【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《三年级下册语文第九课生字组词》,欢迎阅读!
寓(yù) 寓言 寓意 则(zé) 规则 准则 窟(kū)窟窿 石窟 窿(lonɡ) 废窿 冰窿
狼(lánɡ) 狼狈 狼吞虎咽 叼(diāo) 叼走 叼食 街(jiē) 街坊 街道 劝(quàn) 劝告 劝阻 悔(huǐ) 后悔 悔恨 盘(pán) 盘算 棋盘 缠(chán) 缠绕 纠缠 硬(yìnɡ) 坚硬 硬件
When you are old and grey and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true, But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face; And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled And paced upon the mountains overhead And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
The furthest distance in the world Is not between life and death But when I stand in front of you Yet you don't know that I love you.
The furthest distance in the world Is not when I stand in front of you Yet you can't see my love