unit3 Pub Talk and the King's English

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Unit 3

1 the King's/Queen's `English good, correct standard English 纯正标准的英语: She speaks a dialect, not the Queen's English. 她说一口方言, 不是标准英语. 2 sociable / ˈsəuʃəbl/ adj fond of the company of other people; friendly 好交际的; 友好的; 合群的: He has never really been the sociable type. 他从不好交际.* 3indulge /ɪnˈdʌldʒ/ v to take part in an activity, especially an illegal one indulge inWomen do not indulge in crime to the same extent as men.

4meander / mɪˋændɚ/v(fig ) (of conversation) proceed in an aimless way; ramble (指谈话)漫谈, : The discussion meandered (on) for hours. 讨论会漫无边际地进行了几小时.

5sparkle / ˋspɑrkl/ v be full of life and wit 活力和才智焕发; 活跃: She always sparkles at parties. 在聚会上她总是神采奕奕. 6glowglow with pride/joy/pleasure etc to look very happy because you feel proud etcat him, glowing with happiness.

She gazed up 7make a point 表明一种看法;证明一个论点 8anecdote/ˋænɪkˏdot/ n short, interesting or amusing story about a real person or event 轶事, 闻(关於真人真事的短小有趣的事).

9in a flash 瞬间, 即刻, 非常突然adv. without any delay

10 companion / kəmˈpænɪən / n person or animal that goes with, or spends much time with, another (相伴的)人或动物; 同伴; 伙伴:

11intimate /ˈɪntɪmɪt/ n [C] a close personal friend 12on the `rocks (infml ) (of a marriage, business,etc) in danger of failing; in a severe crisis 指婚姻等)濒於破裂; (指生意等)濒於破产.

13love affair n a romantic sexual relationship, usually between two people who are not married to each other

14get out of bed on the wrong sideBrE get up on the wrong side of the bed AmE to feel slightly angry or annoyed for no particular reason

15 musketeer /ˌmʌskɪˈtɪə / n [C] a soldier in the past who used a musket火枪手

16Duma ['du:mə] n. 杜马, 俄帝时代的国会 17delve /delv/ v to try to find more information about that delves deeplysomeone or into this issue

somethingdelve intoresearch

18 recess / rɪˈses/ n the recesses of sththe inner hidden parts of somethingdarker recesses of her mindfears hidden away in the

19 desultory /ˈdesəltəri / adj formal done without any particular plan or purposeThey talked briefly in a desultory manner.desultorily /ˈdesəltərɪli / adv

20alchemy /ˋælkəmɪ/ n [U] medieval form of chemistry, the chief aim of which was to discover

how to turn ordinary metals into gold 炼金术(中世纪化, 转变法).literary magic

21glow n dull light 暗淡的光: The fire cast a warm glow on the walls. 炉火映在墙上呈现一片融融红光. 22denial /dɪˋnaɪəl/ n ~ (of sth/that...) statement that sth is not true 否认: the prisoner's repeated denials of the charges against him 囚犯对被控罪名再三否认 23tart / tɑrt/ adj (fig 比喻) sharp in manner; cutting or sarcastic ; ; ; : a tart remark, reply, tone 尖酸的言语﹑ 回答﹑ 语调

24lay down [lay sthdown] phr vOFFICIALLY STATEto officially state something or say that rules, principles etc must be obeyedlaid down his view in his opening speech. He had already clearly

25churl /tʃəl/ n (dated ) bad-mannered or bad-tempered person 举止或脾气不佳的人; 粗暴的人. 26on wings adv. 象飞一样地, 飘飘然 例句:She went home on wings. 她高高兴兴地回家了。Misfortunes come on wings and depart on foot. []祸来如飞行,祸去似步行。

27sty /staɪ/ n plural sties [C] a place where pigs are kept= pigsty

28poultry / ˈpəultrɪ /n hens, ducks, geese, turkeys, etc kept for eating or for their eggs; domestic fowls 家禽 29 calf / kæf / (a) young of cattle 小牛; . 30 veal / vil/ n [U] flesh of a calf used as meat (食用的)小牛肉: [attrib 作定语] veal cutlets 小牛肉的肉块. 31snobbery /ˈsnɔbəri/ n [U] behaviour or attitudes which show that you think you are better than other people, because you belong to a higher social class or know much more than they do - used to show disapproval充绅士气派,势利眼,小人言行

32rift / rɪft/ n serious disagreementbetween friends, members of a group, etc (朋友﹑ 成员等之间的)不和, 裂痕: a growing rift between the two factions 两派日益扩大的裂痕.

33scamper /ˋskæmpɚ/ v run quickly and often playfully as children and some small animals do (儿童及某些小动物)奔跑, 蹦蹦跳跳: The rabbit scampered away in fright. 兔子惊慌地跑了. 34 lapin 美音:['læpɪn] 兔毛,兔子

35heir / eə(r); ɛr/ n ~ (to sth) person with the legal right to receive property, etc when the owner dies 继承: be heir to a large fortune, a title, the throne 是大笔财产﹑ 头衔﹑ 王位的继承人

36intercept /ɪntɚˋsɛpt/ v stop or catch (sb travelling or sth in motion) before he or it can reach a destination 中途阻止或拦截(某人[某物]: Reporters intercepted him as he tried to leave by the rear entrance. 他想从後门溜走, 记者把他截住了.

