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Unit 4 Don’t eat in class
Section B 2b-3c
教学内容为人教版目标英语七年级下册第四单元Section B的第二课时。第四单元话题是规则(rules),教材中出现的学校家庭的规则贴近学生的生活,容易激发学生的学习共鸣与兴趣,帮助学生客观看待规章制度。 本节课是读写课,通过对2d书信的阅读,在继续学习掌握新的词汇及表达方式的同时,对前面几节课所学语言知识点在实际运用中巩固,并运用所学语言知识进行写作训练。 二、学情分析:
七年级学生对情态动词can以及其否定形式can't 的使用已经很熟悉,经过前面几节课的学习对have to和祈使句结构也有了解,能够用英语表达简单的规则。
本节课是要求学生运用所学语言知识来谈论规则,进行实际综合训练并上升到笔头训练,写一封信来谈论一下自己应遵守的一些规则和自己的看法,对学生来说有一定难度。 三、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:
1) Words & expressions: dirty, kitchen, more, noisy, relax, read, terrible, feel, strict, be strict with, remember, follow, follow the rules, luck, keep, keep …short,learn,
2) Talk about rules by using Imperatives Don’t …, can’t, have to, must: ① Don't leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen. ② I can't relax either.
③ I must read a book before I can watch TV. ④ I have to go to bed before 10:00.. 2. 情感态度价值观目标:
能读懂一些英语的规则制度,能用英语表达一些简单的规则,理解没有规矩不成方圆;无论是在学校时还是在家庭中以及以后走上社会都应当遵守规则,按规则办事。 四、教学重难点
1. 教学重点:1) 学习本课出现的新词汇及表达方式,通过阅读练习进一步学习运用新语言知识。
2) 能用所学的语言知识来写出自己在家中和在学校中的一些规则。
2. 教学难点: 1)理解must, have to/ can/can't的用法
2)写一封信来谈论一下自己应遵守的一些规则,并表达自己对这些规则的看法。 五、教学过程
ⅠWarming- up and revision
Read the new words and expressions in the unit, then do some exercises. ⅡPresentation 1 Reading
1) 2b Fast reading
T: There are many rules in Molly's home and school. She feels unhappy. Read the letter and find the answer to this question: What does Molly feel about the rules? (she feels terrible.) 2) Careful reading: 1) Read the letter again and underline the rules for Molly.
2. Work on 2c. Read the letter again and complete the sentences with have to/ must, can or can't. 阅读指导:
1) 首先,认真阅读2c中的这些句子,明白它们所谈论的相关规则。
3)再次阅读这些句子一遍,看是否通顺。 4) Check the answers.
5) 求助信的特征和语言。 1)) 书信称呼都是用Dear…
2)) 称呼后用逗号,不用冒号,这是中英文信件区别之处。
3)) 求助信中第一句是核心句,例如There are too many rules! 主题句后就是解释说明主题句的细节句。 4)) 信件结束前一般会有明确求助的句子,即What can I do? Language points
have to & must: have to 意为“不得不”,表示客观上的必要性,有人称和数的变化,其后要跟动词原形,其否定式don’t / doesn’t have to 表示“不必”。must 意为“必须”,强调说话人的主观看法,没有人称和数的变化,其后要跟动词原形,其否定式mustn’t 表示“不准;禁止”。含有have to和must的句式如下:
have to
主语+ have / has to +动词原形+其他. 如:
·I have to go now because it’s late.
主语 + don’t / doesn’t + have to +动词原形+其他. 如:
•Mike doesn’t have to come before 7:00 a.m. Do / Does +主语+have to +动词原形+其他?如:
·Does Mike have to come before 7:00 a.m.?
主语+ must +动词原形+其
他. 如:
·We must finish the work. 主语+ mustn’t +动词原形+其他. 如:
·You mustn’t run here. Must+主语+动词原形+其他?如:
·Must we finish the work?
Ⅲ. Practice
1. T: Zhao Pei has many rules at home and at school. She's unhappy, too. She wants some help from Dr. Know. Read
her letter and fill in the blanks with have to /must, can /can't.
2. 指导:首先,认真阅读整篇短文,理解短文的大意。然后,认真阅读每个句子,理解作者的对这些规则的看法;同时,推敲每个句子深处的意思,确定是用have to/must还是can/can't。最后,应再通读一遍短文,看自己所填写的词组是否通顺正确。 3. Check the answers. Ⅳ. Writing
1. Let's work on 3b:
We have many rules at home and at our school. Think what things you have to do and what things you can't do. Complete the chart with rules in your home and school. You can discuss with your partners in your group. 2. Ss discuss their rules in groups. Then fill in the blanks. Then check the rules you think are unfair. For example: You must wear a school uniform at school. You must keep your hair short at school. 3. Let some groups say their answers. Write some of the rules on the blackboard. Ⅴ. Writing
1. Now write a letter to Dr Know. Tell her about all the rules and how you feel about them.
2.写作指导: 首先,可以再次阅读2b及3a中的短信的内容及格式。其次,模仿这两封信的格式写好自己信件的格式;然后,根据刚才自己小组讨论的规则整理成一封文字通顺的信件。并且,表达自己对这些规则的想法或看法。之后,以礼貌的话语请求Dr. Know的帮助。最后,再通读一遍自己的短信看语句是否通顺。 3. Ss write the letter on the workbook. Exchange their workbook with their partner. Check the letters. 4. Let some Ss read their letter to the class. Correct the mistakes in the letter. ( Show ) Language poitns
1. I have to keep my hair short.
keep + 名词/ 代词 + 形容词 “保持处于……状态”
e.g. We must keep our classroom clean every day. 我们必须每天保持教室干净。
How can you keep the fruit fresh? 你是怎样保持水果新鲜的? 2. I must learn to play the piano. learn 学习;学会
1) learn + 事物 e.g. Ms. Wu helps me to learn English on weekends. 吴老师周末帮我学习英语。 2) learn to do sth. 学习做某事 e.g. Let’s learn to play chess after class. 我们下课后学习下棋吧。 Ⅵ. Homework
Finish the letter. 2 Do the exercises in Self Check.
经过前面几节课的铺垫,学生对于情态动词can、can't、must、have to及祈使句结构都有了解,也能用英语表达简单的规则。本节课要求学生运用前面所学语言点进行笔头训练,写一封信来谈论一下自己应遵守的规则及对这些规则的看法,虽有一定难度,但由于写作前对所学的词汇及句子结构进行了大量的训练,以及对学生进行了阅读和写作前的指导,学生基本上能写好这封信。有小部分学生在情态动词与祈使句的转换表达上还有些难度,有小部分学生的书面表达能力还较差,今后还得多加强这方面的笔头练习。