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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《汉语妙译》,欢迎阅读!

1.草率行事:do something at the drop of a hat He is always doing his homework at the drop of a hat. 他总是草率地完成作业。 解析:to do something at the drop of a hat可以理解为草率行事,也就是不认真对待某事。英语含义是do something quickly and easily, without thinking about it 2.达成协议bring somebody to terms

We finally brought them to terms. 我们最终与他们达成了协议

解析:达成协议可以用bring somebody to terms 这个词组来表示,它等于come to an agreement。在英语中解释为make someone agree to do something 3.大喜日子:a red-letter day

It was a real red-letter day for me when my son came home. 我儿子回家的日子对我来说真是个大喜的日子。

解析:从字面上我们就可以看出来a red-letter day是指值得纪念的大喜日子,其英语

义为a special, happy and important day that you will always remember 4.光说不练:be all bark and no bite

Don’t be afraid. Hes all bark and no bite. 不要怕,他只敢动口不敢动手。 解析:be all bark and no bite的意思是光说不练,只敢说不敢做。用英文解释为threatening to do something to you, but is not really willing to do it

5.胡说八道:allmy eyes John said you owed him ten dollars.

Thats all my eye! Just now I lent him $200. ——约翰说你欠他十元。

——胡说八道!刚才我还借了两百元给他呢。 解析:allmy eyes一般用于口语对话中,它表示胡说八道的意思,尤指所说的话意

在欺骗人或使人误解。英语中的意思是something that is completely untrue or nonsensical 6.化为泡影:go up in smoke

Peters vacation plans went up in smoke when a crisis arose in office. 办公室出了问题,彼得的假期泡汤了。

解析:to go up in smokealso to go up in flames)是化为泡影、泡汤了的意思。英语

的含义是to fail completely to happen as planned or hoped 7.挥霍无度:play ducks and drakes

Jack spends money like playing ducks and drakes. His rich parents have over-spoiled him by giving him too much pocket money. 杰克花钱挥霍无度。他富有的父母把他冲坏了,他们给他太多的零用钱。

解析:ducks and drakes指的是“打水漂游戏打出去的扁石最终沉入水底,无法回收。该短语使用此游戏来比喻金钱也是一旦挥霍掉就无法收回的,可以解释为挥霍无度。 8.口无遮拦:shoot from the lip

Believe him and tell him the secret. He wont shoot from the lip. 相信他,把这个秘密告诉他吧。它不会口无遮拦的。

解析:shoot from the lip解释为口无遮拦,什么都往外说。英语中的含义是speak rashly without any hesitation。此外,shoot-from-the-lip 还可以作形容词哦! 9.满城风雨:the talk of the town The film stars engagement with the mayor became the talk of the town. 那个电影明星和市


解析:the talk of something是指(某地)谈论的主要话题,因此the talk of the town的意思就是满城风雨,是大街小巷都在讨论的话题,它还有一种说法是topic of the town英语含义为the person or thing that everyone is talking about because they are very interested, excited or shocked

10.面临威胁:hang over somebodys head

I now have a major financial obligation hanging over my head. 我如今正面临着严峻的债务


解析:hang over somebodys head可以解释为某人正面临着威胁或某些问题,或有烦心事一直悬在心头,挥之不去。 11.弄清真相:get to the bottom of

It has been very difficult getting to the bottom of some complicated problems in the company. 弄清公司中一些繁琐问题的真相真是很困难。

解析:短语get to the bottom of解释为弄清„„的真相,也就是find out the real cause of


12.请发言:give the floor to somebody

Now, I give the floor to you. 现在请你发言。

解析:the floor可以指议员席或者是在议会上的发言权,因此请某人发言就是give the floor to somebody。此外,hold the floor可以指长篇演讲或慷慨陈词;take the floor指起立发言;ask for the floor是要求发言的意思。不过要注意,这些短语一般都用于比较正式的场合。

13.随波逐流:go with the flow

The person who has no personality always goes with the flow. 没个性的人往往随波逐流。 解析:to go with the flow就是随波逐流、从众、别人做什么你就做什么的意思。用英文

解释为to do or say something which most people are doing or saying 14.脱离实际:be divorced/detached from reality Some of his ideas are completely divorced from reality. 他的一些想法完全是脱离实际的。

解析:be divorced/detached from reality的意思是脱离实际、超脱现实。英语中解释为not

based on real things or sensible thinking 15.妄下定论:jump toaconclusion

Dont jump to a conclusion. We have to figure it out first. 不要妄下结论,我们得先把事情搞清楚。

解析:to jump toaconclusion是在没有搞清楚事实之前妄下定论的意思。用英文来解释就是to make an incorrect assumption without being in possession of all the facts

16.犹豫不决:drag ones feet/heels Has Tom decided how to deal with the matter?

No, hes still dragging his heels. ——汤姆决定如何处理此事了吗? ——没呢,他还在犹豫不决。

解析:drag ones feet/heels可以解释为犹豫不决,故意拖沓或怠工。这里顺便提一下另一个相似词组:take to ones heels,它的意思是“逃走,溜之大吉”

17.出身皇族:born in the purple He was born in the purple and was brought up in the grand palace. 他出身皇族,在宏伟的宫


