
2022-03-25 14:54:22   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《唐诗宋词-同义词和近义词》,欢迎阅读!


同义词和近义词 1.accept receive

receive 意为收到,不管接受与否;accept 表示同意、愿意接受。

He received valuables,but did’nt accept them. 他们收到了贵重物品,但没有接受。 2.accompany attend

accompany 表示对等的关系,指与社会地位平等的人相伴;attend 表示主从关系,指陪伴社会地位比自己高的人。

He accompanied his classmate to visit the Imperial Palace. 他陪着同学游览故宫。Bodyguards attended the President to visit the Great Wall. 警卫陪同总统游览故宫。 3.accuse charge

accuse 指控告的事不是很严重,常与of 连用;charge 指控告的事情很严重,往带有正式的法律控告之意,常与with连用。

He was accused of stealing food the restaurant . 他被指控从饭店偷食物。 He was charged with murder. 他被指控有谋杀罪。 4.admite confess

admite 指必须或被迫公开承认事实;confess 指对承认的错误或罪行有忏悔之意,错误或罪行也较admit 严重。

The student admitted that he cheated in the examination. 这个学生被迫承认在考试中作弊。

The prisoner has confessed his crime of fraud. 囚犯已承认犯有诈骗罪。 5.admission admittance

admission 指允许进入公共场所,还有门票和入会费的意思;admittance 指允许进入私人或公共场所,但常用在否定词语中。

Admission to the museum is by tiket only. 凭票才能进入博物馆。 No admittance except on business. 闲人免进。 6.advise propose suggest

advise 作建议讲不如propose 正式,另外还有通知的意思;propose 在三个词中最正式,常指书面或正式的建议、提议,另外还有提名、打算的意思;suggest 示虚伪语气,另外还有暗示、提醒的意思。

My brother advises me to have a rest. 弟弟建议我休息一下。

She propose to revise the Low of Individual Income Tax . 她建议修改个人所得税法。 I suggest that the regulations be revised. 我建议修订规章。



7.allow permit


Her mother does’nt allow her out at night. 她母亲不允许她晚上外出。 He was permitted to attend the cermony. 他可以参加典礼。 8.among between

among 指三个或三个以上人或事物之间;between指两个人或事物之间。 The Tax Reform Act was debated among Senator. 参议员们讨论了税收改革法案。The Federal Reserve Board had to choose between the plans. 联邦储备委员会必须在这两个计划中选择。 9.amount number

amount 修饰不可数名词;number 修饰可数名词。

Smugglers plunder a large amount of monry. 走私者掠夺了大量金钱。 A mumber of people came to the meeting . 一些人来参加会议。 10.anser reply

answer 使用最普遍;replay较正式,只能做不及物动词。 I answered his letter . 我给他回了信。 I replayed to his letter . 我给他回了信。 11.area district region

area 通常指有特定自然特色的或面积较大的区域,但不用做行政单位,还有面积、抽象领域的意思;district主要用作行政单位,相当于城市中的区;region 地理上有天然界域或有某种特色的区域,面积较district 大。

The exployer travrlled across the desert areas of North africa . 探险家穿越了北非沙漠地区。

There are 7 districts in the city. 这个城市有7个区。

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region was founded in 1997. 香港特别行政区成立于1997年。 12.argue debate dispute

argue 指一般性的争论;debate 指正式、公开的辩论;dispute指激烈的辩论或争吵。

He argued that she should go. 他争论说她应该去。

They debated the matter in the metting. 会议上他们公开讨论了这个问题。 13.ask inquir question




由于发现疑点或认为不正确而提问,可以是一般询问,也可以是正式的审问。 I ask his name. 我问他的名字。 My father inquired why I didn’t


