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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英语翻译》,欢迎阅读!
假日经济在我国已经呈现出广阔的发展前景。The holiday economy has the prospect of remarkable growth. 集中精力把经济建设搞上去

go all out for economic development 坚持对话,不搞对抗

persist in dialogue, refrain from confrontation 不搞劳民伤财的形象工程

refrain from building “vanity projects ”that waste both money and manpower


revitalize domestic economy, open up to the outside world 搞花架子do something superficial 搞活国营大中型企业

invigorate large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises 更加注重搞好宏观调控

pay more attention to exercising macro-control 开放搞活 open up and enliven the economy 靠扩大财政赤字搞建设

increase the deficit to spend more on development 台湾是中国的领土。

Taiwan is part of Chinese territory.

和一个240位。The restaurant now has three dining rooms and a VIP room with a total of 240 seats.


We should improve management and ensure safe production. 对确有困难的中西部地区和老工业基地,中央财政将继续给予支持。

In the case of the enterprises of western and central China and old industrial bases that are in real financial difficulties, the central government will continue to offer financial help. 有条件的地方要率先实现现代化。

The areas with suitable conditions must take the lead in achieving modernization. 收效可能来得慢,但是有把握,而且是巨大的。The rewards may come slowly, but they are sure and tremendous. 我们应当逐步消灭城乡差别。

We should gradually eliminate the difference between city and country.


He is sympathetic by nature and is always ready to help others.

新婚夫妇有数十位宾客陪同,坐着汽车到新房去了。 The newly wedded couple, accompanied by dozens of guests, went to their chamber by car.

全国人民总体上实现了由温饱向小康的跨越。The Chinese people nationwide have developed from the stage of having enough to eat and wear to that of living a better-off life.


Walking eastward along Nanjing Road, one finally comes to a very beautiful area bordering the bank of the Huangpu River. 小不忍则乱大谋。

If one is not patient in small thing, one will never be able to control great ventures.


Before handing in your translation, you have to read it over and over again and see if there is anything in it to be corrected or improved. Only thus can you do your work well. 没有调查就没有发言权。

He who makes no investigation and study has no right to speak.


It was not easy for you to finish this design in three weeks. 由于时间仓促,作者水平有限,书中疏漏 在所难免,欢迎广大读者批评指正

Any advice and criticism is warmly welcome about this book. 科学技术突飞猛进,给亚洲的发展带来新的机遇,也带来新的挑战。

The rapid advance of science and technology has presented both new opportunities and challenges to the development of Asia.


The new development, trends and technologies have helped expand productive forces,given full play to creativity,and enhance communication and corporation among countries. 中国人民为此进行了长期不懈的努力。

The Chinese people have made unremitting efforts to that end. 为了保卫国家安全,维护祖国统一,我们必须不断增强国防实力。

We must build up our defense capability with a view to safeguarding our State security and national unity. 科学技术在一些领域取得重大突破。

Breakthroughs were made in some areas of science and technology.


All social undertakings developed. /The social undertakings developed in an all-round way.


The Chinese Government undertakes not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries. 我们要确保更有效地利用外资。

We shall ensure more effective utilization of foreign capital. 那个国家片面地注重工业,忽视农业和轻工业,因而市场上货物不够,货币不稳定。That country’s lopsided stress on heavy industry to the neglect of agriculture and light industry results in a shortage of goods on the market and an unstable currency.


The recent international conference was a success.

中国在发展经济的过程中,逐步改善了人民的生活条件。 The economic growth in China has been accompanied by the improvement of the people’s living conditions.

当今中国,电脑使用已经普及,上网人数与日俱增。Nowadays, with the wide use of computers in China, more and more people have access to the Internet.


China supports a population four times that of the United States with the arable land only half that of the US. 他们不顾一切困难挫折,坚持创业。

They kept on their enterprise in spite of all difficulties and setbacks.

他不懂知足常乐的道理,对现有的一切还不满足。He never understands that happiness lies in contentment, so he isn’t content with what he has already had. 得知台湾地震,全国人民深表关切。

The people in the mainland are all deeply concerned at the news that Taiwan has been struck by an earthquake. 证人不敢肯定命案发生时他不在场。

The witness isn’t sure that he has an alibi for the time death took place.

经济出现了重要转机The national economy has improved significantly. 专家认为,肥胖人口增长的主要原因是人们的运动量减少。The experts attribute the increasing number of obese people to the decrease in the physical exercises. 许多家用电器都是在中国制造的,这些家用电器性能可靠,操作方便。

A lot of household appliances are made in China, which (and they) are reliable in performance and easy in operation. 水资源稀缺,是我国经济社会发展的严重制约因素。Lack of water resources is a serious limitation on the economic and social development of our country.

