
2022-12-22 05:00:22   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《10个地道金钱英语口语》,欢迎阅读!




1. Break the bank to use up all of your money 倾家荡产 例句:

John knew that renting the ocean view apartment would break the bank, so he settled for a smaller apartment.

约翰知道租一个滨海公寓会花光他所有的钱的,所以他选择了一个小点的公寓安定下来。 2.Bring home the bacon to earn money for a family 赚钱,养家糊口 例句:

His wife chooses not to work, so Robert has to bring home the bacon. 罗伯特的老婆决定不出去上班了,因此他不得不赚钱养家糊口。 3.Cash in on (something) to make money from an opportunity 大赚一笔 例句:

The former athlete cashed in on his popularity to open a nightclub in his name. 这位前运动员开了个以自己名字命名的夜店,打算利用名气大赚一笔。

4. Give (someone) a blank check to let someone do whatever they want (as if the amount on the check were left blank)

让某人自由的按自己想法行事 例句:


project on time.


The professor gave the students a blank check with the only requirement being that they turn in their

这位教授允许学生们自由发挥,唯一要求就是他们需要按时交付项目。 5.Turn on a dime to make a turn in a very small area 在极小的地方打转,(活动)非常灵巧 例句:

The car handles very well and can turn on a dime. 这辆车很容易驾驶,而且反应灵敏。

6. Bet your bottom dollar to bet all that you have because you are certain you will win 孤注一掷,把底金压上 例句:

I would bet my bottom dollar that Rachel will show up late again today. 我敢打盹瑞秋今天晚些时候一定会再次出现。

7.Look like a million dollars to look very good 显得容光焕发,看上去十分漂亮 例句:

As she stepped out in her wedding dress, she looked like a million dollars. 当她穿着婚纱走出来时,看起来美呆了。

8. Pinch pennies to be very careful with money, to be thrifty 精打细算 例句:

My grandfather always pinches pennies; he never spends money if he doesn’t have to. 我爷爷总是精打细算;只要没必要他从不花钱。


