
2023-05-10 22:09:22   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《五年级英语M1-M6短语及词形变化(1)》,欢迎阅读!




1. come back (= be back ) 回来 2. come/be back from ……回来 3. last Sunday 上周日 4. live in... 住在…… 5. go home 回家

6. come with... ……一起来 7. hurry up 快点

8. wait for... 等待……

9. go to the park 去公园 姓名_________ _____年级_____

7. last Sunday 上周日 8. the Great Wall 长城

9. at ten o'clock 在十点钟 10. in the morning 在早晨 11. one hour 一个小时

12. take photos/take a photo 照相 13. photos of the mountains 大山的照片 词形变化:

1. visit (过去式) visited 10. in the park 11. by bus 12. run to the bus 在公园 13. by bike 14. walk to the bus 乘坐公共汽车跑向公共汽车 15. walk to school 骑自行车 走向公共汽车

16. have an ice cream 词形变化: 步行去学校 吃冰激凌 1. come 2. live (过去式)

came 3. do ((过去式) lived 4. go 5. drop (过去式)过去式) did

6. meet (过去式) went 7. buy(过去式)dropped met 8. run(过去式) bought 9. have (过去式)ran 10. see(过去式) had 11. watch (过去式)12. l(过去式)saw

13. those (et’s (完全形式 watched 对应词) these

) let us 短语:


1. go to the supermarket 2. need food 3. shopping list 去超市 4. how many / how much 需要食物 购物单 5. half a kilo 多少 6. one kilo 7. one kilo of noodles 半公斤一公斤 8. make a list 9. 10. six boxes what about… 一公斤面条

制作一个清单 11. all right 12. five bottles ……六盒怎么样 词形变化:

五瓶好的 1. first (2. how many (基数词3. bottle (同义词) one

4. box (复数复数) boxes

) bottles ) how much 短语:


1. at the weekend 2. lots of places 3. the British Museum 在周末许多地方 4. Big Ben 5. the London Eye 大本钟大英博物馆 6. a big wheel 一个大轮子伦敦眼

2. go (3. send(过去式4. like (过去式) ) went 5. good (过去式 sent 6. walk (最高级) ) best liked 7. are (过去式) walked 8. people (过去式9. take (复数) were ) people 10. bus (过去式) took 11. photo (复数12. photo(13. mountain (近义词复数) buses ) photos ) picture

14. hour (同音词复数) our

) mountains 短语:


1.2. 怎么了?发生什么事了? DonWhatt argue! s the matter? 别吵了!

3.4. 5. take my T-shirt want to... 拿我的T恤衫 6. 7. on the line Lingling 想要 在绳子上......

8. Jimmys sweater s T-shirt 玲玲的吉米的毛衣T恤衫 词形变化: whose bag

谁的书包 1. 2. I (3. you (名物代名物代) mine 4. she (5. he (名物代名物代) hers ) yours 6. they (7. we(名物代名物代) his ) ours ) theirs 8. you (9.wear (they (形物代宾格) your 10. 同音词) them ) where 11.Lingling (wash (过去式所有格) washed

) Linglings



1.2. give out 3. give...to... ...... 分发...... 4. 5. enough pencils 6. Be careful! 足够的铅笔 have got 小心! 7. 8. too many / too much 拥有

too many books 太多 太多书 9. put...in ......放在...... 词形变化: put...on


1.2. pencil (复数) pencils 3. child (put (过去式复数) children ) put



1. football team 2. run fast 足球队 3. control the ball 跑得快 4. jump high 5. be good at ... 控制球 6. in China 7. catch the ball 跳得高擅长...... 8. catch the ball well 接球在中国

9. a fantastic goalkeeper 接球接得好 10. play football 一个极出色的守门员

11. not... at all 12. climb up the wall 根本不,一点也不 踢足球


爬上墙 1.2. 3. bad (副词) badly 4. good ( badly (副词tall (反义词反义词) well ) short

) well 短语:



一个关于狗的电视节a programme about 2.3. 4. 这些消防员你的晚餐 these firemen 5. 6. 热狗一个小女孩 your dinner hot dog

7. 一个年轻的女孩 a little girl a young girl 8. 9. 一位老人这些小鸡 an old man 10. 他们的妈妈 11. 她的妈妈 these chicks their mother 词形变化: 她的爸爸

her father her mother 1.2. use (形容词) useful 3. 4. help (fireman (三单) helps

5. 6. sausage (复数hear (同音词复数) firemen ) here ) sausages 7. these (对应词)those

8. sit down (chick (复数反义词) stand up 短语:


) chicks

1.2. 3. 你想/愿意......? Would you like to ...? 4. 什么时候在九点钟 what time 5. 6. 在七点半起床 at nine o at half past seven clock 7. 8. 步行去学校 我们的房子 get up

walk to school 9. 在学校附近 our house

near the school 10. 做操,锻炼11. 在操场上 do exercises 12. 跳绳(跳绳用的绳子)in the playground ......一起跳 skip with...

skipping rope


Sam and Amys 14.15. 开始上课 词形变化: 做早操 start school

do morning exercises 1.skip (2.skip (动名词3. 过去式) skipping ) skipped 4.England (ring (过去式形容词) rang

) English



1.2. 3. 怎么了? Whats the matter? 4. 感到伤心5. 感到无聊 感到生气 feel sad feel bored 6. 想念中国 miss China feel angry 7. 8. 想要...... want to... 9. 下象棋10. 当然,可以 play chess 思考,考虑 of course think about

surprise cake

make a 11.12. 帮助我的爷爷/祖父help my grandfather 13. 14. 在农场上 on the farm 15. 一整天赢一场象棋比赛 all day

win a chess game 16. 17. 出去玩词形变化: 丢了我的书包 go out to play 美味的面条汤

lose my bag

nice noodle soup 1.2.think ( feel (现在分词3.help (现在分词) feeling ) thinking 4.win (5.lost (过去式过去式) won ) helped 6. rain (原形现在分词) lose

) raining



1.2. 3. 在马路上走穿过马路 walk in the road 4. 握住我的手 cross the road hold my hand 5. 6. ......打招呼 say hello to 7. 匆忙领对孩子 in a hurry

8. 9. 吃水果在床上跳 take the right child jump on the bed eat fruit

10. 从床上跌落词形变化: 撞到我的头 fall off the bed

bump my head 1.2. should (否定) shouldn3. 4. danger (t right (对应词形容词) dangerous 5. right (对应词) wrong ) left

jump (过去式) jumped

