
2022-08-19 13:54:19   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《我心中的重阳节-重阳节英语作文带翻译》,欢迎阅读!

Chung Yeung Festival of legend of the Chinese Double Ninth Festival is coming, we try to understand the legend on the Double Ninth Festival Lunar New Year on September 9th, Yang, so called "Double Ninth Festival", the Double Ninth Festival is "festival for the elderly". The old people on this day or chrysanthemum to edify sentiment, or climb to exercise the body, add unlimited fun to old age. Chongyang this day, people enjoy the chrysanthemum, medicinal cornel, with wine drinking mountain, swim. Chung Yeung Festival in

September, day Gao Yundan, Junwu is overlooking a good season. Therefore, climbing into the Double Ninth Festival an important custom. In the southern plains people suffer no mountain climb, no high up, prevent rice cake, again on the cake surface in a color pennant, borrow to show ascend (cake) PI idea of disaster. The Double Ninth Festival and cornel, drink chrysanthemum wine, eating double ninth cake custom. Dogwood, also called a surname, is one of the most important plant, strong acrid smell, can prevent foul Chongyang cake is made with rice a seasonal cuisine. "Alone in a foreign land, during the festive season and dear. Remote brothers climb department, biancha cornel but one person "it is written in the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei, on the double ninth of the September 9 Yi brothers in Shandong", this first poem was later widely circulated, now in China is almost all the

people will celebrate the Double Ninth Festival, climbing, to visit relatives, enjoys the chrysanthemum is the enjoyment of a kind of folk custom. Hope this traditional festival can be forever spread forever!

重阳节的传说 农历九月初九的重阳节快到了,我们来了解一下关于重阳的传说吧: 农历九月初九,两阳相重,故叫“重阳”,重阳节又是“老人节”。老人们在这个天或赏菊以陶冶情操,或登高以锻炼体魄,给桑榆晚景增添了无限乐趣。 重阳这个天,人们赏玩菊花,佩带茱萸,携酒登山,畅游欢饮。九月重阳,天高云淡,金风送爽,正是登高远眺的好季节,所以,登高便成了重阳节的重要习俗。住在江南平原的百姓苦于无山可登,无高可攀,就防止米粉糕点,再在糕面上插上一面彩色小三角旗,借以示登高(糕)僻灾之意。 重阳节还有插茱萸,饮菊花酒,吃重阳糕等风俗。茱萸,也叫越椒,是一种重要植物,气味辛烈,能够防止恶浊重阳花糕是用粳米制成的一种节令美食。 “独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人”这是唐代大诗人王维在九九重阳写的《九月九日忆山东兄弟》,这首诗被后人广泛流传,现在在中国几乎是全部人家都会庆祝重阳节,登高、探亲、赏菊,是一种民俗的享受。 希望这种传统的节日能够永远的流传下去!

