
2022-12-22 18:05:25   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《Offer的中英文模板》,欢迎阅读!

Private and Confidential

Date: xxx


Name: xxx


We are pleased to offer you a position of xxx with XXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the“ Company ), subject to the conditions of Company' s Labor

Contract; the specific duties of the position is included in attached job description. The job description is an integral part of this offer, and has the same legal effect.

我们很快乐聘请您担任 XXXXXXXXXXX限公司(以下简称“公司〞)xxx

,聘用条件以公司劳动合同为准,工作责任详见岗位描述,该岗位描述是本 聘书的有效组成局部,具有同等的法律效力.

This offer of employment is contingent upon the following conditions:


, You must terminate any previous employment relationship and be under no other employment obligation;

您必须终止和以前雇主的任何雇用关系以及其他雇用责任; 您提供的所有信息必须真实准确; 您到岗前必须通过入职体检;

您必须在适当时间内通过背景调查以及推荐人核实调查 您在XXX日之前必须签署本聘书并返还给我公司;

All the information you provided must be true and accurate;

You must pass a pre-employment medical check prior to commencing work;

Successful passing a background check and reference verification by Company within reasonable time; Your signing of the acceptance of this offer letter returned back to Wayne prior to XXXXXX (Year/Month/Day); Your signing of the Labor Contract before or on the onboard date;


Your signing of, immediately after employment,“ The Spirit & The Letter of

Our Commitment ," Questionnaire on Company Policy-30v5iding Conflicts of Interest ,“Employee Innovation and Proprietary Information Agreement" ,“ Nondisclosure of Information Agreemenrtd “ NeCfompete

Agreement "and other intellectual property related agreements if applicable (Optional).

您必须在入职后立即签署“个人的诚信承诺〞、“利益冲突政策问卷调 查〞、“关于职务创造和专有信息协议〞、“信息保密协议〞和“竞业


Failure to complete any of the above mentioned conditions will render this offer null and void.


Summary of the Offer:


Position: XXX


Business segment: XXX


Reporting Manager: XXX


Work location: XXX 工作地点:XXX Contract term: XXX 合同期限:XXX Monthly gross salary: RMB XXX (including all allowances and subsidies as stipulated by government). Salaries are expressed in monthly increments. A 13 month bonus will be paid according to Company policy. Eligibility for the 13th month bonus requires, among other conditions, that you

must be in active service on December 31 of each bonus year.

每月税前工资:人民币XXX (包括国家规定的所有津贴和补贴).工资按月支

.第十三个月奖金的发放将根据公司政策.只有当您在十二月三十一日时 仍在公司工作,您才有资格获得当年的第十三个月奖金.

The salary and all other cash income stated above are on a gross basis and subject to income tax (to be borne by the employee). Company will withhold the necessary tax amount from monthly payroll as required by the local tax authority, as well as the mandatory benefits contributions.

工资和以上所有其他现金收入均为税前收入,必须由员工承当个人所得税. 司按地方税务部门规定从员工每月工资中代扣代缴个人所得税,以及法定福利 的个人缴纳局部.

Company and you shall participate in thePeople ' s RepublicChina ' s local social security and pay social security contributions in accordance with the law and regulations.

公司和您应依法参加中华人民共和国的社会保险,并根据规定缴纳社会保险 .

You are expected to report for work on date XXX. Unless otherwise agreed, this offer will be rescinded as a result of your failure to report on the date specified in this letter.

您应当于XXX日到公司报到.除非另行约定,本聘书将因您不能按时报 到而终止效力.

You will be required to sign a Labor Contract with Company before or on the onboard date. Following execution of that Contract, you will be required to satisfactorily complete a probation period of XXX.

您被要求在入职前或入职当日与公司签订劳动合同.履行劳动合同,您被要 求通过XX个月试用期.

You will be required to attend “ The World of GEtraining for understanding of the Company policies, values and culture within the first 60 days after your starting date. You will also be required to successfully transfer all of your statutory employment documents to Company or a designated agency within the first 15 days of your starting date. Employee should be responsible for any legal liability resulted from failure to do so.

您被要求在入职后60天内参加公司组织的新员工培训来理解公司的政策.您还 将保证自入职之日起十五天内向公司或公司指定的人才机构递交办理社会保险