37thou / ðaʊ/ pers pron 人称代词 (arch ) (used as

the second person singular subject of a v 用作第二人称单数动词的主体) you ; :

38mistress /ˋmɪstrɪs/ n woman in a position of authority or control 有权位的女子; 女主人: mistress of the situation 控制局面的女人

39Windsor a town in southern England on the River Thames famous for its castle温莎

40ring true vi. 断定是真货 例句:The policeman felt that my story didn't ring true. 警察认为我讲的话听起来不可信。

41to coin a `phrase (used to introduce a new expression, or a well-known expression that one has changed slightly 采用一新词语或略改动一现成词语, 可用此短语作引子).

42tussle /ˈtʌsəl/to fight or struggle without using any weapons, by pulling or pushing someone rather than hitting the other boys.

them tussle withHe was tussling with

43Angevin 形容词 a. 1. 昔时法国安茹省(Anjou)2. 古时安茹望族的名词 n. 1. 安茹省人2. 安茹望族之一员

44Plantagenets the royal family of England from 1154 to 1399, including the kings Henry II, Richard II, and Richard III

45Elizabethan / ɪˏlɪzəˋbiθən/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] of the time of Queen Elizabeth I of England (1558-1603) 15581603: Elizabethan drama 英国女王伊丽莎白一世时代的戏剧

46dandelion clock seeds that grows on the dandelion plantn [C] BrE the soft ball of white

47multiply / ˏmʌltəˋplaɪ/ v (pt, pp -lied) increase (sth) in number or quantity 增多, 增加(某事物): Our problems have multiplied since last year. 自去年以来我们的问题增多了.

48pejorative /pɪˈdʒɔrətɪv/ adj formal a word or expression that is pejorative is used to show disapproval Republicans, or to insult someoneFor hard-line

pejorative term.the word 'liberal' had become a

49facetious / fəˋsiʃəs/ adj (usu derog 通常作贬义)

intended to be amusing, often inappropriately (常为不当地)引人发笑的, 诙谐的: a facetious young man 耍贫嘴的小伙子

50 vigour (US vigor) / ˈvɪgə(r); ˋvɪɡɚ/ n [U] (a) physical strength or energy; vitality 体力; 精力; : At 40, he was in his prime and full of vigour. 40岁时正年富力强.

51 mock / mɔk; mɑk/ v ~ (at sb/sth) makefun of, esp by mimicking him/it contemptuously; ridicule 笑(某人[某事物]; (尤指以模仿)嘲弄, 愚弄: a mocking smile, voice, laugh 嘲弄的微笑﹑ 声音﹑ 大笑

52underling /ˈʌndəlɪŋ / n [Date: 1100-1200; Origin:under + -ling]an insulting word for someone who has a low rank - often used humorously职位低的人; 下属: hired underlings of a gangster boss 流氓头子雇用的喽.

53jeer n jeering remark; taunt 揶揄的言语; 嘲讽: He ran off, their jeers ringing in his ears. 他一跑了之, 耳边仍回响着他们的冷嘲热讽.

54harden /ˋhɑrdn/ v (cause sth to) become hard, strong, unyielding, etc (使某事物)变硬﹑ 变坚强﹑ 坚定等: The varnish takes a few minutes to harden. 漆几分钟就能变硬.

55edict /ˋidɪkt/ n order or proclamation issued by an authority 法令; 敕令; 公告: by edict of the king 根据国王的敕令

56immune / ɪˋmjun/ adj [usu pred 通常作表语] ~ (to sth) not affected by sth; not susceptible to sth 不受某事物影响; 不易感受某事物: immune to criticism, abuse, opposition, etc 不为批评﹑ 漫骂﹑ 反对等所动摇. 57ultimatum / ˏʌltɪˈmeɪtəm/ n (pl ~s or -ta / -tə; -tə/) final demand or statement of terms to be accepted without discussion, eg one sent to a foreign government and threatening war if the conditions are not accepted 最後通牒;: accept, reject, issue, deliver an ultimatum 受﹑ 拒绝﹑ 发出﹑ 送交最後通牒.

58 sinister /ˋsɪnɪstɚ/ adj suggesting evil, or that sth bad may happen 邪恶的; 险恶的; 不吉祥的; 凶兆的: a sinister motive, action, place 邪恶的动机﹑ 险恶的行动 不祥之处.

59corridor / ˈkɔrɪdɔː(r) / n long narrow passage, from which doors open into rooms or compartments 过道; 走廊.

60sit up (and take notice)to suddenly start paying attention to someone, because they have done something surprising or impressivethen everyone would sit up and take notice.If Maria succeeded,

61justified /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪd/ adj having an acceptable explanation or reasonuse of force was fully justifiedIn the Chief Constable's view the .

62 lofty /ˈlɔfti / adj lofty ideas, beliefs, attitudes etc show high standards or high moral qualities - use this to show approvallofty ideals of equality and social justice 63salon / ˈsælɔn / n (formerly) regular gathering of notable guests at the house of a lady of high society; room used for this 沙龙(旧时知名人士在上流社会女主人家的例行聚会或聚会场所): a literary salon, ie with writers and critics as guests 文学沙龙.

64 musket / ˋmʌskɪt/ n long-barrelled firearm used by soldiers from the 16th to the 19th centuries (now replaced by the rifle) 滑膛枪(16世纪至19世纪士兵所.> musketeer / ˏmʌskɪˈtɪə(r); ˏmʌskəˋtɪr/ n soldier armed with a musket 装备滑膛枪的士兵. 65chimpanzee / tʃɪmpænˋzi/ n type of small African ape 黑猩猩.

