【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《fish的过去式和用法例句》,欢迎阅读!

fish的过去式和其他时态: 过去式: fished 过去分词: fished 现在分词: fishing fish的用法:
fish的用法3:go fishing这一短语中的fishing是分词还是动名词,没有定论。有些人认为go fishing与come running和stand looking同形, running, looking被看作分词,因此fishing也是分词; 但在现在方言中有I go a fishing.这里的fishing具有名词形式,当为动名词。
1. She fished out a pair of David's socks for her cold feet. 她找出一双戴维的袜子穿在了冰冷的脚上。 2. Kelly fished out another beer from his cooler. 凯莉从他的冷藏箱里又拿出一瓶啤酒。 3. On Saturday we fished the River Arno. 周六我们在阿尔诺河钓鱼。
4. She fished out a bunch of keys from her handbag. 她从提包里掏出一串钥匙来.
5. The proof was fished up from some old papers.
6. He fell into the lake and was fished out ten minutes later. 他掉到湖里去了,十分钟后被捞了上来. 7. The stream is completely fished out. 那条溪里的鱼被捕完了.
8. They fished the boat out of the water. 他们从水里打捞起那艘船.
9. He fished up a coin in his pocket. 他在口袋里掏出一枚硬币.
10. He fished out a cigarette and lit up. 他摸出一支烟来点着了.
11. He fished and nailed up his catch to dry on the wall of the byre.
12. The gliders and their pilots splashed into the lake and had to be fished out.
滑翔机连同驾驶员都扑通一声栽进了湖里,只能被捞出来。 13. The Chair's fished up something more out of its pocket. 主席又从他衣兜里掏出东西来了.
14. The gentleman looked him over and fished for a dime. 这个绅士打量了他一下,伸手想摸块1角的银币. 15. This river is in danger of being fished out. 这条河里的鱼有被捕光的危险.