人教版高二年级英语教材必修三Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note教案

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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note教案


一、预习课文,了解百万英镑这篇文章的大意。 二、了解关于马克吐温的生平和有关介绍。 课外延伸:



This is the second class for this unit. In this period, we will mainly deal with Reading, Acting and speaking in using language. The purpose of this part is to continue the play and give students opportunities to act it out in class. Ask students to underline all the expressions used to order food and make up a dialogue at a restaurant with their partner and be ready to act it out before the class.


今年我教的是高一重点班,学生基础相对比较扎实,多数学生有形成良好的学习习惯,但是根据日常教学情况,还存在以下问题:学生个体差异较大,两极分化现象较严重,知识、能力分布不均衡,有的同学的英语学习兴趣不高, 甚至有厌学情绪。今后教学中需要更加注意对学生学习兴趣的培养。

Key points(教学重点)

1.Develop students’ reading and speaking skills. 2.Let students read and act the play

3.Have students learn to use the expressions to order food. Difficult points(教学难点)

1.Enable students to learn to use reading strategies such as skimming scanning and so on.

2.Let students make a dialogue and act it out. 教学目标: 知识与技能目标

1.Get students to learn some useful new expressions in this part. 2.Get students to read the play.

3.Let students learn some expressions of ordering food. 过程与方法目标

1.Develop students’ reading skills and enable them to learn how to use difficult strategies to read different reading materials.

情感目标Make students know money is not everything. 教学方法Pair-work scamming performance speaking 教具:电子白板 黑板 菜单等 教学过程: Step I Lead in

Introduce something more about the author. Step II

Fast-readingTrue or False(认真阅读 独立完成)

( T )1.The owner looked down upon Henry when he saw his appearance. ( F )2.Henry asked for more of the same food because he was an American who liked to eat a lot.

( F )3.When Henry saw the million pound bank note, he was happy.

( F ).4.The owner didn’t believe that the bank note was real and he asked him to get out of the restaurant.

Step III

Careful-reading: Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions(合作探究1

1.What did the owner feel when Henry came into the restaurant? How do you know?

He looked down upon Henry because of his poor appearance.

2.What is Henry feeling after finishing eating and asked for more of the same? He felt satisfied and full. That was a wonderful meal.

3.Why were the owner and his wife shocked when they saw the million pound bank note in Henry’s hand?

