
2022-04-06 11:21:14   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《节日庆典-中国国庆节的习俗》,欢迎阅读!


中文版: 一、张灯结彩

我国每逢国庆佳节,各企事业单位都会挂起灯笼或横幅,用欢度国庆等标语来庆祝国庆;广场上则摆放着标语字样的盆景和氢气球,用欢乐的气氛来迎接国庆。 二、国庆长假

每年101日是我国的国庆节,我国于1999年修订发布《全国年节及纪念日放假办法》,将国庆节与相邻的周六、日组合为7天的国庆长假,被称之为国庆黄金周,用放假的形势,让老百姓共同感受国庆的欢乐。 三、高速公路免费

随着人民生活水平的日益提高,私家车已日益普及,人们通常会利用国庆7天长假来游览祖国的大好河山。因此,国家自2012年起,国庆期间的高速公路向私家车免费通行。2014年国庆节假期免费通行时间为10100∶0010724∶00 四、国庆阅兵

我国国庆自开国以来共有14次国庆阅兵,1949年开国大典的阅兵式外,给人印象最深刻的就是1984年、1999年和2009年的这三次国庆大阅兵,通过国庆阅兵既可庆祝国庆、扬我国威,也向全世界展示了我国强大的国防力量,让全国人民感受到了强烈的自豪感。 五、天安门升旗仪式

每逢国庆,去天安门广场看升国旗是无数人心中的梦想。因此,利用国庆长假去北京游玩的人们,通常会赶早来到天安门广场看国旗班的军人升旗,以表达对祖国的无比热爱,看着五星红旗徐徐升起,心中的激动无以言表。 六、国庆联欢会

国庆前后,各企事业单位为了庆祝国庆,弘扬企业文化都会组织员工开展迎国庆联欢会,用文艺表演的形式来表达国庆的喜悦。 英文版: A, decorate

In our country every National Day holiday, all enterprises and institutions will hang lanterns or banner, with "to celebrate the National Day" and other slogans to celebrate National Day; square is putting a slogan words of bonsai and hydrogen balloon, in an atmosphere of joy to celebrate their national day. Two, National Day holiday



October 1st is our national day, China revised in 1999 released "national festival and Memorial Day holiday approach", the national day and the adjacent Saturday, day combination for 7 days of the National Day holiday, known as the "National Day Golden Week", situation of the holiday, let old people common feelings of National Day of joy.

Three, the highway free

With the people's living standards rising, private car has become increasingly popular, people usually use the National Day 7-day leave to visit the motherland's great rivers and mountains. Therefore, the state since 2012, the national day of the highway to private cars free access. 2014 National Day holiday free passage time for October 1st 00: 00 to 24: 00. Four, National Day parade

Our country national day since the founding of a total of 14 National Day military parade, in addition to 1949, the founding ceremony of the parade, gives the impression of the most profound is in 1984, 1999 and 2009 the three National Day military parade, through the National Day military parade can celebrate the national day, Yang Wei of China, to the world show China's powerful national defense force, let the feelings of the people of the whole country to a strong sense of pride. Five, the flag raising ceremony in Tiananmen

Every national day, to Tiananmen square to see the flag raising is the hearts of countless people dream. Therefore, to use the National Day holiday to visit Beijing people, usually as soon as possible to Tiananmen Square Flag class military flag, to express to the motherland immense love, looking at the five-star red flag rise slowly, the heart excited no words to the table. Six, National Day party

Before and after the national day, all enterprises and institutions in order to celebrate the national day, promote corporate culture, will organize employees to carry out the National Day party, the form of theatrical performances to express the joy of the national day.


