconclusive evidence n+con+clus=close,shut关闭+ive

lobby(门厅,接待室;[议员等]进行游说[或疏通] the antinuclear lobby are becoming stronger.向议员游说的反核群众声势渐涨

antismoking(禁止吸烟[]) [记]前缀anti 表否定

nonsense(胡说, 废话) Stop that nonsense, children!胡闹了,孩子们!She told me that the moon was made of cheese. What nonsense!她告诉我月亮是奶酪做的,真是胡说八道![巧记]non()+sense(理解,认识) 说八道

grave (墓穴, 坟墓) (adj.严重的, (颜色)黯淡的, (声音)低沉的v.雕刻, 铭记) grave as a judge

非常严肃His face was grave as he told them about the bankcrutcy of his business.他把他的商行破产的事告诉他们时脸色十分凝重。

panel (面板,座谈小组, 全体陪审员) The date for the panel discussion is fixed now.座谈会的日期现已确定。What do / does the panel think of this?小组里的人对此有什么看法?

definitely(明确地, 干脆地) I can't tell you definitely when I will come.我不能肯定地告诉你我什么时候来。He is definitely coming.他一定来。

parallel类似的事物,平行线)parallel lines平行线A parallel circuit 并联电路 There are curious parallels between medicine and low.医学法律之间有着奇特的相似之处[记]unparallel(不平行的,独一无二的)[巧记]para并排。

pour 倾泻,涌出;倒) Summerpours warm sunlight into the valley.夏日炙热的阳光泻进山谷 peports of new successs keep pouring.捷报频传 It never rains but its pours. 不下则以,一下就大雨倾盆。to pour a large sum of money into a project把大笔资金投入一项工程[]祸不单行。

fume ([浓烈或难闻的], 气体)(n.一阵愤怒(或不安)v.用烟熏, 冒烟, 发怒) "'Was the boss angry?' 'Yes, he was really fuming.'"'老板生气了吗?''是的,他气得七窍Petrol fumes from car engines poison the atmosphere.汽车引擎排放的汽油烟气毒化着大气。

prudent (审慎的,谨慎的)prudent in speech 慎言be modest and prudent 谦虚谨慎 the prudent us of


resources 资源的节约使用 It's prudent to take a thick coat in cold weather when you go out.在寒冷的天气下外出时带上件厚外套是谨慎的。[巧记]p+rude+ent[]imprudent

paralysis(瘫痪)infantile paralysis 小儿麻痹症 a paralysis of trade para=beside,alongside旁,侧。参见2003Text 2

Steward (管家,管事;服务员,乘务员) an air stewardess 空中小姐

legislative (立法的) 看作leg词根法律(参allegation宣称,2003Text 2+is+lat(e) 迟的+ion名词后缀法律是迟的所以要不断立法与事俱进 Legislative reform is long overdue. 立法方面的改革早该进行。参见1999 Passage 4

initiative (主动的行动,首创精神)an initiative proposal 初步提议 a man who lacks the initiative to be a leader. 缺乏当领导人应具备的主动精神 It‘s up to this country to take the initiative in banning nuclear weapons. 这个国家应该主动提出禁止核武器 []initiate(开始, 发动, 传授)

crucialA crucial experiencee艰难的经历a crucial incision (外科手术的)十字形切开[巧记]curc十字+ia形容词后缀处在十字路口紧要关头。

negligence(.疏忽,玩忽) [记]动词neglect(疏忽,忽)

aggravate(使恶化, 加重) Grief aggravated her illness.痛苦加重了她的病情。If he aggravates me any more I shall punish him.如果他再惹我生气,我就要惩罚他。 难句解析:

The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences, enlisted by the White House, to tell us that the Earth's atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made.

主干部分是The latest was a panel,表语panel后接有两个定语成分:from的介词短语和含enlisted的过去分词,即白宫召集的、来自国家科学院的专家团其中第二个定语成分中又包含一个不定式结构,表目的,即为了告诉我们……而召集的(专家团) 翻译:最近的行动是由白宫召集了一批来自国家科学院的专家团,他们告诉我们,地球气候毫无疑问正在变暖,而这个问题主要是人为造成的。

But science does provide us with the best available guide to the future, and it is critical that our nation and the world base important policies on the best judgments that science can provide concerning the future consequences of present actions.‖

该句子的主干是由and连接的两个并列从句,前一分句的主干是science…provide us with…guide;后一分

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句的主干是it is critical,其中it为形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的主语从句。从句的主干是our nation and the world base…policies on…judgmentsjudgments后接有两个定语结构,一是that引导的定语从句,一concerning分词结构。 翻译:但是科学确实为我们的未来提供了最好的指导,关键是我们的国家和整个的世界在做重要决策时,应该以科学能够提供的关于人类现在的行为对未来影响最好的判断作为依据。

Just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that it's Ok to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure

该句子的主干是voices now come from many quarters句首Just as结构做比较状语,意为正如一样insisting 引导的分词结构做定语修饰主语voice分词结构中含有两个并列的由that引导的宾语从句,第二个宾语从句的真实主语是不定式结构to keep…


Do you remember all those years when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but the doubters insisted that we didn't know for sure? That the evidence was inconclusive ,the science uncertain? That the antismoking lobby was out to destroy our way of life and the government should stay out of the way?

