
2022-08-02 22:04:12   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《初二英语同步辅导教材》,欢迎阅读!

主要内容 1. 习语

1) play jokes on sb.和某人开玩笑 2) check tickets 查票

3) decide to do sth.决定做某事 4) give away送掉 分发 5) give a lecture 作讲座 2. 语法 冠词的基本用法 学习指导

1. „but I ' m not sure what to buy for him. 但我没定下来买什么给他。 what to buy for him 相当于 what I should buy for him英语中常用特殊疑问词 do的结构在句中作主语 宾语等


e.g. I don ' t know how to (我不知道如何做这件事。


定冠词 不定冠词

=1 don't know what I should do-

When to start is still n ot clear.什么时候出发还不很清楚。

=When we should start is not clear.

2. I ' m sure he ' ll be pleased if you buy him a Liverpool footbaltT我相 信如果

你给他买一件利物浦队球衣的话他会很高兴的。 pleased (adj.)满意的高兴的 形容人的感受

e.g. We are very pleased with her decisi on.我们对她的决定很满意。 I am very pleased to see you again. 我很高兴再次看见你。 比较



e.g. We spe nt a pleasa nt day in the coun tryside. 我们在乡下度过了愉快的一天。 She has a pleasa nt voice.她有着悦耳的声音。 3. I ' m not sure if that 此句中if引导宾语从句

' s a我不确定那a是不是一个好注意。 相当于

表示 是否”

e.g. She asked if that was enough.她问那是否够了。

He asked if Mr. Gilbert's operation had been successful and the doctor told him that it had been.他问吉尔伯特先生的手术是否成功 成功的。

Ask if he pla ns to come to the meet ing. 问问他是否要来参加会议。 比较



e.g. If that is true, what should we do? 假设那是真的我们该怎么办呢 If you ask him, he will help you.如果你向他请求 4. The disease is called TB.这种病就是肺结核。 TB是肺结核tuberculosis的缩写 disease (n.)疾病可数或不可数


e.g. The job of doctors is to preve nt and cure diseases. 医生的工作就是防止 和治疗疾病。

He caught a disease of the eyes.他患上了眼病。 be called被认为

e.g. Mark Twin was called a writer who understood boys. 马克.吐温被称为了 解男孩子们的作家。

Nothing can be called unknowable.没有什么事物可以认为是不可知的。

5. So Bill Gates decided to buy the medicine for them. 所以比尔 盖茨决定给他们 头药。 decide to do sth. 决定做某事 相当于 make up one ' sdrtio do sth. e.g. The boy decided not to become a sailor. 那孩子决定将来不当水手。 I have not decided where to go. 我还没有决定去哪里。 He decided to go himself.他决定亲自去。

She has made up her mi nd to do better next time. 她决心下次做得更好些。 6. He gave away 21 billion dollars.他捐赠了 210 亿美元。 give away送掉分发泄漏

e.g. She gave away some of her clothes to the poor. 她把自己的一些衣服送给 穷人。 He gave away the secret on purpose. 他故意泄漏了秘密。 复习部分give词组


e.g. When will you give me back my book? 你什么时候把我的书还给我 give in投降

e.g. At last the en emy had to give in.最后敌人只好投降了。 give up投降 停止 放弃

e.g. The suspects gave themselves up.这些嫌疑犯投降了。 He decides to give up smoking. 他决定戒烟。

After all these un happy experie nces, I gave up all hope. 经过这么多不愉 快的事情后 我放弃了所有的希望。

7. I am a very lucky man.我是一个很幸运的人。 lucky (adj.)幸运的反义词为unlucky (adj.)不幸的

e.g. I was lucky that I met you here.我在这儿见到你真走运。

I was very lucky to get a copy so cheap. 我这么便宜地买至U—本 真是幸 运极了。

8. I ' m not sure, either.也不确定。 either两者之一也不

e.g. I have n't read it and my brother has n't either. 我没有读过 没读过。

If you don't go, I won't either. 如果你不去我也不去。

There's coffee or tea - you can have either. 咖啡或茶 T你可以任选一种。 Is either of the sisters comi ng? 这俩姐妹中有哪个要来吗


9. He also liked to play jokes on his friends.他也喜欢开朋友的玩笑。 joke (n.) 笑话,玩笑 play jokes on sb.开某人玩笑

e.g. Our teacher told us a joke today.我们老师今天给我们讲了一个笑话。

We all played a joke on him.我们大家开了他一个玩笑。 The accident was no joke.这场事故可不是儿戏。 joke (v.)说笑话开玩笑

e.g. I did n't mean that seriously I was only jok ing. 我不是那个意思 不过是开个玩笑。

You must n't joke with him about religious belief. 有关宗教信仰的事你决 不可和他开玩笑。

10. He likes to lie on the floor under the seat. 他喜欢躺在椅子底下。 lie (vi.) 位于(lay, lain);说谎(lied, lied)

e.g. He was lying in the shade of the tree. 他正躺在树荫下。 She lay down on her bed.她躺在床上。

The factory lies to the west of tow n. 工厂在小镇的西边。 I'm sorry I lied to you.我很抱歉向你撒了谎。

