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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《什么号码的英文翻译》,欢迎阅读!

用英文表示什么号码这样的一个简短问句我们怎么说?下面是店铺给大家整理的什么号码的英文翻译,供大家参阅! 什么号码的英文翻译

What number; 手机号码的英文简写

1Phone Number表示电话号码,并不特指手机号码,可以简写成PN或者Phone NO.

2Telephone Number表示电话号码,可以简写成Tel或者Tel NO.

3Mobile Phone表示手机号码,可以简写成MP,或MB,或Mob

4Cell Phone表示小灵通,可以简写成Cell,或不用简写。 号码的英语例句

1. Do you have an address and phone number for him? 你有他的地址和电话号码么?

2. Simply dial the number and tell us your area. 只需拨这个号码告诉我们你在什么地方。

3. You know you can phone me here's my mother'snumber. 你可以给我打电话——给你,这是我母亲的电话号码。 4. The Colonel lifted the phone and dialed his superior. 上校拿起电话,拨通了上司的号码。

5. Have you moved yet? Pls advise address, phone no. 你已经搬了吗?请告知地址和电话号码。

6. She picked up the phone, and began to dial Maurice Campbell's number.

她拿起电话听筒,开始拨打莫里斯·坎贝尔的号码。 7. It's got a number you can ring to query your bill. 这上面有一个号码,您可以打电话查询您的账单。

8. She suddenly realized that Wim was reciting Kirk's telephone number.


9. He saw the shooting and memorised the number of the assassin's car.

他目睹了枪击过程并记住了刺客的车牌号码。 10. Please give a daytime telephone number. 请留一个日间的电话号码。

11. Sarah sat down and dialled a number. 萨拉坐下来拨了一个电话号码。

12. I left my phone number with several people. 我把电话号码留给了几个人。

13. Clearly state your address and telephone number. 清楚地报上你的地址和电话号码。 14. My number is 414-3925. 我的电话号码是414-3925

15. She left her name and number on his answerphone. 她把自己的姓名和电话号码留在他的电话答录机上。 手机号码的双语例句

1. Which Liverpool players do you have in your mobile phone? 你有哪些利物浦球员的手机号码?

2. A Do you have a contact number? What's your mobile number?

A你有联系号码 ?你的手机号码是 多少 ?

3. The White Shaanxi, Qinglong very low - key, cell phone numbers are changed.

此次入主陕西, 吴庆龙非常低调, 手机号码也换了. 4. REI Lite allows you to select one mobile number. 罗哈斯优固工业建兴,您可以选择其中一个手机号码.

5. Do you a contact number ? What's your mobile number?