这里有三个问句,第一个问句的主干是Do you remember all those years…,后面的when引导的定语从句修饰前面的名词years,定语从句由but连接的两个句子组成;的二个问句和第三个问句各自句首的that引导一个宾语从句,都承第一个问句省略了主句Do you remember all those years when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but the doubters insisted…;the science uncertain 承前省略了was


Instead of a plan of action, they continue to press for more research-a classic case of ―paralysis by analysis‖. ▲Instead of 表示否定;破折号后面的部分不是修饰前面的名词research,而是说明前面的整个句子。Paralysis analysis 的意思是研究导致瘫痪,就是无休止的研究一件事,致使最终没有任何行动。 试题解析:

第二篇文章是一篇一般的时事性文章,这也是一篇类比,考完了以后很多考生说这篇文章讲抽烟,其实不是的,作者讲抽烟是想说明现在的温室效应,也是一种类比,许多人抽烟没有人去管,因为缺乏足够的证,咱们各国政府也不管温室效应, 也是同样的原因。中心讲的是世界各个政府对温室效应的解决的态度,篇章的关键词围绕这样三个问题展开,第一个就是证据不充足。第二是科学的意义。第三是制定法律,尤其最后三段大量出现立法和法规的现象。

26[C] 难度0.108 此题难度非常大,只有十分之一的人做对了。由题目定位到文章第一段这一句:That the antismoking lobby was out to destroy our way of life and the government should stay out of the way? 意为:怀疑者们坚持认为反对吸烟的游说是为了毁掉我们的生活方式,而政府应该置身事外的时候吗?这句话其实就是讲,人们有权选择自己的生活方式,政府无权


干预。因此联系到C选项:人们有选择自己生活方式的自由。入选。 A选项意为:没有科学证据来证明吸烟和死亡的相关性。这个选项应该是最强的干扰项,估计有不少朋友都选了这个选项。请看文章第一段这句话:That the evidence was inconclusive, the science uncertain?意思是证据是非结论性的,科学无法确定。但是要注意,这只说明了所谓的不确定性,但是绝对不是说没有证据。举个例子,假设甲怀疑乙偷了东西,那么乙偷东西这件事就具有不确定性和非结论性,但是我们不能说乙就是偷了东西或是没偷东西。这种属于似是而非的干扰项,大家以后要注意。



D选项意为:反对吸烟者经常胡言乱语。这个选项更不着边了,文章第一段提到了Lots of Americans bought that nonsense但是这只是说明大多数美国人都相信了这些胡言乱语,而这些所谓的胡言乱语不一定就是反对吸烟者说的,而且更谈不上经常这个词。

27[D] 难度0.820 区分度.0.367

请看原文第二段的这句话:But science does provide us with the best available guide to the future。可以看到有guide这个词,而且意思也是说科学是走向未来的向导。因此D选项入选。

A选项意为:一个保护者。这个无从谈起,文章没有说过科学具有什么保护作用。 B选项意为:一个法官。这个在原文第二段有这么句话:the best judgments that science can provide但是请注意,judgment是判断的意思,也就说科学能够提供有效的判断依据,而不是充当什么法官或是判决者。 C选项意为;一个批评家。这个不解释了,应该不会有人选呵呵。

28[A] 难度0.570 区分度.0.477

首先要搞清楚这个短句是什么意思:分析导致麻痹。引申一下,也就是过多的研究导致了行动不能。通过文章也能看出,文章第四段最后they continue to press for more research,即为他们持续的督促进行更多研究。联系A选项:无止境的研究扼杀了行动。因此A入选。




29[D] 难度0.761 区分度.0.476

由题目定位到原文最后一段这句话:If the

Administration won't take the legislative initiative, Congress should help to begin fashioning conservation measures。可以看出,作者希望管理部门能主动采取一些立法行动。因此联系到D选项:采取一些法律施。入选。

A选项意为:给建造清洁能源的工厂提供帮助。章最后一段提到了new power plants to meet our energy needs,但是只是说新能源,并没有说是清洁能源。而且这个也不是管理部门应该做的事。 B选项意为:提高全民对可持续发展的认识(这个翻译挺专业吧呵呵)同样,这个选项本身没有错,

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30[B] 难度0.488 区分度.0.386


A选项意为:他们同样是由于政府的疏忽而造成的。这个明显是夸大其词了,因为政府对这两件事是关注的,只不过处理的方法不对。 C选项意为:后者的成果恶化了前者。这个纯属无稽之谈,吸烟或许对全球变暖有影响(烟的成分有二氧化碳嘛?),但是文章根本没有提到这一点。两者之间没有因果的联系。 D选项意为:两者都变得越来越糟。这个也是典型的似是而非的干扰项。表面上看起来没错,但是这根本不是作者引用两者的原因,作者的目的不是为了说明两者的恶化,而是为了通过两者的共性来表明自己的观点,具体参见B选项的解释。



