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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《临床医学专业02级七年制《内科学》教案讲解》,欢迎阅读!

蔡映云 业务职称 教授 聘任授课职位



Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases

授课题目 授课班级

(COPD) 04级八年制




1. 2. 3.

Very importa nt:

Defin iti on, clinical mani fecti on and treatme nt of COPD Importa nt:

Cause and pathophysiology of COPD Less importa nt:

Pathology and pathoge nesis of COPD


() 内容及时间分配 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a disease state characterized by airflow limitatio n that is not fully reversible. COPD is a very com mon disease around the world.

Although many environmental factors have been implicated in the development of COPD, cigarette smok ing remai ns the most importa nt one.

Main pathophysiological cha nges of COPD are airflow limitatio n, hyperi nflati on of lungs and disturba need gas excha nge.

The three most com mon symptoms in COPD are cough, sputum product ion, and exceptio nal dyspnea.

Only two interventions, smoking cessation and oxygen therapy in chronically hypoxemic patie nts, have bee n dem on strated to in flue nee the n atural history of patie nts with COPD.

All other curre nt therapies such as bron chodilators (an ticholi nergic age nts, beta-ago ni sts, and theophyll in e), in haled or pare nteral corticosteroids, mucolytic age nts, and pul monary rehabilitati on, are directed at improvi ng symptoms and decreas ing the freque ncy and severity of exacerbati ons. 7. 8.

Lung voluime reduct ion surgery (LVRS) and lung tran spla ntati on may be con sidered in selected COPD patie nts.

Exacerbati ons of COPD are episodes of in creased dysp nes and cough and cha nge in the amount and character of sputum. The approach to the patie nt experie ncing an exacerbati on in cludes an assessme nt of sputum. The approach to the patie nt experie ncing an exacerbati on includes an assessment of the severity of the patient precipitating factor, and the institution of therapy. 9.

Treatme nt of acute exacerbati on in clude the use of in haled ?-ag onist (ofte n in itially with n ebulized therapy) together with an an ticholi nergic age nt. GOLD guideli nes recomme nd 30-40 mg of oral pred nisolone or its equivale nt for a period of 10-14 days and it has bee n show n to reduce len gth of hospital stay, haste n recovery and reduce the cha nge of subseque nt exacerbation or relapse. Empirical antibiotics are usually applied in moderate to severe

illness, an attempt to identify the

exacerbati on and the choice should be based on the local patter ns of an tibiotics susceptibility of ss the usual pathoge ns. The usual pathoge ns in acute exacerbati on in cludes S pn eum oniae H in flue nzae and Moraxella catarrhalis. Suppleme ntal oxyge n should be used to keep arterial saturation > 90%. Ventilatory support may be required in those with severe respiratory disti despite in itial therapy. 1 慢性支气管炎的定义及概述。 2 因、发病机制、病理。 3 床表现(症状和体征)

4 助检查(X线、肺功能、实验室检查) 5 断及其分型分期、鉴别诊断 6 7


3分钟 10分钟 6分钟 6分钟 5分钟 13分钟 2分钟

1 息性慢性支气管炎与哮喘的鉴别 2 据慢支的分期进行治疗


慢性支气管炎 Chro nic bron chitis


1. How to treat the COPD patie nt with acute exacerbatio n?


陈灏珠主编《实用内科学》第 11 北京人民卫生出版社第 朱元珏主编《呼吸病学》第 11 北京人民卫生出版社第

1548-1550, 2001 877-8912003



蔡映云 业务职称 阻塞性肺气肿

教授 聘任授课职位



授课题目 授课班级


02级七年制 授课日期

一、教学目的(掌握、熟悉、 了解的具体内容) 1 掌握阻塞性肺气肿的临床表现、诊断、治疗。

2 熟悉阻塞性肺气肿的发病机制。



1 定义与概述。

3分钟 2 病因和发病机制、病理、病理生理。 10分钟 3 临床表现(症状和体征)

6分钟 4 辅助检查(X线、CT、肺功能、血气分析) 6分钟 5 诊断、鉴别诊断 5分钟 6 治疗 13分钟 7 预防 2分钟




阻塞性肺气肿 Obstructire emphysema


1 试述阻塞性肺气肿的发病机理。 2 阻塞性肺气肿的肺功能有何改变。 3 试述阻塞性肺气肿的缓解期治疗。


陈灏珠主编《实用内科学》第 11 北京人民卫生出版社第 朱元珏主编《呼吸病学》第 11 北京人民卫生出版社第

1551-15552001 877-8912003


