
2022-04-17 06:02:16   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《非谓语动词》,欢迎阅读!

1)形式:非谓语动词指的是在句中起名词,形容词或副词作用的,而不是作谓语的动词形式。动词的非谓语形式分为现在分词-ing(表示主动或正在进行),过去分词-ed(表示被动或已经完成),动词不定式-to do(表示目的或未发生)

2用不定式和分词都可以的动词,有感官动词如:see, hear, notice, observe, feel等,使役动词如:have, make等。区别在于:接不定式表示动作的完整过程doing 表示动作的正在进行

I saw him work in the garden yesterday. (强调"我看见了他干活"这整个事实) I saw him working in the garden yesterday.(强调"我见他正在干活"这个动作)

(3) 初中常考的后接-ing的动词:mind介意, stand忍受, enjoy享受, finish完成, avoid避免, practise练习, give up放弃,be busy忙于. 后接-to do的动词:would like/ love, want, wish, hope, help, ask, refuse拒绝,learn, decide决定, agree同意,plan, prepare准备.

既可接-ing又可接-to do的动词:begin, start, stop, like, hate, prefer, remember, forget, regret,mean,try,want,need.


1) stop to do 停止,中断做某事后去做另一件事 stop doing 停止做某事

2) forget to do 忘记要去做某事 (未做) forget doing 忘记做过某事 (已做)

3) remember to do 记得去做某事 (未做) remember doing 记得做过某事 (已做)

4) try to do 努力做某事 try doing 试着做某事

5) go on to do 做了一件事后,接着做另一件事 go on doing 继续做原来做的事 6) mean to do 打算做某事

mean doing 意味着做某事

7regret to do 后悔没做某事(未做) regret doing 后悔做过某事(已做)


(1) say, speak, talk, tell的用法

1) say讲,及物动词,跟宾语或宾语从句He said that he would go there.

2)speak表示讲话一般作为不及物动词使用:May I speak to Mr. Smith, please? speak作为及物动词,后面+表示语言的名词: speak English/ French/ Chinese 3) talk表示谈话,是不及物动词:

talk about sb./ sth.(谈论某人或某物)

talk to sb. (对某人谈话,一般有职位,辈分的高低之分) talk with sb. (与某人交谈,双方地位平等) 4) tell “告诉,讲述:

tell a lie 撒谎 tell a story 讲故事

tell the difference between A and B:区分A B 的不同之处

tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事 tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人不要做某事 或后跟宾语从句She tells me that we will have an English exam next month. (2) look, seewatch read的用法

1) look强调这个动作,是不及物动词,常与at连用

Look at the picture carefully. (思考:look for/ after/ into/ down upon/ up/ out? 2) see 看见某物,强调的是看的结果

Lily can't see the words on the blackboard. (看电影:see a film) 3) watch 指的是观看,后常接电视或比赛 watch TV watch a volleyball match 4read看书看报或杂志阅读

Don't read in the sun(在阳光下). I like reading newspapers/ magazine. (3) borrow, lendkeep的区别

1) borrow意思为从别处借入,常常from连用,是非延续性动词瞬间完成: She borrowed a book from the library.

2) lend 借出之意,常常to连用,也是非延续性动词,瞬间完成 Uncle Wang has lent his car to Mr. Li.

3) keep保存的意思,动作可以延续,和一段时间连用 You can keep the book for two weeks. (4) bring, take, carry get的用法

1) bring 拿来带来”,从别处带来 Bring me the book, please.

2) take 拿走带走从这里带走拿到某处去 Mother took the little girl to the park.

3) carry “搬运、携带,指随身携带,有///着的含义,不表明来去的方向The box is heavy. Can you carry it? 4) get去某处将……拿回来

Please go to my office to get some chalk. (5) wear, put ondress的区别

1) wear穿着”“戴着穿衣服/鞋、戴眼镜//手套、佩戴首饰,留长头发等,强调穿/戴着状态

2) put on “穿上”“戴上,可以用于穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽等, 强调穿戴的动作 He put on his hat and went out of the room.

3) dress可以作及物动词和不及物动词, 穿着”“打扮 穿着解时,只用于穿衣服

为及物动词用时,它的宾语是人,不是衣服。dress sb. (给某人穿衣服) Mary is dressing her child.

wear穿着用时,也是及物动词,但它的宾语是物,不是人,即wear sth.(穿着衣物)