2005 Text 3

现在出现了与吸烟类似的令人感到难过的事情。科学家们前仆后继,试图使我们意识到全球气候变暖所带来的日益严重的威胁。最近的行动是由白宫召集了一批来自国家科学院的专家团,他们告诉我们,地球气候毫无疑问正在变暖,而这个问题主要是人为造成的。明确的信息表明是我们应该立刻着手保护自己。国家科学院院长Bruce Alberts在专家团报告的前言中加上了这一重要观点:科学解答不了所有问题。但是科学确实为我们的未来提供了最好的指导,关键是我们的国家和整个的世界在做重要决策时,应该以科学能够提供的关于人类现在的行为对未来影响最好的判断作为依据。



为了成为地球上有责任心的一员,我们必须积极推进对于大气和海洋的深入研究。但只有研究是不够的。如果政府不争取立法上的主动权,国会就应该帮助政府开始采取保护措施。弗吉尼亚的民主党议员Robert Byrd提出一项议案,从经济上激励私企,就是一个良好的开端。许多人看到这个国家正准备修建许多新的发电厂,以满足我们的能源需求。如果我们准备保护大气,关键要让这些新发电厂对环境无害。

Of all the components of a good night's sleep, dreams seem to be least within our control. In dreams, a window opens into a world where logic is suspended and dead people speak. A century ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears, by the late 1970s. neurologists had switched to thinking of them as just ―mental noise‖ the random byproducts of the neural-repair work that goes on

during sleep. Now researchers suspect that dreams are part of the mind's emotional thermostat, regulating moods while the brain is ―off-line‖ And one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only

harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us sleep and feel better, ―It's your dream‖ says Rosalind Cartwright, chair of psychology at Chicago's Medical Center. ―If you don't like it , change it.‖

Evidence from brain imaging supports this view. The brain is as active during REM (rapid eye movement)

sleep-when most vivid dreams occur-as it is when fully awake, says Dr, Eric Nofzinger at the University of Pittsburgh. But not all parts of the brain are equally involved, the limbic system (the ―emotional brain‖)is especially active, while the prefrontal cortex (the center of intellect and reasoning) is relatively quiet. ―We wake up from dreams happy of depressed, and those feelings can stay with us all day‖ says Stanford sleep researcher Dr, William Dement.

The link between dreams and emotions shows up among the patients in Cartwright‘s clinic. Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night, progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting that they are working through negative feelings generated during the day. Because our conscious mind is occupied with daily life we don‘t always think about the emotional significance of the day‘s events-until, it appears, we begin to dream.

And this process need not be left to the unconscious. Cartwright believes one can exercise conscious control over recurring bad dreams. As soon as you awaken, identify what is upsetting about the dream. Visualize how you would like it to end instead, the next time is occurs, try to wake up just enough to control its course. With much practice people can learn to, literally, do it in their sleep.


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At the end of the day, there's probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams at all unless they keep us from sleeping or ―we wake up in a panic,‖ Cartwright says Terrorism, economic uncertainties and general feelings of insecurity have increased people's anxiety. Those suffering from persistent nightmares should seek help from a therapist.For the rest of us; the brain has its ways of working through bad feelings. Sleep-or rather dream-on it and you'll feel better in the morning.

31. Researchers have come to believe that dreams [A]. can be modified in their courses. [B]. are susceptible to emotional changes. [C]. reflect our innermost desires and fears. [D]. are a random outcome of neural repairs.

32. By referring to the limbic system, the author intends to show [A]. its function in our dreams. [B]. the mechanism of REM sleep. [C]. the relation of dreams to emotions. [D]. its difference from the prefrontal cortex.

33. The negative feelings generated during the day tend to [A]. aggravate in our unconscious mind. [B]. develop into happy dreams.

[C]. persist till the time we fall asleep. [D]. show up in dreams early at night. 34.Cartwright seems to suggest that

[A]. waking up in time is essential to the ridding of bad dreams. [B]. visualizing bad dreams helps bring them under control. [C]. dreams should be left to their natural progression. [D]. dreaming may not entirely belong to the unconscious.

35. What advice might Cartwright give to those who sometimes have bad dreams? [A]. lead your life as usual. [B]. Seek professional help. [C]. Exercise conscious control.

[D]. Avoid anxiety in the daytime.

重点词汇: 革命的,component 组成部分,部件,元件)Blade and handle

重大变革的)a revolutionary machine一部创新的机器

are the component parts of a knife. 刀身和刀柄是刀的Genetic engineering will have revolutionary 组成部分[巧记]=componere,com全体+ponereconsequences for markind.遗传工程将对人类产生深远置。

suspend 暂停,中止;悬挂) suspend particles of dust.悬浮在空中的尘埃 suspend a football player. 一名球员被暂停比赛 The magazine suspended 杂志暂时停

Freud 弗洛伊德(18561939 奥地利神经精神病学家,精神分析创始人

formulate (构想出,系统地阐述) formulate one‘s ideas into a theory. 系统地阐述自己的思想使之成为理论 the contract was formulated in difficult legal languagee. 合同使用深噢的法律术语订立的[巧记]formula(公式,方程式)



