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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《高频词组+精华词组》,欢迎阅读!
高考高频词组2010高考 1.burn

burn down 被烧毁;火势减弱 burn out烧尽,熄灭

burn up 被烧掉;烧的更旺

2. break

break up断绝,分手;分解,分开

break down (谈判)失败;坏掉,出故障;身体垮了, break off 打断、中断 break through 突破,逾越 break into 闯入;破门而入 break out (战争、瘟疫)爆发 break away from脱离,背弃;摆脱 break in 打断, 插嘴说;闯入

breaks ones promise/ ones word/ the law/ the rule

3. bring

bring in 引进,赚得

bring up 抚育,养育,呕吐 bring about导致,引起 bring down降低

bring out使明显,显出

4. call

call for 需要,要求 call off取消

call at (sp访问); 号召

call on (sb访问); 邀请,请求 call up使回忆起,使想起 call by 顺便拜访 call in 招来,请来

5. carry

carry out 执行,实施 carry on 继续


come across偶然遇到

come to 共计,达到;谈到;苏醒 His earnings comes to $182,000 a year.

When it comes to football, everyone likes David Beckham. come about发生

come on(表劝说)快点;得了 come out 出版

come up with .(针对问题等)想出;提供 come in/ into sight出现;被看见

come into being/ existence发生;产生;出现 come into effect/ force开始生效;开始实施 come into power/ office上台;掌握政权 come into use 开始使用


give away 赠送;捐赠;泄露(秘密) give out 耗尽、用完;分发

give off 发出、放出(气味,光,热) give in (to) 让步 give in 屈服

give back 归还,使恢复 give up 放弃 8.get

get along 进展 go on with 进展,相处 get down to 处理

get through 打通电话;完成 get over 克服,恢复 9.go

go up(价格、温度) 上涨,上升 go away走开,消失

go against违背,对不利 go ahead 开展,进展 go over复习,仔细审查 go through 通过,经过 go without凑合,勉强维持 go in for 爱好,从事,参加


hold on(电话用语)等一下,别挂断;坚持hold on to 保留,紧抓不放 hold back 隐瞒;控制(感情) hold up 使耽搁;推迟

hold out坚持,硬撑;提供机会


keep off避开,远离

keep back保留,隐瞒不讲 keep on继续

keep out 挡在外边

keep up with跟上,并驾齐驱 keep pace with 跟上的步伐 keep in touch with 保持联系


look into 调查;向里面看 look out当心 look on旁观

look up to 崇敬,仰慕 look down on看不起 look up查阅(字典)

look through浏览,快速查看 look over 检阅;逐一检查 look forward to 期盼

look back on回忆,回顾,回头看


make up组成;编造;化妆;弥补

make out辨认出;理解,明白(事理) make up for弥补

make sense 有意义,讲得通 make fun of取笑 make use of利用


put on播放

put aside放在一边(留作他用);抛弃、摒弃 put away收起来 put up 张贴;留宿 put up with忍受 put off推迟,延期 put down镇压、放下 put out扑灭

put forward提出;把...向前拨

He put forward a very good suggestion at the meeting. 他在会上提出了一个很好的建议。

You ought to put your watch forward ten minutes. 你应该把表朝前拨快十分钟。


pick out 辨认出;精心挑选

pick up 偶人学会,得到; (生意)好转;恢复(健康)沾上坏习惯


pay off (努力effort, hard work)得到回报、成功;还清 pay for sth付钱 pay back还钱


set off (the firework)引爆

set aside = put aside放在一边(留作他用) set off for sp出发去某地= set out for sp set out to do 开始着手做=set about doing


take up占用(时间,空间);开始从事 take to习惯于;开始从事 take in吸收;理解;欺骗

take on呈现;承担(责任);雇佣 take down写下

take off脱下;休假;走红、腾飞 take over接管,接手

take away解除,消除(感情,痛苦) take charge of 掌管 take pride in take for误认为

takefor granted想当然


turn to转到;求助于

turn away打发某人走;撵走;不许进入 turn up 出现=show up turn down拒绝

turn out结果是,证明是 turn over翻转;移交,交给 turn into 变成 turn in 上交 v + about

speak about=talk about谈论 think about思考

care about关心,对感兴趣 leave about乱丢

bring about引起,使发生 set about着手,开始 come about发生

worry about担心 hear about听说

see about办理,安排


1. in terms of ……方面,从……方面来说

on account of 因为,由于 in spite of 尽管

by means of 方法 regardless of 不管,不顾 instead of 代替

owing to 由于,因为;归功于 2. cater to tastesinterests)迎合,满足 Sth appeal to sb 对某人有吸引力

Bright colors appeal to children. 孩子们喜欢鲜亮的颜色。

correspond to (with) ..相符,与……一致 resign oneself to (fate) 听从……,顺从…… submit to (the new rulers) 服从,顺从,听从 subscribe to 同意,赞成;订阅(报纸、杂志等) take to 开始从事;喜欢,沉溺于

object to 反对=be objective to =oppose sth subject to 常遭受,易受

refer to 参考,查阅;提到;指的是 relate to ……有联系,与……有关联

3. put aside ……抛在一旁,抛弃=set aside put away 收起来;储蓄

4. polish up 磨光,擦亮;提高,改进

polish up our English提高英语

Things are looking up. 好转 pick up (身体,形式)好转 turn up 出现=show up

5. account for (在数量和比例上)占,占据;是……的原因;对……做出解释或说明 compensate for 赔偿

6. in terror 处于恐惧中 in danger 处于危险中 in vain 徒劳无功 Sb. try to do , but in vain. Ones efforts/ hard were in vain. in rags 衣衫褴褛

in turn 轮流= by turns in return 作为回报

in place 在应该在的地方,在合适的地方

under repair在修理中

under discussion= under debate在讨论中 under consideration在考虑中 under control在控制中

under construction在建设中 under attack遭受攻击

under the umbrella of 的保护/管理

beyond words难以用语言形容,无法言喻 beyond description难以描述,无法言喻 beyond ones power 超出某人的能力 beyond repair 坏得无法修理 beyond praise 令人赞叹不已 beyond compare 无与伦比

beyond ones imagination 超乎想象

7. sth occurred to sb that某人突然想到= It occurred to me that=sth came to sb=sth struck sb= sth hit sb

8. narrowly 勉强地,以毫厘之差,千钧一发的涵义

slightly略微地 I’m feeling slightly better today. 我今天感到好一点了。

lightly 轻轻地,轻微地;漫不经心地, nearly 几乎,差不多;将近

9. 绝不on no account = in no case/way= by no means

=under no circumstances

10. on top of 另外,此外= besides= in addition=

moreover = whats more

however 然而= nevertheless = nonetheless

11. 导致contribute to = lead to = result in= cause= bring about

由于arise from = result from 因为 due to做表语,不放于句首) = on account of= owing to = because of = thanks to幸亏

12. make a promise=make a commitment

13. be addicted to(drugs, computer games, alcohol)上瘾,被迷住 be hooked on 被迷住

14. It is possible that=It is likely that= It is probable that..有可能 Sb is likely to do = It is possible for sb to do

It is suggested/ believed / reported that有人建议、 人们相信、据报道

It is widely acknowledged that...普遍认可 It is assumed that 人们认为 15. There is no doubt that毫无疑问 There is no denying that不可否认

There is a chance that= There are chances that有可能= Chances are that There is a possibility that有可能 (It is)No wonder that难怪

There is no use/ good doing干某事没有用处、好处= It is no use / good doing

There is no point doing干某事没意义 There is no sense doing干某事没意义

