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【唐诗三百首李白:月下独酌】月下独酌 李白其一
Three hundred Tang poems Li Bai: drinking alone under the moon 《月下独酌》 作者:李白
“Drinking alone under the moon” Author: Li Bai 花间一壶酒,独酌无相亲。
From a pot of wine among the flowers I drank alone. There was no one with me.
Till, raising my cup, I asked the pight moon to ping me my shadow and make us three.
Alas, the moon was unable to drink and my shadow tagged me vacantly; 暂伴月将影,行乐须及春。
But still for a while I had these friends to cheer me through the end of spring.
I sang. The moon encouraged me. I danced. My shadow tumbled after. 醒时同交欢,醉后各分散。
As long as I knew, we were boon companions. And then I was drunk, and we lost one another. 永结无情游,相期邈云汉。
Shall goodwill ever be secure? I watch the long road of the river of stars.
【注解】: 1、将:偕,和。唐诗三百首李白 2、相期:相约。 3、云汉:天河。
[note]: 1, will: Kai, and. The 2 phase: meet. 3, the Milky Way galaxy. 【韵译】: 准备一壶美酒,摆在花丛之间, 自斟自酌无亲无友,孤独一人。 我举起酒杯邀请媚人的明月, 低头窥见身影,共饮已有三人。 月儿,你那里晓
得畅饮的乐趣? 影儿,你徒然随偎我这个孤身! 暂且伴随玉兔,这无情瘦影吧, 我应及时行乐,趁着春宵良辰。 月听我唱歌,在九天徘徊不进, 影伴我舞步,在地上蹦跳翻滚。 清醒之时,咱们尽管作乐寻欢, 醉了之后,免不了要各自离散。 月呀,愿和您永结为忘情之友, 相约在高远的银河岸边,再见!
[] rhymed translation: prepare a pot of wine, placed among the flowers, from Zhen from drink no friends, alone. I raise my glass to invite pight moon, bow see figure, share three people. The moon, you know where the fun of drinking? A shadow, you in vain with Wei I this alone! Temporary accompany with moon, this heartless thin shadow, I should enjoy pleasure in good time, take night time. Month to hear me sing, can not enter in nine days, shadow dance with me, is confused. Awake, although we make music pleasure, drunk, avoid to their discrete. Month ah, and you are willing to let go of of permanent friends, meet in the lofty Milky Way shore, goodbye!
【评析】: ??原诗共四首,此是第一首。诗写诗人在月夜花下独酌,无人亲近的冷落情景。唐诗三百首李白诗 人运用丰富的想象,表现出由孤独到不孤独,由不孤独到孤独,再由孤独到不孤独的 一种复杂感情。 ??
[comments]: original poem, a total of four, this is the first. The poem the poet spent alone in the moonlight, desolate scene no one close. Poems with rich imagination, exhibited by alone not lonely, not lonely to the lonely, the lonely to a complex feeling is not lonely.