的影响[巧记]re+volu=roll,turn 转,滚卷+tion +ary

disguise (伪装,掩饰)He disguised himself as a woman.他假扮成一女子。 The Prime Minister couldn‘t disguise his anger. 首相怒形于色 It is impossible to disguise the fact that finance

is bad.财政困难这一事实是无法隐瞒的。

unconscious /(下意识的,/ 无意识的;失去知觉的) un+con共同+sic=know知道+ous an unconscious slight 无意的冒犯 He lay unconsciouss for some hours.他昏迷了好几个小时

neurologist // (神经病学家, 神经科医师) neuro-神经。 neural 经系统的

switch 转变,转向) Switch the conversation to a different topic. 改变谈话的话题 He

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significance // 性:重要的状态或性质)Few peoplee realized the significance of the discovery.很少有人意识到这一发现

at random a random guess a 的重要性[巧记]sign=mark 记号,标记。

random talk 漫谈 draw the winning numbers at random.

persistent /(持续的,坚持/

任意抽出的中奖数字 不懈的)She eventually married the most persistent of her admires. 她终于嫁给了最执著追求她的人[巧记]byproduct per从头到尾+sist=stand站立+ent→始终站立着An increasee in crime is one of the

持。[联想记忆]insistent(坚持不懈的) The dean's very

byproducts of unemployment. 犯罪率增加是失业问题

insistent that they should finish the papers in time.系主

造成的恶果 [联想记忆] bypass 旁路、小道 bywork


副业 byname 绰号

nightmare (梦魇,恶thermostat /(调温器)/ [巧

梦)I have nightmare about falling off a cliff.我做梦梦见记] thermo=of heat 热的

从悬崖上摔下来[巧记] night+mare母马 regulate (调节; switched his horse to make it go faster.他挥鞭以策马

random (随机的,任意的)管理,控制)reg=rule统治,控制。The volume of economic activity was regulated by the supply of money. 经济活动范围的大小是受提供资金的多少制约的

harness harness a river 治河 harnesss nuclear energy 利用核能 harnesss indivdual talents to a comm.on end. 把各人的才能用于一个共同的目标

occur (出现,发生) Fish occur in most waters. 大多数江河湖海中都有鱼 That sound doesn‘t occur in his language. 他讲的语言中没有这个音

limbic system [大脑] 边缘系统)

prefrontal cortex [大脑]前额叶皮层)

recur (反复出现,再发生) re+cur跳,发生。 This theme recurs constantly throughout the opera.这一主旋律在该歌剧中不断出现 Thoughts of home and family recurred to the lonely traveler.对家人和亲人的思恋重新浮上孤寂旅人的心

visualize (想象;使形象化) vis=see看。 I cann‘t visualize myself ever getting married. 我不能想象我有朝一日能结婚


therapist / (治疗学家)/ a

psychology therapist [] psychotherapy 心理疗法

at the end of the day(说穿了,说到底,说白了)I don‘t really wish to earn a lot of money, I just want to be healthy. At the end of the day, that‘s what really matters.我并不希望赚大钱,我只希望身体健康.说到底,这才是真正重要的.


And one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us sleep and feel better,

该句子的主干是间接引语,其宾语是that引导的宾语从句。宾语从句的主干是these events can be not only harnessed but actually brought……,其中not

only…but(also) 并列连词结构连接两个过去分词,表不仅被驾驭而且被有意识的加以控制。不定式在宾语从句中做结果状语。


The brain is as active during REM (rapid eye

movement) sleep-when most vivid dreams occur-as it is when fully awake, says Dr, Eric Nofzinger at the University of Pittsburgh.

该句子是一个倒装句,句首是间接引语的宾语从句,其主谓结构后置,即says Dr, Eric.宾语从句的主干是个比较结构The brain is as active during REM as it is when fully awake。两个破折号之间是插入语,做定语从句,修饰REM sleep,即出现清晰梦境的快速动眼睡眠

翻译:匹兹堡大学的埃里克博士说,在出现清晰梦境的快速动眼睡眠中大脑和完全清醒时一样活跃。 Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night, progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting that they are working through negative feelings generated during the day.

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该句子的主句后跟有两个现在分词结构,第一个分词结构表伴随,其动作和主句中的动作几乎同时发生。第二个分词结构表结果,即因此表明……‖ 翻译:大多数人似乎在晚上入睡的较早阶段做更多不好的梦,而在快睡醒前会逐渐做开心一些的梦,这说明人们在梦力渐渐克服了白天的不良情绪。 A century ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and rears, by the late 1970s. Neurologists had switched to thinking of them as just ―mental noise‖ the random byproducts of the neural-repair work that goes on during sleep.

本句由分号分为两部分,其中第一部分的主干是Freud formulated his revolutionary theory…,宾语theory后面是一个以that引导的同位语从句,说明theory内容;在第二部分中,代词them指代的是dreams,the random byproducts of the neural-repair work…mental noise,work 后面的that引导一个定语从句,修饰work

Now researchers suspect that dreams are part of the mind's emotional thermostat, regulating moods while the brain is ―off-line‖.

