【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《日语小学基础训练题第101期.doc》,欢迎阅读!

As everything has y 一sides> the disadvantages can ' t b e ignored . Part-time jobs 力 审 卜 into students ' study time ;
<。力 9 become
€ preoccupied with
才一力 7* p 才、一彼 h 力£移行 their T r > > 3 > on studying . In the 工 > 卜、、the students may 秋 behind or fail in their studieso
In MY opinion、 students can 力' to take up a job according to their own situation . The most important thing is ①
him to keep a good 7
> 手数料 his study on 卜 才-f
the i丿夹卜 and assign an adequate amount 才 time to it. 1) 現在、X泡人◎大学生处t 好吉卞> F
2) 二①現象①原因对可■力'
3) 思® Z①現象
StudentsJ。t沙。Famous Brands Pursuit
Nowadays many college stude nts $ to pursue famous bra nds . From clothes to 壬 彳 儿 phones € > study articles 性 b electr on ic dictio naries a nd pens、彼 5 力J[ 1 ] r incli ned to buy famous bra nds . [ 2 ] Moreover、many stude nts from 二 b families officially to [ 3 ] 才 口巧一 consumption as well. This phenomenon has aroused F r >> 3 > o [4 followi ng reas ons can acco unt 性
college stude nts」。十沙◎ pref ere nee famous bra nds .
[2 ] Above all> in many college stude nts J eyes > a famous bra nd is a symbol 才 sophisticati on and 亍彳夹卜oThey expect others to admire their盛0上力空召夕严兔and good亍彳夹卜。[2 ] What j s
> i n 壬夕' > society famous> brands to、extent r equal X.Q y
has a great attraction to college students . [ 2 ] Besides、parents」spoiling their t V
> helps 7 才一厶 their 「BAD」consumption habito
[2 ] As far as I concer ned am> [ 6 ] it is irrati onal college stude nts to pursue famous bra nds . [3 ] r 7 夕 一all> most 才 famous brands 了 [ 7 ] far beyond their consumption T if 】丿亍仁 [3 ] Besides [ 8 ] it is famous brands but a person』s noble 氓汽刁 ° 夕 一 really makes him 盛 0 上力Therefore、college students
T attach 口 importance to
cultivati ng a good 沃汽 7 ° 夕 一[9 ] rather tha n pursui ng famous bra nds。
y \ 】【b 7 卜 [1 ]…傾向」。
[2] 移行总二卞 <、' 言葉、文章总明晰、意味处一貫。疋。
[3] <0 7才口 *7—总求的疋、「(傾向壬7 7 v 2 >)J [4戶原因总引吉出仁
[5 ] which案内非限定修飾語夕口一八 [6] [7] [8]
艺怎召力超久疋彼◎消費能力」。beyond「艺超A r -範囲」。 強調文型、;»強調主語。卞「'…but接続併列成分。
「9」「-0 "」。 名句模写
名何:1. It is irrational 七於 college students to pursue famous brandso 模写:肚大学生Q "J 理解① 汀 '八"以外①世界Q怎必要。
2 .名 frj: In society、famous brands to> extent 7 equal to 7 r > a >、右 which
a great attraction to 弋 college studentSo 模写:世界u ?:>> € L n *
> y J:
j; u何力、斗* a y儿夕一厶
Q 危険有害 h , n !i J: <(: J: 一人"C 倒産。上 o、人①心艺
3 .名句:Therefore、college students -5 (i T attach 口 importance to cultivating a good 玄 7 夕 夕 一rather than pursuing famous brandso
模写:多 < ①学友0;常Q 3 > f 一夕夕一厶、0;時間①無駄I (i * < , 一種①有益卞 'J 7 入法。
1. It is quite necessary 上 於 college students to 卜 know the ▽ 一 儿 b" outside the campuso 2 . In the
V on other >"一厶 is as harmful and dangerous as gambling, which often makes
i bankrupt and pollutes t s 債 卜*」。