
2022-10-26 04:09:18   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《优美诗歌美文欣赏》,欢迎阅读!

优美诗歌美文欣赏:只是个父亲 Only a dad with a tired face, Coming home from the daily race, Bringing little of gold or fame,

To show how well he has played the game, But glad in his heart that his own rejoice To see him come and to hear his voice. 只是个面带倦容的父亲, 结束每日的奔忙后回到家中, 没有带回多少金钱与名利 来显摆自己的出色表现,

但家人看见他回到家中,听到他的声音 那种喜悦让他喜上心头。

Only a dad with a 1)brood of four, One of ten million men or more. 2)Plodding along in the daily strife, Bearing the whips and the scorns of life, With never a whimper of pain or hate, For the sake of those who at home await. 只是个养活一家四口的父亲, 无数男人中的一员。 在每日的竞争中辛勤劳作, 忍受着生活的鞭挞与嘲笑, 却从不怨天尤人,心怀怨恨, 只为那些在家中守候的亲人。

Only a dad, neither rich nor proud, Merely one of the surging crowd.

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3)Toiling, striving from day to day, Facing whatever may come his way, Silent, whenever the harsh condemn, And bearing it all for the love of them. 只是个父亲,既不富裕也不高傲, 不过是芸芸众生中的一员, 日复一日地奋斗,不辞劳苦, 直面任何可能阻挡他前进的障碍, 无论何时,默默忍受斥责, 全因对家人的爱。

Only a dad but he gives his all

To smooth the way for his children small, Doing, with courage stern and grim, The deeds that his father did for him. This is the line that for him I pen: Only a dad, but the best of men. 只是个父亲,却倾其所有 为年幼的孩子铺平道路, 满怀坚定的勇气做着 他父亲曾为他所做的一切。 这是我为他写下的一行颂诗: 只是个父亲,却是最棒的男人。 优美诗歌美文欣赏

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