▲Suspect后面是that引导的宾语从句;逗号之后的现在分词短语regulating moods…作定语,解释thermostat 的意思,句末的while引导一个时间状语从句。 At the end of the day, there's probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams at all unless they keep us from sleeping of ―we wake u in a panic,‖ Cartwright says.

句首的At the end of the day 是时间状语,接着是主there's probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams at all后面的unless 引导条件状语从句,其中包含两个以or连接的并列分句。




31[A] 难度0.333 区分度.0.287

这是一道细节题。题干问:研究者观念转变了,认为 ……‖。注意到题干的要求和含义,本题定位在第1段段末。归纳该部分可知研究者现在认为梦是可以控制的。其实全文的第1句就已暗示了这一思想,45自然段都谈论如何控制梦的问题。因此选项A的进程能够加以改变正确,是原文话题信息的同义转述。所以这道题重点是理解题目强调的是转变后的观念,而不是转变前的。

B]选项意为易受感情变化的影响。请看原文第一段的这句话:dreams are part of the mind's emotional thermostat, regulating moods while the brain is



选项[C]意为:反映我们内心深处的渴望与恐惧此句来自原文第一段;dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and rears。可以看出,这个是科学家以前的观点,而不是转变后的观点,故排除。

选项[D]意为:是神经修复的随意产生的结果这在原文的第一段中:the random byproducts of the neural-repair work同样,这也是过去的观点,因此不能入选。

32[C] 难度0.530 区分度.0.184

本题涉及原文的准确理解和选项的仔细推敲。题干问:谈到大脑的边缘系统,作者是想说明 ……‖本题目考察考生的主次辨别能力以及论据与论点的关系。作者在第2自然段段末谈到了大脑的边缘系统,目的是为了说明上下文中出现的梦与情感的关系问题,注―emotions‖为整篇文章重要的话题重复概念。定位到原文第二段这一句:the limbic system (the ―emotional brain‖)is especially active, while the

prefrontal cortex (the center of intellect and reasoning) is relatively quiet.可以看出,边缘系统(情感部分)特别活跃,而理性部分则相对沉默。由此更可以看出作者讲到边缘系统是为了强调感性与梦的重要联系。因此选项[C]梦与情感的联系 正确。

选项[A]意为:它在我们梦中的功能。这里―function‖一词不对,文章不是为了说limbic system梦中的功能,只是提到了其在梦中非常活跃。而相反的是,原文提到了梦会制约调节情感。因此这个选项是本末倒置,不能入选。

选项[B]意为REM睡眠机制这不是作者的目的。原文在第二段第二句提到了REM但是之后才提出了limibic system,两者之间没有明显联系。所以不能入选。


33[D] 难度0.515 区分度.0.337 这是一道细节题,察句群的归纳能力。问题白天产生的负面情感往往……‖将答案锁定在地第三段第二句:Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night, progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting that they are working through negative

feelings generated during the day.由此看出,产生的负面影响大多是在上半夜的时候,而慢慢的在惊醒之前转向快乐的。因此联系选项[D上半夜时在梦中显现出来,入选。选项[A]意为在我们的潜意识中恶化,其中的―aggravate‖与原文信息相反,参见上面的解释,应该是向好的方面转化才对。



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34[D] 难度0.434 区分度.0.239

题干问:卡特赖特似乎在说明 ……‖ 定位到原文第四段这句:Cartwright believes one can exercise conscious control over recurring bad dreams as soon as you awaken, identify what is upsetting about the dream.由此可以看出卡特赖特相信一个人能练习有意识的对于做梦的控制。再联系第四段第一句And this process need not be left to the unconscious.更可以看出,其的观点应该是相信做梦并不是完全无意识的。选项D梦也许不完全属于潜意识正好符合,故为正确答案。 选项[A]意为及时醒过来对摆脱噩梦是很重要的是原文信息的扭曲表述,定位到第四段这句try to wake up just enough to control its course.而原文强调的是努力使自己苏醒,而没有强调什么及时苏醒。因此属于缩小范围,排除。选项[B]意为想象噩梦帮助我们控制噩梦这是原文片语信息的断章取义。第四段的第三句的确提到了这个观点,但是要注意这个细节:原文说的是要想象恶梦是如何结束的,然后努力醒来。而不只是想象恶梦。这种说法太模糊了,排除。 选项[C]意为应该听任梦的自然发展。这个说法应该实在原文的最后一段的最后一句。而这个是研究者对偶尔做噩梦人的建议。换句话说不能确定是卡特赖特的意见。更何况,卡特赖特的意见是要对恶梦进行有意识的控制,而不是任其自然发展。故排除。

35[A] 难度0.328 区分度.0.333





2005 Text 4


在高质量睡眠的所有因素中,梦似乎是最无法控制的一个。在梦中,窗户通向的世界里,逻辑暂时失去了效用,死人开口说话。一个世纪前,弗洛伊德阐述了革命性的理论,即梦是人们潜意识中欲望和恐惧经伪装后的预示;到了20世纪70年代末期,神经病学家们转而认为梦是精神噪音,即睡眠时进行的神经修复活动的一种杂乱的副产品。目前,研究人员猜想梦是大脑情感自动调节系统的组成部分,当大脑处掉线状态时对情绪进行规整。一名主要的权威人士说,梦这种异常强烈的精神活动不仅能被驾驭,事实上还可以有意识地加以控制,以帮助我们更好地睡眠和感觉。芝加哥医疗中心心里学系主任 Rosalind Cartwright梦是你自己的,如果你不喜欢,就改变它。

