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Self Actualization Esteem Love Safety
One of the founders of the human potential movement, Abraham Maslow is best known for his work on human motivation. He was fascinated by what makes some people face huge challenges in life, and what makes them refuse to give up despite incredible odds. He developed the model for which he is best known – his hierarchy of needs, to explain the forces that motivate people.
Maslow believed that you must first satisfy your basic physiological needs for air, water, food, sleep, and so on before any other desires can surface. As a member of modern society, these basic needs are largely taken care of you, but if you have ever been short of breath under water you know and understand how this first-tier, physiological need dominates everything else until it is satisfied.
But once your physiological needs are met, you automatically shift up to the next level in the hierarchy to your need for safety, - and that now drives you. Again, modern society tends to provide safe environments, but whenever you do feel threatened, you experience an automatic physical response and cannot think of much else until the situation is resolved and you feel safe again.
At the next level, you have to make more personal interventions to ensure your needs are satisfied within the framework that society provides for you. Your needs for love and connection show up here; things you don’t automatically get all the time. If your needs at this level are unsatisfied, and you feel isolated or lonely, you find it almost impossible to meet your higher-level needs in any meaningful way.
The next level is where your needs for self-esteem and recognition kick in. These may never have been an issue for you as you struggled to join your group, but now they can become dominant. It is no longer enough simply to belong; now you must have some power and status in the group too – drive a bigger car, become captain of the golf club perhaps.