所有单位必须搞好卫生,清除混乱和不文明现象。All the organization must clear up, and banish disarray and discourtesy.


Economically, Asia is still the most dynamic region in the world.


Terrorist acts in all forms and manifestations are a profound threat to the peace, prosperity and security of all people and of all nations.

谁也不能以不懂法律来为自己辩解。 Ignorance of the law excuses no man.


We are gratified with the smooth development of relations between two countries and particularly the steady growth of our economic and technological cooperation.


The political reform should be conducted in such a manner as to promote national reunification, unity and social stability. 当前,世界经济贸易形势总体趋好。

At present, the overall trend in the world’s economic and trade situation is getting better.

一般来说,游览西湖及周围景点花上两天时间较为合适。 Generally speaking, a two-day tour is ideal for the West Lake and scenic spots around it.

游览北京、上海、西安,最好是在春、秋两季。Beijing, Shanghai and Xi’an are at their best for tourism in spring and autumn.

国有大中型企业建立现代企业制度的改革取得重要进展。China make significant advances in the establishment of a modern corporate structure in large and medium-sized State-owned enterprises.

素质教育继续推进。Continued efforts were made to promote quality-oriented education.

中国的扶贫开发解决了两亿多农村贫困人口的温饱问题。 Thanks to the efforts to assist with the development of the poor areas, the problem of food and clothing for more than 200 million rural poor has been solved. 经过20多年不懈的艰苦奋斗,中国的扶贫开发取得了巨大成就。

Thanks to the arduous and unremitting efforts in the past more than two decades, China has made tremendous achievements in its drive to assist with the development of the poor areas. 近年来,中国轻工业产品的出口有了长足的进步。In recent years, great progress has been made in the export of products in China’s light industries.

Over production is still a glaring problem in ordinary processing industries.


Trade and investment liberalization and facilitation has take on increased importance at a time when rapid changes are reshaping the global marketplace.

上海商业将广泛应用计算机技术,加快商业电子化步伐。The computer technology will be widely used in the Shanghai’s commercial sector to accelerate its electronicalization. 如果考虑到劳动力的因素,我国生产率的品均水平长期以来一直很低。

The average level of productivity in our country had long been low when the quality of the labor force was considered. 人不犯我,我不犯人。

We won’t attack others unless we are attacked. 那条路弯弯曲曲的,天气不好的时候,开车可得小心。Drive carefully on that road in bad weather as it’s very winding. 双方都不肯妥协,谈判因而破裂。

Negotiations broke down because neither side would compromise.


The isolation of the rural world, due to distance and the lack of transportation facilities, is worsened by the insufficiency of the information media.

没有和平,没有稳定的政治局面,就谈不上经济发展。 Without peace and political stability, there would be no economic progress. 要深化教育体制改革。

We should deepen the restructuring of education system.

全面发展同其他发达国家的友好合作与交流。We will develop friendly cooperation and promote exchanges in an all-round way with developed countries. 要提高贫困地区群众的科技文化素质。

We should improve the sci-tech and cultural qualities of the masses in the poor areas / the poverty-stricken areas. 必须加大基础设施建设力度。

Greater efforts should be made to promote construction of infrastructure.

西部地域辽阔,交通不发达,首先要进行基础设施的建设。Covering a vast area with poor transport facilities, China’s western region is in urgent need of infrastructure facilities. 中国加入世贸组织的谈判已经进行了15,中国的立场始终如一。

During the fifteen years of negotiations on China’s entry into the WTO, China has maintained consistent stand /position. 我们必须抓住新的机遇,迎接新的挑战,/采取更加有力的措施,以更为积极的姿态扩大对外开放,力争对外贸易和吸收外资有新的增长。We must seize new opportunities and meet new challenges. We must open ourselves wider to the outside world more actively and resort to more effective measures in an effort to expand foreign trade and attract more foreign funds.


The Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower is located on a bend of the Huangpu River at the tip of Lujiazui in Pudong. It is surrounded by the river on three sides and faces a row of Western buildings of variegated styles on the Bund across the river. The 468-meter-tall tower ranks first in Asia and third in the world.

中国将致力于建设国家创新体系,通过营造良好的环境,推进知识创新、技术创新的体制创新,这是中国实现跨世纪发展的必由之路。China will be dedicated to establishing a national innovation system and creating a favorable environment to stimulate the innovation of knowledge, technology and institution. It is the only course for China to achieve its development extending to the new century (its trans-century development).


Now China has the opportunity to carry out the strategy of the