大脑造影的证据支持了以上观点。匹兹堡大学的埃里克博士说,在出现清晰梦境的快速动眼睡眠中大脑和完全清醒时一样活跃。但并非大脑的所有部分都一样,脑边缘系统(情绪大脑)异常活跃,而前额皮层(思维和推理的中心地带)则相对平静大。斯坦福睡眠研究William Dement博士说:我们从梦中醒来,或者高兴或者沮丧,这些情绪会伴随我们一整天。




American no longer expect public figures, whether in speech or in writing, to command the English language with

skill and gift. Nor do they aspire to such command themselves. In his latest book, Doing Our Own Thing:The

Degradation of language and Music and why we should like, care, John McWhorter, a linguist and controversialist of mixed liberal and conservative views, sees the triumph of 1960s counter-culture as responsible for the decline of formal English.

Blaming the permissive 1960s is nothing new, but this is not yet another criticism against the decline in education. Mr.McWhorter‘s academic speciality is language history and change, and he sees gradual disappearance of ―whom‖ ,for example, to be natural and no more regrettable than the loss of the case-endings of Old English

But the cult of the authentic and the personal, ―doing our own thing‖, has spelt the death of formal speech, writing, poetry and music. While even the modestly educated sought an elevated tone when they put pen to paper before the 1960s, even the most well regarded writing since then has sought to capture spoken English on the page. Equally, in poetry, the highly personal, performative genre is the only form that could claim real liveliness. In both oral and written English, talking is triumphing over speaking, spontaneity over craft.


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Illustrated with an entertaining array of examples from both high and low culture, the trend that Mr. McWhorter documents is unmistakable. But it is less clear to take the question of his subtitle, why we should, like care. As a

linguist, he acknowledges that all varieties of human language, including non-standard ones like Black English, can be powerfully expressive-there exists no language or dialect in the world that cannot convey complex ideas .He is not arguing, as many do, that we can no longer think straight because we do not talk proper.

Russians have a deep love for their own language and carry large chunks of memorized poetry in their heads, while Italian politicians tend to elaborate speech that would seem old-fashioned to most English-speakers. Mr.

McWhorter acknowledges that formal language is not strictly necessary, and proposes no radical education reforms-he is really grieving over the loss of something beautiful more than useful. We now take our English ―on paper plates instead of china‖. A shame, perhaps, but probably an inevitable one.

36. According to Mc Whorter, the decline of formal English [A]. is inevitable in radical education reforms. [B]. is but all too natural in language development.

[C]. has caused the controversy over the counter-culture. [D]. brought about changes in public attitudes in the 1960s.

37. The word ―talking‖ (Line5, paragraph3) denotes [A]. modesty. [B]. personality. [C]. liveliness. [D]. informality.

38. To which of the following statements would Mc Whorter most likely agree? [A]. Logical thinking is not necessarily related to the way we talk. [B]. Black English can be more expressive than standard English.

[C]. Non-standard varieties of human language are just as entertaining. [D]. Of all the varieties, standard English Can best convey complex ideas.

39. The description of Russians' love of memorizing poetry shows the author's [A]. interest in their language. [B]. appreciation of their efforts. [C]. admiration for their memory.

[D]. contempt for their old-fashionedness.

40. According to the last paragraph, ―paper plates‖ is to ―china‖ as [A]. ―temporary‖ is to ―permanent‖. [B]. ―radical‖ is to ―conservative‖. [C]. ―functional‖ is to ―artistic‖.

[D]. ―humble‖ is to ―noble‖ .

重点词汇: aspire to/for(渴望,追求,有志于) [aspire(热望, 立志)] permissive(许可的,自由的,纵容的)[巧记]permit([联想记忆]. desire(要求,愿望,心愿) 行证;许可,准许) Do you permit your children to smoke? 你准许你的孩子们吸烟吗?if my health permits如果我degradation / (恶化,/的健康状况容许的话The situation does not permit of 退化)Ageing is accompanyied by a slow degradation of any delay.情况不允许有任何耽搁。 his mental faculties. 他随年纪增长,智力逐渐衰退[巧 记]de(向下)+grad(=step级,步)+ation(名词后缀)→conservative / (保守/ 步向下退化。 的)Old people tend to be conservation in their attitudes. 老年人的看法往往保守 Conservative Party (英国)linguist / / (语言学家;通晓数守党 The researchers made a conservative guess at the 国语言者)he‘s an excellent linguist. 她精通数国语言population of Tokyo.研究人员对东京的人口作了一项[巧记]lingu= tongue舌头+ist→玩转舌头的人语言保守的估计。 [联想记忆] moderate 温和的 radical 学家。bilingual 两条舌头双语者;multilingual 好多进的 舌头通多国语言者。 counter-culture (反正统文化 196070年代美controversialist 国青年中形成的一种文化思潮,表现为反传统生活方controversialistcontra+versus+list [记]形容式和道德观念[记]counter(相反的) 词:controversial(有争议的)


