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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英语小故事带翻译35字》,欢迎阅读!

35英语小故事带翻译篇1 The fo who served a lion

A lion had a fo to attend on him, and whenever they went hunting the fo found the preyand the lion fell upon it and killed it, and then they divided it between them in certain proportions. But the lion always got a very large share, and the fo a very small one, which didn't please the latter at all, so he determined to set up on his own account. He began by trying to steal a lamb from a flock of sheep, but the shepherd saw him and set his dogs on him. The hunter was now the hunted, and was very son caught and dispatched by the dogs.

Better servitude with safety than freedom with danger. 狮子身边有一只狐狸在服伺他,每当出去打猎时,狐狸负责寻找食物,而狮子则扑上去杀死猎物,之后他们按照一定比例瓜分猎物。但狮子总会取走大部分猎物,而狐狸只能得到小小的一份,这让狐狸很不高兴。于是,狐狸决心自己去捕猎。起初,尝试着从羊群中偷取羔羊,但是牧羊人一见到狐狸,便放狗追他。原来的捕猎者,现在反而变成被猎者,而且狐狸很快就被狗捉住杀死了。

安全的奴役更胜于危险的自由。 35英语小故事带翻译篇2 桂饵金钩

A person of the state of Lu loved angling very much.

Obsessed with it, he used sweet-osmanthus as bait and a hook made of gold. He even inlayed the hook with siver thread and jade, and use thick thread made of kingfisher's feather as fishing thread. When angling, he chose the right place and his pose was also correct, but he didn't catch much more fish than others. So as far as

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angling is concerned, the decoration is not important. When it comes to doing practical things, a glib tongue doesn't play a important role.



钓鱼的时候,他持杆的姿势和选择的地点都很正确,但是钓上了的鱼并不比别人多多少。因此说,钓鱼这件事,美丽的装饰并不重要,做实际事物,口才敏捷也不起关键作用。 35英语小故事带翻译篇3 生母和后母

When the mother was treating his son's tumefaction on his head, there was a lot of blood coming down from the top of her son's head to the neck, forming a cruel scene. But the people watching this all considered this to be an act of solicitude done by the mother to cure her son as soon as possible, and it's done out of love for the son. If a stepmother had done this, then people would have considered the stepmother to be so cruel that she had the heart to do so. People might even think that all stepmothers hoped the children of her husbands former wife would die soon.


如果这做母亲的是后妈,那看到的人则会认为天下做后娘的确实残忍,因而敢下手。他们或许还会联想到做后妈的都想让前妻的孩子赶快死掉。 35英语小故事带翻译篇4 雀巢扶枝

Magpies are clever birds. At the beginning of every spring it can

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