【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《描写身材的英文单词》,欢迎阅读!
今天学习一下描写Physical build(身材;体格)的单词。 A. 中等身材 1. Medium build eg. He is of medium build. He is medium built.
2. Average / medium/ normal height eg.He is of medium height. 3. Average build
eg. He has an average build. B. 胖
1. Heavyset /ˌhev.iˈset/ 体格魁伟的;健壮的(多用来形容男人) (positive) Eg. She is kind of heavyset.
2. Plump /plʌmp/ 丰满的,肥胖的 (多用来形容女人)(neutral) Eg. Maria was small and plump with a mass of curly hair. (这是一个中性词,不褒不贬。)
3. Obese /oʊˈbiːs/ 极胖(胖到了影响健康的地步了) Eg. The old man is really obese; it can't be healthy. 4. Chubby /ˈtʃʌb.i/ 胖乎乎的 Eg. The baby has chubby cheeks.
(这个主要用来形容小孩子肥嘟嘟的很可爱,形容成人的话就不是很礼貌了,要注意哦。) 5. Overweight /ˌoʊ.vɚˈweɪt/ 超重 (negative)
Eg. He is extremely overweight.
记住不要用fat哦,这是一个非常不礼貌的词,特别是不要当着别人的面说。 C. 瘦
说道瘦,很多人第一反应是说thin,其实我们有很多地道的用法哦。 1. Slim /slɪm/ 苗条的
Eg. The young woman was tall and slim. (这样的夸赞女人都爱听吧。) 2. Slender /ˈslen·dər/ 细长的,苗条的
Eg. She was slender, with delicate wrists and ankles. 3. Skinny /ˈskɪn·i/ 极瘦;皮包骨(negative) Eg. He was quite a skinny little boy. 4. Lean /lin/ 清瘦
Eg. Like most athletes, she was lean and muscular. (这个是指结实的瘦,瘦但是有肌肉。) 5. Wiry /ˈwɑɪər·i/ 瘦长结实的 Eg. His body is wiry and athletic. (这个也是指瘦得有肌肉。)
6. Petite /pəˈtit/ 娇小(仅用于形容女性) Eg. I was tall and she was petite. 7. Lanky /ˈlæŋ·ki/ 瘦高
Eg. He was six feet four, all lanky and leggy. D. 健壮
1. Muscular /ˈmʌs·kjə·lər/ 肌肉发达的 Eg. He developed a muscular body. He is really muscular. 2. Fit /fɪt/ 健壮的 Eg. He is pretty fit. 3. In good shape 体型良好 eg. He is in good shape.