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case-ending 词格尾缀 case 指语法中的格

elevated / (高雅的,/ 高尚的) an evelvated highway 高架路 elevated thoughts 崇高的理想[记] 动词:elevate (提高)

genre 文学艺术等的] 类型,流派) The novel and short story are different genres.长篇小说和短篇故事是不同的类别

spontaneity / (自/ 然,自发[动作]a spontaneous gaiety of manner 天真愉快的神态 The eruption of a volcano is spontaneous. 火山爆发是自发的[记]形容词:spontaneous 自然的,自发的

an array of(一排,一群,一批)[记]array(排列,编队, 展示;陈列) She put on her finest array. 她穿上了最漂亮的衣服。

illustrate / (举例说明)/

A well- illustrated magazine.有精美插画的杂志 To illustrate my point,I have done a comparative anyalysis.为说明我的观点,我作了对比分析The speaker said he would endeavor to illustrate.演讲人说他将设法举例说明。[巧记]il=on+lustr=bright 光明 + ate(v.)→进入光明说明。

chunk (相当数量) I‘ve completed a fair chunk of my article. 我已经把文章的一大部分写完了. In the old days having meat and milk every day often meant a big chunk of the family income.


elaborate / (精心制作的:/ 述)an elaborate plot 精心策划的阴谋 You understand the situation; I needn‘t elaborate any further. 你了解形势,我无需赘述[巧记]e+labor劳动+ate→劳动出来精工细作。[记]elaborate on sth.详尽解释或说明某事,详述.

grieve over (对感到伤感、悲痛)It‘s no use grieving over past errors. 为以往的错误懊悔于事无补[巧记]grav,grief=heary沉重,忧愁。


In his latest book, Doing Our Own Thing. The

Degradation of language and Music and why we should like, care, John McWhorter, a linguist and

controversialist of mixed liberal and conservative views, sees the triumph of 1960s counter-culture as responsible for the decline of formal English.

该句子的主干是John McWhorte sees the triumph of 1960s counter-culture as responsible for the decline。主


语前的介词短语in his latest book做状语,book后有一个较长的书名充当其同位语。主语和谓语之间为主语的同位语,对主语补充说明。


As a linguist, he acknowledges that all varieties of human language, including non-standard ones like Black English, can be powerfully expressive-there exists no language or dialect in the world that cannot convey complex ideas

该句子的主干是he acknowledges that all varieties can be expressive,谓语acknowledges后面是that引导的宾语从句。从句中主谓之间插入了介词短语including non-standard ones like Black English。破折号后面分句对前面话语进行补充说明。


Mr.McWhorter‘s academic speciality is language history and change, and he sees the gradual

disappearance of ―whom‖ ,for example, to be natural and no more regranttable than the loss of the case-endings of Old English.

本句是一个并列句,包含两个以and连接的分句,其中第二个分句比较复杂:宾语是the gradual

disappearance of ―whom‖,后面是插入语for example, 接着是to be natural and no more regranttable,这一部分作上述宾语的补足语,最后是比较结构no more… than(象一样不)。

While even the modestly educated sought an elevated tone when they put pen to paper before the 1960s, even the most well regarded writing since then has sought to capture spoken English on the page.

句首的连词while表示虽然,两个even都表示让步,同时加强了前后两部分的对比;since then 意思从那以后then指的是the 1960s



第四篇文章的专业性比较强,讲的美国人由于随意性,所以英语的语言也变得相当随意的主旨,对很多对语言学不敏感的同学是很难的,因为专业性太强。这篇文章总体同样属于一个对比性的文章,关键词围绕正式用语非正式用语这里面的变化。开篇是在说什么导英语的衰败,不是那么正式了。 中间的部分是在讲语言的变化是不可阻挡的。结尾继续讲俄国人对本国语言的最终是值得我们赞赏的。

36[] 难度0.319 区分度.0.287

这是一道细节题。题干问:根据McWhorter正式英语的衰落 ……‖ 本题可以定位在第2段,归纳该段的话题可知,该语言学家强调语言的变化是自然的而且由第一段给出的书的副标题(由第四段第二句得)why we should like, care,意思是我们干吗在乎。也可以看出其认为是语言的自然发展。最后,在全文的最后一句又呼应了这一观点,意思是说这种变化是不可避免的。因此选项[B]:在语言发展史上是非常自然的。入选。选项[A]意为:教育的根本改革中是不可避免的原文中只是提到这种变化是自然

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选项[C]意为导致了关于反正统文化的争论。此选项干扰性很强。由原文第一段最后一句:sees the triumph of 1960s counter-culture as responsible for the decline of formal English.这句话的意思是说反文化动引起了正式英语的衰退。而C选项则恰恰相反,意思是正式英语的衰退引起了反文化运动的争论。因此不能入选。


