【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《有关重阳节的传说故事》,欢迎阅读!
and most traditional festivals, like the chung yeung festival is also an ancient legend.
down in the eastern han dynasty, ruhe devil, as long as it appeared, some people get sick every family, every day someone died, that people who suffer with the disease ravaged.
hang a plague killing of the young kings parents, his illness has killed almost lives. when fully recovered, he said goodbye a beloved wife and his people, determined to visit xian conservatory, people get rid of the devil. fuller four division seeking visit, visited every goldsmith around the mountains, and finally asked to have one of the oldest in the east of the mountain, the mountain has an
almighty cent long, else a distant journey, under the guidance of the crane , finally found the tall mountains, which have found a
miraculous powers of the immortals long, long cents for his spirit moved, and finally accept the constant scene, and he taught spirit swordplay, he also donated a spirit sword. fuller clock drilling, and finally out of a training extraordinary boy.
the angel long fuller was called the frontier, said: tomorrow is the ninth day in september, the god of evil but also to do evil, you have skills studies, we should go back to the people from harm. sin cheung gave fuller a packet dogwood leaves, cup of chrysanthemum wine, and the evil secret delegated usage, fuller rode a crane to get home to.
chrysotile magic sword stabbed to death, ninth day from september,
climbing to avoid the outbreak of customs handed down year after year. liang wu, in his qi harmonic mind, a book of those records.later, people put custom festival assume disaster is seen as a refuge activities. in addition, the central plains of traditional values, double nine lives a long, healthy life means, so later festival will be established as a festival for the elderly. 关于九九重阳节的传说和习俗(英文)篇二:关于重阳节的传说:王勃写成《滕王阁序》 关于重阳节的传说:王勃写成《滕王阁序》 黄永玉 1987年作 重阳咏诗 立轴
汝南桓景随费长房游学累年,长房谓曰:“九月九日,汝家中当有灾。宜急去,令家人各作绛囊,盛茱萸,以系臂,登高饮菊花酒,此祸可除。”景如言,齐家登山。夕还,见鸡犬牛羊一时暴死。长房闻之曰:“此可代也。”今世人九日登高饮酒,妇人带茱萸囊,盖始于此。 唐代的《初学记》和宋代的《太平御览》等多种重要类书都转述了吴均《续齐谐记》里的这个故事,并认为九月九日登高喝菊花酒,妇女在胳膊上系茱萸囊辟邪去灾的习俗由此而来。
干宝《搜神记》云:淮南全椒县有一丁氏,嫁给同县姓谢家,由于谢家是大富户,她婆婆却凶恶残暴,虐待丁氏,强迫她干繁重的家务,经常遭到痛骂和毒打。丁氏最终忍受不住,在重阳节悬梁自尽。死后冤魂不散,依附在巫祝身上说:“做人家媳妇每天辛苦劳动不得休息,重阳节请婆家不要让她们再操 劳。”所以,江南人每逢重阳日,都让妇女休息,叫做“休息日”。这位姓丁氏的妇人立
《旧唐书·王勃传》记载:王勃的《滕王阁序》就是重阳节这天写出来的。当时,王勃的父亲担任交趾令。王勃前往探视父亲,九月初九路过洪州时,州牧阎伯屿正在重修的滕王阁中宴请宾客及部属。他想夸耀女婿吴子章的才气,便事先拿出纸笔请宾客动笔作序,所有的宾客都知道他的用意,没有人敢作。王勃事先并不知道州牧的用心,毫不谦让接过纸笔。州牧心中十分生气,立即派人在旁边看王勃书写。谁知道王勃才气不凡,文章越写越好,当写到“落霞与 孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”的词句时,州牧忍不住拍案叫绝。王勃从此一举名震诗坛。 重阳花糕的起源有一种来源甚早的说法。《南齐书》上说,刘裕篡晋之前,有一年在彭城过重阳。一时兴起,便骑马登上戏马台。等他称帝后,便规定每年九月九日为骑马射箭、校阅军队的日子。传说,后来流行的重阳糕,就是当年发给士兵的干粮。