37[D] 难度0.441 区分度.0.308

这是一道词义题。题干问:单词‖talking―(第三自然段第六行)的意思是 ……‖ 本题考察的仍然是句群含义的归纳能力。解读原文第3段可以看出作者谈论的主要话题为英语语体的变化问题,所以选项D正式―talking‖一词的内涵。其实,作者本文谈论的中心就是英语语言语体的非正式变化趋势的问题。其次,由第三段首句has spelt the death of formal speech和第三段最后一句talking is triumphing over speaking可以看出,前者是说speaking是指代正式英语的,而由后者又可以看出talking是与speaking相对立的。talking自然就是非正式的英语了。选项A适度选项[B个性和选项[C]生动,三个选项的干扰性都比较强,由于三个选项中都包含原文强调的重要概念。但是如果代入原文无法在段落或更高的层次上构成意义和逻辑上的一致性和连贯性。

38[A] 难度0.378 区分度.0.352 这是一道细节题,Mr. McWhorter的看法那个正确。请看原文的第四段第三句,意思是说作者认为黑人英语和正式英语一样有强大的表达能力,世界上没有一种语言不能够表达思想。因此联系选项[A逻辑思维与我们谈话的方式没有必然的联系,入选。 选项[B]意为黑人英语比标准英语有更强的表达。这个是明显不对的,由原文第四段第三句看出,作者只是说黑人英语与正式英语有同样强大的表达力。因此不能入选。 选项[C]意为所有非标准的人类语言仅仅是娱乐这在原文没有体现,而且从文章的观点上看,者没有贬低非标准英语的意思。


39[B] 难度0.438 区分度.0.261 这是一道细节题。题干问:文中提到俄国人喜欢背诵诗歌,目的是为了说明作者 ……‖。本题考察考生对作者写作目的的把握,在第五段前两句中作者提到了俄国人和意大利人对正式用语的强调,并认为他们的语言是―something beautiful‖。同时看到作者在陈述这件事所用的尊重的语气,因此联系选项[B欣赏他们的努力,入选。





40[C] 难度0.543 区分度.0.279

这是一道词义类比题,既考查对文章的理解,又考查对词汇的掌握。题目是问文章中―paper plates(纸碟子)对于―china(瓷碟子)的关系犹如什么对于之间的关系。理解文章,尤其末段末三句可知,碟强调的是实用,一次性功用,而瓷碟不仅实用而且具有艺术美。这个即使是从常理角度出发也是可以判断出的,前者强调的是实用性,后者强调的是艺术性。因此C选项:功用性艺术两者的语义关系与它们对应齐整,故为正确答案。A―临时‖―永久B―‖―保守D―谦逊‖―高尚都是干扰项,应排除。








2004 Text 1

Hunting for a job late last year, lawyer Gant Redmon stumbled across CareerBuilder, a job database on the Internet. He searched it with no success but was attracted by the site's "personal search agent". It's an interactive feature that lets visitors key in job criteria such as location, title, and salary, then E-mails them when a matching position is posted in the database. Redmon chose the keywords legal, intellectual property, and Washington, D.C. Three weeks later, he got his first notification of an opening. "I struck gold," says Redmon, who E-mailed his resume to the employer and won a position as in-house counsel for a company. With thousands of career-related sites on the Internet, finding promising openings can be time-consuming and inefficient. Search agents reduce the need for repeated visits to the databases. But although a search agent worked for Redmon, career experts see drawbacks. Narrowing your criteria, for example, may work against you: "Every time you answer a question you eliminate a possibility." says one expert.

For any job search, you should start with a narrow concept what you think you want to do then broaden it. "None of these programs do that," says another expert. "There's no career counseling implicit in all of this." Instead, the best strategy is to use the agent as a kind of tip service to keep abreast of jobs in a particular database; when you get E-mail, consider it a reminder to check the database again. "I would not rely on agents for finding everything that is added to a database that might interest me," says the author of a job-searching guide.

Some sites design their agents to tempt job hunters to return. When CareerSite's agent sends out messages to those who have signed up for its service, for example, it includes only three potential jobs those it considers the best matches. There may be more matches in the database; job hunters will have to visit the site again to find them and they do. "On the day after we send our messages, we see a sharp increase in our traffic," says Seth Peets, vice president of marketing for CareerSite.

Even those who aren't hunting for jobs may find search agents worthwhile. Some use them to keep a close watch on the demand for their line of work or gather information on compensation to arm themselves when negotiating for a raise. Although happily employed, Redmon maintains his agent at CareerBuilder. "You always keep your eyes open," he says. Working with a personal search agent means having another set of eyes looking out for you. 41. How did Redmon find his job?

[A] By searching openings in a job database. [B] By posting a matching position in a database. [C] By using a special service of a database. [D] By E-mailing his resume to a database.

42. Which of the following can be a disadvantage of search agents? [A] Lack of counseling. [B] Limited number of visits. [C] Lower efficiency. [D] Fewer successful matches.

43. The expression "tip service" (line 3, paragraph 3) most probably means ________. [A] advisory [B] compensation [C] interaction [D] reminder

44. Why does CareerSite's agent offer each job hunter only three job options? [A] To focus on better job matches. [B] To attract more returning visits. [C] To reserve space for more messages.


